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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Deleted member

Mario did get three newcomers in one game

-dr. mario
Just because it happened once before doesn't mean it is likely to happen again.

Also, the clones were under different sets of rules than the non-clones.

Onyx Oblivian

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2007
I can touch the Ocean from here.
Mario's roster didn't expand during Brawl, in fact it got cut by one.

Maybe that's where maybe it could get one or two this time around? The Mario Universe covers a vast amount of games, and consumes a larger percentage of Nintendo's games. (Like this year and last year alone:

New Super Mario Bros. 2
New Super Mario Bros. U
Mario Tennis Open
Mario and Sonic 2012
Mario Party 9
Fortune Street
Super Mario 3D Land

If it did expand by two slots, I don't think it would bother me at all. It would seem sort of appropriate. Especially since a few of top requested characters are Mario characters haha

If anything I have a little higher hope for the Mario crew and maybe the Donkey Kong crew (although I have more doubt with the latter) as the only two that would "double dip" this time around. I can't see if happening with any other franchise in the group.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
True, but what would stop Sakurai from revisiting the idea if he thought it was interesting? Maybe it didn't work the first time around, but I'm sure with more time, Sakurai and his team could figure it out.
This is why I have a fairly good feeling about Dixie making an appearance. The character data suggests that she was considered to be added a bit later in development (and please correct me if I'm wrong here). If that's true, time could have been the factor for not being able to make it work, as well as not being able to make her become her own character (or rather not important enough to crank in like Sonic). With Ice Climbers, Diddy/Dixie/ and Plusle/Minun* being planned, it seems Sakurai has an interest in duo type characters. Maybe he'll revisit the Kong duo with Dixie/Kiddy..or just put Dixie in solo (my preference).

*- Yes I know it isn't definite that they were planned.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Maybe that's where maybe it could get one or two this time around? The Mario Universe covers a vast amount of games, and consumes a larger percentage of Nintendo's games. (Like this year and last year alone:

If it did expand by two slots, I don't think it would bother me at all. It would seem sort of appropriate. Especially since a few of top requested characters are Mario characters haha

If anything I have a little higher hope for the Mario crew and maybe the Donkey Kong crew (although I have more doubt with the latter) as the only two that would "double dip" this time around. I can't see if happening with any other franchise in the group.
Seriously? I thought I was the only one! I think it's entirely possible and also somewhat likely that we'll see two new Mario characters (but that is ONLY if time and space allow for it). In fact, like you said, Mario and Donkey Kong are the only two series I can see getting two newcomers.

I find it funny how there are people that believe that Pokemon having eight characters is entirely likely while also believing that Mario getting just ONE is absurd, or "over-representing."

With Ice Climbers, Diddy/Dixie/ and Plusle/Minun* being planned, it seems Sakurai has an interest in duo type characters. Maybe he'll revisit the Kong duo with Dixie/Kiddy..or just put Dixie in solo (my preference).
Diddy and Dixie were not meant to be like the Ice Climbers, though, which a lot of people seem to misunderstand. Playing as the Ice Climbers is literally playing as two characters at the same time, having primary control over only one of them.

Diddy and Dixie were supposedly meant to be like Zelda and Sheik, where by pressing a button, they would switch places and you'd control the other character. While one character was being controlled, the other character would follow along in the background and most likely not take damage.

The reason this is most likely the intention is because this exact type of tag-team duo was the usual setup in the Donkey Kong Country games; this particular duo was DKC2.

Deleted member

While I would agree that makes more sense, I don't think we can claim either way with what little information we have. All we know is that they were meant to be partnered.
Unless that interview in Famitsu where Sakurai talks about Dixie mentioned a system similar to the DKC series; I don't know.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
I know, but it just seems kind of obvious. I mean, what other reason is there to pair Diddy and Dixie? If they weren't paired for that reason, then you could pair other characters together by the same logic, like Mario & Luigi, Fox & Falco, Ness & Lucas, etc.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2008
New York
They would most likely have had a throwing attack..and they're still two different characters..hence the term duo. Just a different spin on the idea.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2012
I see the roster being between 40 and 50. I have two scenarios that i put together in the roster maker.

