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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Deleted member

have any of you been playing Sonic games lately?

Sonic Colours, Sonic Generations and Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed. Have been some of the best since Sonic Adventure and the early Sonic Mega Drive/Master System Classics.. Now i hate Sonic 2006, and Unleashed and Black Knight like most others. But I believe Sonic is actually back on track right now.

Nonetheless back to the topic at hand. I still believe Sonic fits quite well into this Smash Bros. Universe. I'm quite surprised at the backlash, wasn't it a couple of weeks ago people were convinced Sonic would be returning now all of a sudden some guy says he's just a guest and now he has no chance of returning.

I'm going to stick by a Sonic return. Call it false hope, whatever you like. But I see Sonic sticking around.

He's a guest character, he's a third party player. He's popular, people want to see him back, there's room for improvement on his character.
Not to mention his rivalry with Mario is Video Game history.

Why cut him? Because he's not Nintendo? His games have sold much better on a Nintendo console then they did on PS3 or Xbox. He is more Nintendo than he is anything else.
He's only a guest.
Aren't all characters guests but....? Do any of them deserve to be there besides the main characters?
Speaking Sonic games, I've heard mixed things about Generations, but I plan on picking it up for the PC soon and giving it a run. I wanna give it a fair judgement, and to be honest it doesn't look half bad, same goes for Colors.

Also, I watched a part of a WiiU lets play for that Sonic All-Star racers, and it looks good. I'm sucker for Party Racers like Mario Kart and DKR.

I'd say this was a more all-encompassing picture by him:

[COLLAPSE="Nearly everybody. Except single Pokemon. And third-party."]
I've also noticed Saki is missing, and some notable retro characters. Other than that (and some character I'm inevitably forgetting right now), it's amazing how many Smash-related pics this guy has made.
Huh, Nintendo is written in Kanji apparently 任天堂. I always assumed it was written in Katakana (ニンテンド) like many other Japanese companies. What's more interesting is the meaning of each Kanji, "obligation," "heaven" and "temple" kinda funny considering they began as a Toy company.

If anything, I'd wish to see something like this to be done for Megaman if added in Smash Bros:

[Collapse= Classic Megaman MvC 3 Moveset]

Source [/collapse]

The amount of RM-weapons and how they're used is freaking immense, yet creative. Man. I think he'd take the cake from Kirby and Mr Game & Watch when it comes to using your source material only as the sole way to represent to your moveset (though Kirby not so much)
Ho-man, that's awesome. I'm starting to get behind the idea of MegaMan having RM weapons as diverse Neutrals and the like, rather than Transforming his Mega Buster or something.

I know this doesn't have to do with the current Mega Man discussion, but this does relate to the discussion about Disney and fighting games quite a few pages back.

They actually tossed around an idea similar to Smash Bros. where Disney figurines would fight each other.

If they were so against their characters in fighting games, would such an idea REALLY have concept art?
Now this sounds awesome, a Disney Smash Bros. Expect to see Marvel Superheroes and Star Wars characters. Oh, wow would that be sweet. I'd love to play as Han Solo, or Chewbacca, or Indiana Jones, or hell even Jack Sparrow or Barbossa considering PotC is a Disney franchise as well.

You know what would be hilarious, Mickey Mouse vs. Nazi Soldier, considering Indiana Jones is now Disney... Gahahahahaha


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Disney Smash Bros. would be sweet. Too bad it didn't happen. I've always liked the idea of Beast, John Silver, and Captain Hook in a fighting game. The Sheriff of Nottingham and the Horned King seem interesting. King Louie's bananas remind me of how broken Diddy Kong's bananas were in Brawl... and funny how the only females are BBW. :troll:

