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Roster Discussion Thread (Closed)

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Deleted member

Chrom easily has it worse then Zoroark no matter how you look at it. Zoroark at least has the benefit of claws, dark powers, illusions, speed, and still being notably different in appearance to differentiate her from Lucario and Mewtwo. Chrom doesn't really stick out as much and generally has the risk of being overlooked far more because of it.

However, Zoroark may also be overlooked too for something else like Victini, Genesect, or something else completely out of the left field.
Pretty much this. One thing that has me doubting Chrom's inclusion is the similarities he shares with Marth and Ike. Heck intially, he was Ike 2.0. Sakurai is going to spot the similarities Chrom shares with Ike and he is going to face an uphill battle towards inclusion. Unless Sakurai thinks Chrom can end up being a more popular character than Roy, he is not getting in and recentness is not going to be enough.
Zoroark could very well become obsolete if next week they do indeed reveal the first major Pokemon of Generation 6. I agree on the rest of what you wrote though.
I've been doubting a Generation 6 rep for a while, but if we do get an announcement on January 8th (I think), then this changes a lot in regards to Pokémon speculation because I could actually see them promoting a Gen 6 rep if we do get an reveal this early. I think Japan is in the final legs of Black & White episodes as well, which also makes a Gen 6 announcement possible.

That said, I'm hoping for something else that might get me interested in Pokémon again, like a MMORPG-type game (would never happen, but it'd be amazing).


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
It just occurred to me, but Chrom is really kinda generic in the long run.

His appearance (for the most part) takes from Ike, while his swordsmanship takes from Marth. He wields the same exact weapon as Marth, and his version of Aether looks like Dancing Blade. Off the top of my head he also has some of the same animations as Marth when fighting as well (comparing to Smash). Honestly being related to Marth is what I'm starting to think will take him down in the long run (semi-clone? :troll:).

@Pokemon: Yeah the January 8th announcement has me puzzled. They've already announced Genesect's movie, Best Wishes Episode N, and they're doing it out of the ordinary by not using Pokemon Sunday or Famitsu.
Dec 29, 2012
Wouldn't it be too early for a Geration 6 at this point though?

I mean we only saw Gen 5 start last year with a second game this year.

If anything gets announced, it could very well be a Gen 3 Remake.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I am curious about why Meloetta never took off in requests. It basically was a Gardevoir with the benefit of being a legendary, and was even a regular character for a season. Maybe the furverts of the Pokemon fanbase are no longer within the Smash Bros. fanbase?

Deleted member

But are they going to support the 6th gen Pokemon because they like the character or are they going to support the 6th gen Pokemon because it is the new flavor of the month? :troll:
Flavor of the month, like everything else these days. People don't even KNOW the Pokemon, and when he's revealed/teased EVERYONE is gonna jump on that.

Pretty much this. One thing that has me doubting Chrom's inclusion is the similarities he shares with Marth and Ike. Heck intially, he was Ike 2.0. Sakurai is going to spot the similarities Chrom shares with Ike and he is going to face an uphill battle towards inclusion. Unless Sakurai thinks Chrom can end up being a more popular character than Roy, he is not getting in and recentness is not going to be enough.I've been doubting a Generation 6 rep for a while, but if we do get an announcement on January 8th (I think), then this changes a lot in regards to Pokémon speculation because I could actually see them promoting a Gen 6 rep if we do get an reveal this early. I think Japan is in the final legs of Black & White episodes as well, which also makes a Gen 6 announcement possible.

That said, I'm hoping for something else that might get me interested in Pokémon again, like a MMORPG-type game (would never happen, but it'd be amazing).
I pretty much predicted the whole Gen 6 fiasco a month back, and everyone disagreed with me because Gen 6 "seemed so far away," but I knew we were due for a new Gen. If I'm right and this reveal is Gen 6, expect the new Pokemon rep in Smash 4 to be the starchild of this coming Gen. It's a given fact they would use it to promote and represent the new games.

Deleted member

Wouldn't it be too early for a Geration 6 at this point though?

I mean we only saw Gen 5 start last year with a second game this year.

If anything gets announced, it could very well be a Gen 3 Remake.
I would buy a 3DS just for a full-blown Gen 3 remake. That would excite me considering how much I loved that generation.

In regards to Gen 6, it's possible for a gen to only take three years, especially since the 2nd Gen was only three years before Gen 3 came into the picture. Oh and Gen 5 has been going on for over two years, so hypothetically speaking, we could see another gen in late 2013.

Not saying it is Gen 6, but I wouldn't rule it out yet.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I think Diddy Kong Racing Wii-U with Dixie would help increase Dixie's popularity, but I do feel as the roster has been mostly decided so I doubt this means much of anything. Forbidden 7 status helps her more than anything.
This response is late, but I have a strong feeling that if Dixie Kong is playable, she will be one of the last newcomers added to the game (think Toon Link and Wolf).


