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Ridley for SSBB

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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I'm not actually, there is no such thing as a idiotic Atheiset you know :p
See the underlined text. It's atheist, not the alphabet soup that you posted up there.

God. I don't know what's going on currently, but reading through the past fifteen frickin' pages is making my eyes bleed. It's almost like stigmata.

Ridley for frickin' Brawl.


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Ridley for Brawl. I will inflict major harm on nintendo if they make him a boss or an assist, but not playable


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Ridley for Brawl. I will inflict major harm on nintendo if they make him a boss or an assist, but not playable
How would you expect to do that?.... Wait theres a big fanbase here... I would be angry.. But only angry enough to shake my fist!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
yeah I'm pretty sure Ridley's in the game hands down anyway-no need to go all coma on us. Also, his mouth is in the clouds soo he'll be the new bowser, and bowser will be an old school gangsta rapper
QFT...even if i hated Ridley, id be an idiot to think he wouldnt or even shouldnt get in brawl

p.s. look at the poll on the gamefaqs site

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
yeah i normally say it "pone" just cuz it sounds dumb and emphasizes how dumb the word "pwn" really is...but i say it anyway.... and Ridley FTW

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
This thread makes me feel such joy inside with all of these supporters I've never seen before, along with the regulars...T_,T

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
I hope alpha noob comes again so we can debate more
lol you really dont want that...although it is fun to pone or puh-own or however you wanna pronounce it

This thread makes me feel such joy inside with all of these supporters I've never seen before, along with the regulars...T_,T
anyone wanna throw in some support for Diddy, Sonic, Bomberman, and/or Megaman too? but yes Ridley for brawl. wait forget that...Ridley WILL brawl

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
anyone wanna throw in some support for Diddy, Sonic, Bomberman, and/or Megaman too? but yes Ridley for brawl. wait forget that...Ridley WILL brawl
Sorry, my additional support goes out to Ct. Olimar, Dedede, Falco, and Stafy. Balloon Fighter and Mac are in there, too, but I'm not as avid about those.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
ok well
1. i dont know anything about Olimar except hes some pikmin guy and about the size of toad
2. im not worried about Falco returning or Dedede being in cuz kirby doesnt have a NEMESIS (to those who are ready to start flaming) yet
3. no clue who Stafy or Mac are. is stafy like a star-shaped yellow pokemon or something?
4. balloon fighter seems to scream AT just cuz of what happened to hammer bros

nonetheless im not bashing your support choices....oh and Ridley WILL brawl

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
ok well
1. i dont know anything about Olimar except hes some pikmin guy and about the size of toad
2. im not worried about Falco returning or Dedede being in cuz kirby doesnt have a NEMESIS (to those who are ready to start flaming) yet
3. no clue who Stafy or Mac are. is stafy like a star-shaped yellow pokemon or something?
4. balloon fighter seems to scream AT just cuz of what happened to hammer bros

nonetheless im not bashing your support choices....oh and Ridley WILL brawl
1. All you need to know about Olimar is that he will be the most unique character in Smash history. He will use Pikmin. Nuff said.
2. Falco...not too worried, since he's the only non-canine in the lineup. And Dedede is Sakurai's own, he's at the top of the polls, and he was intended for the 64 version.
3. Mac is from Punch-Out. I think he'd be cool, and I'd love to hear that music while smashing. And NO Stafy is NOT a Pokemon. Sorry, but that is just an insult to the little guy. Although, he is a yellow star-shaped character. He is a pretty cool guy; you should check out the Stafy thread. His facial expressions are hilarious...main reason to have him in.
4. Hammer Bros. are generic characters who had no chance to get in as PCs. BF's main advantage was the fact that he was intended to be in Melee (he was in the beta version, as shown by the remnant of his music). He'd be unique, too, but I wouldn't be completely devastated if he wasn't playable.

And, of course, Ridley will be in Brawl. RFB!

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
wow you really dont learn at all do you, alpha n00b *wonders where Stryks and Gyspy Lee are*. no one here wants to roll into bed with Ridley (lol...partly cuz theyll never make it out alive). we're just proving that theres no LOGICAL way he can be excluded from brawl. your lame, 2-bit insults towards Ridley or us wont change that...so you might as well drop it

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
wow you really dont learn at all do you, alpha n00b *wonders where Stryks and Gyspy Lee are*. no one here wants to roll into bed with Ridley (lol...partly cuz theyll never make it out alive). we're just proving that theres no LOGICAL way he can be excluded from brawl. your lame, 2-bit insults towards Ridley or us wont change that...so you might as well drop it
Right here. I thought I smelt the scent of a lesser being, alpha noob's here. I had an important announcement to make, but I might have to hold it off until tomorrow. Kinda busy. :ohwell:


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
I think i can smell crap... ALPHA! crap...