Obvious ones are Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pete but I also would like to see other characters: Scrooge McDuck, Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck, Goliath (from Gargoyles), Wreck-It Ralph, Aladdin, Hercules, Pinocchio (he's better than Geno :smirk:), Mulan, Rapunzel, Merida (those three apparently are the only Disney Princesses who could fight), Kim Possible, Tron, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Incredible, Stitch, Doctor Facilier, Maleficent, Merlin, Yen Sid... and for some obscure ones... Pete's dragon Elliott and the Big Bad Wolf from that Silly Symphonies short about pigs and the Backson from that 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit... and for some quadruped ones... Dumbo (pink elephants FTW) and Simba and Bambi :troll:. And of course, Goofy and his Super Goof Final Smash :awesome:


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
If you can find me a link that would be great..
I won't be able to get that for you, because it was something said in one of Capcom's live streams they had for their early build fight clubs. Basically it amounted to Arthur having the same playstyle as Megaman from MvC.

I will give you this link though. Niitsuma on Zero over Megaman.

SPOnG: The character roster means a lot to everyone playing the Marvel vs Capcom series, so you must get an awful lot of requests. My big question in this regard is Mega Man. You have Zero, but not the original. Where is he?

Ryota Niitsuma: I assume you’re talking about the original Mega Man. There was a Mega Man slot for this game - we had room for a character from that series. But when it came to the propriety of that character being in a fighting game, Mega Man has some problems.

If we were to adapt the original Mega Man character into a fighting game he would have to have a lot more extra moves and abilities, and that would then create a different Mega Man entirely. You couldn’t retain his original character as he is. So we looked into other Mega Mans, and decided that Zero had the best list of moves already in existence when it comes to fitting into a fighting game.

Perhaps it can be said Zero and Arthur both contributed to his absence.

Deleted member

A Disney fighter needs to have at least Goliath.

If they could only have one Disney cartoon character, it better be Goliath.
EDIT: And by that, I mean like the ones you would see on Disney Channel or whatever channel they have now, not counting the old cartoons with Mickey and the gang. Obviously THEY would need to be in too.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
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Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Winnie the Pooh would be top tier...honey pot traps that slow the foe down...I like it.

Ratigan would be cool. Too bad they didn't pursue this...

Deleted member

Disney Smash Bros. would be sweet. Too bad it didn't happen. I've always liked the idea of Beast, John Silver, and Captain Hook in a fighting game. The Sheriff of Nottingham and the Horned King seem interesting. King Louie's bananas remind me of how broken Diddy Kong's bananas were in Brawl... and funny how the only females are BBW. :troll:

Obvious ones are Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pete but I also would like to see other characters: Scrooge McDuck, Darkwing Duck, Gizmoduck, Goliath (from Gargoyles), Wreck-It Ralph, Aladdin, Hercules, Pinocchio (he's better than Geno :smirk:), Mulan, Rapunzel, Merida (those three apparently are the only Disney Princesses who could fight), Kim Possible, Tron, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Incredible, Stitch, Doctor Facilier, Maleficent, Merlin, Yen Sid... and for some obscure ones... Pete's dragon Elliott and the Big Bad Wolf from that Silly Symphonies short about pigs and the Backson from that 2011 Winnie the Pooh movie and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit... and for some quadruped ones... Dumbo (pink elephants FTW) and Simba and Bambi :troll:. And of course, Goofy and his Super Goof Final Smash :awesome:
>Darkwing Duck

Don't Forget Kronk!!


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
No, there needs to be a Disney vs. Warner Brothers fighter! They definitely have bigger beefs with each other than Marvel and Capcom do! That said, I think the Looney Tunes would have big advantages... they always seemed to have more control of the toon force and large amounts of explosive...


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Seems like all the good discussion happens when I'm not here.
Sonic fanbase is pretty much one of the worst/creepy of all video game fandoms, if not the worst/creepy. I have seen many Sonic fans say that the Super Mario series has dipped to Sonic 2006 lows with NSMB2 and NSMBU. Those are not bad games at all (bland/redundant would perhaps be the more appropriate terms with the problems with those games), and for them to compare them to buggy messes that were most 3D Sonic games is completely delusional.
The New Super Mario Brothers games may be blaned and uninspired, but at least they are not broken.

For your amusement.

