Deleted member
Oh, you did NOT just pull the "if it's popular the it MUST be good" argument, that's the biggest strawman out there... There are plenty of popular things that are SHEER garbage.Well someone's pessimistic.
Just think about a couple of things.
Mewtwo is the second most wanted character in the poll. He's interesting enough to garner attention and to have people want him back.
MGS4 was a pretty successful game. It was successful for a reason. Because people enjoyed it. (Ib4 he says people are stupid)
And IMO you sound like some prophet who won't be satisfied until his prediction comes true. No offense. You just sound like one right now.
As much as we like to hate on popular things on the internet, we have to remember they are popular for a reason. Almost always, it's a good reason. It's hard to be popular and bad at the same time.
Let's go down the list shall we?
>Niki Minaj
>Transformers films
>50 Shades of Gray
>Sword Art Online
>Jersey Shore
Shall I go on?