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"Revival of DGames" Mafia


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
What part of "he did not let J or Ruy die when I think scum would've" is difficult to understand? There isn't more after that, so you're not going to GET more than that.
Its not difficult to understand at all, but I am just not entirely convinced about your reasoning for townreading and deciding to save Gheb over any other slot when after being outed claiming to have targeted Gheb was by far your safest option.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
My read on WATT is that I find him scummy. A lot of my WATT read is reliant on DancerScum and vice versa. If Dancer were to flip scum, I would pull back a bit on my read on WATT and re-evaluate. The thing about WATT that I do not like is that his play reeks of opportunism. His vote record proves that much.
Do you mean if Dancer were to flip town that you would re-evaluate? I mean I think WATT is more likely to be scum than Dancer, if Dancer to flip town how much would that affect your view on scum watt? Also how do you feel about WATT unvoting now?

Well the only other real scum-read I have is WATT:

WATT to me reads as opportunistic scum latching onto whatever seems to be the biggest topic and moving with the flow as to who is the stronger of the two pushes. Look at his vote onto the Rake situation for an example and his vote on me D1. Then also go into the fact that WATT has been leaving every option open. That is what I gain when looking at his FUD-Indy post on Rake vs. RR saying "Guys, BOTH of them could be scum!!!" which means he takes a side with voting Rake with Ryker/Spak, but then continues to say "RR can still be scum guys!" It looks more like WATT is searching for his next lynch candidate rather than his next scum-read. I do not trust him at all and would be okay with lynching him as well.
I mean, he is right thought, both could be scum, just as likely as it is both could be telling the truth and be town, its also possible both are scum, that's the point of this game, to consider the possibilities and to see if it makes sense in the context of the player's play. Leaving the options open is not scummy in itself.

Early D1 WATT has been asking a bunch of questions that just seem to be of someone trying to look like they are scum-hunting. I just don't see much drive to find scum in the early phase. This post is an example of how a good chunk of the questions WATT poised earlier. I look at these as a sort-of scum-tell because it is something I do as scum to try and feign my town meta of "Look at me, I'm doing things!" especially in early day phases. The reason I dislike this even more is because none of the questions have a solid follow up besides "kay thanks" or "okay" without any real follow up.
I mean this is funny, because this is the exact same reason we think you are scum, you self admittedly skim through D1, yet still post a lot in it, that just look like you were trying to seem like you were generating content and helping, your D1 was filled with pointless questions and lack of follows up.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
@ Maven89 Maven89

Ironically this post proves my point on you basing your reads 100% on yourself.

I am responding to your questions from D2, but quick question is did you even read that my post was my collection of notes from D1? Because all of that post is "Me! Me! Me! I! I! I!".
You made a horrible push about me and have dodged it ever since, I've been hounding you to explain this for over a real life week and you've avoided and refused every time, eventually you almost get lynched for avoiding it and your response is seriously to come in and go "lol you focus on yourself"?

"Did you read the thread?" and my answer is I skim-read D1. I take D1 at surface value and I stand by the fact that your play is self-absorbed and you haven't been really looking at anyone else, but me for opposing you in D1.
Day 2, yeah I haven't looked at almost anyone else but you. You really have yourself to blame for that, you should have responded to this much earlier

Your biggest thing you find scummy from me is "my ignorance in answering your questions" which isn't true at all.
Actually it's your horrible push on me day 1 and your refusal to defend it, then the sudden 180 in multiple reads you have the second you read up

and I feel even in my big post that I commented on you in detail giving my reasons as to why I was switching off of finding you scummy to finding Swords more scummier. I also feel RR is a scum-lean which also makes me think you are more likely to be town>scum if RR were to flip scum.
Continuing in this line of thought going onto Maven and remembering why I disliked him early. He seems to be the sort of player that centralize a lot of the game around themselves especially with the wording. Plus he lashes out at people who vote him, but in a self-preservation way rather then a question as to figure out the "why" behind it." This is one of my tells of finding Indys and so far it has been pretty full proof. I think I have failed to explain that when I am talking about Maven, I am seeing him as one of my biggest Indy reads. He does not seem to make sense with who I am looking at for the scum-team. I will probably continue on this later if I deem it necessary but Indy's are the least of my concern honestly with nothing but a theory I have regarding them *which will be talked about later*.
Did you move me from scum to independent, or did you just fail to mention that you've been thinking I was independent? Cause now we have you claiming both

