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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Again, Brawl only counts 35. Not 39. It's that verse a single interview.
Look, there are 39 characters. You know who said that in an interview? Sakurai. Y'know, the director of the game's development? You are honestly the only person I have ever seen seriously claiming that transformations don't count as characters (besides the few lost souls around here who don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about)... even Sakurai disagrees.

If it really bothers you, every time someone says "characters," replace it in your mind with the word "movesets." Every time you hear someone say "slots", replace it in your mind with the word "characters." there are 39 characters (movesets) in Brawl, and 35 slots (characters) in Brawl. Everybody wins.

I'm not going to argue with you about this because I really cannot take you seriously when you make claims like "Sheik and Zelda are the same character" or "Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard are the same character."

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
Well on the dojo, Sakurai had ZSS and Samus as different characters, same with Zelda and Sheik. But the Pokemon Trainer is one character. I'm uncertain if to see it as 39 movesets or 35 characters. I've seen both, but i think it matters more how Sakurai sees it.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Look, there are 39 characters. You know who said that in an interview? Sakurai. Y'know, the director of the game's development? Y
Sakurai's own game says 35. You know, the actual game we're talking about.

Has nothing to do with which is what. What I'm saying is stop so much faith in them. Think outside of them.

I'm not going to argue with you about this because I really cannot take you seriously when you make claims like "Sheik and Zelda are the same character" or "Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard are the same character."
Seeing as how the characters are not independent of each other, than I'd say so. Yes, they have to make them as different characters, but they don't operate as such. Heck, your forced to switch with Pokemon Trainer after you die.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Look, there are 39 characters. You know who said that in an interview? Sakurai. Y'know, the director of the game's development? You are honestly the only person I have ever seen seriously claiming that transformations don't count as characters (besides the few lost souls around here who don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about)... even Sakurai disagrees.

If it really bothers you, every time someone says "characters," replace it in your mind with the word "movesets." Every time you hear someone say "slots", replace it in your mind with the word "characters." there are 39 characters (movesets) in Brawl, and 35 slots (characters) in Brawl. Everybody wins.

I'm not going to argue with you about this because I really cannot take you seriously when you make claims like "Sheik and Zelda are the same character" or "Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard are the same character."
You clearly haven't learned that nothing can possibly be gained from arguing with SmashChu. Best quit now before you waste too much time on this.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Naw, keep arguing. Three Pokemon movesets (stupidly) condensed into one slot clearly take the same amount of time to develop as any other moveset! Why? Because I say so, that's why!

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
You clearly haven't learned that nothing can possibly be gained from arguing with SmashChu. Best quit now before you waste too much time on this.
As long as I've been here, and as long as Chu's been here, I've never had an encounter like this with Chu. Honestly, the first time he made the claim that Brawl only has 35 characters and that transformations don't count as different characters, I thought he was joking. I'm aware of all the dumb roster arguments on these forums, but I didn't think that something this silly and blatantly obvious would be an issue. I certainly never expected to hear something this ridiculous from someone like Chu...

Naw, keep arguing. Three Pokemon movesets (stupidly) condensed into one slot clearly take the same amount of time to develop as any other moveset! Why? Because I say so, that's why!

This is exactly why 39 is the number that matters, not 35.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
As long as I've been here, and as long as Chu's been here, I've never had an encounter like this with Chu. Honestly, the first time he made the claim that Brawl only has 35 characters and that transformations don't count as different characters, I thought he was joking. I'm aware of all the dumb roster arguments on these forums, but I didn't think that something this silly and blatantly obvious would be an issue. I certainly never expected to hear something this ridiculous from someone like Chu..
You must not go outside the character threads here much. Whole threads have been wasted in General Discussion arguing with him.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
You must not go outside the character threads here much. Whole threads have been wasted in General Discussion arguing with him.
It's true that this is the only forum I frequent, but Chu has been a member of my Offical SSB4 Character Discussion and Speculation Group for Elite Speculators for a good amount of time now. I've never had issues like this. At least, I've never seen it...

But that's probably because I tend to disappear from time to time, with a matter of months between my activity on these forums. Explains why I only have 682 posts...


