To be honest, if you're good at smash and you put in a reasonable number of hours, you can be good at both. The top players (not just good ones, I mean like M2K, Azen, Ally), obviously don't like Brawl+ because it puts a good number of hours that they spent learning certain things in Brawl to waste (and they've said as much). That being said, I'm pretty sure that if those three spent just as much time playing Brawl+ as they did regular Brawl, they'd still be better than everyone else. Whether you call it adapting or just being good "at Smash," my guess is there would still be a point when M2k would dominate Brawl+. You would eventually have to come out with Brawl++ the same way, not getting rid of the original, just splitting the community again by having some people play each/both. How's that for a strong community? Want controlled combos/tech skill? Go play Melee instead of Brawl+. If you don't want to do that because you're so far behind, consider the above example, that you're not even playing the best people...and WOW, I now realize how far off I went there. /answer-tirade-thing
I think at this point we have to accept that Brawl+ is here to stay. That being said, I don't think it will ever come close to Brawl's popularity. That's a whole different discussion involving smashboards, mlg, and a bunch of other things we've all probably thought about by now.
So I really need to stop posting things like this past midnight. I blame Wifi.