You admit your push on me Day 1 was based on you not having read the game. I've asked you to explain it and linked to the post, so I'm assuming you're rolling your defense of that post into my other question, "did you read". And the answer is no, and the post shows that despite saying you skimmed you didn't do a good job of it because you didn't know what me and Gheb were talking about even though your vote was based on it

You were insisting I was pushing you and trying to pressure Gheb into voting for you. Gheb, on the other hand, thought I was trying to pressure him into voting Ryu. Dancer got it right with him explaining how I was in the wrong for that because I misread Gheb's positions, so I understand where Gheb came from, but what I don't understand is where your points came from. They weren't accurate to what was going on and they weren't even accurate to what Gheb had said. You were jumping on a bandwagon and you didn't even understand what the points against me were. This is my biggest issue and the fact that when I pointed out your points were factually wrong you refused to budge and tried to argue with me about them. For you to come in then 5-6 days later and go "sorry I hadn't actually read" doesn't make me feel any better of it. You were pushing my lynch 24 hours before a deadline and you hadn't even read the thread? And when I pointed out that your points were factually wrong, instead of fact-checking to see if you made a mistake due to skimming, you just doubled down and argued with me anyways, vanish before the deadline, then come in day 2 with these same beliefs?

I don't like it at all and still want to see your slot lynched

@ Maven89 Maven89 Your questions from D1 and literally your same questions from D2.
Yes, I know. That's my whole point, you haven't answered these at all since Day 1.

I do respond to your questions when I come into the thread
J, if you had responded to mine (or Dancer's) questions, then we wouldn't be in this situation now would we?


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I am so sad, but this post is honestly the best post against me and I have no retort really. I'm sad because I wanted to disprove it. Logically, this is a sound argument to lynch me, but the only one so far is the fact that I am such an enigma where it is half/half where people fall on my slot. If I am lynched, then please pile-drive WATT/Dancer to the ground.

That's not saying I want to be lynched/expect to be toDay, I am just saying WL has a good reason that actually makes sense.
Part of the reason you want Dancer dead is because he wanted you lynched regardless of what you flipped, for information.

You praise Laundry for the exact same reasoning.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Hi guys, I'm a year older today so I'm v/la for the moment.

Anyways, I just wanted to explain my recent absence real quick. I'm currently working on a massive reread so I can get a more holistic view of this game and gain a solid stance for where I want to go for the Day. I'll try to finish up by Saturday. As of now I haven't read the past 5 or o pages as I don't want to get distracted by recent affairs. That is all for now.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
I really don't like J's push at Maven. Indy hunting is something I really don't agree with, but to have been pushing at him and this is the first we hear of him being an indy read makes me queasy.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Because you don't strike me as dumb, and the super-push on Ryu (in which you wanted EVERYONE to vote him, and would have ended in a Ryu lynch) HAD to be deliberate, as you tried to justify it three times with the same horrible reason.

At this point, I think that a Rake Ryu team is very improbable and if one flips town, I'll read the other scum.

I'm sticking to my guns and saying that Rake is scum.
Hey, uh, Spak, he said in your own words, not the words of Ryker and Kantrip.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: Also I don't knwo where the assurance that it would've ended in Ruy's lynch comes from. As far as I'm aware, Rake simply called for votes to pile on. We've done that before on slots we want to put the heat on.

In fact, I found it:

qutoing for emphasis.

