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Hey JOE, I got an idea for a character, but not quite under a Smash Bros game, rather a Smash Bros-like, HP based Arcade fighter. It is still Stock-based combat, and the fights continue from stock to stock, it utilizes a Smash-like weight engine, but it is HP based an also allows for string and traditional combos, it has a competitive mindset at its very core.Like, gimme a newcomer you guys all think is likely / has potential for quality in their gameplay.
The idea for the character is basically a transforming character between something like Samus and Zsuit Samus where the character Starts fully armored at the start, but has limited energy/ammo for some parts and can progressively drop her equipment as the battle goes on thereby becoming lighter and more agile, but also losing combat and mobility options such as flight. A good example of the idea would be MagnaGarurumon from Digimon Frontier. Likewise, all of the armor can dropped to go straight to the "bare" version with a command input.
However, I have a hard time balancing the idea of this transformation. I need to make the armored version clearly the superior version to give incentive to keep that version during the fight, but at the same time I wanna make sure the bare version has plenty of interesting combat options. I wanna have contrasting combat options where the Armored version is more of a bulky Zoner with lots of aerial prowess, and very diverse weaponry, and the Bare version more of a Rushdown character with a couple mid-range pokes and quick ground moves like Cammy (SF). They idea is to eventually force the player to transition down to the Bare version and learn to manage resources effectively. However, finding the balance is tough as I feel the character can very easily be OP under ANY fighting mechanics, that's where most of my troubles come from. Oh, also I should mention, you can't go UP, and re-equip the armor, only down.
I like the concept a lot, but I feel this idea might only be good on paper. What do you think you could do with this idea? I have some sketches of her, I'll post them here, maybe you'll find some inspiration with her.
Just some references, a lot of her combat options and design are inspired by the Metroid Canon, and Xenosaga's KOS-MOS. Here's a video of what KOS-MOS can do to give you an idea:
I'll PM you some more ideas as I work on it, for the time being just think of a SmashXBlazblue type game, so mechanics from both have to be considered, don't worry about the moveset, I just wanna hear some ideas you might come up with as to how this might work.
Another approach you could take would be a redesign of Samus/ZSuit Samus, how would you go about it?