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Wouldn't it be too early for a Geration 6 at this point though?

I mean we only saw Gen 5 start last year with a second game this year.

If anything gets announced, it could very well be a Gen 3 Remake.
Not entirely, it started in Japan back in Sep. 2010, so it's been a little over two years. If it's a new Generation, chances are it won't be out until late next year. Gen 2 came out in 1999 for Japan while Gen 3 came out in 2002. 3-4 years is about the waiting point between each game.

A Gen 3 remake would be interesting, but with the DS on it's final leg I really doubt it.
Dec 29, 2012
Not entirely, it started in Japan back in Sep. 2010, so it's been a little over two years. If it's a new Generation, chances are it won't be out until late next year. Gen 2 came out in 1999 for Japan while Gen 3 came out in 2002. 3-4 years is about the waiting point between each game.

A Gen 3 remake would be interesting, but with the DS on it's final leg I really doubt it.
I meant on the 3DS


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Wouldn't it be too early for a Geration 6 at this point though?

I mean we only saw Gen 5 start last year with a second game this year.

If anything gets announced, it could very well be a Gen 3 Remake.
Even if a new Pokemon is revealed, the actual sixth gen games could still be a ways off. Munchlax was revealed like two years before Gen IV came out.

Personally I'm finding a R/S remake more and more unlikely at this point, even if its for the 3DS, given that Groudon and Kyogre will be/have been (I'm not following) given out as B2/W2 events, at least in Japan so far. I could, however, see them releasing it as part of Gen VI (after the main games) instead of part of Gen V, though I'm just speculating.

Deleted member

I am curious about why Meloetta never took off in requests. It basically was a Gardevoir with the benefit of being a legendary, and was even a regular character for a season. Maybe the furverts of the Pokemon fanbase are no longer within the Smash Bros. fanbase?
Probably because most people (like me) expect the Gen 5 rep to be Zoroark and as such, don't really see an incentive to push actively for another rep, especially after what happened to Victini. However, if we don't get a Gen 6 announcement, there could be a big push for Genesect (but it'll probably be too late to make much of a difference)
This response is late, but I have a strong feeling that if Dixie Kong is playable, she will be one of the last newcomers added to the game (think Toon Link and Wolf).
I'm not sure about being one of the last, but I do feel she'll be an unlockable if she gets in (with K. Rool being a starter). At least that's what I have on my prediction roster.

@N3ON: I think we'll see a Gen 3 remake, but like you said, it won't be this generation.

Deleted member

Wouldn't it be too early for a Geration 6 at this point though?

I mean we only saw Gen 5 start last year with a second game this year.

If anything gets announced, it could very well be a Gen 3 Remake.
Gen 3 remake seems redundant. I personally don't want one, and it's my favorite Gen. Also, I'm sure they've been working on Gen 6 since they finished Black and White and the 3DS was announced. It's about time the 3DS got some Pokemon games to spike the sales. With Pokemon and Monster Hunter on the 3DS, the console is gonna sell like crazy EVERYWHERE.

Also Gen 5 felt short, like it's supposed to be a short and conside Gen, and it'd great if it was the Gen to break the remake cycle for good. I'd rather have more Pokemon spin-offs than remakes.
Dec 29, 2012
Both the Gen 1 and Gen 2 Remakes came out 2 Gens later after the originals.

Gen 1 from Gameboy to GBA and Gen 2 from Gameboy Color to DS.

I think it makes sense that we will see a Gen 3 Remake on the 3DS, coming from GBA.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Anyway, flavor of the month aside.

I mentioned a long while back that Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, and Diddy Kong were the only characters that excited me for Brawl and I felt more neutral about everything else. This is because I like to support stuff from a more personal prospective as opposed to move sets or bandwagons. From a perspective of seeing a character you've enjoyed in the games themselves, you can feel a more warm feeling of satisfaction flow through your body that couldn't be achieved otherwise. It feels like something that you can actually enjoy to the fullest, regardless of whatever obstacle is thrown out there. Sometimes it can even feel like you're being reintroduced to an old friend that you haven't seen in years, in the case of me seeing Pit again felt very joyous because of my fondness for Kid Icarus since I was a kid. It's this reason why I didn't feel any excitement for any of the other inclusions in Brawl, because on a more personal level I didn't care much for them. Even though I was well aware of the characters in question such as Lucario, Ike, and Lucas, I didn't feel any form of connection with them to make me enthusiastic. To this day the personal feeling for a character still dominates all reasons out there, because of that sense of passion instead of pity or expectation.

I can't be the only one that enjoys the characters from a more personal perspective, right?
Dec 29, 2012
Anyway, flavor of the moth aside.