Basically the characters on the side could be swapped with other characters in the roster. It totals out at 49 spots taken up, with random taking up the 50th. The total character amount is 54. I personally see this as a decent roster. That could be because i made it and it has a majority of characters i would like to see though lol.
Out of the two, this roster has the most inconsistencies, first off, Ghirahim, Krystal and Lloyd are looonnng shots if ya ask me, so take them out and put in, let's say, Samurai Goroh, Mach Rider, and Pac-Man if you want a Namco rep.
Secondly, Waluigi, Jr. and Toad are more likely Mario newcomers than Paper Mario, but we're not confirmed to have any Mario newcomers at this point so I'll let that one pass
if you want more info on the WAA to go the Rate Your Chances thread and see my and Golden's posts on pages 104 and 105
Sheik's not going to go anywhere too, so you might wanna add her(?) back.

This one totals at 44 characters and a random spot. With transformations, it totals to 49. This roster also has most characters i would like to see, while including popular inclusions. Are these rosters decent? Leave feedback! I'm totally open to criticism
Now this roster right here is certantly more realistic, although there are some minor inconsistencies with it.
First off, Mewtwo and Roy are going to come back, so you might wanna put them in.
Maybe you wanna remove Ghirahim and Shulk then add Goroh and possibily Saki Amamiya.

Aside from that, not bad.


Smash Ace
May 21, 2006
Sydney, Australia
i realised something after i tried to re add mewtwo on my roster. I'm still against this but people don't seem to shut up about it. The only way to get a positive comment on a roster is to have Mewto on it lol.

Anyway what ireaslised is first off you have to take in consideration is they will add a new pokemon character to the mix. There have been new Pokemon games so they'll want to update. Now people want Mewtwo back in. This will make Pokemon with 6 reps. People complain if you cut Lucario too. Now the problem with Pokemon having 6 reps is Mario Franchise. Mario is by far Nintendo's biggest and most popular franchise it it also Nintendo's mascot as it stands depending how you count it they have 5 reps. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach and Bowser. Mario would at least need 1 or 2 more reps. I guess you could count DK and Wario Ware as part of Mario. But many like to argue they are their own series now. So who will be the next Mario Rep if Pokemon is to have 6. There needs to be a balance:

Paper Mario: could be interesting
Dr. Mario: Make him less cloney and he could be considered.
Bowser Jr.: I don't think he's significant enough. He's better off as an assist. I also don't like him, give me the Koopa Kids over this guy any day.
Toad: Definitely a favourite but is he too small?
Daisy: a Peach Shade and nowhere near the same league as Peach. Probably continue as a shade.
Kamek: A mediocre villain. Better chance as an assist.
Waluigi: Could be fun, but no one seems to like him lately.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2012
i realised something after i tried to re add mewtwo on my roster. I'm still against this but people don't seem to shut up about it. The only way to get a positive comment on a roster is to have Mewto on it lol.

Anyway what ireaslised is first off you have to take in consideration is they will add a new pokemon character to the mix. There have been new Pokemon games so they'll want to update. Now people want Mewtwo back in. This will make Pokemon with 6 reps. People complain if you cut Lucario too. Now the problem with Pokemon having 6 reps is Mario Franchise. Mario is by far Nintendo's biggest and most popular franchise it it also Nintendo's mascot as it stands depending how you count it they have 5 reps. Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach and Bowser. Mario would at least need 1 or 2 more reps. I guess you could count DK and Wario Ware as part of Mario. But many like to argue they are their own series now. So who will be the next Mario Rep if Pokemon is to have 6. There needs to be a balance:

Paper Mario: could be interesting
Dr. Mario: Make him less cloney and he could be considered.
Bowser Jr.: I don't think he's significant enough. He's better off as an assist. I also don't like him, give me the Koopa Kids over this guy any day.
Toad: Definitely a favourite but is he too small?
Daisy: a Peach Shade and nowhere near the same league as Peach. Probably continue as a shade.
Kamek: A mediocre villain. Better chance as an assist.
Waluigi: Could be fun, but no one seems to like him lately.
Waluigi and Dr. Mario are the most likely Mario characters to appear at this point.
Also, I really don't think that being spin-off only or being hated hurts Waluigi's chances, considering the amount of content we've gotten from spin-offs thus far, and Waluigi is no Tingle or anything, who's hatebase is much bigger than their fanbase.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Well, Kamek is a Yoshi character. Dr. Mario and Paper Mario may be considered spin-off since they have different play styles from the regular Mario games. Toad and Bowser each are the best bets for two Mario reps.

Plus Pokemon always add two new playable pokemon.
64- Pikachu and Jigglypuff
Melee- Pikachu, Pichu, Mewtwo and Jiggglypuff
Brawl- Pikachu, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard, Lucario, Jigglypuff

SSB4- Pikachu, Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglpuff, (Meowth, Mewtwo or Scizor) and the three pokemon trainer pokemon



Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
That degree of overrepresentation will never occur. One of Lucario, Mewtwo and Zoroark is not going to be playable.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Waluigi and Dr. Mario are the most likely Mario characters to appear at this point.
Also, I really don't think that being spin-off only or being hated hurts Waluigi's chances, considering the amount of content we've gotten from spin-offs thus far, and Waluigi is no Tingle or anything, who's hatebase is much bigger than their fanbase.
Sure, Waluigi's hate base can't hurt him much, but don't forget about characters like Bowser Jr. and Toad. Both characters are just as popular as Waluigi (if not more popular) and have much more importance/relevance to their respective series. I'd say they are far more likely than Waluigi, who only has moderate popularity in his favor.

SSB4- Pikachu, Lucario, Zoroark, Jigglpuff, (Meowth, Mewtwo or Scizor) and the three pokemon trainer pokemon
Out of Mewtwo, Meowth, and Scizor, neither Scizor nor Meowth even stand a chance against Mewtwo, who is by far more popular than either of those Pokemon. They can't even compare. Mewtwo's popularity alone is enough to get him back on the roster, and he is highly expected for this reason. I'd say expect him, along with the rest of the Brawl vets.

While we do get two new Pokemon characters each game, that does not necessarily mean we need to see two this game, especially with a much more limited roster. Eight Pokemon characters is A LOT, especially when the next series has only five.

That degree of overrepresentation will never occur. One of Lucario, Mewtwo and Zoroark is not going to be playable.
This. I really do not think it is likely that we will see all three, and the only reason is because of over-representation. I am quite confident about Mewtwo's return given his popularity. It's just between Lucario and Zoroark, who each have great reasons to make the cut. I'm expecting either, but I'm certainly not expecting both.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2012
Paper Mario: could be interesting
Dr. Mario: Make him less cloney and he could be considered.
Bowser Jr.: I don't think he's significant enough. He's better off as an assist. I also don't like him, give me the Koopa Kids over this guy any day.
Toad: Definitely a favourite but is he too small?
Daisy: a Peach Shade and nowhere near the same league as Peach. Probably continue as a shade.
Kamek: A mediocre villain. Better chance as an assist.
Waluigi: Could be fun, but no one seems to like him lately.
1. agreed
2. agreed although may come back regardless
3. How is he not signifigant? He's the second most battled villian in Mario and had a game where he was the main villian of the game(Sunshine).
4. Size isn't really the/or an issue. The issue is does Sakurai see him as a serious contender for smash and with his role so far being Peach's counter, I'm not so sure.
5. agreed
6. agreed
7. agreed. He has huge popularity in Japan though his popularity is staggering in other places.