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Honestly te hub ally there are both 39 and 35 characters in Brawl. This is because they are a moveset thy is made but they are one whole mechanic. You don't see people who main as Pokemon Trainer not switch pokemon. Plus Zelda and Sheik each need each otter in their movesets.


Onyx Oblivian

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2007
I can touch the Ocean from here.
You guys should stop arguing about how many characters are in brawl
, and rate my realistic, prediction roster! ....please?

I, personally, think it could use more flavor. haha but it is a prediction roster after all.

So I included my dream roster! :bee:

These aren't predictions at all, but they're "my life would be complete if came true" rosters.

HOWEVER. They're not "impossible". They're actually very viable if the number of expected newcomers increased :) (by A LOT.) and personally, I think people would be very happy if it came true too!

[COLLAPSE="Absolute DREAM Roster"]

It'd be awesome if you guys could rate my prediction roster, and tell me what you PERSONALLY think of my Dream roster, say it came true :)

Thanks guys haha

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Honestly te hub ally there are both 39 and 35 characters in Brawl. This is because they are a moveset thy is made but they are one whole mechanic. You don't see people who main as Pokemon Trainer not switch pokemon. Plus Zelda and Sheik each need each otter in their movesets.

I wouldn't say they need each other. Yes, all these characters are packaged together in the same slot, but the fact that they all have different movesets makes them all different characters, despite whether or not people use both or all characters in the slot. I main Samus, and transform into Zero Suit Samus, but I acknowledge the fact that they are both separate characters due to completely different play styles and movesets.

The reason the speculation community differentiates characters and "slots" is because individual movesets make time to make, and time put into one characters moveset can leave less room and time for other potential characters. It's not like the Pokemon Trainers three separate movesets take only as long to make as Mario's moveset. According to basic arithmetic, it would take THREE TIMES as long, because there are THREE CHARACTERS (MOVESETS) in that slot.

This is why it is important to count transformations... they take just as much time to create as any other character (moveset). If I can't make SmashChu understand, maybe I can get it through to you.

You guys should stop arguing about how many characters are in brawl
, and rate my realistic, prediction roster! ....please?

I, personally, think it could use more flavor. haha but it is a prediction roster after all.

So I included my dream roster! :bee:

These aren't predictions at all, but they're "my life would be complete if came true" rosters.

HOWEVER. They're not "impossible". They're actually very viable if the number of expected newcomers increased :) (by A LOT.) and personally, I think people would be very happy if it came true too!

[COLLAPSE="Absolute DREAM Roster"]

It'd be awesome if you guys could rate my prediction roster, and tell me what you PERSONALLY think of my Dream roster, say it came true :)

Thanks guys haha
The prediction roster is actually quite good! Honestly, there is only one thing that I would change... replace Waluigi with Dixie Kong.

That's all though. As far as how realistic it is, I'd rate it a 9.5/10!

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
Nothing objectionable, except maybe the inclusion of Waluigi, who you could just sub in any of the other popular Mario newcomers with. The addition of Paulenta seems suspect, but I should point out I haven't played KI:U, so maybe that would change my opinion. Also, Little Mac, Takamaru, Baloon fighter, and Mach Rider could be considered interchangeable IMO.

Onyx Oblivian

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2007
I can touch the Ocean from here.
The prediction roster is actually quite good! Honestly, there is only one thing that I would change... replace Waluigi with Dixie Kong.

That's all though. As far as how realistic it is, I'd rate it a 9.5/10!
Thanks Spydr!

Nothing objectionable, except maybe the inclusion of Waluigi, who you could just sub in any of the other popular Mario newcomers with. The addition of Paulenta seems suspect, but I should point out I haven't played KI:U, so maybe that would change my opinion. Also, Little Mac, Takamaru, Baloon fighter, and Mach Rider could be considered interchangeable IMO.
Yeah, along with Spydr, Waluigi seems to be the really controversial one (naturally, haha) As for Palutena, Having played KI:U, the game really is convincing and I think she is definitively a contender.. I have high hopes for Palutena in the next one.

I agree that Waluigi, and the Retro's are interchangeable. Except for Little Mac, with Punch-Out!! for the Wii, I believe he won't be considered retro anymore.

