My Stage Stuff
Like I said before, this is more or less just my two cents. Sometimes I make bad stage choices in various MUs, just because I am *really* comfortable with a stage. But, I will try my best to go "by the book" when writing these out. As I mentioned before, feel free to pull applicable snippets to use while disregarding the others.
A lot of ROBs just... *hate* this stage. I am not one of these ROBs. I actually find myself doing well here against most of the cast. But, I will try to keep it as "by the book" as possible.
+ Platforms can act as a natural "shield" which enables center stage camping/zoning while being in reach of the platforms with SH aerials.
+ Platforms can boost ROB's "underneath game" allowing him to land U-(move).
+ Can be flown under to help recovery options against vicious edgeguarders.
+ Can be flown over with ease to help recovery options.
+ The odd slant can be used to help land stage spikes
+ Smaller blast zones can help kill heavier characters earlier
- Platforms expose ROB's blindspots- both below and above.
- Smaller blast zones mean ROB can die earlier
- Characters with a strong "underneath" game will do exceptionally well here
- While you *can* camp the center/edges of the stage, things are a bit more cramped
- Larger characters or those with disjointed aerials (Bowser or Marth respectively, among others) occupy a TON of space and can control large portions of the stage (Snake!)
Final Destination
A lot of ROBs LOVE LOVE LOVE this stage, generally. To me, its very "eh". Sometimes I feel incredibly comfy on it, and sometimes I don't.
+ Long and flat with no obstructions to camping.
+ Large blastzones to keep ROB alive longer
+ Lip can help get stage-spikes or silly SD's
+ Can be flown under for recovery purposes
+ Can be flown over with relative ease/lack of danger for recovery purposes
+ Lack of platforms minimizes ROB's blindspots
- CG's & Locks last longer
------------->IC's Ice block Lock
------------->Banana Locks, Laser Locks, Jab Locks, etc.
- ROB can be outcamped by some characters such as Falco
- Harder to KO opponents because of the larger blastzones
- Stage lip can catch you and set you up for stage spikes if you aren't careful.
A good, solid stage. Probably my neutral of choice (generally speaking, though I prefer BF over any stage for SOME odd reason)
+ Long enough and unobstructed enough to camp a bit
+ Moving platform can help set-up ROB's underneath game
+ Platform is large enough to move around on to avoid getting totally handled from below
+ Moving platform can regenerate your Robo-Burner fuel
+ Smaller edges leads to Fresh B-throw KOs, and B-throw to full laser KOs.
+ Can be flown under for recovery
+ Can be flown over for recovery, just pay attention to the platform
+ Under the edge can snag stage spikes/SD's from opponent
+ Balloons
+/- CG's & Locks last longer than on BF, but shorter on FD. So, its a decent trade-off between "room to camp" and "room to get CG'd/locked" for most.
- Moving platform can save opponents/stop gimps
- Psuedo DDD infinite CG by DDD on moving platform
- Moving platform is large enough for OTHER chars to move around on safely
- Moving platform CAN become a hazard (c4, grenade, bananas, etc)
Yoshi's Island
Personally, my least favorite of the neutrals...
+ Angled floor can create some cool laser angles
+ Central platform is good for camping under
+ Central platform can help ROB's underneath game
+ Tilting central platform can interrupt opponent's approaches
+Angled edge allows for protected camping, as it creates a favorable angle for anti-approaches
+ Gyro is harder to pick up, which can net you some free damage% on your opponent
+ Cghost thingy allows you a safer camping position, replenishes fuel
+ Sloped floor allows for a grab released U-smash on Wario
+/- Shy Guys
- Gyro is harder to pick up for YOU to use.
- Opponent can get recovery back thanks to the ghost
- Tilting platform can throw a wrench in your approaches
- Tilting platform can enhance other char's underneath games
- Laser/gyro can take unintended angles
Castle Siege
A tricky stage due to the transformations. Not too bad, but not the best, generally.
(1st Trans)
+ Platforms enable ROB's underneath game.
+ Can get some early gimps thanks to the silly edges
+ Walled edge enables some stage spikes and such
+ During transition TO this stage, you can catch an opponent off-the stage and too far to recover back
- Platforms can be a detriment depending on the opponent
(2nd Trans)
+ Can camp behind statues, as a laser will go through them
+ Odd platforms, but platforms none-the-less enable you to move around to not get ***** from below
+ Can marginally increase the effectiveness of ROBs underneath game
- Walk-off edge!