I mentioned a long while back that Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, and Diddy Kong were the only characters that excited me for Brawl and I felt more neutral about everything else. This is because I like to support stuff from a more personal prospective as opposed to move sets or bandwagons. From a perspective of seeing a character you've enjoyed in the games themselves, you can feel a more warm feeling of satisfaction flow through your body that couldn't be achieved otherwise. It feels like something that you can actually enjoy to the fullest, regardless of whatever obstacle is thrown out there. Sometimes it can even feel like you're being reintroduced to an old friend that you haven't seen in years, in the case of me seeing Pit again felt very joyous because of my fondness for Kid Icarus since I was a kid. It's this reason why I didn't feel any excitement for any of the other inclusions in Brawl, because on a more personal level I didn't care much for them. Even though I was well aware of the characters in question such as Lucario, Ike, and Lucas, I didn't feel any form of connection with them to make me enthusiastic. To this day the personal feeling for a character still dominates all reasons out there, because of that sense of passion instead of pity or expectation.

I can't be the only one that enjoys the characters from a more personal perspective, right?

I do too for the likes of Shulk, Isa, Matthew, Micaiah, Ghirahim, Little Mac, and Andy


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Anyway, flavor of the moth aside.

I mentioned a long while back that Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, and Diddy Kong were the only characters that excited me for Brawl and I felt more neutral about everything else. This is because I like to support stuff from a more personal prospective as opposed to move sets or bandwagons. From a perspective of seeing a character you've enjoyed in the games themselves, you can feel a more warm feeling of satisfaction flow through your body that couldn't be achieved otherwise. It feels like something that you can actually enjoy to the fullest, regardless of whatever obstacle is thrown out there. Sometimes it can even feel like you're being reintroduced to an old friend that you haven't seen in years, in the case of me seeing Pit again felt very joyous because of my fondness for Kid Icarus since I was a kid. It's this reason why I didn't feel any excitement for any of the other inclusions in Brawl, because on a more personal level I didn't care much for them. Even though I was well aware of the characters in question such as Lucario, Ike, and Lucas, I didn't feel any form of connection with them to make me enthusiastic. To this day the personal feeling for a character still dominates all reasons out there, because of that sense of passion instead of pity or expectation.

I can't be the only one that enjoys the characters from a more personal perspective, right?
That is exactly how I feel as well. That's probably why my personal wishlist is so small as well. Good post.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I meant on the 3DS
I know, however, I doubt that they'll split up the games by system. Besides that they've already said (forgive me as I can't find a link to that interview) that they weren't considering a Gen 3 remake, and there hasn't been any real hints towards them either (FR/LG & HG/SS all had minor bits within the data towards their remakes).

Deleted member

Yeah, but at the same time, Gen 5 has been the generation to break all the cycles and traditions. Also, the Remakes were made to compensate for the inability to transfer Gen 1 and 2 over to Gen 3, due to the EV/IV rehaul in Gen 3.

Therefore, there is no longer a necessity for a remake of the 3rd Generation. Pattern thinking is a logical fallacy, especially if you get the pattern or the purpose of the pattern wrong.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Both the Gen 1 and Gen 2 Remakes came out 2 Gens later after the originals.

Gen 1 from Gameboy to GBA and Gen 2 from Gameboy Color to DS.

I think it makes sense that we will see a Gen 3 Remake on the 3DS, coming from GBA.
Pokemon's been breaking a lot of habits lately.

To clarify though, because I didn't really word it well, I meant I doubt we'd be getting a R/S remake before the sixth gen main games (aka next). I think getting Gen III remakes is likely to happen at some point on the 3DS.

Deleted member

Anyway, flavor of the moth aside.

I mentioned a long while back that Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, and Diddy Kong were the only characters that excited me for Brawl and I felt more neutral about everything else. This is because I like to support stuff from a more personal prospective as opposed to move sets or bandwagons. From a perspective of seeing a character you've enjoyed in the games themselves, you can feel a more warm feeling of satisfaction flow through your body that couldn't be achieved otherwise. It feels like something that you can actually enjoy to the fullest, regardless of whatever obstacle is thrown out there. Sometimes it can even feel like you're being reintroduced to an old friend that you haven't seen in years, in the case of me seeing Pit again felt very joyous because of my fondness for Kid Icarus since I was a kid. It's this reason why I didn't feel any excitement for any of the other inclusions in Brawl, because on a more personal level I didn't care much for them. Even though I was well aware of the characters in question such as Lucario, Ike, and Lucas, I didn't feel any form of connection with them to make me enthusiastic. To this day the personal feeling for a character still dominates all reasons out there, because of that sense of passion instead of pity or expectation.

I can't be the only one that enjoys the characters from a more personal perspective, right?
Nope, my entire wishlist is because of this. Baring Roy, who I still need to remove, Falco because I didn't give it much though, and Shulk because I want to see what he's capable of.

Everyone else is with a personal desire to see them in, for one reason or another. In fact, I kinda mellowed out and kept from 3rd parties out to try and keep it realistic, if I made a full-fledged wishlist, you'd see a couple other characters tossed in. I try to think of what characters can bring to the table in terms of styles and abilities.

