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Riverside BiSEXUALS 10/20 - Hosted by Knivez(s)/Fox Marth Pro, and Keith


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
no johns.
cramped is subjective to the individual. if u are a rich ***, then yes it might be cramped because god knows u have your own room and play room with a pool table and 2 tvs and arcade machines.

anyways just shut up and come.

dodger is banned- only 1 kirby per tourny- kirby is broken. ( nashun is already coming)

thx P

oh btw warm ups start at 11:00 and doubles at 12.

dont come before then cause i wanna sleep, and dont come late either because i want to sleep.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2007
ohhh no dont tell me u guys use the "c" stick.........cuz to me some of the vids i saw just now from previous games, it looks like some ppl use it


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'm pretty sure the C-Stick is imperative to many peoples style of playing.

I can't see SHFFLCing with the control stick :\


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
i wish i would go tomorow, just to witness this guy's reactions in person to things such as "the c-stick"

only one pro plays without a c-stick, and that is isai
and he's a beast, so you can't hate on it

as for knives, he's always trying to touch my c-stick :(


Smash Cadet
Jan 17, 2007
Hemet, CA
Bleh, Sudden change for me, I won't be coming with two t.v.'s a cube or wii and two smashes anymore...I just aint coming anymore because mainly I gots me no ride no mo sooo eh sorry I can't come, maybe next time =)


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2007
welp...........i my friend and i NEVER use the c-stick....we thinkits a little cheap cuz it doesnt show skill...but....we learned how to not use it these past five years...so we will NOT be using it.....^_^...and i dont care if u guys do....cuz i'll counter it.....^_^


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2005
San Bernardino/Riverside, California
welp...........i my friend and i NEVER use the c-stick....we thinkits a little cheap cuz it doesnt show skill...but....we learned how to not use it these past five years...so we will NOT be using it.....^_^...and i dont care if u guys do....cuz i'll counter it.....^_^
Ill be the guy in the dodger jersey, lets play. I wanna see this crazy counter


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
ahahah no c-stick...
funny, i used to think the same way.
its like watching 8 signs of a smash noob tutorial or something.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
Thanks everyone for coming and making this an enjoyable tourny.
im glad to have met some more of socal's players as you are all very cool.
the crews were entertaining to say the least and next time we'll try to balance them out better.

shout outs:

luigi- good stuff today but keith is too good on poke floats/rainbow cruise hehe.

JTB- u're improving nicely and good job on 4th again.

dodger- thanks for making the biweekly, it was really fun to hang with you.

nate- another kirby hehe, thanks for coming and its too bad u had to leave b4 crews.

Hero-your falcon is getting quick, and the combos are starting to shape up nicely.

Sam- Thanks for coming, it was good to see you again and we should smash more.

Sam's friends ( DOOD(Jess?) and brother)- hope u had fun and see ya next time maybe.

To Sick and his friends, thanks for dropping by and hope to see ya next time. We'll get more friendlies in and crews was mad entertaining with the racist jokes. BTW your friend looks like the bad guy from heroes SYLAR. hehe jk

Speaking of black people, Jonathan and Neighborhood P, you guys are getting better( at stealing my stuff ^_^) and just keep playing with luigi and you should get there.

truegamer- His dad let him come this time and he's not as bad in person as he is in smashboards. PHEW.
anyways i just think hes a bit too inquisitive, just live with the flow man hehe.

Zero- gotta catch that naruto episode next week....ahh kakashi training again.

XERO(x)- hehe well im glad you probably will stop talking like a noob now that you've been beating by quite a bit of people hehe. And no, there are likely no new tricks that a random person has discovered, and L cancelling is not for noobs. there are clear advantages to using the stick and its not like people cant time the forward + A. it is really not that difficult, so you shouldnt be proud about it. anyways i hope you can make the next biweekly and be humble about yourself and join the smash community to actually learn how to play the game on a different level. Everyone is the "best" until they go to a tournament and i hope you will take this as a learning experience.

we'll post brackets and stuff later but quick results

1)awesome possum ( knivez+keith)
2) luigi+ truegamer
3) Nate + hero

2) keith
3) Evil nemesis( luigi)
4) JTB


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2006
Victorville, SoCal
That was a pretty cool little tourny. Too bad I never saw that Zero guy, inless he was some of the random noobs i played in friendlies. Thanks Knive and Keith for holding it and the friendlies. I guess I could try shout outs for the first time? Nah... Was fun playin with all those people I did. And Kirby seriously is gay. I'll learn Samus and play you with her Nate.. You too Luigi hehe. Hopefully I'm becoming less and less of a random :)


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I had more fun playing the friendlies since... I can remember, and the common denominator is (for the most part) not using Sheik. She's kinda boring. I think I'll just start randomly playing characters; it's a lot more fun that way.

Good friendlies to everyone I play, I was the black guy in the (guess what?) black hoodie. I was also the master of super cool suicides today.


Smash Cadet
Jan 24, 2007
srry i wasent feeling well today.....and welp i thought my controller sucked really bad cuz i usually use my nyko air flow controller....thus i havent played in a long time...but w/e.....at least i didnt get totally ***** hahahaa...


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2006
Riverside, CA
That was a pretty cool little tourny. Too bad I never saw that Zero guy, inless he was some of the random noobs i played in friendlies. Thanks Knive and Keith for holding it and the friendlies. I guess I could try shout outs for the first time? Nah... Was fun playin with all those people I did. And Kirby seriously is gay. I'll learn Samus and play you with her Nate.. You too Luigi hehe. Hopefully I'm becoming less and less of a random :)

this guy using sheik is calling kirby gay? rofl sheik outclasses kirby in nearly every aspect. =) just chaingrab me like you can to half the other characters in the game.