I still think the 2 most likely to get in are Junior and Waluigi.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
That degree of overrepresentation will never occur. One of Lucario, Mewtwo and Zoroark is not going to be playable.
They're all major characters, so you'll never know. Overrepresentation is overrated, it's just Sakurai saying that he doesn't wish to overload the roster with a bunch of C-Tier characters.

The Mario and Zelda series easily warrent more characters than they have, and yet there's a lot of disbute over their newcomers on whether they actually matter to their series as a whole. Star Fox could easily be argued to have too many characters, and yet Krystal is still deemed in the running by many.

Going out on a limb here, but some may argue that Sakurai was cool with 8 Pokemon in Brawl if you factor in the cut characters.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
The only reason I put Scizor and Meowth is because of different reasons. Besides Pikachu, Meowth is the only pokemon from the first Gen that is relevant. Scizor is there because it is a popular second gem pokemon that is feasible. Scizor is there because of the HeartGold and SoulSilver games.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2012
Sure, Waluigi's hate base can't hurt him much, but don't forget about characters like Bowser Jr. and Toad. Both characters are just as popular as Waluigi (if not more popular) and have much more importance/relevance to their respective series. I'd say they are far more likely than Waluigi, who only has moderate popularity in his favor.
... Except that Waluigi is more popular than Bowser Jr. and Toad in Japan.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
... Except that Waluigi is more popular than Bowser Jr. and Toad in Japan.
Japanese popularity indeed has it's place, but people tend to over-estimate it... a lot...

The Mario and Zelda series easily warrent more characters than they have, and yet there's a lot of disbute over their newcomers on whether they actually matter to their series as a whole. Star Fox could easily be argued to have too many characters, and yet Krystal is still deemed in the running by many.

Going out on a limb here, but some may argue that Sakurai was cool with 8 Pokemon in Brawl if you factor in the cut characters.
The way I see it, over-representation isn't relative to each series. In theory, MOTHER or F-Zero could have just as many characters as Mario or Pokemon. The only reason they don't is because they lack viable candidates, where bigger series like Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda have plenty of popular, viable candidates who happen to be priority over lesser-known characters from series like MOTHER and F-Zero. Over-representation is when a series is loaded with characters that all may be perfectly acceptable and viable candidates, but hinder the inclusion of more popular, better-known characters from other series. It is also over-representation when adding too many characters from one series can hinder other series from getting proper representation, as in the case of Pokemon if it had EIGHT characters. That's the way I see it, and it seems perfectly reasonable.

Also, did I miss something, or was it actually confirmed that Plusle & Minun were planned for Brawl? Because last I remember, that was proven false (or at least not proven to be true yet).


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
The way I see it, over-representation isn't relative to each series. In theory, MOTHER or F-Zero could have just as many characters as Mario or Pokemon. The only reason they don't is because they lack viable candidates, where bigger series like Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda have plenty of popular, viable candidates who happen to be priority over lesser-known characters from series like MOTHER and F-Zero. Over-representation is when a series is loaded with characters that all may be perfectly acceptable and viable candidates, but hinder the inclusion of more popular, better-known characters from other series. It is also over-representation when adding too many characters from one series can hinder other series from getting proper representation, as in the case of Pokemon if it had EIGHT characters. That's the way I see it, and it seems perfectly reasonable.

Also, did I miss something, or was it actually confirmed that Plusle & Minun were planned for Brawl? Because last I remember, that was proven false (or at least not proven to be true yet).
Don't worry you don't need to explain over-representation in full to me. But to be honest, I just don't it as a problem at this point.

