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"Revival of DGames" Mafia

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Can confirm, lazy as ****.

If you haven't voted J or Rake, do it. Unless it puts them past L-2, in which case don't. We need to figure out who's getting lynched so we can plan the hammer.

Wots All This Then?

Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2012
Psycho Mountain Island
Like what's gonna happen, is someone gonna call Rake and tell him his refrigerator is running?

I don't know the more I hear from you the less I like the direction in thread, there's zero pushback on a J lynch and you're hard defending Rake when it seems more appropriate based on your current behavior towards everyone else to be grilling him over an open flame.

Ryker realtalk me the odds of LaundryScum right now.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I'll talk with you tomorrow. I had company tonight. I basically posted whenever I was in my room for 30 seconds to grab another coke.

I really hate Alex's defense of Rake. He just recently said it was basically a feeling and that's disgusting. I also really dislike him pushing Spak for things he'd let me slide on.

I don't like him making a PoE lynch pool without Rake in it. I don't like him not wanting to remove mafia from it because of indy paranoia while at the same time, not including people he had no reason to think weren't indy.

At this point he's probably jumped you on my lynch list to take the third slot.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well, toDay is down to me and Rake and I can't swing a Dancer lynch since everyone is passionate about our two slots so I'll move my vote to the other wagon.

Vote: #HBC | Rake

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Swords, you are making me chuckle this game. Mainly for if you are scum and I get lynched, I swear to bejeezus I'll haunt you.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
So I am just gonna make one final post and call it "welp, can't say I didn't try". My read's are still the same. Except bump WL down and Maven up more. I would switch those two around because WL has gone all sorts meh toDay in his posts. He switched from liking me and the beginning of toDay to disliking me more and more. I would HBC him if Rake flips scum.

The present I got from solving the riddle is really helpful to town and I am willing to give it to someone else since town will not trust my results more than likely. I'll be randomizing my town reads to see who I give it to and you'll have proof from there. I am not going to say what it is because haha that's bad.

I would claim but I have nothing to back it up nor anything to say for it since my PR was stolen last night by an item theif. I am useless in terms of PRs unless I get that item back. Also, someone handed me like all of their random junk so I have items, but it's not the right ones for my PR.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Also the fact that I am in here (the thread) with my two biggest scum-reads alone and they are hopping onto Rake with me makes me really queasy and sad. But I literally have no other choice.

I'll be around for any and all more questions. I'm trying to get back to Diamond in League so just @ me if you need me.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Wait...theres multiple thieves running around?
That's why I was confused on Ryu's claim. I didn't think it condemned him, but it did make me pause at him for a bit and relook at him. Right now, I am equivilant to a VT with bobbles.

And my new gift from Nabe, but ya know what can you do.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Maybe I should explain a bit more now that I am thinking about. Here's my role:

I'm J, Town Ghost Mod. Someone took my invisbility cloak which stops me from being a ghost. My passive ability is that if I post a gif of:

I get to change the flavor to Pheonix Wright in the Death Scenes since I am most known for using PW .gifs. I just have to post one during any time of the day phase. I also will say that my other ability is Weak Voyeur. I am a watcher as long as I hold onto my cloak, but the second that's gone (unless it is returned to me), I revert to being a Townie with my PW Passive.

I also get a mod-vote for breaking not posting a Dahlia Gif, but the kickback is super sweet too.

I will say this, my ability/flavor is a big reason I have been playing the way I have been. I did get results last night, and it will explain why I have someone as a higher town read.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Going to HBC a catch up here.

Page 33:

Alright, this is beating around the bush at this point and I'm just wasting my time by continually talking about it.

I think Rake vs Ruy is TvT at this point in time.

This is an analytical point based on their play revolving around each other and the influence of a third party hand.

First things first, let's talk about Ruy's role. His original claim was Raziek, Town Mod, who held possession of a phone that could only receive messages and a gamecube controller. That was the basis of Ruy's role, as it stands. However, upon Rosie dying and flipping as Red Ruy, Town Amnesiac Tracker, Ruy's phone became a neighborizer that could be used with whoever else held the other phone and he gained a one-shot track. Frankly, at first glance, this looks like bull****, but the fact that these are likely linked roles (given the fact both had phones that could likely only send or only receive messages), it explains the transformation of Ruy's role somewhat simply. It's just a matter of whether or not Ruy is actually town, but him gaining a track and a neighborizer doesn't make much sense coming from a poisoner (I'm still working under the assumption that mafia doesn't have two night kills) and him being targeted by a thief makes me think that's fairly likely. I don't like clearing him based on role shenanigans but I think those events do outweigh Ruy's ****-tier play.

Now, Rake walked in this thread with just that first part of the role in mind. It is not directly obvious that Ruy was linked to Rosie's role as it seems most people did not jump to this conclusion immediately (albeit, in hindsight, it does make sense). For Rake to receive a message from Ruy, a guy who claimed he could only receive them himself a day prior, it becomes shifty. For Rake to immediately lose connection before a response can be sent, it becomes immediately shiftier. Rake immediately comes under the impression that Ruy has lied about his role, something he had no reason to do, and thinks Ruy is scummy for it. As a result, he enters the thread and pushes to lynch Ruy because he thinks he's caught lying scum, so there's no reason not to lynch him as soon as the thread starts.

