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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
In my opinion, Pac-man can work if there is the correct synergy that clicks into place. Arguably all characters can have a move set and play style with the correct synergy, regardless of the origins in question. Of course when a synergy doesn't work the character in question suffers, for example Roy or Mewtwo in Melee.

Deleted member

Trying to discuss Super Smash Bros. on 4chan is kinda annoying. Usually when the topic comes up, usually people start complaining about mundane things or generally stupid subjects like the whole "relevancy" thing or why X character is better then Y and why thinking otherwise makes you look worse then Hitler. Then it ends up as one big cluster of insults and crying over who knows what.

Also waifus and WALUIGI TIME.
I've had some decent Smash Bros discussion on /v/, but it essentially boils down roster posts and circlejerking over them.

/v/ in general tends to fluctuate in post quality, right now, because of Winter Break it is absolute ****, since this is when all of the GameFAQs kiddies find their way toward /v/. Thus I haven't bothered to post there on the longest time. However every once in a while you come across decent posting times, usually American night-time /v/. When they say /v/ and many other 4chan boards have gotten worse, it's no lie, a lot of them really have. This is why small communities tend to be better for actual discussion.

If you want some actual quality discussion about videogames on 4chan, your best bet is /vg/. However, the lack of news has really hit discussion in 4chan hard, as there really IS nothing to discuss, and when that happens, people just like to **** around.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
So, the fact that he can eat opponents makes him what? A faster Semi-Grappler? We already have Yoshi who plays that role and is in DIRE need of some buffs (since Smash 64). What can he do as far as eating people that makes him any different from Yoshi, Kirby, and Dedede?

On the Bounce thing, Sonic CAN fill that role. He had a shield that let him bounce in Sonic 3, and then he got the Bounce Bracelet in Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic 06. It pretty much does what you said, but MUCH better as it gains height from each bounce. In fact, I always wondered why that wasn't Sonic's DownB in Brawl. Likewise that same bounce mechanic needs to be added to Ganondorf's DownAir a la M. Bison. As far as eating balls to move, Sonic has the Light-Dash, where he does the Same exact thing as well, but much faster. And turning into a Ball, that's Sonic's entire gimmick, and it needs to be fleshed out a lot more.

Once again though, you're missing the point, all the moves you're listing off give Pac-Man no sense of direction or Combat strategy, it's just a mix and mash of randomly thrown moves. If these same ideas are thrown into Sonic's and Yoshi's characters then we flesh out their strategies in way that they would benefit from them. Sonic now becomes a fast Momentum character that is focused on Combos and Juggling, and Yoshi becomes a solid Semi-Grappler, who can now take advantage of his ranged grabs, with some added speed and strength, and a better jump.
The difference between Yoshi, Kirby, and King Dedede when it comes to biting... Yoshi uses his tongue to reach them from a distance and then swallows and traps them inside eggs. Kirby inhales his enemies from a distance and when he swallows them, he copies their neutral special moves. King Dedede does the same except without the copying part. Pac-Man doesn't do them... that's why I used Wario as an example. Wario should get something from the actual Wario Land games, not that stupid biting move from that "eat the hotdog" microgame in WarioWare games. And why cannot Pac-Man be a fast momentum-based semi-grappler focused on combos and juggling? Combos are part of the Pac-Man arcade... you could eat up to four ghosts in one go. :troll:

Deleted member

In my opinion, Pac-man can work if there is the correct synergy that clicks into place. Arguably all characters can have a move set and play style with the correct synergy, regardless of the origins in question. Of course when a synergy doesn't work the character in question suffers, for example Roy or Mewtwo in Melee.
Exactly, but I'd rather see the current cast get finally fixed properly than see new guys come in that can be a bit more hard to work with.

In fact, sometimes seeing old faces return with new moves is more exciting than seeing new faces. Just seeing what new tricks they may have up their sleeve. Plus, its a good way to continue to expand the lifetime of a fighting game series.

My biggest gripe with Pac-Man is that in comparison to other potential guests he gives us the least to work with for moves and strategies. He doesn't really have any direction when it comes to fighting. Just look at what they did for him in SFxT. It's clear they had a rough time thinking up something cool for him, so they threw him in a mech (and it was a great idea, I'm actually excited to play as THAT Pac-Man, in THAT game).

Looks like a touched a nerve. :troll:

You gave no reason about your distaste about NeoGAF, but I am sure its mostly because I post there and you don't.
Not exactly, you don't need to give yourself so much credit. You post on Smashboards too, but I like still this place...