If you take a look at a lot of the many character rosters out there whether they be in the Display Thread or in Toise's betting thread, there's still plenty of room to properly represent series based upon what most of us are betting on as a roster cap. Heck on my roster there was so much room I flipped a coin to see who would get in between Zoroark, Toad and Krystal. We don't even know what's going on with 3rd Parties either, so there's potentially even more space:

As for Plusle & Minun, like I said, some may argue that Brawl would have had 8 Pokemon characters, as it has yet to be proven or disproven. I'm not really arguing it myself, but it's still a point that can be made and hypothesized.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Don't worry you don't need to explain over-representation in full to me. But to be honest, I just don't it as a problem at this point.
I figured, but the way you were talking about it above made it see as if you believe over-representation is when a certain series has a high number of characters yet isn't as "deserving" as other series (with your Star Fox example). I'm just saying, I don't believe this is actually "over-representation," and I suggested the way I see it which is much more logical in my opinion.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I figured, but the way you were talking about it above made it see as if you believe over-representation is when a certain series has a high number of characters yet isn't as "deserving" as other series (with your Star Fox example). I'm just saying, I don't believe this is actually "over-representation," and I suggested the way I see it which is much more logical in my opinion.
Sorry, it sometimes takes a second for me to truly realize what the heck I myself am saying. Hense all the apologies I made in the DG about being a hypocrite/hanging out too much in ****** City. :p

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Sorry, it sometimes takes a second for me to truly realize what the heck I myself am saying. Hense all the apologies I made in the DG about being a hypocrite/hanging out too much in ****** City. :p
:laugh: No worries, I'm guilty of all that myself. There's just not enough activity in there for my satisfaction. So then I come and here and get pulled into dumb debates (like whether Shy Guy is a Yoshi character or a Mario character)... It can take a toll on my speculation logic and I think it sometimes shows. :p


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Each series had one or two obvious choice when it come down to it. But it depend if the game series will get another character.
Mario: Toad or Bowser Jr
DK: Dixie or King K Rool
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Captain Syrup
Legend Of Zelda: Harder, but I say Toon Zelda or Tingle
Metroid: Ridley
Kid Iracus: Palutena or Medusa
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Pikmin: Louie
Star Fox: Krystal
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow
Pokemon: Zoroark
Fire Emblum: Krom (main character of the next game coming out on the 3DS)
Mother: Claus or Porky
Ice Climbers, Rob and Mr. Game and Watch don't really have anybody else to add in.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Each series had one or two obvious choice when it come down to it. But it depend if the game series will get another character.
Mario: Toad or Bowser Jr
DK: Dixie or King K Rool
Yoshi: Kamek
Wario: Captain Syrup
Legend Of Zelda: Harder, but I say Toon Zelda or Tingle
Metroid: Ridley
Kid Iracus: Palutena or Medusa
Kirby: Bandana Dee
Pikmin: Louie
Star Fox: Krystal
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh or Black Shadow
Pokemon: Zoroark
Fire Emblum: Krom (main character of the next game coming out on the 3DS)
Mother: Claus or Porky
Ice Climbers, Rob and Mr. Game and Watch don't really have anybody else to add in.
All of these characters are good choices for their own series, but like you said, it really does depend on whether or not the series will even get a new character.

The series' that almost everyone can agree will not get any newcomers are Yoshi's Island, WarioWare/Land, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Pikmin, and MOTHER/EarthBound. The "iffy" series' are Super Mario, Kid Icarus, Star Fox, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem. The series' that most people agree will receive at least one newcomer are Donkey Kong, Metroid, and F-Zero.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Well, if Pokemon does or Mario get another rep, then Legend Of Zelda will get another rep. Because they took out Dr. Mario to even out the three games. And that's why they didn't keep Mewtwo in the game. They usually keep these three in the same amount of characters.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Well, if Pokemon does or Mario get another rep, then Legend Of Zelda will get another rep. Because they took out Dr. Mario to even out the three games. And that's why they didn't keep Mewtwo in the game. They usually keep these three in the same amount of characters.
Not quite. While that would indeed make everything easier, it unfortunately does not work that way. Sakurai does not add/cut characters to even them with another series or balance them out. In fact, while these three series have the same number of slots in Brawl, they each have a different amount of characters: 4 (Mario), 5 (Zelda), and 6 (Pokemon). Slots don't matter, but characters do. The only reason these characters were cut is due to time.