Thanks you guys for the feedback :)

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
You guys should stop arguing about how many characters are in brawl
, and rate my realistic, prediction roster! ....please?

I, personally, think it could use more flavor. haha but it is a prediction roster after all.

So I included my dream roster! :bee:

These aren't predictions at all, but they're "my life would be complete if came true" rosters.

HOWEVER. They're not "impossible". They're actually very viable if the number of expected newcomers increased :) (by A LOT.) and personally, I think people would be very happy if it came true too!

[COLLAPSE="Absolute DREAM Roster"]

It'd be awesome if you guys could rate my prediction roster, and tell me what you PERSONALLY think of my Dream roster, say it came true :)

Thanks guys haha
A little sad to not see Shulk or Saki in the roster but, IMO, Isaac, Saki, and Shulk are all a toss up. However, we will see at least one of them make it in.

Little Mac, Takamaru, and Balloon Fighter are all viable choices but I would consider Little Mac and Takamaru to be more likely than Balloon Fighter; with Little Mac transitioning out of being Retro and into his own series. I am not sure if SSB4 should get more than one retro character.

Waluigi is iffy and I would consider him more of a Mario character. I personally prefer Junior over Toad but that is entirely taste. I wouldn't be too butt hurt to see Toad included.

I am fairly sad to not see Zoroark included but you did well in adding Mewtwo and Lucario.

Lastly, I personally don't want to see Snake and Sonic return. It's not that I hate the but I think they should remain strictly to Brawl. It's just a personal opinion and one I don't 100% believe it will happen. However, Pac-Man and Megaman are great additions.

Overall, it is a very safe roster that incorporates fairly popular characters that are generally agreed upon being likely. It includes characters with high popular opinion and a few oddballs such as Balloon Fighter and Waluigi. In short, a safe and informed roster that follows current speculation trends.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
@Onyx Oblivian Personally I think your roster is very probable and well made.

Because I'm bored I'm going to ask for feedback on my extensive scenario roster.

Basically what i did was fill out most of the slots for each series to where there wouldn't really need to be more added(DK, Star Fox, Earthbound/Mother) while adding in retros and iconic characters with smash history.

I took off some of my fav characters just cause i didn't think they were likely and cause there were good hacks already for most of them so I could play them regardless :p

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
@Onyx Oblivian Personally I think your roster is very probable and well made.

Because I'm bored I'm going to ask for feedback on my extensive scenario roster.

Basically what i did was fill out most of the slots for each series to where there wouldn't really need to be more added(DK, Star Fox, Earthbound/Mother) while adding in retros and iconic characters with smash history.

I took off some of my fav characters just cause i didn't think they were likely and cause there were good hacks already for most of them so I could play them regardless :p
I have to shake my head at Masked Man and Vaati, I just don't think either of them are particularily likely. Same deal with Krystal and Dixie. I also feel like we'd get Classic Megaman rather than Megaman X, but who knows. Nothing else really wrong with the roster that I didn't already say about Onyx's.

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
@Onyx Oblivion
I think it's a rather good roster. Makes sense and is thought out. My only problems are Waluigi, but he's an understandable choice, and Palutena because I haven't played Uprising. SInce I haven't even played I can't speculate properly on that series anyway. Great Roster!

Yours is also a good roster. It's a bit oversized, but you say that yourself. So with what you set out to do I believe you did it. All the characters are important and warrant being there. However, and this may be my personal bias, but Shulk would be a worthy addition because of how influential his game was and the ripples it caused in Nintendo. But that's all. Great roster!!

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I've done it before but imma do it again because i'm always looking for feedback:

This is my roster. I edited it again. The characters on the right are characters i would be willing to add/swap with one in my roster. Characters like Ghirahim, Paper Mario and Shulk are personal favorites of mine, which is why i have them in my roster. Krystal is there basically just to be there (i could take or leave her tbh) I feel like its a relatively likely roster, but maybe not entirely realistic. let me know what you think!

