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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Works in firefox, indeed. Strange.

Did a reverse search to find alternative hosts, image is here:

That foot in comparison with the people in front of it is about the scale between Mario and Bowser in Galaxy 2, and probably between Mario and Olimar in their respective games. Image the difference between Olimar and Galaxy Bowser.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
that would be funny but what would olimar do in his belly without Louie?
Louie tries to save him by flying into emperor bulblax in the hocotate ship with supplies. The problem is is that the parts and supplies get launched all over emperor bulblax and they need to work together with pikmin previously swallowed to retrieve them and get out.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I personally don't think Olimar would need Louie. He got through quite a bit of the game without him. Besides, the President can help him :troll:


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2012
Riding a Wailord
Nope, captain falcon! He races in at uses his falcon punch at emperor bulblax's heart at the end! What all F-zero fans have ever wanted, captain falcon playable out-side of his car in a game other than smash!


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Can somebody rate my roster

Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser Bowser Jr,
Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K Rool, Yoshi, Wario, Mona
Link, Zelda / Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tingle
Samus, Ridley, Pit, Palutena, Ice Climbers, ROB
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Olimar, Tom Nook
Fox, Falco, Wolf, Krystal, Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh
Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard), Pokemon Coordinator (Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken), Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglypuff
Marth, Ike, Maiciah, Ness, Lucas, Isaac
Nester, Little Mac, Takamaru, Balloon Fighter, Saki, Mii
Mr. Game and Watch, Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman

Reasoning for Newcomers or Changes

Toad- Last of the Mario 8 and the last of the main protanognists.
Bowser Jr- A expanding Maario character who is now see in most of the mainstream games and is mostly on par with Diddy Kong in appearances in the spin off games.
King K Rool- as te main villain of the series and and has appeared in as many games as Dixie has.
Mona- Wario deserves a second rep before the Yoshi series does and the Donkey Kong series hasn't done much since Brawl and hasn't had either of the two biggest DK characters that have not yet been playable in Smash yet appear in any games. Mona is going to appear on the new Wario game for the Wii U and if anybody will go on an adventure with him, it would be Mona.
Toon Zelda / Tetra- Because of her role as a sidekick to Toon Link and because she was planned in brawl orginally.
Tingle- Is te only legend of Zelda character to get his own games, and he is the only non Mario related character to get their own game.
Ridley- Do I have to explain?
Palutena- With Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS, Kid Icarus is likely to get a second rep. Plus she is more important to the story than any other character.
Bandana Dee- He is the mist recurring Kirby character after the main 3. And in each appearance, his role becomes bigger.
Tom Nook- Animal Crossing is probably the biggest franchise that does not have a character in Smash yet, plus since te main character is customizable, Tom Nook is the most likely character.
Krystal- Star Fox always gets another character each game. Now the others are not as likely or unique as Krystal.
Samurai Goroh- A great opposite to Captain Falcon's speed. He would be the heavy slower more powerful character which would even out with Falcon's speed.
Pokemon Cordinator- The female Hoeen trainer is pretty popular. Add the fact that Mudkip is pretty reconcilable with the Internet meme, Grovyle's importance to the Mystery Dungeon series and Blaziken'snpopularity.
Zoroark- Basically one of te first pokemon of the newest Gen to be released to the public and it is used by a special event.
Maiciah- Fire Emblum Has so many types of weapons, so Maiciah uses magic unlike the sword fighting that Marth and Ike use.
Isaac- 3 games and probably the most powerful assist trophy. Now is might be Matthew that gets in, but that can be considered a name change.
Nester- We need a retro character that fits the ranks of Mr. Game and Watch and ROB. I was considering Nester to rep Nintendo Power like Mr. game ad Watch and ROB represented their h
hardware. Plus, he is a nintendo character that has appeared on a nintendo constol.
Little Mac, Takamaru and Balloon Fighter- All 3 of these may or may not be considered retro so I put all 3 of them in.
Saki- Popular assist trophy who has had more than one game.
Mii- Being the first character on the Wii and the 3DS gives it a perk. If there is customizable characters, it will be the Mii
Megaman- See Ridley
Pacman- Pacman has been in games with Mario and has actually started out like Mario. A character with a long history with Ninttendo.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2012
Can somebody rate my roster

Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser Bowser Jr,
Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K Rool, Yoshi, Wario, Mona
Link, Zelda / Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tingle
Samus, Ridley, Pit, Palutena, Ice Climbers, ROB
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Olimar, Tom Nook
Fox, Falco, Wolf, Krystal, Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh
Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard), Pokemon Coordinator (Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken), Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglypuff
Marth, Ike, Maiciah, Ness, Lucas, Isaac
Nester, Little Mac, Takamaru, Balloon Fighter, Saki, Mii
Mr. Game and Watch, Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman

Reasoning for Newcomers or Changes

Toad- Last of the Mario 8 and the last of the main protanognists.
Bowser Jr- A expanding Maario character who is now see in most of the mainstream games and is mostly on par with Diddy Kong in appearances in the spin off games.
King K Rool- as te main villain of the series and and has appeared in as many games as Dixie has.
Mona- Wario deserves a second rep before the Yoshi series does and the Donkey Kong series hasn't done much since Brawl and hasn't had either of the two biggest DK characters appear in any games. Mona is going to appear on the new Wario game for the Wii U and if anybody will go on an adventure with him, it would be Mona.
Toon Zelda / Tetra- Because of her role as a sidekick to Toon Link and because she was planned in brawl orginally.
Tingle- Is te only legend of Zelda character to get his own games, and he is the only non Mario related character to get their own game.
Ridley- Do I have to explain?
Palutena- With Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS, Kid Icarus is likely to get a second rep. Plus she is more important to the story than any other character.
Bandana Dee- He is the mist recurring Kirby character after the main 3. And in each appearance, his role becomes bigger.
Tom Nook- Animal Crossing is probably the biggest franchise that does not have a character in Smash yet, plus since te main character is customizable, Tom Nook is the most likely character.
Krystal- Star Fox always gets another character each game. Now the others are not as likely or unique as Krystal.
Samurai Goroh- A great opposite to Captain Falcon's speed. He would be the heavy slower more powerful character which would even out with Falcon's speed.
Pokemon Cordinator- The female Hoeen trainer is pretty popular. Add the fact that Mudkip is pretty reconcilable with the Internet meme, Grovyle's importance to the Mystery Dungeon series and Blaziken'snpopularity.
Zoroark- Basically one of te first pokemon of the newest Gen to be released to the public and it is used by a special event.
Maiciah- Fire Emblum Has so many types of weapons, so Maiciah uses magic unlike the sword fighting that Marth and Ike use.
Isaac- 3 games and probably the most powerful assist trophy. Now is might be Matthew that gets in, but that can be considered a name change.
Nester- We need a retro character that fits the ranks of Mr. Game and Watch and ROB. I was considering Nester to rep Nintendo Power like Mr. game ad Watch and ROB represented their h
hardware. Plus, he is a nintendo character that has appeared on a nintendo constol.
Little Mac, Takamaru and Balloon Fighter- All 3 of these may or may not be considered retro so I put all 3 of them in.
Saki- Popular assist trophy who has had more than one game.
Mii- Being the first character on the Wii and the 3DS gives it a perk. If there is customizable characters, it will be the Mii
Megaman- See Ridley
Pacman- Pacman has been in games with Mario and has actually started out like Mario. A character with a long history with Ninttendo.
It's an ok roster, I have a huge problem with Balloon Fighter as a playable character, I don't think we need another Pokemon Trainer, no Animal Crossing characters, I don't think Wario needs a second character there's not many characters from the franchise who would be good fighters, I support Ryu over Megaman, Nester is an interesting WTF but I think the next WTF character is going to be Duck Hunt Dog


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2012
What do you think of my roster prediction?

Paper Mario

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
King K Rool



Toon Link

Meta Knight
King Dedede
Bandana Dee


Star Fox:

Fire Emblem:

Kid Icarus:

Samus/Zero Suit Samus


Mr.Game and Watch
Ice Climbers
Little Mac
Duck Hunt Dog


3rd Party:
Ryu (Yeah I support him over Megaman)
Ryu Hayabusa
Travis Touchdown
Mickey Mouse (Epic Mickey version)

Deleted member

Since you're the guy that thinks Mickey is magically elligible for Smash just because "someone told you" that he is due to Epic Mickey, I will not take your "predicition" seriously for as long as Mickey is on it.

Well, someone told me that Homer Simpson is elligible for Smash 4, so that means Homer is going to be in the game.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2012
Since you're the guy that thinks Mickey is magically elligible for Smash just because "someone told you" that he is due to Epic Mickey, I will not take your "predicition" seriously for as long as Mickey is on it.

Well, someone told me that Homer Simpson is elligible for Smash 4, so that means Homer is going to be in the game.
What numbnuts told you that?