Everyone vote ryu btw

logical leap much?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
The two cent version is I'd prefer to stay on Rake because my heart of hearts wants the scenario between you two resolved as soon as possible for D3 and it's looking very unlikely that's going to happen through your lynch from thread's pov. (And if I'm going to be honest, a fair portion of my personal dislike was wrapped up in thinking you were still hand waving extra abilities when I just wasn't reading your sentence structure correctly).
Why do people still think that lynching one of Ruy or Rake is gonna confirm the other that another night phase wouldn't?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@ Maven89 Maven89

Ironically this post proves my point on you basing your reads 100% on yourself.

I am responding to your questions from D2, but quick question is did you even read that my post was my collection of notes from D1? Because all of that post is "Me! Me! Me! I! I! I!".
"My logic is sound my logic is sound you are 100% scummy because you base your reads on yourself!"

Nvm the fact Ryker does that **** all the time (your read disagrees with my read therefore you are scummy)
Nvm the fact that I do that **** from time to time (this person on my wagon is not making sense he's scummy)


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
*shrug* I'm made a lot of changes to appeal to DGames audience, but at this point I play mafia for fun. My other sites don't have a problem and it's just this one so I'm okay with it.

Can't please everyone.
And yet it's still not working. There's different approachs toe very situation because every situation is different. Other places may be fine with your attitude towards D1 or may be stupid enough to look at a wall and call you "town" but that doesn't mean we do. It's a 7 day phase here, you have much less room to hide, and people are going to call you on your bull**** because we have the time to. It's not that you're not pleasing everyone, it's that you're not pleasing anyone, and the infallible, "I-know-better-than-you" act just makes it worse. Please, please stop this. It gets you into more trouble than it should.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
@ Maven89 Maven89 Your questions from D1 and literally your same questions from D2. "Did you read the thread?" and my answer is I skim-read D1. I take D1 at surface value and I stand by the fact that your play is self-absorbed and you haven't been really looking at anyone else, but me for opposing you in D1. Your biggest thing you find scummy from me is "my ignorance in answering your questions" which isn't true at all. I do respond to your questions when I come into the thread and I feel even in my big post that I commented on you in detail giving my reasons as to why I was switching off of finding you scummy to finding Swords more scummier. I also feel RR is a scum-lean which also makes me think you are more likely to be town>scum if RR were to flip scum.
I'd ask if you've even read but you already answered that question for me. If you assume that his approach to you d1 is the same as his approach to you d2 then you're sorely mistaken. You would've realized that had you given d1 more than a skim.

But hey, let's not point out the fact that your biggest scumreads are the guys who have all pushed you for being scummy. The subtle OMGUS is okay when you're the one doing it, right?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I am so sad, but this post is honestly the best post against me and I have no retort really. I'm sad because I wanted to disprove it. Logically, this is a sound argument to lynch me, but the only one so far is the fact that I am such an enigma where it is half/half where people fall on my slot. If I am lynched, then please pile-drive WATT/Dancer to the ground.

That's not saying I want to be lynched/expect to be toDay, I am just saying WL has a good reason that actually makes sense.
Again, this is the exact same argument that others have used: "I wanna lynch J for information because his flip helps me determine the alignment of other slots". Yet it's **** or scummy to you when they do it but I get a pass.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Pg. 25 irony. WW vs. RR walls battling each other. Then when me and Dancer do it, we are shamed.

But that's none of my business, correct?
Nah, it's not. He posted a wall, I responded, then immediately said "nah no more walls" and deliberately limited myself to a paragraph. Neither you nor Swords would've done the same because you have a history of this type of ****, extending far back to Pulp Fiction mafia.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Would like to hear more about your reasoning for this. Can you elaborate on these connections?

His reasons for Dancer/WoTT are actually fairly substantiated and I don't find any reason to argue with them. That said, his play is still scummy enough that I wouldn't mind him being lynched and proposed a scumteam of whatever was left if you take the most likely people not to be scum with him out of the pool. It was left with Spak and Kantrip.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
"My logic is sound my logic is sound you are 100% scummy because you base your reads on yourself!"