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't NeoGAF the origin of most of the WiiU ****posting? That place is littered with buttpained Sony******s that like to start controversy on the WiiU's capabilities with bull**** sources and other crap. I've seen their **** find its way to 4chan as well. In fact, there's a Trip*** over on /v/ who goes by the name "TheDude" who I'm sure is from NeoGAF as well. From what I've seen, NeoGAF isn't as credible as you make it out to be...

But as I said, different strokes for different folks, it doesn't take much to tell a troll post from legitimate info on 4chan, you just gotta lurkmoar.

And why cannot Pac-Man be a fast momentum-based semi-grappler focused on combos and juggling? Combos are part of the Pac-Man arcade... you could eat up to four ghosts in one go.
Well, then show me a good moveset that incorporates these ideas fluidly and uniquely and I might bite. It's easy to throw archetypes together and say, "what if" it's another thing to make them work. What you mentioned a "fast momentum-based semi-grapper" is exactly what Bullet is in Chrono Phantasma (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_t25IsLyyU), I honestly can't see Pac-Man playing ANYTHING like that.

Also, Yoshi's range is what gives him so much potential as a Semi-Grappler, and Dedede's "vaccum" is what makes him such a GOOD grappler, and that could be expanded on even...


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Actually, Pac-Man was meant to be a joke in Street Fighter X Tekken... just like Mega Man. :awesome:

Oh, and why cannot they fix up old characters AND bring in new characters at the same time?


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Not exactly, you don't need to give yourself so much credit. You post on Smashboards too, but I like still this place...
Use reading comprehension. I said that the reason is that you don't like NeoGAF is that I post there AND you don't.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't NeoGAF the origin of most of the WiiU ****posting? That place is littered with buttpained Sony******s that like to start controversy on the WiiU's capabilities with bull**** sources and other crap. I've seen their **** find its way to 4chan as well. In fact, there's a Trip*** over on /v/ who goes by the name "TheDude" who I'm sure is from NeoGAF as well. From what I've seen, NeoGAF isn't as credible as you make it out to be...
All game forums are infested with fanboys. However, on average, the posters there are smarter and more articulate than what is found on other game forums. The bad behavior of one poster is a very poor example on your part. NeoGAF does a better job of policing bad behavior than other forums though.

But as I said, different strokes for different folks, it doesn't take much to tell a troll post from legitimate info on 4chan, you just gotta lurkmoar.
No one should have to spend hours upon hours of their time on a game website anywhere to tell the difference between when someone is trolling and when someone is posting legitimate info.

There is a reason why on most other websites, that someone claiming to have inside information usually gets handed a ban, and its because usually they are posting fake info.

Deleted member

Actually, Pac-Man was meant to be a joke in Street Fighter X Tekken... just like Mega Man. :awesome:

Oh, and why cannot they fix up old characters AND bring in new characters at the same time?
Yeah, and he's an awesome Joke character in that game, great job Namco.

Also, I never said they couldn't do both, in fact, that's what fighting games generally do. It's just to me Pac-Man isn't as unique as other possible challengers, at least for the time being.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Oh, and why cannot they fix up old characters AND bring in new characters at the same time?
He's not saying that you can't have new characters. It's just to have the old characters being updated from game to game, especially in not so subtle changes. I'd like to have a reason to go back to the older characters aside from the new ones not being my style.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Balance is the reason I am keeping my newcomer expectations to a minimum of at least 10, so that there is more of a focus on quality over quantity. We already got most of the big names already, so just fill in the gaps with the last ones and then stop to continue with ironing out the roster. As for cuts, it's free game at this point.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I think the fact that Mewtwo and Roy are the most wanted characters in Sakurai's home territory, will be heavy on his mind when he is thinking about whether he should cut any characters for Smash 4. I think Sakurai knows any characters from Brawl that don't return for Smash 4 will definitely end up being within the Top 5 most wanted newcomers for Smash 5.

On the topic of Pac-Man, there is basically no demand for him from what I see in Japan. When the topic of Namco characters comes up its either Tales or Tekken, its mostly Tales though. On the topic of an actual Tales character, there is absolutely no consensus on who should be used to rep the series. Pac-Man pretty much gets most of his requests from the West, and he is not even within the Top 15 here.

Sonic, who barely got in Brawl, was by far the most wanted newcomer. If Pac-Man happens, it will be from developer interest (of which I have not seen any), not fan demand. So far Namco has only talked about the possibility of Tekken or Tales characters appearing in Smash 4.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Pac-man was always more of a Western oriented franchise to begin with, at least from popularity. This is probably contributed by the games in question having a western cartoon feel to it.