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
@ hugemariofan Bowser Jr and Toad are more likely than Waluigi and Paper Mario. The Yoshi series has not done anything recently, the series may actually be dead. Lucario will most likely stay. Fire Emblum will get 3 characers max most likely. Kid Icarus will not get new 2 reps. Mother is a dead series so it would be better to add new series or expand on ones that are still having new games.
Also, tree are too many 3rd party characters. Plus, as much as I think that Mickey Mouse is te most likely 4th party character, there is no way that he is going to get it.

Also, I added Mona because neither Dixie or K Rool have been seen since before Brawl and the Yoshi series has not had any games at all. Plus retro and pokemon are usually hard choices to pick.

Golden, what do you think of my roster?


Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
What do you think of my roster prediction?
As long as you have Mickey on that roster, no one is going to take it seriously. I don't think you understand that Mickey has literally no chances of getting into Smash. The character has to originate in a video game in order for it to be eligible.

It's on OK dream roster, but an absolutely terrible prediction roster.

Can somebody rate my roster
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser Bowser Jr,
Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K Rool, Yoshi, Wario, Mona
Link, Zelda / Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tingle
Samus, Ridley, Pit, Palutena, Ice Climbers, ROB
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Olimar, Tom Nook
Fox, Falco, Wolf, Krystal, Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh
Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard), Pokemon Coordinator (Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken), Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglypuff
Marth, Ike, Maiciah, Ness, Lucas, Isaac
Nester, Little Mac, Takamaru, Balloon Fighter, Saki, Mii
Mr. Game and Watch, Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman
-Two new Zelda characters is highly improbable. Chances are, we get none.
-Bandana Dee is not as likely as you seem to think. Also, Tom Nook has pretty much zero chance considering Sakurai's past comments about Animal Crossing characters.
-Two Pokemon Trainers is also extremely unlikely. That would give us TEN Pokemon characters while Mario only has five... extreme over-representation that Sakurai would never allow.
-Micaiah? She's nothing compared to Roy or Krom at this point.
-Nester... since he's your WTF character I can't really dispute it, but I don't think it's a very good choice at all.

Everything else is okay.... this is a better dream roster than a prediction roster. As a prediction, it's... no good at all.

Deleted member

Can somebody rate my roster

Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser Bowser Jr, I personally find two new Mario characters to be unlikely. Both Toad and Jr. have their merits...but if either get in, I don't see the other joining him.
Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K Rool, Yoshi, Wario, Mona I don't see Wario getting a 2nd character, though if there was to be one, it would likely be Mona.
Link, Zelda / Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tingle Gannon-Banned. JK. Like with Mario, I don't see two Zelda newcomers happening. And at this point, I don't see either Toon Zelda or Tingle making the cut. Toon Zelda for being very similar to Zelda, and Tingle due to possibly not being seen as a popular character or a fighter.
Samus, Ridley, Pit, Palutena, Ice Climbers, ROB No problems here.
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Olimar, Tom Nook Tom Nook or any Animal Crossing character for that matter is not going to happen. As for Waddle Dee (I refuse to use fannames), he isn't all that likely. Kirby likely already has its core cast in Sakurai's perspective.
Fox, Falco, Wolf, Krystal, Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh I hate Krystal; Slippy is better. :troll: Though to be serious, I find a 4th Star Fox character in general to be very unlikely.
Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard), Pokemon Coordinator (Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken), Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglypuff Pokemon is not going to go from 6 to 10 characters in one game. A 2nd Trainer is highly unlikely, and no Mewtwo really knocks this down.
Marth, Ike, Maiciah, Ness, Lucas, Isaac I personally don't see either Isaac or Matthew as likely candidates, but that's just me. Micaiah would not be added over Roy or Krom.
Nester, Little Mac, Takamaru, Balloon Fighter, Saki, Mii I really don't see Miis likely either, and I REALLY doubt Nester would make the cut either. He's an American made character for a magazine.
Mr. Game and Watch, Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman No problems here.
Here's my response.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
-Two new Zelda characters is highly improbable. Chances are, we get none.
-Bandana Dee is not as likely as you seem to think. Also, Tom Nook has pretty much zero chance considering Sakurai's past comments about Animal Crossing characters.
-Two Pokemon Trainers is also extremely unlikely. That would give us TEN Pokemon characters while Mario only has five... extreme over-representation that Sakurai would never allow.
-Micaiah? She's nothing compared to Roy or Krom at this point.
-Nester... since he's your WTF character I can't really dispute it, but I don't think it's a very good choice at all.