- Walk-off edge!
- Platforms to enhance other chars underneath games
(3rd Trans)
+ Most of the same +'s of FD, but with a slight obstruction
+ Possible to get a grab release U-smash on Wario on the tilted portion (???Maybe???)
+ Hanging on edge during transformation gets Robo-Burner back
- Most of the negatives of FD
+ Fly through floor helps in a lot of matchups
+ Central platform can hekp the underneath game
+ Central platform is large enough to maneuver on
+ Small boundaries can "even up" the KO potential between characters
+ Ability to camp while stage is airborne and grounded
+ Stage can be flown under for recovery purposes
+/- Stage Hazards
- Fly through floor is detrimental in some matchups
- Platform issues
Pokemon Stadium 1
Generally, this is a CP I like for the most part.
+ Campy stage, there are places where you can really melt the clock.
+ Platforms to help ROB's underneath game
+ Stage spike/opponent SD chances due to the edge & the central pillar
+ Places to D-tilt lock
+ Lots of open, off-stage space to set up gimps
- Stage transformations can be tricky
- Melting the clock can be bad (Wario & fart camping)
- Platform issues
- Places to GET locked/trapped in infinites
- Stage objects can be 'controlled' (c4 on windmill for example)
Lylat Cruise
+ Tilting stage can give silly angles to gyros/lasers
+ Edges can mess with some char's recovery (Fox/Falco/Ness/Lucas)
+ Platforms...
- Platforms...
- Through the floor trixies (Diddy, ZSS)
- Can be just... nauseating to look at!
- Can be hard to pick up gyro
Another tricky stage that you might not see a TON of. It is somewhat gimmicky, and I'm personally not a huge fan of it *generally* though it does have some advantages in some matchups.
+ Tendon... things can provide a marginal shield for camping behind.
+ Energy cell... things can act as a shield and trap.
+ Platforms arranged in such a way that you probably won't get entirely HANDLED from below
+ Platforms can boost ROB's underneath game marginally
+ Platforms are arranged in such a way that you can hit almost anywhere with your laser/gyro
+ Smallish blastzones can even out the KO potential between characters
+ Floor hazards can help your recovery if you run out of fuel
+ Gimping is possible, though more horizontal than vertical.
+/- Acid
- A bit cramped, especially against larger chars
- Tendon... things and energy cells can slightly prolong hitboxes
- Characters who depent on stage control can monopolize a lot of the stage at any given time
- Smaller blastzones can negate any recovery differential
Pretty good all around stage. Some stuff to worry about, but adjusting your playstyle on diff transformations will help tremendously in dealing with them.
All the "flight stages" are good, solid stages.
-------(+)Platforms to help out ROB's underneath game
-------(+)Generally large enough to maneuver on to avoid complete ****
-------(+)Fly through floors are generally good.
-------(-) Most of the drawbacks associated with BF
Beach Transformation
-------(+)Solid camping area, as the incline makes them approach right in F-smash/F-tilt/laser angles
-------(+)Water makes D-air more viable than normal
-------(-)Hard for ROB to approach if they are staked out on the inclines as it exposes his blindspot
Canal Trans
-------(+)Can camp the outermost platforms (in magnifying glass)
-------(+)D-tilt lock opportunity Rooftop Trans
-------(+)Not too bad for camping since it is rather long
-------(-)Walk-Off Edge to the right
-------(-)Wall infinite
Courtyard Trans
-------(+)Not too bad for camping, as it is rather long and has favorable angles
-------(+)Water at the edge makes D-air more viable
Plaza Trans
--------(+)Can camp the edges, as long as you are on the raised stepped portion.
--------(-) Walk-Off Edges on both sides.
Pillar Trans
-------(+)Can camp the outer pillars
-------(+)Marginal gimp opportunities
-------(+)Can fuggz with ledge invincibility
-------(-)Water is more of a hassle here than a help
Rooftop Trans
-------(+)Good and long, which you can melt the clock/camp on
-------(+)Pseudo D-tilt lock opportunity
-------(+)Non-grabbable edge wrecks some recoveries
-------(-)Walk-Off Edges
Yellow Rooftop Trans
-------(+)Can melt the clock by camping the outer edges
-------(+)D-tilt lock opportunity
-------(-)Wall infinite
(I think that's all the transformations)
Frigate Orpheon
Probably my (and a lot of ROBs) CP. It will most likely be banned by your opponent, but in case they don't... feel free to choose it!