And then new 1st Gen remakes. :troll:
I can actually see this happening over a Gen 3 remake for some reason.

Deleted member

Anyway, flavor of the moth aside.

I mentioned a long while back that Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, and Diddy Kong were the only characters that excited me for Brawl and I felt more neutral about everything else. This is because I like to support stuff from a more personal prospective as opposed to move sets or bandwagons. From a perspective of seeing a character you've enjoyed in the games themselves, you can feel a more warm feeling of satisfaction flow through your body that couldn't be achieved otherwise. It feels like something that you can actually enjoy to the fullest, regardless of whatever obstacle is thrown out there. Sometimes it can even feel like you're being reintroduced to an old friend that you haven't seen in years, in the case of me seeing Pit again felt very joyous because of my fondness for Kid Icarus since I was a kid. It's this reason why I didn't feel any excitement for any of the other inclusions in Brawl, because on a more personal level I didn't care much for them. Even though I was well aware of the characters in question such as Lucario, Ike, and Lucas, I didn't feel any form of connection with them to make me enthusiastic. To this day the personal feeling for a character still dominates all reasons out there, because of that sense of passion instead of pity or expectation.

I can't be the only one that enjoys the characters from a more personal perspective, right?
This is a really good perspective to look form.

As for me, looking through my wishlist, it's for a variety of reasons. For Ridley and Palutena, it's because I feel they deserve to be in and I look forward to playing as them (if they do get in). Ray I want to see in because I really want to play the Custom Robo games and having Ray in would give me a gimpse on how the games are (although I acknowledge he's almost certainly not getting in). Genesect is because I would love to see a Pokémon newcomer along with Mewtwo and Roy and I do like him (although again, unlikely). The others on my list I have more of an emotional attachment for (though I also support Mach Rider in hopes that Sakurai might revive him). While I do have other characters I'd be interested in seeing (Krystal, Isaac, Samurai Goroh, etc), the characters on my wishlist are the ones I would be ecstatic to see in, especially since I know this will be the last Smash game I ever get.

(my wishlist also includes Tails, although his chances are zero)


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
LOL oh, no... 1st gen 3DS remake would only give me false hope for Meowth or Team Rocket with Meowth/Arbok and Meowth/Weezing teams. :awesome:



Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Anyway, flavor of the month aside.

I mentioned a long while back that Pit, Sonic, King Dedede, and Diddy Kong were the only characters that excited me for Brawl and I felt more neutral about everything else. This is because I like to support stuff from a more personal prospective as opposed to move sets or bandwagons. From a perspective of seeing a character you've enjoyed in the games themselves, you can feel a more warm feeling of satisfaction flow through your body that couldn't be achieved otherwise. It feels like something that you can actually enjoy to the fullest, regardless of whatever obstacle is thrown out there. Sometimes it can even feel like you're being reintroduced to an old friend that you haven't seen in years, in the case of me seeing Pit again felt very joyous because of my fondness for Kid Icarus since I was a kid. It's this reason why I didn't feel any excitement for any of the other inclusions in Brawl, because on a more personal level I didn't care much for them. Even though I was well aware of the characters in question such as Lucario, Ike, and Lucas, I didn't feel any form of connection with them to make me enthusiastic. To this day the personal feeling for a character still dominates all reasons out there, because of that sense of passion instead of pity or expectation.

I can't be the only one that enjoys the characters from a more personal perspective, right?
While I support a fair amount of characters because I like them and would enjoy their inclusion, I can really only say I personally have an underlying passion to see two characters included (well - two characters with a decent chance, of course I personally would like to see others as well, but I'm not going to get my hopes up for nearly impossible characters), who I've supported since they were created, though back then they weren't too likely.

However I generally keep my wishlist roster (which I haven't actually created) and my prediction roster pretty separate. Like I said, looking at it realistically is the best way to not get too disappointed. Of course I have several characters I support on both rosters, but there are also several characters I could care less about on my prediction one. I don't even have both of the characters I have a personal connection with on my prediction roster anymore, but I'm never going to stop supporting them. :awesome:;)

I do agree that clearly the best way to support a character is to have a real personal passion in that character, regardless of Smash itself and who others are supporting/bandwagoning (as long as you don't delude yourself with bias).


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The personal feeling is probably why I have a distaste for flavor of the month characters, and characters being forced down every ones throats for bull reasons like "because she is mah waifu", "he is a villain", "because this guy is obscure" etc.

Also unlike other people, sometimes I support for characters outside of actually game appearances and instead because of other hobbies, interests, and events that have happened in my life personally.

I want Takamaru because of the Japanese aesthetic being very appealing to me and samurais having that characteristic of being very swift and honorable. Japanese culture was one of things that have always interested me because of how mystic and bizarre it was, and it probably why I enjoy video games that focus on that aesthetic like Goemon, Pocky & Rocky, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, and Okami.