As I see it, this resolution is simple: Ruy has a role that is vague and rather useless but is linked to the Town Amnesiac Tracker. Said tracker gets lynched and Ruy, being effectively a back-up, gets a free track and his phone gets unlocked. Rake gets a message from a guy who previously said he couldn't get them and becomes suspicious. Ruy, being stupid, is not aware how Rake got the phone. Before Rake can respond, NAR kicks in, Ruy's phone is stolen by a third party, day starts, shenanigans.

If something else happens that changes the validity of these observations or challenges my understanding of the situation, I am liable to change these reads, but so far no one has managed to do that, so I am simply waiting for other factors to occur (or, rather, reoccur) to change my mind. As a result, I'd rather not lynch here.

Agree with this.

Yeh, I really don't care for this approach. You don't need to respond to everything that happened and put your opinion on it and it's a pain in the *** to read in the first place. We don't want summaries with quick hits, I would just prefer the quick hits and how they influence your reads. Right now, you read like a pawn and I hate pawns.

I think Spak's summary is townie. He's new and he's trying dog give him a break no need to be so harsh.

I am almost positive Rake and Ruy are telling the truth. Intent-wise there is just no reason for either of them to lie about what went on. There was no reason for Ruy to make up the one-shot track or his initial claim that his phone could only receive messages. Why on earth would he claim that just to turn around and send a message that Night? There's no reason to make that up as scum. If anything could have scum intent to make up it's saying the phone got stolen in order to justify the convo cutting off abruptly, but then why even make the call in the first place? I just don't see Ruy doing that at all as scum and the only explanation is that he's being honest.

That said, it is a lot of weird stuff going on at once and it would make sense to think something is off at surface level. It definitely warrants some questioning, but Rake skipped that and went right to pushing Ruy to be lynched as if he had a bingo. However, based off what happened he didn't have a bingo at all if he just took a moment to think.

Rake basically said Ruy was scum because he sent a message when he claimed he couldn't do that and he claimed to have received a one-shot track ability. Those are weird for sure, but where's the scum intent? Why the hell would he do that? Rake's jump was way too strong considering the circumstances. I don't think he's lying about anything, I just don't think what happened justifies going from defending Ruy D1 to wanting him lynched at the start of D2. Hell, I had Ruy as SCUM D1 and this claim **** changed my mind in the OTHER direction.

My issue is that I can't believe Rake actually thought he saw scum intent in what happened. It was way too opportunistic.
This is a weird thing to focus in on. Like there is a reason to not like Rake here (how he got "stuck" in the RR read, trying to incriminate RR cus he had junk items) but calling his opening play opportunistic is odd cus it's really not. It's really not hard to imagine a town Rake getting excited about a potential bingo and I'll like to think if scum was thinking one step ahead they would know how ****ty it would look for them if they lynched someone off of that.

Wouldn't like your slot on a town Rake flip and vice versa.

@#HBC | Laundry - Where are you looking to lynch toDay? If you want us to move away from Rake vs Ryu where do you want us to look? J? Spak?

@ #HBC | Ryker #HBC | Ryker - What is your read on Laundry and Dancer?

@ #HBC | Dancer #HBC | Dancer - I haven't read your wall at J but you still think he's scum correct? Where's your head regarding Rake and Ryu? Is one scum? Or both like WATT suggested? Or neither as Laundry proposed? Who would you lynch if it wasn't J?
I'm not sure on J anymore (read end of my wall).


Maven said:
I think Wots brought up a good point about Rake's point on useless items, but I really feel he stretched it too far to suggest it has to be mafia/indy, and comes off way too opportunistic . I never saw anything from Wots to make me read him town and I really disliked that concept he threw out.
Any response to this WATT?

You're focusing on J in what way Maven?

J and Dancer stop trading walls, that makes people disinterested in reading all that.

Just post a one paragraph summary from the both of you so me and others can get the jist of it without needing to read all that.
We traded one wall but I agree making large posts is stressful af.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
It is a very loose theory but I think WATT freudian scum-slipped with that quote I quoted.

Spak was targetted with the Jail last night.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm not pushing that because I know it's weak, but I still find you scummy af and I don't need that to convince otherwise.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
He was the only town read I was 100% confident on yesterDay. It is also is in line for why I am town-reading much harder toDay then yesterDay. Because I have these two facts:

1.) He is not the poisoner, Alex confirmed that by saying he was poisoned.
2.) He is not the theif, otherwise my item would not have been stolen (or Ryu's for clarity sake) due to me seeing him being Jailed
3.) He could not have done the NK because he was jailed.

With my theory of 2 scum-team and 1 Indy poisoner, that pretty much 100% clears Spak from being scum to me and that is why I am standing by that and I see no reason for why he is scum. It has been helping me read other players though with a pretty much confirmed townie.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
J If your **** got stolen why in all british hell didn't you bring that up that when we were speculating the phone being stolen?

Are you implying WATT targetted Ryker last night?

If Spak was roleblocked why didn't he said so?

@ #HBC | Dancer #HBC | Dancer if your primary scum read was J why didn't you vote him at all in this phase, why are you having second doubts now?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I am not implying WATT targetted Ryker last night, like at all.

I wanted to wait it out, because in my eyes there are 2 theifs unless Ryu is full of it, but he was so adamant during the responses that I doubt he would make up a claim like that. Like what does scumRyu gain from claiming his cellphone was stolen during the debacle especially when Rake talked to him. Plus it was providing a ton of new discussion.

If Spak was RB'd and didn't say anything, I don't know I can't answer that for you.
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