Trying to discuss Super Smash Bros. on 4chan is kinda annoying. Usually when the topic comes up, usually people start complaining about mundane things or generally stupid subjects like the whole "relevancy" thing or why X character is better then Y and why thinking otherwise makes you look worse then Hitler. Then it ends up as one big cluster of insults and crying over who knows what.

Also waifus and WALUIGI TIME.
I generally agree. A lot of the suggestions are VERY unrealistic. They love Ashley, pick every third party character they can (rosters have 6-8) and don't think Palutena can fight because Pit will be too weak. I'm sure there are more.

In their defense, Waluigi isn't too unrealistic. He's even done well on the pool on this site and the VGTribute poll.

I think the fact that Mewtwo and Roy are the most wanted characters in Sakurai's home territory, will be heavy on his mind when he is thinking about whether he should cut any characters for Smash 4. I think Sakurai knows any characters from Brawl that don't return for Smash 4 will definitely end up being within the Top 5 most wanted newcomers for Smash 5.

On the topic of Pac-Man, there is basically no demand for him from what I see in Japan. When the topic of Namco characters comes up its either Tales or Tekken, its mostly Tales though. On the topic of an actual Tales character, there is absolutely no consensus on who should be used to rep the series. Pac-Man pretty much gets most of his requests from the West, and he is not even within the Top 15 here.

Sonic, who barely got in Brawl, was by far the most wanted newcomer. If Pac-Man happens, it will be from developer interest (of which I have not seen any), not fan demand. So far Namco has only talked about the possibility of Tekken or Tales characters appearing in Smash 4.
Seems like Mega Man is the only third party character everyone wants. I thinks is importaint to note. I don't think the game's roster would be well received if it added a third party character outside of Mega Man. Anyone else would feel forced. Third party characters should feel fun, not forced. Mega Man works, but Namco reps do not. Something to keep in mind.

Also, not sure why you and ManlySpirit bicker all the time.
Sonic was one of the main reasons SSBB was so hyped in the first place.
Brawl was hyped from the get go. Sonci wasn't as exciting because people expected him at that point. if anything, the craziness of Brawl was due to the DOJO, not Sonic's inclusion.

I'll respond later SSBF.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
I sometimes feel like Sonic would be in good shape if he had New Super Mario Bros. style of games. Back to basics.

Deleted member

Seems like all the good discussion happens when I'm not here.

The New Super Mario Brothers games may be blaned and uninspired, but at least they are not broken.

For your amusement.
You could just post Game Grumps, it doesn't take much of that to realize what's wrong with Sonic 06. Thing is, my brother had that game back when I lived with my parents and he actually played the whole thing and beat it. I asked him about it, he said the game actually crashed on him before the final mission and had to restart. I wonder if that will happen to John and Erin? It would be hilarious if it did, it'd be the ultimate troll.

I sometimes feel like Sonic would be in good shape if he had New Super Mario Bros. style of games. Back to basics.



Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
I saw somewhere that somebody figured out that, going by the evidence in the game, Sonic rarely or ever is near his "speed of sound" boast.

(huh, where'd my signature go. I mean, unrelated, but I just noticed.)

Deleted member

I saw somewhere that somebody figured out that, going by the evidence in the game, Sonic rarely or ever is near his "speed of sound" boast.

(huh, where'd my signature go. I mean, unrelated, but I just noticed.)
Yeah, you mean THIS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze_uxxFJTvE

VSauce3 did another one.

Did you watch the one on Peach and the Vibe Staff or whatever it was called?? Stockholm Syndrome makes sense.

Also, your sig doesn't post with quick replies nor replies with less than a certain amount of words.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
Yeah, you mean THIS video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze_uxxFJTvE

VSauce3 did another one.

Did you watch the one on Peach and the Vibe Staff or whatever it was called?? Stockholm Syndrome makes sense.

Also, your sig doesn't post with quick replies nor replies with less than a certain amount of words.

About the sig: Ah, never knew that.