I want Starfy because of my keen interest in ocean life and my love for the beach. Densetsu no Starfy was also the first game I've ever imported, which gives me a bit of a special spot in my heart.

I want Palutena because she draws parallels to my older sister, and conversely I kinda draw parallels to Pit. It's that kind of bond which kinda makes me relate to the thrills and chills the two go through, and I don't want that to die.

I want King K. Rool because of my guilty pleasure of cheesy villains akin to the ones from old cartoons and his interest in making up varies personalities to try and get the edge in battle.

I want Mega Man because of the Mega Man games always having that feeling of quality that strikes the right cord for me. The classic Mega Man games in particular always had that right sense of perfected controls and stage design that not many games can emulate.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
No one's interest in a character being playable for Smash Bros. 4 runs as deep as my interest for Ridley (though I personally went daww at Habanero's personal reason for Palutena, very cute):

I have been a fan of Ridley ever since I played Super Metroid back in 1994. Ridley was so unlike any other video game villain I had seen before in my life. He was menacing and cool. I also liked how he basically won the first fight between him and Samus in Super. This was the first time I ever saw a bad guy get away and win in any medium. Ridley was unlike anything I had ever seen before in my life. The fact that Samus, a futuristic space warrior, had an enemy that looked like a something that belonged in a fantasy universe, made Ridley even cooler.

I considered Ridley to be Samus's true enemy long before he was given that distinction. When I was young, I knew who ever the final boss was in a video game, was the main villain to that game, and most people considered Mother Brain to be the main villain for the Metroid series, but to me, I thought that Ridley for some reason, was Samus's real enemy, despite having all to go by it was the fact that he stole the Metroid hatchling and was one of Mother Brain's main generals. There was also the fact that Ridley was featured on the box and cartridge art for Super Metroid that made me think that there was a lot more to Ridley.

I was such a big fan of Metroid, Samus, and Ridley that I cut out artwork of Samus and Ridley from magazines and attached the cutouts to pencils, and basically used them as toys (anything can be something to be played with with a child's imagination I suppose).

The second fight with Ridley in Super Metroid was perhaps the most epic fight I had ever experienced in a video game up until that point. After combing through Super Metroid for hours, and having spent years trying to get through the game (I was really young), I finally got to Ridley's lair (which was quite goose-bump inducing experience in it of itself, it really felt like a final area to me more than merely another area for another one of Mother Brain's underlings). Fighting Ridley proved to be a massive ordeal. No matter how hard I tried, Ridley would keep killing me. I actually had to go back and explore more of the game for more energy tanks and super missiles to be able to having a fighting chance against Ridley. When I felt I had enough, I continued to fight Ridley, but kept losing. Fighting against Ridley truly felt like an adrenaline rush, it was a fight to the finish. Unlike the other major bosses in the game, Ridley like myself, had no particular weakpoint and could be hurt by shooting him anywhere on his body. It was all a matter of who could inflict the most amount of damage on the other one in a short amount of time, it was truly an epic fight. Eventually I actually ended up killing Ridley. Expecting some sort of awesome upgrade upon defeating him, I entered the next room, only to find the broken case for the Metroid hatchling. It was there I knew, that Ridley personally hated Samus for some reason. He left a broken case there in case he was ever defeated to mentally taunt and torment Samus from beyond the grave. He was truly the best video game villain I had ever seen.

Samus and Ridley were two of my favorite video game characters ever, and I very anxiously awaited a fourth game in the Metroid series throughout the late 1990's. I constantly replayed Metroid 1, Metroid II, and Super Metroid, in anticipation that a Nintendo 64 would eventually be announced.

When my family finally got the internet in 1997, I was surprised to see that so many other people also loved Super Metroid. I discovered a Metroid fansite called the Metroid Database. Every week or so, I would check that site for any news or rumblings pertaining to a possible new Metroid game.

In late 1998, there was an entry saying something along the lines of "Samus finally makes her Nintendo 64 debut", and I was ecstatic because I thought finally a new Metroid game had been announced. However, when I clicked on the entry it talked about a fighting game and linked to an IGN story.

The IGN story talked about fighting game featuring all of Nintendo's major heroes and amongst them Samus. (Reading the article again recently there was a lot of incorrect information, such as saying Wario, Diddy Kong, and Peach were playable characters, which goes to show video game journalism has always been shoddy).

Needless to say I was overcome with joy. Not only would Samus finally make a new major appearance on a game console, but all of my other favorite video game characters (which were mostly Nintendo) would be in as well. It was like some some sort of fantasy come true.

I anxiously awaited the release of Smash 64. Samus, Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Yoshi, Kirby, and Pikachu all being in the same game was really amazing to see. I was even surprised and happy to see they brought in Ness (EarthBound was yet another game I liked that none of my classmates knew about). Smash Bros. seemed to be a game made just for me.