Tales being more popular in the east is not as surprising, since the series as a whole is more popular over there; It's right behind Final Fanstasy and Dragon Quest from what I've read. However, there being no clear cut choice may be a kick in the teeth later.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Brony culture is just painful.
Yes, because a subculture filled with art, music, fan animations, and charities just pains me so...:rolleyes: pitiful...

On Pac Man, while I find his chances better than most third parties, I feel he's fighting an uphill battle. He lacks the fan demand that even Mega Man has, so he may be in for a tough time if developer interest isn't expressed soon...


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I'm sure you guys will correct me if I'm wrong, but Pac-Man had next to no demands whatsoever until Namco's involvement was announced. Unless Sakurai feels Namco is entitled to a character for their involvement, I don't think Pac-Man will show up. His fans are just too recent to give him the momentum necessary for a third party character.



Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Pac-man always had support, but it was very minuscule since everyone was focused on Sonic (and to a smaller extent Mega Man), and left every other third party choice to sit in the corner for most of the speculation days of Brawl.

I guess people are jumping onto the Pac-man support now because the chance of inclusion is right there and it may not pop up ever again.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2009
Eh, I'd like for smash to stick to mostly 1st-party characters. I think 3 3rd parties is the max that will be in the next smash. I'm also really curious what the chances of snake and sonic making it into the next one are. I'm also guessing this next smash will be very close to the number of characters brawl had. I say 40 characters tops.

And pac-man was lame in SFxT So I doubt he'd be interesting aside from being a novelty.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey

I'm kinda concerned if a Tales character (like Lloyd) does get inclusion, I fear it might not exactly fair as well as some people would think. This is mainly concerning to a character from the franchise being included but not bringing in any form of excitement, arguably more so then the other choices out there. This will especially noticeable if the character in question cannot stand out from the crowd in anyway to make people interested in the character; I mean Snake had that contrasting gritty appearance and surprise factor and Sonic is all totally radical and iconic, but what does Tales have that makes it stand out in particular?

I'm just saying this because third party slots are kinda on the limited side, and in my opinion the third party stuff should feel particularly special to the fans.

Deleted member


I'm kinda concerned if a Tales character (like Lloyd) does get inclusion, I fear it might not exactly fair as well as some people would think. This is mainly concerning to a character from the franchise being included but not bringing in any form of excitement, arguably more so then the other choices out there. This will especially noticeable if the character in question cannot stand out from the crowd in anyway to make people interested in the character; I mean Snake had that contrasting gritty appearance and Sonic is all totally radical and iconic, but what does Tales have?
I haven't played the Tales series, so I really can't say. However, this is the main reason I support the more off-the-wall choices like Bayonetta and Travis, because they really would get buzz going, especially Bayo. Same goes for MegaMan, his inclusion would cause a lot of hype, especially considering MegaMan fans didn't see him in Brawl, nor in MvC3, and his inclusion in SFxT felt like a kick to the balls almost.


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
Welp, different strokes for different folks I suppose...

Seriously? You judged whole community based on several drama that were caused by fanboys. You should stick around and open your eyes little more, so you will be surprise that there are a lot of mature posters.

Back to topic, I would be okay with Llyod because I love Tales series. Yeah, I'm biased.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007

I'm kinda concerned if a Tales character (like Lloyd) does get inclusion, I fear it might not exactly fair as well as some people would think. This is mainly concerning to a character from the franchise being included but not bringing in any form of excitement, arguably more so then the other choices out there. This will especially noticeable if the character in question cannot stand out from the crowd in anyway to make people interested in the character; I mean Snake had that contrasting gritty appearance and surprise factor and Sonic is all totally radical and iconic, but what does Tales have that makes it stand out in particular?

I'm just saying this because third party slots are kinda on the limited side, and in my opinion the third party stuff should feel particularly special to the fans.
Well, you're looking at it from an aesthetics perspective. Playstyle can easily be another story. At least with Bayonetta and Travis, they can stand out in both ways.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
It would be a bit ironic if Nintendo could handle Mega Man in a fighting game better then Capcom themselves.