Everything else is okay.... this is a better dream roster than a prediction roster. As a prediction, it's... no good at all.
-Actually I included Tingle underneath his own series. But yes, LoZ is less likely to get another rep.
-Bandana Dee has the best shot for a Kirby newcomer though.
-Honestly, I would rather have Slider than Nook but I saw that Nook was more likely.
- I agree that there won't be two pokemon trainers. But more likely than other pokemon I support. But if we do get a second trainer, it would be Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken. And Mario has 6 characters (maybe 7. Still unsure about Shadow Mario)
- I wanted to move away from the sword users because Fire Emblum has some many different types of weapons and attacks.
- I choose Nester because he would represent Nintendo Power like how Mr. Game and Watch represented the Game and Watch or how ROB represents the Family Computer Robot that came with the NES


Deleted member

The thing is, they represent games themeselves. Nester represents an American exclusive magazine.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Neater was the main character in A game called Nester's Funky Bowling for the Virtual Boy and he appeared in NES Play Action Football and To the Earth for the NES



Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
my prediction list:
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr
Yoshi, Wario, DK, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool
Link, Zelda, Ganandorf, Toon Link, Skull Kid
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, Zoroark
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Deedeedee
Fox, Falco, Krystal or Wolf i really don't care that much
Samus, Ridley, Ness, Lucas
Capt Falcon, Olimar, Pit, Ice Climbers
Little Mac, Isaac, Andy
R.O.B, G&W, and Sheriff
Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pac-Man

characters i would like to see:
Grunt: Battalion Wars
Dillon: Dillon's Rolling Western
Izuna: Izuna the Unemployed Ninja
Waluigi: Mario series
Mike Jones: Star Tropics
Marina Liteyears: Mischief Makers


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
I don't want to start a discussion here, but, how come Jr. and Toad are more likely than Waluigi and Paper Mario ? I'd say they're all at the same level.
Well Toad is one of the original cast, by original cast i mean Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, (you could even include Yoshi in here if you want) and Toad and is one of the most recognizable faces of the Mario franchise that isn't already a character in Smash. so he's got relevance and historical importance on his side with the added benefit of just being a generally popular character.

Jr. has more recently been important due to the fact that he has often been one of the antagonist if not the main protagonist of the main Mario games. you know Galaxy and the New Super Mario Bros games, unlike Waluigi who only appears in the sports and racing titles and is actually one of the most unliked video game characters ever.

and i don't have a real opinion on Paper Mario but i just think most people are started to lean away from the idea of Paper Mario because they'd rather see one of the other three make it.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Can somebody rate my roster

Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser Bowser Jr,
Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K Rool, Yoshi, Wario, Mona
Link, Zelda / Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link, Toon Zelda, Tingle
Samus, Ridley, Pit, Palutena, Ice Climbers, ROB
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Bandana Dee, Olimar, Tom Nook
Fox, Falco, Wolf, Krystal, Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh
Pikachu, Pokemon Trainer (Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard), Pokemon Coordinator (Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken), Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglypuff
Marth, Ike, Maiciah, Ness, Lucas, Isaac
Nester, Little Mac, Takamaru, Balloon Fighter, Saki, Mii
Mr. Game and Watch, Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pacman
This is kind of a good reasonable list. It's what i'm pretty much expecting too.
However i have to argue a few choices:

Mona: I'd much rather Waluigi. He would bring a much funnier style and would fit in well with Wario.
Tingle: Oh god no! What is wrong with all of you. Tingle's head belongs on a pike.
Toon Zelda: As long as it's not a Zelda clone i could be okay with this. But i feel other characters are more important before this.
Krystal: I'm starting to feel she has better chance as an Assist.
Maiciah: I felt she should of been in Brawl. Her time has passed. Krom has a much better chance. As much as i hate to say it also looking at Roy's popularity he also has a better chance.
The rest are okay. I wont make any judgments on Pokemon because i'm not too fond of the series. But i understand their need.

my prediction list:
Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Bowser Jr
Yoshi, Wario, DK, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool
Link, Zelda, Ganandorf, Toon Link, Skull Kid
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, Zoroark
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Deedeedee
Fox, Falco, Krystal or Wolf i really don't care that much
Samus, Ridley, Ness, Lucas
Capt Falcon, Olimar, Pit, Ice Climbers
Little Mac, Isaac, Andy
R.O.B, G&W, and Sheriff
Snake, Sonic, Megaman, Pac-Man

characters i would like to see:
Grunt: Battalion Wars
Dillon: Dillon's Rolling Western
Izuna: Izuna the Unemployed Ninja
Waluigi: Mario series
Mike Jones: Star Tropics
Marina Liteyears: Mischief Makers
Another reasonable list probably cut off Skull Kid. I think in terms of viallains he was a really bad one. The Mask was what made him dangerous that was all. You didn't even fight the damn kid.
As for the characters you would like to see. I see most of those as bad choices. except for Marina Liteyears. Mischief Makers was an awesome game.