When Smash Bros. was finally released in the West, I was absolutely blown away when I actually got my hands on it. The items, the stages, the roster, everything amazed me. It very quickly became one of my favorite games for the Nintendo 64. I was even endeared with the "nonsense pick" Jigglypuff (back then, people had no idea why Jigglypuff was chosen as Pokemon's second playable character aside from perhaps Jiggly having a similar body to Kirby). The more I played, the more it became one of my favorite games ever.

One day, I was playing on the Planet Zebes stage, and I saw a figure flying in the background. It was none other than Ridley. Ridley was my favorite creature/character/thing from Metroid aside from Samus, and I could not believe that they actually included a cameo for him in Smash 64. It was after this that I started thinking about the possibility of Ridley being playable in a Smash Bros. 2, however, I doubted it would happen due to the state of the Metroid series at the time (I thought there would be more focus to giving the new characters to Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Kirby, and DK).

I was still ecstatic that they even bothered to give Ridley a cameo in Smash Bros. However, I knew that Ridley would not happen for Smash Bros. 2 unless Metroid became a major series again and received new installments. I knew that a new Metroid game would eventually happen since so many people loved Samus in Smash 64.

The Space World 2000 tech demo for Metroid got be absolutely joyous. Despite being only a few seconds, I kept watching it over and over. I really wanted to experience the Metroid universe in beautiful glorious 3D.

When Smash Bros. 2 was finally shown in May 2001, it absolutely blew away my expectations. The graphics were a massive improvement over Smash 64 (the original Smash had poor graphics even by Nintendo 64 standards). However, the opening trailer they showed was absolutely incredible. Even to this day, I still prefer the E3 2001 unveil to the E3 2006 Smash Bros. trailer. It showed all the Nintendo characters in their various universes doing combat with their various rivals, with one especially bringing a huge grin to my face, Samus vs. Ridley!

It was from here that I thought the creators of Smash Bros. had a particular soft spot for Ridley. I thought now that Ridley had a pretty good shot at being a newcomer for Smash Bros. 2 (now with the official name of Melee).

I joined the Smash Bros. community with one of my aims being to help support Ridley for Melee. I was pretty much one of the first Ridley supporters. I was really surprised to see how much support there was for Ridley just based on his Melee trailer appearance. So many people thought Ridley's design was awesome and that he would make a great character for Melee. I thought since Prime and Fusion were in development, that they would put in Ridley to help promote the idea that the Metroid series was back now.

Half a year later, I found out that Ridley (and many of the other characters I supported for Melee) did not get in. However, I ended up greatly enjoying Melee and it became one of my favorite games of all time. I was especially taken aback when I read Ridley's Melee trophy where he was referred to as leader of the Space Pirates. This was the first time I had seen Ridley given a distinction beyond being just a major underling of Mother Brain. Between this line, and the amount of detail put into the Ridley trophy (as well as Ridley's cameo in Smash 64), I thought the developers of Smash Bros. had a soft spot Ridley, and felt the same way I did about him, that he was Samus's true arch-enemy.

I anxiously awaited the release of Metroid Prime and Metroid Fusion. I was actually quite skeptical about Metroid Prime because I thought that they were going to turn Prime into a FPS and that is was going to mission and level-based, that it did not have the series veterans behind it, and that it was being made by an entirely new team. I was more looking forward to Fusion since I heard that was going to continue the story off of Super Metroid, while Prime was going to be a sidestory (though I remember at one point them Prime was going to take place after Super). Actually, one of the few things that gave me a lot more hope for Prime was the strong rumors about Ridley being in it. The idea of fighting Ridley in beautiful cutting edge 3D made my mouth water and gave me goosebumps.

Approaching the Fall, I was getting far more hype with Metroid Prime while my hype for Fusion was falling a bit. The screnshots I saw for Prime were the most amazing thing I ever saw in a game up until that point. Fusion ended up having its ROM dumped, and I found out from people that played the ROM dump, that Ridley did return for Fusion (I even looked at the screenshots for Ridley in it, and I was not impressed, and thought Fusion Ridley looked like a step down compared to Super's). There was also the impression that while the game was very good, it was definitely no Super Metroid.

I was really hyped for Prime. Anxiously counting down the days until release. All the perfect review scores the game was getting made the wait even more unbearable. When I finally bought Metroid Prime, I was immediately blown away by the graphics, atmosphere, and attention to the detail. However, I almost giggled like a school girl when I finally encountered Meta Ridley at the beggining of Prime. His 3D design was absolutely perfect, and it was more awesome than anything I was imagining. Samus's actions upon seeing Ridley further showed that there was something deeply personal between them.

Finally landing on Tallon IV is something I could never forget. It felt much closer to a living breathing world than anything else I had ever played up until that point. It truly felt like Super Metroid in 3D and in first person. The game just got better from there, and it ended up quickly becoming one of my favorite games of all time.