Nvm the fact Ryker does that **** all the time (your read disagrees with my read therefore you are scummy)
Nvm the fact that I do that **** from time to time (this person on my wagon is not making sense he's scummy)

NVM the fact that you're doing this exact **** right now.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I don't understand why you keep saying you liked J's wall if you also say you don't see the point of it wrt actual conclusions and content. And why aren't you asking J directly instead of asking other people their theory on J's motivations?
J's never gonna give me a straight answer, and i want to see how other people felt before I go on J with my pigeon holed opinion of it.
I do have an opinion, it just feels like im really giving the the shaft from my own POV so i need to see other people's thought process to make sure im not crazy


I felt the wall itself had good intent, and some okish content, but since I don't agree with some points I cant say it was awesome so like is about as fair as I can be


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Hey, uh, Spak, he said in your own words, not the words of Ryker and Kantrip.

Those were in my words. Show me where Ryker and Kantrip said anything in regards to that question; just because they think Rake is scum as well doesn't automatically mean that I'm using their words. I came to my own informed conclusion and am sticking to it.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Well the only other real scum-read I have is WATT:

WATT to me reads as opportunistic scum latching onto whatever seems to be the biggest topic and moving with the flow as to who is the stronger of the two pushes. Look at his vote onto the Rake situation for an example and his vote on me D1. Then also go into the fact that WATT has been leaving every option open. That is what I gain when looking at his FUD-Indy post on Rake vs. RR saying "Guys, BOTH of them could be scum!!!" which means he takes a side with voting Rake with Ryker/Spak, but then continues to say "RR can still be scum guys!" It looks more like WATT is searching for his next lynch candidate rather than his next scum-read. I do not trust him at all and would be okay with lynching him as well.
Does this implicity make me town to you


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Those were in my words. Show me where Ryker and Kantrip said anything in regards to that question; just because they think Rake is scum as well doesn't automatically mean that I'm using their words. I came to my own informed conclusion and am sticking to it.
Except they're the ones pushing Rake under the "he's not dumb enough to do this" argument and they phrased it as such long before you so your point falls apart there.



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Spak, how do you feel aboiut Laundry defending me so much ?

Are we scum mates for it ?

No, I don't think that is necessarily an indication of being scummates; I think he's just pusing me because he thinks I'm exhibiting "Pawnish" behavior; I doubt the two are related and if they are, I doubt you would introduce the idea to me.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
No, I don't think that is necessarily an indication of being scummates; I think he's just pusing me because he thinks I'm exhibiting "Pawnish" behavior; I doubt the two are related and if they are, I doubt you would introduce the idea to me.
That post had nothing to do with my stances on you.



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Except they're the ones pushing Rake under the "he's not dumb enough to do this" argument and they phrased it as such long before you so your point falls apart there.

And why can't I have the same opinion as someone else? Is that a crime?

That post had nothing to do with my stances on you.

If "Pawnish" behavior has nothing to do with your stance on me, then what reason do you have for reading me scum?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
And why can't I have the same opinion as someone else? Is that a crime?
When the entirety of your opinions are someone else's, yes.

If "Pawnish" behavior has nothing to do with your stance on me, then what reason do you have for reading me scum?
No, I mean Rake's questions had nothing to do with you nor my treatment of you.



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
When the entirety of your opinions are someone else's, yes.
Well, I made my reads based on what I read through D2, posted what I found scummy/townie about everyone's posts for a few pages (I think it was 20-25), and developed my opinion based upon that. It's true that other people's analyses of the situation were in those posts that I reread (and may have in turn effected my judgement on the reads), but I pointed out some stuff that hadn't been questioned yet and made reads based on who's posts I thought were truthful and with town intent and who's weren't. Those are my honest reads and if you don't believe them, sucks for you.

No, I mean Rake's questions had nothing to do with you nor my treatment of you.

Oh, OK.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
(He isn't responding, so I'll just assume he's offline now. I hope you feel better!)
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