Yeah, THAT video. I like those Game Theory videos. I'm hoping one of these days he figures out what all of that jumping is doing to Mario's knees.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I generally agree. A lot of the suggestions are VERY unrealistic. They love Ashley, pick every third party character they can (rosters have 6-8) and don't think Palutena can fight because Pit will be too weak. I'm sure there are more.
Off the top of my head, I will also add in to the mix one post saying that Zoroark is not popular and suggested a pile of Joltik as a better alternative, obligatory Ridley is too big thing, Bayonetta is a lock, King K. Rool being a clone of Bowser, and bizarre stuff in general like Bubsy and Glover.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
lol @ K rool being a Bowser clone.

You could just post Game Grumps, it doesn't take much of that to realize what's wrong with Sonic 06. Thing is, my brother had that game back when I lived with my parents and he actually played the whole thing and beat it. I asked him about it, he said the game actually crashed on him before the final mission and had to restart. I wonder if that will happen to John and Erin? It would be hilarious if it did, it'd be the ultimate troll.
Speaking of Sonic 06, i remember a guy who seems to be in denial because he thought Mario 64 was worse then Sonic 06. (With glitches)


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Off the top of my head, I will also add in to the mix one post saying that Zoroark is not popular and suggested a pile of Joltik as a better alternative, obligatory Ridley is too big thing, Bayonetta is a lock, King K. Rool being a clone of Bowser, and bizarre stuff in general like Bubsy and Glover.
Really the only good community for Smash Bros. is SmashBoards. GameFAQs also will at least respond favorably to intelligence when presented with it, though they are a big step down from this place.

I can't think of any place else that is good for discussion. NeoGAF's Smash Bros. 4 thread is okay, but still not not as good as what can be found here.

Everywhere else its pretty much idiocy.

Deleted member

Off the top of my head, I will also add in to the mix one post saying that Zoroark is not popular and suggested a pile of Joltik as a better alternative, obligatory Ridley is too big thing, Bayonetta is a lock, King K. Rool being a clone of Bowser, and bizarre stuff in general like Bubsy and Glover.
4Chan's ideal Roster:

There was a hilarious one I saw somewhere that had Ridley take up like 12 slots because he was
too big


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Really the only good community for Smash Bros. is SmashBoards. GameFAQs also will at least respond favorably to intelligence when presented with it, though they are a big step down from this place.

I can't think of any place else that is good for discussion. NeoGAF's Smash Bros. 4 thread is okay, but still not not as good as what can be found here.

Everywhere else its pretty much idiocy.
This. Bar the community Super Smash Bros 4 thread on NeoGAF, I cannot think of anywhere else with a good, relatively sensible community. I remember, when the Nintendo Facebook page asked for people to post the characters they'd like to see in the next Smash Bros, the amount of insane choices were appalling. Goku? Master Chief? Dragonite?


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Man, I think the test migration did something as I'm getting a different error now instead of 502.

I won't be able to get that for you, because it was something said in one of Capcom's live streams they had for their early build fight clubs. Basically it amounted to Arthur having the same playstyle as Megaman from MvC.

I will give you this link though. Niitsuma on Zero over Megaman.

Perhaps it can be said Zero and Arthur both contributed to his absence.
I'll take this as MM was supposed to get a revamped moveset but Arthur won out in the end due to Zero usurping his spot. Oh well, Arthur is one of my favorite characters so I can't stay mad at him.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
I think I posted this before, but here is a poll I did about Mario newcomers for Smash 4:

Toad, Waluigi, and Paper Mario were basically tied.

This basically shows that there is no unanimous popular choice for a Mario newcomer, however, I will say that the Waluigi fans are the loudest and most passionate.
I'm so against Waluigi. He's not really star of Nintendo, until he have his own game.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I think I posted this before, but here is a poll I did about Mario newcomers for Smash 4:

Toad, Waluigi, and Paper Mario were basically tied.