When I finally got to the end of the game, the Meta Ridley fight was really amazing. It easily became one of my favorite boss fights in any game ever. It was just so well made and done. It was a truly fitting fight for someone I felt was Samus's true nemesis.

Getting 100% in Prime 1, left me hungry for more, and I anxiously waited for Prime 2 (though I knew Ridley would most likely not show up for it). Metroid Zero Mission ended up being announced at E3 2003, which got my interest due to it being a remake of Metroid 1 (which was one of my favorite NES games). As the game got closer to release, the details of Ridley's importance role in it, got me more hyped for it. I wanted to see more of the Samus/Ridley rivalry.

I ended up really liking Zero Mission (its probably my third favorite Metroid), and I really liked the design for Ridley in it. It also cemented the fact that Ridley was the leader of the Space Pirates.

Soon after Zero Mission's release, I learned of the Metroid manga, and that Ridley was the one personally responsible for Samus being orphaned and raised by the Chozo (I already knew Space Pirates were behind Samus being orphaned and raised by Chozo back in the 1990's through the Nintendo Power Super Metroid comic, though looking at the Super comic again recently, it appears Ridley was involved in the attack there too). Ridley was truly Samus's arch-nemesis.

Ridley was my number one most wanted character for Smash Bros. 3 (though there were several other characters I wanted a lot such as Wario, Pit, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Diddy Kong, and Olimar). I was really excited and happy to see that so many people wanted Ridley too for Smash 3, and that even was even in the Top 5 at almost every site. I was really looking forward to a Smash 3 unveil because I knew that at least a few of the characters I wanted would be among the first newcomers unveiled, and that Ridley stood a good chance of being one of them.

When Smash Bros. 3 was finally unveiled, I was really ecstatic. I was really happy about Wario, Meta Knight, and Pit being confirmed (they were among my most wanted newcomers for Smash 3), though I was upset that they put in Zero Suit Samus over Ridley. I thought Zero Suit Samus was just there to give Smash Bros. sex appeal, and that Ridley far more deserved the second Metroid spot than ZSS did. I also did not like the idea of Snake getting in since he seemed so out of place in Smash Bros. and also being more an icon for the PlayStation brand than having anything to do with Nintendo.

As with Smash 64 and Brawl, I had a ton of hype for Brawl, and like with Melee, Ridley was still my most wanted newcomer (though I also really wanted Sonic, Diddy Kong, King Dedede, Olimar, and Mega Man). I thought there was nothing stopping Ridley's inclusion, as as far as I could see, he was basically in the Top 5 most wanted characters for Brawl, and in many cases he was the most wanted newcomer next to Sonic.

When Brawl was released, it turned out that nearly every character on my wishlist got in except for the character I wanted most, RIDLEY! I was also disappointed with Mewtwo and Roy being cut.

If it were not for Ridley's abscence in Brawl as a playable character, I probably would not be following and speculating for Smash 4. The only other true newcomer that I have a great desire to see added this time is Mega Man. I would also really like to see Mewtwo and Roy return as well.

I am closing in on nearly 20 years since I have become a fan of Ridley, nearly 15 years since I first started thinking about him as a playable character for Smash Bros., and 12 years since he became my most wanted newcomer for the Smash Bros. series.

It was the addition of Samus that enticed to the Smash Bros. franchise, and will finally be the addition of Ridley that will mark my contentment with the roster of it.

Regardless of whether Ridley is added to Smash 4 or not, this will be the last Smash Bros. game I will be following and buying.

Its really exciting for me since I may be just a few months away from Ridley finally being confirmed as a playable character within Smash Bros.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I wasn't aware personal interest was a competition, but I guess you're the winner Chrono. :troll::awesome::laugh:


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I know, I was just joking, hence the troll face.

Seriously though, that was a great post Chrono (was actually my second time reading it). I hope we get Ridley now more for your sake than ours. :laugh:


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I think I know someone who's love for Ridley, while not as deep, is even Stronger than Chrono's. :troll:

Honestly the only characters I have any emotional attachment to is Lucario, Mewtwo, Ike, and Mega Man:

Lucario's movie was the first Pokemon movie to actually make me cry, and it still does today. Lucario himself also had a great character in the movie, it's one of the few/if not only Pokemon that doesn't need to rely on being a version mascot, legendary, or have regular appearances in the anime to stand out among the 649. When used in any of the Pokemon media it's always been used to signify an important event in the story.

Mewtwo, mostly because I grew up in the golden age of Pokemon and the manga Mewtwo is just awesome.

Ike's games were the only FE games that had me guessing and getting involved with the plot. Ike was also the most well drawn out lord in terms of character, he gave me the "I wanna be like him when I grow up" feeling. Aether's also pretty bad***.

Mega Man I could write an entire blog about, and I almost did back on the 17th.