But in my opinion Mega man would fit in better then other third party characters since the series was born on a Nintendo console and has steadily kept that prominence in check. Mega Man himself has been intertwined with several of the characters in Super Smash Bros. in a sense of already making crossovers. There was Captain N that included Mega Man and Pit together, German Nintendo comics where he teams up with Mario (and Kirby wanting to be like Mega Man apparently in the same comics), and the upcoming Sonic x Mega Man Archie Comics crossover. The crossover thing is also one reason I kinda want Pac-man, mainly to see a more proper crossover then the bull Street Fighter x Tekken pulled.
Dec 29, 2012
I think the fact that Mewtwo and Roy are the most wanted characters in Sakurai's home territory, will be heavy on his mind when he is thinking about whether he should cut any characters for Smash 4. I think Sakurai knows any characters from Brawl that don't return for Smash 4 will definitely end up being within the Top 5 most wanted newcomers for Smash 5.

On the topic of Pac-Man, there is basically no demand for him from what I see in Japan. When the topic of Namco characters comes up its either Tales or Tekken, its mostly Tales though. On the topic of an actual Tales character, there is absolutely no consensus on who should be used to rep the series. Pac-Man pretty much gets most of his requests from the West, and he is not even within the Top 15 here.

Sonic, who barely got in Brawl, was by far the most wanted newcomer. If Pac-Man happens, it will be from developer interest (of which I have not seen any), not fan demand. So far Namco has only talked about the possibility of Tekken or Tales characters appearing in Smash 4.
And it should be a Tales or Tekken character anyways if Namco gets a rep


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
It would be a bit ironic if Nintendo could handle Mega Man in a fighting game better then Capcom themselves.

But in my opinion Mega man would fit in better then other third party characters since the series was born on a Nintendo console and has steadily kept that prominence in check. Mega Man himself has been intertwined with several of the characters in Super Smash Bros. in a sense of already making crossovers. There was Captain N that included Mega Man and Pit together, German Nintendo comics where he teams up with Mario (and Kirby wanting to be like Mega Man apparently), and the upcoming Sonic x Mega Man Archie Comics crossover. The crossover thing is also one reason I kinda want Pac-man, mainly to see a more proper crossover then the bull Tekken x Street Fighter pulled.

I thought Marvel vs Capcom's Mega Man was pretty good.

I'm sure that Nintendo would do Mega Man justice. I thought they were doing great job with Snake and Sonic.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I sitll have some issues with Megaman from a playstyle perspective. A lot of times, I see people suggesting that he get the Robot Masters' powers. Thing is, are you just playing as them through Megaman or are you playing as Megaman? Then there comes the question of which powers will you put in to make a coherent playstyle while having fans of the others ***** to no end.

If there is a way to have playstyle that makes it where it is entirely Megaman based with no RM powers, then by all means go ahead. One thing I thought could be a neat throwback to the Ruby Spears show is that he has a command grab that copies an opponent's special except you wouldn't always copy the B Special. Megaman could copy Samus' missles while he would copy Link's Sword Spin.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I would love for Crono from Chrono Trigger to get in, but that would never, ever happen. Same with Simon Belmont or Alucard from Castlevania.

Deleted member

Seriously? You judged whole community based on several drama that were caused by fanboys. You should stick around and open your eyes little more, so you will be surprise that there are a lot of mature posters.

I guess I did...

Whoops, Oh well...

I thought Marvel vs Capcom's Mega Man was pretty good.

I'm sure that Nintendo would do Mega Man justice. I thought they were doing great job with Snake and Sonic.
I disagree, they did a great job with Snake, but an abysmal job with Sonic.

I sitll have some issues with Megaman from a playstyle perspective. A lot of times, I see people suggesting that he get the Robot Masters' powers. Thing is, are you just playing as them through Megaman or are you playing as Megaman? Then there comes the question of which powers will you put in to make a coherent playstyle while having fans of the others ***** to no end.

If there is a way to have playstyle that makes it where it is entirely Megaman based with no RM powers, then by all means go ahead. One thing I thought could be a neat throwback to the Ruby Spears show is that he has a command grab that copies an opponent's special except you wouldn't always copy the B Special. Megaman could copy Samus' missles while he would copy Link's Sword Spin.
Megaman is a tough one, he has a lot of potential, but it's hard to make it work, as at its core, the game is basically (to quote Egoraptor) "jump and shoot the game." . Him copying moves of the other fighters would make him too much like Kirby. Perhaps he could have the command grab, and it gives him a Robot Master ability that resonates most with that character?

Him not having the RM abilities takes a lot away from him as then all you have are Rush and the Item weapons.