Also, it is not usually this way. Look at this:

Super Mario - 2 slots, 2 characters
Pokemon - 2 slots, 2 characters
Legend of Zelda - 1 slot, 1 character

Super Mario - 5 slots, 5 characters
Pokemon - 4 slots, 4 characters
Legend of Zelda - 4 slots, 5 characters

Super Mario - 4 slots, 4 characters
Pokemon - 4 slots, 6 characters
Legend of Zelda - 4 slots, 5 characters

As you can see, the only game in which all three series had the same number of slots was in Brawl. The number of characters also differed between each series and each game. There is no rule that each series has to be "even" with each other. So it's entirely possible that Pokemon and Mario can get new reps while Zelda doesn't.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
The thing is that they aren't 2 or three different characetrs. With this logic that transformtaions mean that Giga Bowser, Wario-Man, Dragon Yoshi, and Super Sonic are their own characters


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Technically speaking Giga Bowser and Wario-Man are their own characters within the coding. Giga Bowser even has victory animations and varies unused content like grabbing, tripping, and teetering.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
The thing is, though, the characters you listed are not available through normal means. Not to mention Sakurai refers to Brawl having 39 characters. If he only counted slots, he'd say 35.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
The thing is that they aren't 2 or three different characetrs. With this logic that transformtaions mean that Giga Bowser, Wario-Man, Dragon Yoshi, and Super Sonic are their own characters
It's completely different. Giga Bowser, Wario-man, Dragon Yoshi, and Super Sonic do not have their own movesets and therefore are not different characters (they're actually just Final Smashes...). Characters like Zelda and Sheik are not a single character. They share a slot, but they are different characters. That is why, in the Melee Misc. records, the game recognizes a total of 26 characters rather than 25 (there are 25 slots, but 26 characters).

In the same way, Samus and Zero Suit Samus are separate characters, as well as Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. Sakurai has even said before that Brawl has 39 characters (NOT 35, there are 35 SLOTS), so even he recognizes the fact that transformations (not final smashes) are different characters.

Onyx Oblivian

Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2007
I can touch the Ocean from here.
Am I the only one who feels this way?

I'd love to see Samus and ZSS have two separate character slots. I know sometimes, some people say, that Dr. Mario or, in rare cases Paper Mario, could share a slot with Mario. But I think that's because of a fear of clone characters.

ZSS isn't part of Samus' moveset. Final Smashes (or input code) are what needed to play her in brawl. The thing is, outside of well-informed smashers, many people don't/didn't know the input code and had to google it. (In other words, not as easy as Zelda/Sheik selection).

It could be Zelda/Sheik style, I'd be happy with that too. But you can't split them up because it's moveset based.

But for some strange reason I really want to see ZSS take up her own character slot. (In fact, she has her own slot on my roster.) I probably just think the character deserves it, but I think since she isn't a moveset transformation it's kind of justified.

BUT. I'm probably in the minority, and possibly silent, minority. :p


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I just like things hyper organized, so I'd personally rather a Zelda/Sheik solution, but to each their own. :D


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Look, we know what characters will be added if Sakurai decided to add characters in that game.

Plus, it is possible for Yoshi to get another rep. A lot of people want F-Zero and Metroid reps. So, Yoshi is the only series from the original that won't get another character. And two DK reps might be a little much. Kamek and King K Rool should be the Mario spin-offs unless Paper Mario is considered a spin-off.

Also, StarFox gets a new character per game so Krystal most likely will be put in. Bandana Dee might if Sakurai wants Kirby and StarFox to have the same amount of reps like in Brawl and 64.

Ember Reaper

Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2012
Look, we know what characters will be added if Sakurai decided to add characters in that game.

Plus, it is possible for Yoshi to get another rep. A lot of people want F-Zero and Metroid reps. So, Yoshi is the only series from the original that won't get another character. And two DK reps might be a little much. Kamek and King K Rool should be the Mario spin-offs unless Paper Mario is considered a spin-off.