Anyways how old was that thing that he quoted anyway?


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
He he he and BTW i dont want Bomber man in hes a rubbish game character anyway and MM deserves a spot wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy more...

RiDlEy for teh wein and for teh brawl!

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I really don't give a crap about 3rd party characters. Nintendo has the best characters around, but since we already opened that Pandora's Box, let's cover the bases, and get the main ones in: Snake, Sonic, MM (I guess)...

I'd still rather have none.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2007
What happens when Alpha comes back?

PS: I heard of a site called ipetitions where you can make online petitions. Maybe someone can find it and make a petition to support Ridley.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
La di da~

*Ridley has three normal jumps, to compensate for his lack of a recovery move in his move set*

Neutral B: Ridley spits out three spinning fireballs, much like how the sprite of it is shaped in the old Metroid game. They are quite small in comparison to his body, and move about as fast as Mario’s fireball. They don’t bounce though, and will automatically be directed at the closest opponent. If there are more than one, the fireballs will split off, being 2 to 1 if there are two opponents in front, or simply shoot out in three specific directions if all three are out. If for some reason there is no opponent, the fireballs will go diagonally down, straight, and diagonally up.

Forward B: Ridley flaps his wings against the ground, causing a brief gust of wind, that forces any opponent directly in front of him to fly backwards. The attack causes no damage to the opponent, but the knock back is decent. It still takes a high percentage to KO a opponent with this move though. In air, Ridley will actually be sent back the opposite direction somewhat, if used, as he aims it diagonally at the ground.

Up B: Ridley rears his head back, and then lunges forward, curling up in the air and spinning. He raps his tail around the center of his body, so to the viewer, Ridley looks and acts like a giant buzzsaw. The attack is fast and powerful, chipping away at the opponent like a screw attack instead of knocking them away, but when Ridley hits the ground, he takes a second to get himself up again. It’s not that good of a recovery move due to the fact that if used in air, he almost goes vertically downwards. To give a better mental image of it, think Ridley curled up like Sonic, only with his blade forming the spikes that are around him

Down B: Ridley stabs his tail through whatever is directly under him, and the tail emerges several space ahead of him, stabbing diagonally upwards. If the opponent is grazed, he will simply be damaged, but if hit directly, Ridley will pull them back with his tail, only for them to slam into the ground, as he pulls it back, which adds damage, as well as knocking the opponent down. If used in air, Ridley will simply stab straight down, much like his signature “tail pogo”

Final Smash: Ridley crunches his claws into the ground, and shoots a very strong beam of fire, that goes all the way to the opposite side of the screen. It doesn’t have the vertical range of Mario’s Final Smash, but it comes out quick, and instead of knocking people in up, it actually pushes them through to the edge of the screen, so even characters with low percentages have to watch out.

Del Money

Smash Champion
Dec 28, 2006
He he he and BTW i dont want Bomber man in hes a rubbish game character anyway
*to quote General Pepper at the end of starfox 64* "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?"

But this petition can make a greater difference.
indeed it can. ipetitions is awesome too. da proof iz in mah signature

oh and another Pieman0920 La di da~ moveset FTW. this guy doesnt **** around


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Petitions whont work unless they're accompanied with a good E-mail and thousands and thousands of signs.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I livke Gyp's B-set:

B: Fireballs that actually roll along the grounds, and in the air the fall at an angle.
>B: Charging attack (from Prime)
^B: Wing lift attack (multiple uses)
vB:...Shoot, what was this? Tail attack??

Gypsy Lee

Smash Champion
Apr 24, 2007
Bethany, West Virginia
Moves should be nostalgic and original at the same time. For specific moves like tilts and throws, try to imagine what that character would do, and how he or she may do it. That's all I can say about movesets. Just use what you have, and make it work, and be sure to use your imagination.

Here's a picture of Ridley I drew and scanned. It kind of sucks, and I can't color it in MS Paint or Photoshop for some reason. Sorry for it being so.. big. For the art contest.



Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i'm back...back to my old never off of smashboards self. but hey that's what the final book in a series can do to you. and no, i won't tell what happens.

uh, i can't really say a whole lot cause it's been said, but nice pic gypsy

ridley for brawl
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