One thing is for sure, he can be Classic Megaman, but don the abilities he finds in the X series. Also, downA has to be the Power Slide from Megaman 3. And he has to be able to do the wall slide.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I was thinking somewhere between Kirby and the RM abilities. I was thinking he would copy some ability and put a twist on them as opposed to Kirby who flat out copies the opponent's 5B.

If he needs some RM moves implemented, I'd rather it be from no further than Megaman 2 at the most.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I had an idea that Mega Man would rotate between at least 4 different weapons by pressing Down Special: Leaf Shield, Black Hole Bomb, Crash Bomber, and Super Arm. You can then use the selected weapon by pressing Side Special.

Leaf Shield acts like a barrier that can deflect projectiles and can be fired like a projectile itself, but the down side is that you cannot preform other actions until you press the attack button to fire it.

Black Hole Bomb fires out a black hole that can drag in opponents and items and leave them helpless to open attack, but the shot itself has a tricky delay to it.

Crash Bomber fires out a grappling bomb that can attach itself to walls, floors, and opponents. The bomb will explode on it's own eventually, but it can be detonated anytime by simply pressing B.

Super Arm tosses out a large of rock that as an awkward ark and delay to it, but is one of the most powerful attacks in the game.

Combine with Mega Man's standard Mega Buster as a Neutral Special, and Mega Man has quite the arsenal of projectiles. Mega Man should be in my opinion a projectile expert foremost to emphasis how the Mega Man series as a whole is about shooting with pin point accuracy or getting the correct projectile for the task in question.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Personally I'd like to see a balance between RM attacks and regular attacks, with the RM attacks primarily filling up some of the more awkward attacks.

Ex. Top Spin as a D-Air, Super Arm for throws. The Mega Punch as an U-Smash, Super Rush Adaptor as a Final Smash.

Deleted member

If he needs some RM moves implemented, I'd rather it be from no further than Megaman 2 at the most.
Agreed on that, Megaman 2 is considered the pinnacle of Megaman games by many anyways.

I had an idea that Mega Man would rotate between at least 4 different weapons by pressing Down Special: Leaf Shield, Black Hole Bomb, Crash Bomber, and Super Arm. You can then use the selected weapon by pressing Side Special.

Leaf Shield acts like a barrier that can deflect projectiles and can be fired like a projectile itself, but the down side is that you cannot preform other actions until you press the attack button to fire it.

Black Hole Bomb fires out a black hole that can drag in opponents and items and leave them helpless to open attack, but the shot itself has a tricky delay to it.

Crash Bomber fires out a grappling bomb that can attach itself to walls, floors, and opponents. The bomb will explode on it's own eventually, but it can be detonated anytime by simply pressing B.

Super Arm tosses out a large of rock that as an awkward ark and delay to it, but is one of the most powerful attacks in the game.

Combine with Mega Man's standard Mega Buster as a Neutral Special, and Mega Man has quite the arsenal of projectiles. Mega Man should be in my opinion a projectile expert foremost to emphasis how the Mega Man series as a whole is about shooting with pin point accuracy.
This is actually not bad at all... What about UpB? He summons Rush to gain flight capabilities for a limited about of time? If he's gonna be that good then he needs to have lower defenses. Also, I think his Running speed and jump should just be ripped from his game. Except with TWO jumps obviously.

Oh, or what if you could CHOOSE 4 RM weapons from the 14 first ones as you could do in that one Megaman game for the Mega Drive? You know, right before the fight. In fact, I think that's the best reference point for Megaman.

What if he got a different move of SideB, and the "transformation" was instantaneous. You know, like in that one recent Megaman 2 comic, that way his colors change with the weapons.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Hyper Mega Man would be better Final Smash material in my opinion, mainly because of the absurdity and the anal devastation from a massive laser and a barrage of missiles could deliver.

This is actually not bad at all... What about UpB? He summons Rush to gain flight capabilities for a limited about of time? If he's gonna be that good then he needs to have lower defenses. Also, I think his Running speed and jump should just be ripped from his game. Except with TWO jumps obviously.
His up special would ether be Beat or the Rush Jet Adapter, more so the latter though. As for how Mega Man would play, I'd imagine him as a tank; slow and heavy feeling, but hurts like a mother. In general he'd have a sense of gravity and pacing to him akin to how he's plays in the Mega Man games, but his greatest assist would be his extremely effective ranged attacks.
Dec 29, 2012
Shouldn't Mega-Man be able to take another characters powers somehow?

Because that is pretty much a staple in most Mega-Man games.