First Trans
-------(+)Can camp under the left platform
-------(+)Ungrabbable edge can wreck a lot of recoveries & set up gimps
-------(+)Ungrabbable edge can wreck a lot of recoveries & set up gimps
-------(+)Ungrabbable edge can wreck a lot of recoveries & set up gimps
-------(+)Free D-tilt opportunities on the elevating/lowering platform when it lowers
-------(+)Can go under the stage for recovery purposes
-------(-)Lowish Ceiling
-------(-)Can get locked against the same wall for a short period of time
Second Trans
-------(+)Can camp a bit under the central platform
-------(+)Can melt the clock/camp off the edge, using the appearing plates to recharge fuel
-------(+)Can go under the stage for recovery purposes
-------(-)Appearing plates can save some chars
Jungle Japes
Camp heaven, one of ROBs best stages generally
+ Impossibly high ceilings negate most chars U-(move) KO options.
+ Can camp side platforms against most chars
+ Short side blastzones means a fresh B-throw or a B-throw to Laser will kill much earlier
+ Water is slightly (only slightly) less of an issue for ROB due to his ability to 'hover' over it.
+ Ability to melt the clock against chars without projectiles
+/- KlapTraps... they come every 10 seconds when the ones digit in the timer reaches "7"
- High ceiling means any U-smashes you manage to land thanks to the platform aren't as fabulous as it normally would be
- ROB tends to KO at an upward diagonal... so some 'lighter' chars will be living a LOT longer than you'd expect (GaW, MK)
- Side platforms can be used against you by some chars, especially those with multiple jumps & large hitboxes on their attacks
Another stage with a large-ish ceiling, hazards, and other oddities
+ High ceiling means you can live quite a long time from chars who have strong U-(move)
+ Main transformation is pretty similar to FD
+/- Hazards
+/- Hazards that are more awkward than hazardous
- Odd edge trixies (Kirby's infinite stone thingy)
- Harder to gimp here
- Hard to land a U-smash for most of the stage & its transformations
- Harder to KO most opponents, which evens up the "length of time they normally live compared to ROB" differential
Pirate Ship
Ugh... just... try to stay away from it
+ Can marginally take advantage of the central platforms
+ Water makes a D-air spike a bit more manageable
+ Can camp the Red Lion tug-boat deal to melt the clock
+/- Hazards
+/- More dumb hazards
- Hard to utilize projectiles here because of the shape of the ship
- Ship's "falling" transformation keeps ROB and other chars in the air... meaning if they are under hm, they are staying under him
- Shape of the ship's deck is just... not good for ROB
Pokemon Stadium 2
Similar to Pokemon Stadium 1, aside from totally different transformations and edges
+ Main stage is a pretty solid stage, with same +'s as PKMST1
+ Can melt the clock on the "rock" transformation
+ D-tilt lock against the large stone
+ Ice stage can be camped by staying on the un-iced edge, if the opponent doesn't want to approach
+ Ice transformation can make GT'ing ridiculous
+ Wind transformation can create some nifty, low % aerial chains.
+ Conveyor belt trans can make GT'ing super effective
+ Camping the solid center is a great way to keep opponent on defensive
- Main stage has same drawbacks as PKMST1
- Can be wall infinited during "rock" transformation on the large stone
- Ice transformation can allow some slow chars to approach really quick, and DACUS' become ridiculous... so do GT's
- Wind transformation can pose huge problems if opponent is below ROB
- Conveyor transformation... see: DACUS, GT, and approaches becoming faster (if they are on the correct side to do so)
Rainbow Cruise
What can I say, its Rainbow Cruise...
+ Boat is arranged where you can (wisely) camp the back end near the propellers for a bit.
+ Shorter blastzones means it takes "less" to gimp, but there isn't much room to maneuver
+ D-tilt lock chance against the wall
+ Platforms and associated benefits on boat
+ Ship's bow is good for getting extreme laser angles
+ Second 'phase' is (ascent and then alll the platform/rug parts) is great for gimping
+ Fly through floors are generally good
+ Second phase lets ROB's up+B shine
+ Third phase has a possible lock against the checkered wall
+ Camping the right side is a good thing during third phase
+ Stage is good versus characters who are immobile, lack projectiles, or have horrid recoveries (most of the cast)
+/- Dissapearing blocks; on third phase if the block drops, you can drift in to land on a platform
- Can be be wall-locked on boat
- Platforms and associated drawbacks on boat
- Fly-through floors is a bad thing against some characters
This is a tricky, silly, stage. It takes some practice to get used to, and it is a very MU dependent stage. Generally, you want to stay away from this stage...