EDIT: And yes, I KNOW Pac-Man is probably more likely than Lloyd, but i think Lloyd would be a cooler character. But hey, to each his own


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I've done it before but imma do it again because i'm always looking for feedback:

This is my roster. I edited it again. The characters on the right are characters i would be willing to add/swap with one in my roster. Characters like Ghirahim, Paper Mario and Shulk are personal favorites of mine, which is why i have them in my roster. Krystal is there basically just to be there (i could take or leave her tbh) I feel like its a relatively likely roster, but maybe not entirely realistic. let me know what you think!

EDIT: And yes, I KNOW Pac-Man is probably more likely than Lloyd, but i think Lloyd would be a cooler character. But hey, to each his own
I'll give a critique.

First off...all Brawl characters. Check! I like when cuts are not made. (Assuming Sheik and ZSS are still there).

For Paper Mario, I would personally prefer Bowser Jr. or Toad, but he's a good pick. No qualms there.

King K. Rool is awesome as always.

Ghirahim. While not the most likely, I feel that if we get a Zelda newcomer, it'll be him. That being said, he's a decent pick, and one of mine as well.

Ridley is Ridley and Ridley is great.

Little Mac and Takamaru are nice choices. If you did want to swap Takamaru for a different retro, Muddy and Mach Rider are good choices, each with their own merits and drawbacks. Up to you, really.

Now, you did mention that Krystal was just there to be there. Perhaps swap her out for Goroh? It wouldn't hurt the organization, and I personally find F-Zero more likely than Star Fox to get a rep this time.

Mewtwo Returns. Yes. You could go as far as to add Zoroark as well, if you don't feel it's enough.

Roy or Krom can go either way in my eyes, so whichever you prefer.

This may just be a personal thing, but I don't think that Saki, Isaac, and Shulk will all be in. Now this is not due to their designs, it's just that Sakurai has been pretty iffy in the past as far as adding smaller non-retro/non-hardware/non-third party series. In Melee, we added Fire Emblem. In Brawl, Pikmin and WarioWare. Here, we get Shulk, Little Mac, Saki, and Isaac. I'd personally lose one of the blondies, only because Little Mac is a bit more likely in my eyes. Perhaps add in Palutena to add a KI character? She's pretty popular with requests. Maybe even Mii, to add a Hardware character that's big with Nintendo.

One last thing: 3rd Parties.

Mega Man has the demand to get in for sure. He's a good bet.

My only problem is the sheer presence of a Namco rep. I know they're helping with the game, but ultimately Sakurai has the final say. He doesn't want to go overboard, and in general the only 3rd Party who has anywhere near Sonic's demand (who barely squeaked by in Brawl) is Mega Man. I just don't think a Namco rep will happen at all under these circumstances, due to low demand. But, to each his own.

As far as the size, it's pretty feasible.

Overall, it's a solid roster, despite some kinks here and there. Nice job, I give it a 9/10

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Thanks for the input Opossum! I'm considering swapping out Saki for another character myself, and i may swap Krystal and Goroh.

On a side note, Waluigi's inclusion is growing on me. But i still want Paper Mario over him


You're not going Turbo?
Apr 18, 2009
Somewhere on the globe.
Thanks for the input Opossum! I'm considering swapping out Saki for another character myself, and i may swap Krystal and Goroh.

On a side note, Waluigi's inclusion is growing on me. But i still want Paper Mario over him
Paper Mario could work better as an alt. character for Mario, better have Waluigi rather than two characters slots with the same identity... just in different forms. As for Bowser Jr, i predict that he'll just be another Young Link. Then again people throw in the idea for a Shadow Mario transformation, which probably could work. If they learn to make transformations PRELOADED this time (Sheik/Zelda transformations in Brawl makes me cry)

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I don't see Paper Mario that similar to regular Mario though. He doesn't do many of the same things as regular Mario. He would essentially be the Toon Link of the Mario series. I don't really see the issue with that happening if he is unique and is the only other character besides Toon Link like that.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
I think that Toad and Bowser Jr are more likely going to be in then Paper Mario. Also, is he considered a spin-offf character?


You're not going Turbo?
Apr 18, 2009
Somewhere on the globe.
I think that Toad and Bowser Jr are more likely going to be in then Paper Mario. Also, is he considered a spin-offf character?
Technically yes, a paralell/alternative version of Mario is the most definite way to describe him.

