Um hey, tl;dr thread (so alot is probably been said already), but in case you haven't gotten any yet, I figure I'd throw some advice/information at ya from a taunt partier:
1 - any easy way to get people to turn on each other (assuming more than 1 person is actually attacking, not like #2): fight next to more than one person. lots of times the TPers will kill each other, and some people don't understand the simple concept of, "you killed me, then if I kill you our scores even out" so they may start fighting because the person who was killed want the person who killed them to kill themselves (when they're either clueless to that or they just don't wanna).
You can actually mind game them into thinking your their allie as well, but again this gets pretty situational depending on who is TP'ed up
2 - If you are fighting one other person while the other two watch, THAT IS A GOOD THING, DON'T RUIN IT! 1v1 is always good and better than FFA or 1v3, leave the other two alone, and beat the crap outta (assuming you can) the person who's always coming after you! Lotsa times the other TPers won't even go after you. lots of time, I'll just sit on the sidelines, and if there's a zelda or somebody throwing Din's Fire at you guys, grab her so you guys can actually fight
I do this if possible, getting into that situation is pretty rare.
3 - This is more for TPers, but, if you have items on (and you use them), BEATING SOMEBODY DOESN'T COUNT FOR CRAP! I know this, but I doubt half the people who have their items on do... If you want to prove you can kick somebody's ***, go to a neutral and do it without items.
Even when i'm the crasher, i have items off and neutrals set to random, but im still better off going to banned maps that separate TPer's
4 - Pick fast characters (or at least fast attackers)! I love to go to temple and just sit on the very bottom platform, not attacking anyone unless they attack me, heck I don't even leave the platform unless I'm knocked off it (if you see a Ness, Pikachu, or Claus-colored Lucas doing that, it's probably me! :D). If I kick your *** (lol, Pikachu owns on that platform), like +3 to -3, I sure as hell won't take you seriously, because although it doesn;t mean much, you should at least be able to put up a fight. characters like Ike and Ganon get dominated on that thing, stay away from using them down there. If you find yourself fighting down there, use Meta and just hold A, casue it's a pain in the *** to hit you, let alone get back on the platform. Characters like Fox and Falco are good for attacking somebody down there. Also, I, a TPer, know this well, so you guys should too: winning on there doesn't make you better than the other person (unless it's like 0-death, lol), only a legal stage no items can determine that, it's just a funny place to fight. MANY loltastic (sorry I had to use that word
) kills. Just for fun.
Thats actually a very bad place to camp for many characters besides kirby. Heres why; First off there isnt alot of space for moving around, second you can get pelted from the slanted platform to the left with projectiles, third its very difficult to recover vertically since your pretty vulnerable to spikes, lastly the platform above will just stage meteor you at higher %...and with the onsight of lag it can be tricky to tech it. Im much better off camping the cave to the left. Better chances for living up to 200%
5 - There is only one good place to fight on Temple, the top right area, and even that still really sucks. Winning on Temple doesn't mean ****, so try your best to get FD or something, if the other person wants to actually fight you.
3v1 at temple, i would circle camp upper/lower left. If i go to temple and its FFA top right area is the place to be for my character selection i choose. Temple still gives me alot more places to hide versus FD
6 - Fun Fact! Pikachu's Thunder goes through the part of the land hole in Temple (the part where you'd land if you fell straight from the re-spawn point), so it's great for attacking on that little island platform. (caution when fighting Pika!)
It has alot of animation delay...unless they were all camping above i would not use it, it leaves me too wide open.
7 - Some TPers don't understand if you want to break away from 1v3 and fight somebody 1v1, and this gets very annoying for people actually trying to fight! It annoys me when I'm fighting somebody, then one of my "friends" comes in and attacks the other person, usually hitting me. It's a huge pain in the ***, and I usually end up smashing the friend away, so try to get TPers close, unless you want to fight 1v1. I was trying to play this other Ness 1v1 cause he was actually good, and this Lucas kept getting in the way, so I just threw him to the other side of the stage every time he came over to us
I use the same concept if the other guy desires 1v1, you tell the other kid to back off and hopefully he'll get the message
8 - Throw items off the stage! Maybe some of the idiots who have items on will turn them off...
I religiously do
9 - Getting attacked by 3 people at the same time is GOOD. this goes along with #7: this isn't team battle, we WILL hurt each other. so try to make us hit each other as much as possible. then you can just get 3 kills once you come back from one death XD. there, your up 2_-1_-1_-1
10 - Go for the worst players! this is pretty obvious, go for the person who can get you the most kills! It always annoys me when a 1v3er wins because he got like 10 kills on a person who has no idea what they're doing...
Yea i already posted bout this, get to the weakling for free kills
11 - winning a 1v3 (with 3 people who are actually good) is really tough, lots of respect to you guys who can win without items and not at temple :D Know this (and hopefully this goes for other TPers as well): I don't think I'm any better a Smasher than you for beating you 3v1 (meh, I usually only fight if I'm attacked anyways, I pretty much just fight 1v1)! Beating you to a pulp 1v1 on FD or something is different, but beating you on my little platform, it's all just good fun -^D
I ran into a situation like this with an Ike and Peach. They got -2'ed by me and the CPU died once to me. I died to Ike once on my DK. Didnt bother staying in that room for very long though
12 - Sometimes if people respect you enough (you guys are pretty evenly matched, fight actually well, etc.) they might join you and beat the other TPers! If I find another good player I try to do this sometimes.
Very rarely, but yes i've had situations where its gone 2v2 in BB. Just make sure your partner isnt a complete idiot.
13 - Sudden Death is awesome! I'd rather fight in a SD than win, so I usually try to even the score if I can. save a tie-breaking kill to the last second if you can so we'll have no time to catch up.
Wether your pissed off about it or just looking for a good challenge, just um a little things that have probably already been said, or aren't very helpful, but whatever XD, probably repeated myself a few times. also, if you have any questions (and not dumb ones like "whY do U Do taUNt parties thEIr duMb), like legit ones (hell, Idk what they'd be XD)
I never liked Sudden Death, its just stupid in concept and isnt really fun
14 - If you're really trying to find a good match, play Team. I never TP on team, just because team is something that can actually be taken seriously, even though team attack is still on it's good practice. Though, is it just me, or are there more rooms with items on in team battle?
some good moves for 1v3:
Pika's Thunder
Ness' PK Fiah
Flaco's Shield
Zelda's Din's Fire
pretty much anything that can hit multiple people XD
Problem is, in teams team attack is off so if my partner is an idiot i cant destroy him. Im much better off finding someone to partner with in Basic than i am in Teams for obvious reasons. Plus Basic often times has the better more friendlier players and more flexibility.
People to play as:
Wolf < surprisingly good against TPs
Meta < lol obviously
hoenstly Ness isn;t that good 1v3. PKT2 gets TONS of kills if landed right, though.