I can see why it is not in games like Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Marvel vs Capcom, & Street Fighter X Tekken (because it wouldn't work there), but it would work in Smash.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
The only two Nintendo characters that I would like to see playable that pretty much have no chance of ever getting in are Pico from F-Zero and Leaf from FE4/FE5. Pico is pretty much the only character from F-Zero I am on fond of other than Captain Falcon (F-Zero is also one of my favorite video game series), and FE5 is one of my two favorite Fire Emblem games.
Dec 29, 2012
The only two Nintendo characters that I would like to see playable that pretty much have no chance of ever getting in are Pico from F-Zero and Leaf from FE4/FE5. Pico is pretty much the only character from F-Zero I am on fond of other than Captain Falcon (F-Zero is also one of my favorite video game series), and FE5 is one of my two favorite Fire Emblem games.
If the Memories idea for 3DS is true, or something like it, I can see Leaf's best chances being in that game.

Deleted member

Hyper Mega Man would be better Final Smash material in my opinion, mainly because of the absurdity and the anal devastation from a massive laser and a barrage of missiles could deliver.

His up special would ether be Beat or the Rush Jet Adapter, more so the latter though. As for how Mega Man would play, I'd imagine him as a tank; slow and heavy feeling, but hurts like a mother. In general he'd have a sense of gravity and pacing to him akin to how he's plays in the Mega Man games, but his greatest assist would be his extremely effective ranged attacks.
Hmm, interesting... I see you've given it much more thought that I have. I'll have to sit down on what you posted and give it some thought. I really like your ideas, they've certainly inspired me. I'll see what I can come up with, just gimme a couple days to think about it.

I certainly see Megaman as a more slow moving character, like Mario slow, but with a decent amount of long range tools to defend himself. I also like what --- posted about having the RM weapons as normals. i'll have to compare and contrast a bit with both.

Deleted member

SmashChu said:
There won't. I can already tell from the fact that people aren't requesting Tails and Shadow any more (after Brawl those were common).

Sonic was highly requested before Snake was shown, but people knew he wasn't going to be in. People will understand when he not back in. This is a Nintendo fighting game and I think everyone gets that. The game has done well thanks to a great roster and I think Sakurai understands the limit of third party characters.
Just because fans stopped asking for Tails and Shadow doesn't mean removing Sonic wouldn't result in a huge backlash. We have to remember that Sonic was by far the most wanted third-party character so even if the demands for Tails and Shadow have stopped (which they haven't, there's still plenty of people who want a second rep, it's just that most have acknowledge it's not happening), Sonic was still one of the most popular additions.

There will be a massive backlash bigger than that of Mewtwo if Sonic is cut this game; I guarantee it.
SmashChu said:
Glad you liked my post.

The magic, will, regardless, fade. Ever heard of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility? Basically, it says that each time you engage in an activity, you get less "pleasure," from doing it, and will eventually you will feel worse than before. Take Ice Cream. You love ice cream. You eat ice cream and it's delicious. You have a second. It's good, but it's not as good as the first. This happens with the second, third and fourth. Eventually, you have the fifth and you start getting sick. You are worse off at the fifth one. You have less pleasure at the fifth rather than the fourth.

This is why third party characters wont work. Snake was cool the first time but wont be cool the second time. Essentially, we were surprised when we saw him but it's since worn off and the next time seeing him will not be as good as the first. In the same vein, these characters are not easy to get and implement. Snake coming back wouldn't be best. It would be better to move on or forget about it.
I do see where you're coming from (I actually remember the term from my high school economic class and it was one of the few things I learned), but the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility applies to other franchises as well. Going by this logic, more misc. series wouldn't work since none of them are as highly requested as Wario or Olimar.
DragonSniperNintendo said:
Shouldn't Mega-Man be able to take another characters powers somehow?

Because that is pretty much a staple in most Mega-Man games.

I can see why it is not in games like Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Marvel vs Capcom, & Street Fighter X Tekken (because it wouldn't work there), but it would work in Smash.
The problem with that idea is that Mega Man can't acquire power from organic characters. The only way he can absorb power is if Mega Man absorbs it from an inorganic character, like the Robot Masters.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I am not sure if the Sonic being cut backlash would be bigger than Mewtwo. Few people were expecting Mewtwo to be cut, whereas both third-party characters are pretty much up there with Lucario and Ike on the "possible cuts" list. That being said, I think Sonic will return, but this time it will be Sega approaching Nintendo. I think Sega realizes how important having Sonic in Smash Bros. is for the future appeal to their character.

The only way I can see Sonic not returning is if Sakurai has some sort of rule about guests not returning.
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