Smash Champion
Sep 11, 2012
Hyrule Fields
Another reasonable list probably cut off Skull Kid. I think in terms of viallains he was a really bad one. The Mask was what made him dangerous that was all. You didn't even fight the damn kid.
As for the characters you would like to see. I see most of those as bad choices. except for Marina Liteyears. Mischief Makers was an awesome game.
yeah i only added Skull Kid cause i thought he'd be interesting and frankly i don't know that much about LOZ. and those characters i would like to see are just that. i don't think they'll get in but i would love it if they were


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
@GoldenYuiitusin Just curious, but why do you find Isaac unlikely?

Deleted member

Neater was the main character in A game called Nester's Funky Bowling for the Virtual Boy and he appeared in NES Play Action Football and To the Earth for the NES


Why would an American-made character that has not been seen in Japan be added to a game that is MADE in Japan? In which case, what puts him above someone like Mike Jones if we were going with American exclusive characters?

At least Jones DEBUTED in a video game, not a magazine.

@GoldenYuiitusin Just curious, but why do you find Isaac unlikely?
Because Sakurai said that the only newer series he felt worthy of a character in Brawl were Pikmin and Animal Crossing.
This means he didn't view Golden Sun as worthy. I highly doubt Dark Dawn is going to change his mind. And if it did, then Matthew would be chosen over Isaac.
Especially considering Camelot stated that Dark Dawn was the beginning of the "main" series while the previous two games were just prequels. So essentially, they would push for Matthew in Smash for being the "main" hero.

So while I doubt Golden Sun will even get a character, I'm willing to bet that if there was one, it still wouldn't be Isaac.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
-Actually I included Tingle underneath his own series. But yes, LoZ is less likely to get another rep.
-Bandana Dee has the best shot for a Kirby newcomer though.
-Honestly, I would rather have Slider than Nook but I saw that Nook was more likely.
- I agree that there won't be two pokemon trainers. But more likely than other pokemon I support. But if we do get a second trainer, it would be Mudkip / Grovyle / Blaziken. And Mario has 6 characters (maybe 7. Still unsure about Shadow Mario)
- I wanted to move away from the sword users because Fire Emblum has some many different types of weapons and attacks.
- I choose Nester because he would represent Nintendo Power like how Mr. Game and Watch represented the Game and Watch or how ROB represents the Family Computer Robot that came with the NES


-Tingle is unlikely to be included anyway.
-Bandana Dee does have the best shot at a Kirby newcomer, but the series itself has a very small chance of actually getting a newcomer.
-Neither Nook nor Slider are likely. No Animal Crossing character is likely at all, for that matter.
-If we got another trainer, it'd be a fifth-generation trainer. Don't use the "third gen hasn't had any reps" excuse... "generation representation" DOES NOT MATTER. And I didn't see Toad. But still, 6 characters (Shadow Mario has almost no chance anymore) against 10 characters... is quite a big gap.
-It does, but that's what other series characters are for. The truth is that Micaiah's status as a mage doesn't help her case much anymore.
-Still... even as a WTF character he is a bit of a stretch...

Vintage Creep

Smash Master
Oct 8, 2012
Silent Hill
Because I have nothing to do, I'll make my dream roster, including some alternate costumes that pop up in my mind. Divided in franchises. Every alt has exactly the same moveset of the character, maybe slightly different like in weight, velocity, damages, or max a move (for example the Luigi attire with Poltergust would have a down B move like Mario in Brawl but with the opposite effect and nothing more different). Tanooki Mario for example jumps way higher but weighs less. Changes like that.

