One thing for sure is that if the Cranky Kong thing comes into fruition, there should really be a jab at a particular characteristic from the character.
"Oh looky here, we have a true masterpiece of character design right here: A pink sphere. Who in the world thought that up, a brain dead dodo? But wait, here's the real kicker: His power is sucking. Hah! That now that's what I call a fitting power! At least the designers have half a brain to admit that thing is a disgrace."
"Alright Donkey Kong my boy, let's see you try to make this old man proud for once. These guys are a bunch of pushovers, nothing but sissies and kittens I tell ya. Actually I know you can't do it, but I got nothing better to do except watch you get ruffed up by these rejects."
"Hey chicken boy, how's that 25 years going for you? What's that, you hate it? With what's going on these days, you should be grateful ya whippersnapper! Also change that outfit for once, it smells worse then Donkey Kong's Banana Hoard on a hot summer day!"
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the girl that has this 'emotion' rubbish. Hey, instead of hiding in a corner crying over some sort of jellyfish, why don't you, oh I don't know, be practical and just shoot everything like how things were back in the less-then-stupid days? There is only so much drama we can fit into this sorry excuse of a crossover!"
"Okay seriously, what's with the samurai chick? The director tells me this character is 'popular', but it sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me. ...Wait, that's a lad? Seriously? If I was that lad, I'd shave off that sissy hairdo in a heart beat with a lawnmower! Seriously, what is with all these pretty boys!?"