Also, StarFox gets a new character per game so Krystal most likely will be put in. Bandana Dee might if Sakurai wants Kirby and StarFox to have the same amount of reps like in Brawl and 64.
I agree with you on other reps. However I see it that Yoshi is a mario spin-off. Much like Wario. So right there is a second for Yoshi9Mario Spin-offs). Just how I see it.

However, I doubt kirby will get a rep because we already have the big 3 with no big fourth rep, just a bunch of minor kirby characters. Krystal I udnerstand, but they don't deserve another rep. 3 for 5 games is already ridiculous. If tehy get a fourth rep, it would pretty much mean mario should get 92+ characters.
Based off of This with the 4 chars per 5 games.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
I agree with you on other reps. However I see it that Yoshi is a mario spin-off. Much like Wario. So right there is a second for Yoshi9Mario Spin-offs). Just how I see it.

However, I doubt kirby will get a rep because we already have the big 3 with no big fourth rep, just a bunch of minor kirby characters. Krystal I udnerstand, but they don't deserve another rep. 3 for 5 games is already ridiculous. If tehy get a fourth rep, it would pretty much mean mario should get 92+ characters.
Based off of This with the 4 chars per 5 games.
The yoshi series is the only series from the orginal without a second rep in Smash 4.

Mario, Luigi, Peach and Bowser (plus maybe Toad or Bowser Jr)
Dk, Diddy (plus either K Rool or Dixie)
Link, Zelda/ Sheik, Gannondorf, Toon Link (with any newcomer if any)
Samus (with Ridley)
Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dedede (plus maybe Bandana Dee)
Fox, Falco, Wolf (maybe Krystal)
Captain Falcon (either S. Goroh or B. Shadow)
Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokemon Trainer (plus others)
Ness, Lucas (plus newcomer if any)

Also, Bandana Dee is an important characetr in the Kirby series. He was
  • Was an opponent in Megaton Punch inKirby Super Star
  • He appeared a boss in Kirby Super star Ultra's Revenge of the king
  • He made a cameo in Kirby Mass Attack in Strati Patrol EOS
  • And he was a 4th player in return to dreamland

And does Mother deserve two rep for only two games. Star Fox is a recognizable game franchise in Nintendo's history. During its 5 games, it has made over 11.5 million copies sold. Each game on average has a similar amount of copies sold to each Mario game.

Spydr Enzo

Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2009
Look, we know what characters will be added if Sakurai decided to add characters in that game.
No we don't. How would we?

Plus, it is possible for Yoshi to get another rep. A lot of people want F-Zero and Metroid reps. So, Yoshi is the only series from the original that won't get another character. And two DK reps might be a little much. Kamek and King K Rool should be the Mario spin-offs unless Paper Mario is considered a spin-off.
Metroid already has two characters: Samus and Zero Suit Samus. Yoshi and Captain Falcon are the only two from the original without new characters. The difference is that F-Zero actually has popular characters that many people want to see, while Yoshi's series lacks popular characters, not to mention that Yoshi's series is too closely related to Mario to be differentiated easily enough. There is an extremely slim chance that we will see any new Yoshi characters.

Also, StarFox gets a new character per game so Krystal most likely will be put in. Bandana Dee might if Sakurai wants Kirby and StarFox to have the same amount of reps like in Brawl and 64.
Just because we've had a new Star Fox character per game does not mean we will get one this time around. There is no rule like that. And I doubt Sakurai cares about the Star Fox and Kirby series being "even"... why would he? He didn't care in Melee. You're just making up rules.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
I just think that since Sakurai put Wolf in during the last minute, he wants to add one Star Fox character per game. Plus, Miyamoto does want a Star Fox game for the Wii U. Now, Kirby is the fourth largest Nintendo franchise after Mario, Zelda and Pokemon.

Plus Bandana Dee, Krystal and Samurai Goroh each are wanted in not only because they are recognizable but also because they each can have a unique fighting style. Spear, Staff and Katana perspectively
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