All the other characters that I support are mostly out of a whim or general interest, that said, all of these characters that I have emotional support towards makes it really tough to see them all be on "unofficial" chopping block for the next game. It's one of the reasons you'll find me to be very much pro no-cuts.

I also have emotional dislike attached to the Donkey Kong series, but that is mostly revolved around my little brother having been obsessed with monkeys at one point in time and the games being frustrating/uninteresting to me. I was rooting for Diddy Kong to get into Brawl however.

Deleted member

It's going to be a sad day when we split and go on our ways.

What amazes me is how we manage to stay together despite all the drama that occurs and all the vitriol that is thrown around the community (particularly the speculation scene). Normally, these magnitude of drama would pummel a community to bits until it's original shape was no longer noticeable and yet the Smash community, even with all of it's division, is still united by one thing; our love for the franchise itself.

Smash doesn't just unite Nintendo series, they unite Nintendo fans in general in a celebration of Nintendo's history. Our passion and dedication towards the franchises and characters we love so much (as well as the unique gameplay) is what keeps us coming back for more, even if the environment can be hostile. As such, we have formed a tight-knit community that no other franchises can repeat. I know that this community has helped changed me for the better.

I look at the GameFAQs board on the Wii-U and notice that there's constantly bitter battles going on between the ones who hate the system (or trolls) and ones who think the Wii-U is this perfectly system that can't have any flaws. The console community has lost its meaning and mostly spend their times fighting the other side. For all the horrible things we say about the Smash community there, at least we can say that there's a sense of community.

The dust will eventually settle on the Smash 4 community. As I take my last step outside the modern gaming community a few years from now (give or take 2-6 years), I will take a look at the utterly broken state of the modern gaming community (and it'll be no wonder why sales will be down this gen). Then I will look at how the Smash community manage to preserve itself despite all the drama that threatens to permanently damage this community. I will then smile, knowing that in the darkest days of gaming, I had some of my greatest memories right towards the end.

I'll be thinking of this community for the rest of my life, especially when playing Smash.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I think even the Strong one acknowledges whose passion for Ridley is stronger. :troll:
Someone Stronger than Oasis_S!? I really need to check out the Ridley thread more often then (and if true, rub it in his face :troll:).


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
It's quite a few pages back, but all the recent Dragon Quests have been good...

...Something Final Fantasy can't say


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
It's true. You are the forefather of all Ridley supporters. The rightful leader.

ReallyIwashopingthethreadwouldbeyours. *kicksdust*
I took a hiatus from Smash Bros. speculation after we learned nothing new from E3. I had no idea that Smash 4 sub-forums were going to be made. I thought it was not going to happen until Smash 4 received a formal unveil.

I was planning on doing the support threads for Ridley and Roy (I still wish the threads for cut characters were on the main forum, since so few people go onto the veterans board, and that the main post for the veterans are completely barren). I was planning on having something ready for them by June 2013 (basically having the opening posts for the support threads written up by June 2013).

I was really surprised when I came back for a bit to see Smash 4 sub-forums. I left for a long while again, and did not come back until late November.

I might leave again if things get boring or too stupid. Hopefully, we get some interesting Pokemon news next week.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
It's quite a few pages back, but all the recent Dragon Quests have been good...

...Something Final Fantasy can't say
I really, really need to find Dragon Quest IV, V, VI, and IX. It's not easy to look for them when most local gaming stores and superstores (Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) I go don't have them. I have been interested in the Dragon Quest series ever since I played Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2. I also wish the NES/SNES Dragon Quest games are available on Wii Virtual Console. :c It's just that I really appreciate the artwork of the characters and enemies and the easy-to-understand battle and menu systems and I like storytelling and the characterization even if it's cliched or filled with tropes and I especially like exploring around in vast, colorful game-worlds. :)

I want Takamaru because of the Japanese aesthetic being very appealing to me and samurais having that characteristic of being very swift and honorable. Japanese culture was one of things that have always interested me because of how mystic and bizarre it was, and it probably why I enjoy video games that focus on that aesthetic like Goemon, Pocky & Rocky, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, and Okami.
Ahh, yes... the games influenced by Japanese culture and history... yeah, I'd have like to see more Ganbare Goemon games on Wii Virtual Console, especially the three SNES games that didn't come to the West. I only have The Legend of the Mystical Ninja downloaded. Oh, and both Pocky & Rocky games should be there, too... they look like fun shoot'em up games. I am also intrigued by the Tengai Makyo series. What I understand is that only one game came out in the West called "Far East of Eden: Kabuki Klash" and it's a fighting game but the rest of the series are RPGs. And of course, Nazo no Murasame Jou, I still think Takamaru's game should be put up on Wii Virtual Console so the rest of us can legally (I don't pirate) experience Takamaru's adventure. I also think it would increase Takamaru's support even more than he already gets.
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