I don't see Paper Mario that similar to regular Mario though. He doesn't do many of the same things as regular Mario. He would essentially be the Toon Link of the Mario series. I don't really see the issue with that happening if he is unique and is the only other character besides Toon Link like that.
He has a opportunity for a really unique moveset that differs him from regular Mario, but that doesn't change the fact that he's just a spin off/alternative version of Mario. They are the same person. Toon Link has no connection to the Hero of Time, or TP Link if we're speaking Brawl. He's a different person. That's why i prefer him over Young Link too, because he was just the same Link in a younger form.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Regardless, if it doesn't apply to Waluigi, then Paper Mario being "mainly" a spin-off character shouldn't harm his chances. The only thing I see as harmful to Paper Mario is the fact that he could be a clone, which isn't that bad either considering there are pretty much semi clones scattered across the roster. (Ganondorf, Luigi, Falco, etc)

Popularity COULD decide it, but i'm not sure that Toad is viewed as a fighter by the Smash Bros team. But i can't really say why Sakurai is thinking. I wish Mario could get 2 new guys, but im banking on one new character


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
No, went I asked if Paper Mario was a spin-off character, would he be going against King K Rool, Dixie and the secondary Yoshi and Wario characters?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2012
rate my realistic, prediction roster! ....please?

Pretty nice roster right here, all your picks are certantly good.
Though, I don't think that Mii and Balloon Fighter are that likely, so, you should maybe swap them with Takamaru, Saki, Shulk or someone like that, but that's just my opinion.
I'll give you 4 Captain Falcons out of 5.

Another pretty good roster right here, although I don't have much to say about it.
3.5 Captain Falcons out of 5.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
No, went I asked if Paper Mario was a spin-off character, would he be going against King K Rool, Dixie and the secondary Yoshi and Wario characters?
None of those characters are from the Mario series, or would be given a Mario logo in the game so no. And i highly doubt Yoshi or Wario are realistically going to get another character anyway.

And whether or not Link and Toon Link are the same person hardly makes a difference. In Smash Bros, their move sets are nearly identical. So if Paper Mario is the same way/completely different, i still cannot see what the issue would be besides a matter of preference against "clones"


You're not going Turbo?
Apr 18, 2009
Somewhere on the globe.
I don't mind clones at all, its just, like i keep saying, same person. That's why i just want Paper Mario on the same slot as Mario, categorize it like they did in DBZ: Raging Blast 2. It would just do the variety on the roster a big favor.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
i suppose we will have to agree to disagree on the roster spot, but i'm glad we agree he deserves to be in to some degree. i see where you're coming from, but i feel like they would waste so much potential if he were simply a costume change. Speaking of which, if they do DLC, there best be some packs of costume changes for characters. Like OoT and TP costumes for the New Link, or Tanooki Suits for Mario. It would be AMAZING. at least to me

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
What is the general consensus on Snake and Sonic returning? As a major fan of both of them, I am very much hoping that they return. However, when I think of other fighting games that feature 3rd Party characters, they are usually removed and replaced in the next one (Ex. Kratos in the latest Mortal Kombat on PS3).

I think both characters should return. They are both unique and well liked, so I personally see no reason why they HAVE to be removed. I think Smash Bros is a much different type of fighting game, and that neither Snake or Sonic are entirely irrelevant to Nintendo, which is why i'm hoping they don't get cut. Especially because of fan backlash, and the fact that Hideo Kojima (for anyone who didn't know, Metal Gear creator) personally asked Sakurai to include Snake, it makes me want to believe that they both will return.

Speaking of which, I am also against ANY cuts in Smash 4 from Brawl, because the roster was definitely well put together. Thoughts?

Deleted member

Typically, guests don't stay for console reasons (you really wouldn't expect Link to stay for SCIII, would you?) or licensing issues.
So unless Sakurai and Kojima had a falling out, or unless Sega hates Nintendo all of a sudden again, I don't see Snake or Sonic leaving.

Also, the Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing game had Banjo-Kazooie for the 360 version, and it's heavily implied that they are still in the 360 version for the sequel. So if this ends up being true, it should put out all "guests don't stay" arguments.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Typically, guests don't stay for console reasons (you really wouldn't expect Link to stay for SCIII, would you?) or licensing issues.
So unless Sakurai and Kojima had a falling out, or unless Sega hates Nintendo all of a sudden again, I don't see Snake or Sonic leaving.