+ Platforms to camp on (against slow chars with no projectiles)
+ Platforms to abuse ledge invincibility
+ Platforms can net you some free U-smashes
+ Lowish ceiling nets early KOs from U-smashes
+ ROB has an extra method to deal with the "over the stage" lava flows (Up+B over it)
+ Large stage where you can literally run the clock against some chars
+/- Lava
- Platforms are arranged in such a way that camping is hindered, depending on character positions
- Other chars can abuse ledge-invincibility
- Usually good for helping out tether char recoveries & preventing gimps
- Gyro can get caught and bounce around for an inordinate time due to the lava flows
- Platform issues
- Other, more mobile chars can melt the clock against ROB
Yoshi's Island (Melee/Pipes)
Another sort of wacky, gimmicky stage. Definitely not one of my favs (no cp from me), but it is such a rare occurrence to be CP'd here that I wouldn't worry TOO much about it. I rarely play on it, so my +/- is based solely on theorycraft
+ Ridiculously short sides means you need to only snag one or two f-airs offstage to get a gimp
+ Blocks can net a U-smash kill at lowish percents.
+ Can net a grab released U-smash on Wario (possibly?)
+/- Blocks in general...
- Silly boundaries neutralize ROB's survivability
- Walk Off Edge
- Walk Off Edge
Port Town Aero Drive
Think Delphino meets Big Blue...
+ Grabless edges wreck tether recoveries during flight stage, and recoveries in general as it robs (no pun intended) of ledge safety.
+ Hard to gimp unless it horizontally for the most part of the flight stage due to floor hazards
+ Fly-through floors during flight stage are generally good.
+ D-tilt shenanigans against the track's retaining wall on "grounded" stages
+ Various places for silly gimps and damage racking opportunities
+ Track harzard doesn't bother ROB as much as many other chars due to his ability to stay above it
+ Transformations with platforms are generally spread out far enough so that ROB won't get platform *****
+ Room during transformation to stall a bit offstage without worrying about running out of fuel, as you can use floor hazards to get back onto the stage if absolutely necc.
+/- Hazards
- Walk off edges at one transformation
- Gimps aren't necc. harder... just more involved
- Stage portion that can get some d-tilt shenanigans also pose a wall-infinite threat
Luigi's Mansion
Banned at a lot of places, its really MU dependant. Its a tricky stage and takes some getting used to.
+ Pillars stop practically all projectiles except ROB's laser
+ ^ Leads to camping
+ U-tilt shenanigans bc of the ceiling
+ Silly edge can net some free kills against some chars
+ (After Mansion Destroyed) You get a nice long central platform to camp on... like FD.
+ Ridiculously high ceiling keeps you alive longer against chars with strong U-(kill) games
+ Chest high platforms can get you some easy percent
+ Silly ceiling inside the mansion on the lower level
+ If your opponent can't tech... YAY!
+ U-smash easier to land... somewhat
+ Can melt the clock
- Silly ceiling inside mansion can lead to ROB getting handled by some moves
- Central platform (after mansion is destroyed) has similar drawbacks to FD
- High ceiling means landing a U-smash isn't as fabulous as it normally would be
- If you can't tech... BOO!
- Chest high platforms can get your WRECKED
- ROB can get platform ***** kind of hard, as there is only one small section on the 2nd story that is fall-through.
- Clock can be melted against ROB
Green Greens
Why couldn't they have used one of the GOOD Kirby stages?!
+ Can easily melt the clock against chars who have no projectiles to explode bombs
+ Pretty decent at presenting gimping opprotunities
+/- Bombs
+/- Blocks
+/- Peaches
+/- Whispy Wood
- Wall infinites against blocks
- Very... cramped.
(admittedly, I don't play too often on this stage as its just... too gimmicky for my tastes... so, anything that would flesh this out would be great)
Distant Planet
+ Large, open area underneat (and to the side when the... worm thing isn't there) to set up gimps
+ Can camp the hill marginally well
+ Fly through floor
+/- Waterflow on the platform
+/- Flower... seed things
+/i Worm... thing
- Walk off edge
- Funky platforms
(another stage I don't play on... like, at all)