Mario franchise:
- Mario (alt Dr. Mario, Fire Mario, Shadow Mario from Sunshine, Tanooki Mario)
- Luigi (alt Fire Luigi, Tanooki Luigi, Mr L attire, Luigi with Poltergust 3000)
- Bowser (alt Dry Bowser, More cartoonish less dark attire, Strikers attire with claws)
- Peach (alt Spouse Peach, Strikers Peach, Daisy attire, Rosalina attire)
- Yoshi (alt Red/Blue/Yellow/Black/White/Purple/Pink Yoshi, Rainbow Yoshi)
- Wario (alt Classic Wario, Waluigi color attire)
- Paper Mario (alt Paper Luigi, NES Mario, NES Luigi)

Donkey Kong franchise
- Donkey Kong (alt Funky Kong, Strikers DK, Albino DK)
- Diddy Kong (alt Dixie Kong, Strikers Diddy)
- King K. Rool (alt Kaptain K. Rool, Baron K. Roolenstein, Super Sluggers outfit)

The Legend Of Zelda franchise
- Link (alt Young Link, Toon Link, Dark Link, Skyward Link, Oni Link)
- Zelda / Sheik (alt Toon Zelda, Skyward Zelda, Sheik has original costumes made purposely for this game)
- Ganondorf (alt Toon Ganondorf with double swords, Demise)
- Skull Kid (alt Unmasked, Skull Mask, Twilight Skull Kid)
- Vaati (alt Minish Cap Vaati)

Metroid franchise
- Samus Aran / Zero Suit Samus (alt Dark Samus, Phazon Suit, Gravity Suit, Power Suit)
- Ridley (alt Meta Ridley)

StarFox franchise
- Fox McCloud (alt Command Fox, Lylat Wars Fox, Assault Fox, James McCloud)
- Falco Lombardi (alt Command Falco, Lylat Wars Falco, Assault Falco)
- Wolf O' Donnell (alt Command Wolf, Lylat Wars Wolf, Assault Wolf)

F-Zero franchise
- Captain Falcon (alt Blood Falcon, Phoenix, Clown outfit from GX, Mach Rider attire, Excite Biker attire)
- Samurai Goroh (alt comic-like attire from F-Zero X)

Pokémon franchise
- Pikachu (alt Shiny Pikachu, Pichu, Plusle attire, Minun attire)
- Pokémon Trainer / Squirtle / Ivysaur / Charizard (alt Female trainer with shiny pokémons, Team Rocket fella with darker pokémons)
- Mewtwo (alt Shiny, Armored Mewtwo from first movie, Lucario)
- Jigglypuff (alt Shiny, Igglybuff)

Kid Icarus franchise
- Pit (alt Tip from Uprising, Armored Pit)
- Palutena
- Medusa

Kirby franchise (don't know that well so not many alts)
- Kirby (alt Epic Yarn Kirby, Spike Kirby)
- Metaknight (alt Galacta Knight)
- King Dedede (alt don't know)

Fire Emblem franchise (don't know well)
- Marth (alt Roy)
- Ike

Earthbound franchise (again don't know well)
- Ness (alt Ninten, Lucas)
- Masked Man

Other franchises
- Captain Olimar (with new Pikmins, alt Louie, The President)
- Mr. Game & Watch (no alts)
- R.O.B. (his alts would be a different color pattern representing Nintendo consoles: example GC pattern is black & purple)
- Mii (well his alt would be any Mii saved on the Wii U)
- Ice Climbers (alt NES Ice Climbers)
- Balloon Fighter (alt NES Balloon Fighter)
- Little Mac
- Tom Nook
- Ray MK III

Third parties
- Sonic The Hedgehog (alt Shadow, Super Sonic, Metal Sonic)
- Solid Snake (alt Big Boss, Naked Snake, Old Snake)
- Rayman (alt Origins/Legends Rayman)
- Megaman (alt NES Megaman)
- Pac-Man (alt Mrs Pacman)
- Bomber-Man (alt Bomberman Hero different attires)
- Simon Belmont
- Bayonetta
- Banjo-Kazooie *just dreaming*
- Conker *just dreaming*

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I posted this a while back but I am still curious what people think of my most recent roster. While it can obviously be downsized, I feel it is a strong and safe prediction roster. I used fairly popular and likely characters with a few added unlikely characters for good measure.



Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Too many Pokemon. Remember, there isn't going to be too many characters of a certain series and it's safe to assume that 8 is too much.

Also before anyone asks, yes, I am aware that Pokemon is a huge series. No, Zoroark, Lucario, and Mewtwo cannot be all in at the same time. No, if you want them all you'll have to scrap Red (face it, Jigglypuff is coming back). Yes, you'll possibly lose out of your precious Charizard if you want Mewtwo. No, Mewtwo will still suck but you'll eat it up anyway.

Also yes, Trapinch is indeed the best Pokemon ever.
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