This basically shows that there is no unanimous popular choice for a Mario newcomer, however, I will say that the Waluigi fans are the loudest and most passionate.
So, it's basically Wolf vs. Krystal all over again, with Waluigi taking Krystal's place. :rolleyes:

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
@ Chronobound any idea who is the overall most wanted pick for a Mario newcomer? I'm neutral myself but was interested in Paper Mario.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
@ Chronobound any idea who is the overall most wanted pick for a Mario newcomer? I'm neutral myself but was interested in Paper Mario.
Its really a four-way contest between Toad, Waluigi, Paper Mario, and Bowser Jr. in terms of popularity.

I will say that I think Toad is probably the most iconic Nintendo character aside from Ridley who is not yet playable in Smash Bros.

On a sidenote, NeoGAF recently voted on what they think the best RPGs of all time are, and here is the Top 4:

1) Chrono Trigger - 165 points
2) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - 141
3) Final Fantasy VI - 137
4) Xenoblade - 111

I have said before that Xenoblade is becoming a cult hit. Its certainly a very big contender for the best RPG released during this generation. Its a shame that it was only released internationally when the Wii was basically dead. It will certainly go down as the Wii's best game outside of the two Super Mario Galaxy games and Brawl.


Smash Lord
May 13, 2006
Western NY
I have to think that if Waluigi were to ever have his own game, it'd have to be a effing weird game. Almost like an anti-game. Something so weird that WarioWare thinks it's strange.

Deleted member

I'm so against Waluigi. He's not really star of Nintendo, until he have his own game.
Point to me where any Pokemon character other than the Trainer and Pikachu had their own games.
How about Zelda/Sheik or Ganondorf?
Falco or Wolf?
Meta Knight, Dedede?
Heck, point to where BOWSER had his own game. And no, Bowser's Inside Story doesn't count, as it really wasn't his game, it was Mario's and Luigi's.

Ridley shouldn't be in Smash, since he's not a star of Nintendo, or at least until he has his own game.
Neither should K. Rool.

@Everyone else: I'm not arguing that Waluigi's role in his series is comparable to these characters; just that this guy's argument is heavily flawed.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
The problem with Waluigi is that he is non-existent in the most popular Mario series, the Super Mario series (the platformers). I really think its Toad that is next in line for a spot, and deserves it above all the other Mario characters. Toad is the last character who has been playable in the Mario platformers not yet playable in Smash Bros.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
If the Mario candidates are more or less tied in terms of popularity like it was with Wolf and Krystal (pre-Brawl), then the likely ones are the ones who have the most merits to the Mario series and to Nintendo.

Deleted member

Its really a four-way contest between Toad, Waluigi, Paper Mario, and Bowser Jr. in terms of popularity.

I will say that I think Toad is probably the most iconic Nintendo character aside from Ridley who is not yet playable in Smash Bros.

On a sidenote, NeoGAF recently voted on what they think the best RPGs of all time are, and here is the Top 4:

1) Chrono Trigger - 165 points
2) Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 - 141
3) Final Fantasy VI - 137
4) Xenoblade - 111

I have said before that Xenoblade is becoming a cult hit. Its certainly a very big contender for the best RPG released during this generation. Its a shame that it was only released internationally when the Wii was basically dead. It will certainly go down as the Wii's best game outside of the two Super Mario Galaxy games and Brawl.
What were the options for that? Because it's hard to picture Persona 4 being any better than Persona 3, Stranger Journey, Devil Survivor and Nocturne. P4 is a good game, but it's hardly the best SMT game, and let alone the best RPG ever. Also, what about Dragon Quest VIII? Or TWEWY. In fact Xenoblade standing up to the "Tales of" Series, and even Xenosaga is surprising. There is also SMRPG, Earthbound and Secret of Mana, all of those are much better than P4 imo. And those are only the JRPGs.

What about Daggerfall, and the rest of the TES series; or KotOR, or Deus Ex, and Deus Ex Human Revolution?

Having a "Greatest RPGs of all time" and seeing only JRPGs, or having the more popular/recent RPGs take the top is kinda biased.

I can agree with Chrono Trigger being ONE of the Best RPGs ever. But seeing P4 and Xenoblade take over the likes of Deus Ex and TES definitely strokes me the wrong way...
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