BTW, Hero AND I will take a money match from you, ANY amount you want next time. No johns, you beat hero fair and square, but don't expect the same result next time.


Sam: duuuude i thought you died. why don't you ever invite us to smashfests?!?!?

Keet: It's always you who knocks me out of losers. <3 your mindgames and its always nice talking about random stuff like soulbinding and whatnot. thanks for hosting

Knivez: I can't ever get myself to call you Alan. You'll always be knives to me. thnx for hosting too and thnx for Knivez tip #2

NeighborhoodP: Sorry I couldn't take your money, either =( You said I was sandbagging against you, but it looked like you were having a lot more trouble playing your best than i was.

Jess Koz: I never see you guys but you guys get better every time i see you.

Dodger: nice seeing you again, mr. rival.

JTB: 4th again? what a jerk. we didn't get to play, nice job taking out hero =(

srry i wasent feeling well today.....and welp i thought my controller sucked really bad cuz i usually use my nyko air flow controller....thus i havent played in a long time...but w/e.....at least i didnt get totally ***** hahahaa...
This guy serious?


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2006
Hesperia, CA
That sure was a fun tournement, I hope I can make one of the next ones sometime. Gotta play knives again, that fox ***** me :(.
Anyways, pretty fun and Luigi, you gotta work on that gannon combo, its not cutting it.
k thx bye
heh heh


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2006
Victorville, SoCal
Aw I hope Nashun and Hero don't dislike me.. lol you guys were some of the more fun people to talk with. I call all characters that can't be put into a combo with any move by sheik dumb.. (it's kind of a sarcasm thing..) Like I pretty much always say, next time we're at a tourny I'll decide on the mm, sometimes I have money to spend and others I don't. And rofl @ that xero kid's johns, some of the best I've seen.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2006
Hesperia, CA
Lolol, yea, those are some pretty good ones by xero. Btw, might be a bit late, but I dont use the c-stick, hope it doesnt make me noob -_-. I tryed using it b4, but its just too darn far for my fingers -_-
Im not hating though >.> (Also, if anyone can help claify some advantages of using it, Ill be willing to try it again Lol)
heh heh


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2006
Hesperia CA
That tournament was really cool.... especially teams wish I would of done more though lol.
Hopefully next time I don't get matched up against my crew that sucked.
Freakin vance and bryan my chest hurts from laughing so hard haha :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
**** that XERO kid sucks. Haha

Only things worse than his skills are his excuses for his skills.

I hope I don't ever have to play him. I'm glad he got *****.
And to think, I thought Hugs was the only So Cal smasher to never get hostile


Smash Lord
Aug 16, 2006
Victorville, SoCal
Lol ya the drive home was pretty funny.. HugS I want you to beat the crap out of me in Samus dittos sometime so I can get better. :) K I'm done posting for a while... Kinda over loaded with posts.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
haha hugo.

yea so i guess xero just didnt even read what i said and thought of some johns as to why he got 3 stocked by a link, and lost to a zelda player and all these other low tiers.

i think he was playing marth and realized half way through the tourny that he wasnt as good as he thought so he went home to save himself the embarrassment, thought of some johns on the trip back , and replied something about his nike sneakers air flow or whatever. your feet have nothing to do with it. AND yes i did read the john about his controller but i'm not gonna acknowledge it.

oh and just to show this again so we can all say "we told you so".

Originally Posted by JTB
Xero, watch some of the videos on my youtube account. There are alot of various socal smashers, and you can see what we are capable of.


XERO: meh....i dont wanna critizize...so ima just leave it as that...okay...:D...and welp just wait from wut im capable of...hahaha..:D....we'll see at biweeklys...just give me a time , date and place.....hopfully it'll be on a weekend....

so i guess we saw what he was capable of, and it truly was kinda sad, if not just down-right painful to see. A man's pride torn, its always fun to witness. maybe now he'll stop doing that laughing of his for no reason... ^_^

AGAIN, just be humble about it and no johns about the controller, it wouldnt have made a difference regardless, since i witnessed for myself how you played.
just come to more tournies, keep your mouth shut, and get better until you have gained the respect of others to make johns, since for the most part could or might be sincere johns then.

ok now for the advantages of c stick.

#1 aerials can be a lot more maneuverable, example: captain falcon can do a back air or down-air while jumping forward without losing ANY speed, he can short hop and do an up-air while traveling half way through the stage without ever worrying about cutting his distance short because of holding up or double jumping for that matter.

u can land up airs with fox, marth, etc without double jumping ( similar to the above) if you just hit the c stick up as you're falling to the ground.

its easier to do waveshine, c stick up to upsmash,
marth can wavedash and just c stick forward smash faster than f+A and it might be easier to time it.

theres more but thats some of them.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2006
Hesperia, CA
Oh crap lolol, I was wondering how the cool marth guys did that up air without using the jump
Thnx for helping to clear that up, I guess im just ganna have to learn the c-stick then.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
You never knew how to do a falling uair?

Anyways, I suck at rests now. Uthrow-Sing is NOT a good combo :(

Also, there were two people going by the same name. Zero was my friend I brought along from UCR, and Xero was the guy loves Naruto. Zero was the crazy black guy who knew everyone, but no one knew him :D


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I'm not a bad player you know...

I'll come to SD sometime to make up for my horrible performance last time I came :(
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