Also, the Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing game had Banjo-Kazooie for the 360 version, and it's heavily implied that they are still in the 360 version for the sequel. So if this ends up being true, it should put out all "guests don't stay" arguments.
That's the way i look at it. If the relationship stays strong, there shouldn't be an issue with them staying. I believe Smash is a special game, because it magnifies those relationships with the characters.

Additionally, if they return, in the adventure mode, Mario and Sonic need to be grouped at one part or another just for the epicness. And If Waluigi gets in, it would be hysterical to see Waluigi get paired with Snake. I can picture it now...

EDIT: and now that i think of it, Playstation All Stars won't have much of a roster if the 3rd parties are taken out :troll:


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Much like other people before me, I'd like some feedback on a roster I made:

Some notes:
  • This is not necessarily a fan roster - moreso an expected one.
  • All Brawl characters return, I wanted to cut Toon Link, but I thought I read that Sakurai wanted two Links in Smash.
  • I picked Bowser Jr. over Toad because of personal preferences. I could live with Toad, too.
  • Tingle has had four games on his own - apart from appearing in nine Zelda games (either as cameo or in person); I'd say he is quite relevant to the Zelda series, so I picked him over one-hit-wonders such as Skull Kid, Vaati and Ghirahim.
  • Mewtwo and Roy return due to popular demand.
  • Balloon Fighter and Takamaru are in because of their minigames in Nintendoland, Little Mac because of Punch-Out!! Wii.
  • No Palutena because she is a goddess. I don't think it would make much sense to make her equally powerful to Pit. If any, give me Fighter or Dark Pit :p
  • Not a fan of Goroh, but I think he was the best choice for the needed second F-Zero rep.
  • I don't like Miis either, but meh - they will happen and you know it.
  • Pac-man as a thank-you to Namco Bandai.

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
Much like other people before me, I'd like some feedback on a roster I made:

Some notes:
  • This is not necessarily a fan roster - moreso an expected one.
  • All Brawl characters return, I wanted to cut Toon Link, but I thought I read that Sakurai wanted two Links in Smash.
  • I picked Bowser Jr. over Toad because of personal preferences. I could live with Toad, too.
  • Tingle has had four games on his own - apart from appearing in nine Zelda games (either as cameo or in person); I'd say he is quite relevant to the Zelda series, so I picked him over one-hit-wonders such as Skull Kid, Vaati and Ghirahim.
  • Mewtwo and Roy return due to popular demand.
  • Balloon Fighter and Takamaru are in because of their minigames in Nintendoland, Little Mac because of Punch-Out!! Wii.
  • No Palutena because she is a goddess. I don't think it would make much sense to make her equally powerful to Pit. If any, give me Fighter or Dark Pit :p
  • Not a fan of Goroh, but I think he was the best choice for the needed second F-Zero rep.
  • I don't like Miis either, but meh - they will happen and you know it.
  • Pac-man as a thank-you to Namco Bandai.
I was gonna say flawless and shower you with praise for the roster, no joke. First off it's a great roster. Fantastic shimmering example of a roster.
All your reasons are strong except for Miis because I don't know they will be in. People aren't set on that quite yet. My personal preference is Shulk of course, but hey no big deal there. The one big issue I see is Megaman is missing. ... That's a big deal with his popularity, want, mention of Capcom, etc. But other than him fantastic roster.

Robert of Normandy

Jun 24, 2012
Crossbell City
Switch FC
The only surprising thing is the inclusion of Tingle, I personally think he doesn't seem very likely. Also, as I've said before any likely new Mario characters are basically interchangeable in terms of likelihood IMO.

EDIT: Can't beleve I didn't notice, no Megaman is also a minus.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Pretty good. The only thing I'm not too keen about is the exclusion of Palutena due to Goddess status. It can easily be avoided. Look at Mewtwo in Melee. All powerful Pokemon -> underpowered character. That being said, that's a bit of an extreme example, but I believe it drives the point home.
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