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"Revival of DGames" Mafia

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Do you not see the 10-15 pgs of this Day Phase of discussion that has mainly been centralized around Ryu/Rake?

I also gain insights on players and also what they feel regarding that. Plus I am not gonna come into the thread like Rake did and barrel down the thread saying "I got info that I can't prove, but here it is!" without a prompt. Hell, I even made mention of that when talking to Alex about how "I would have done things differently if I were Rake." That's what we call allusion.
That's fantastic.

That's also bull****. Not only do I doubt two thiefs but revealing that there is a redirector this game would've been fantastic knowledge to have sooner.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Let's pose the hypothetical.

I come in the thread with 0 info and 0 reads before doing my readthrough on the information I had. I was public enemy #1 and claiming something such as "Weak Voyeur whose PR got stolen" would have gone terribly and I would have been turbo-lynched out of here.

Put things into perspective and stop looking at things through a narrow mind, Alex.
Yes because DGames is known to turbo-lynch voyeurs out of the gate. Don't be a moron, John.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Ryker claimed to have been more than likely redirected earlier since he targetted Gheb last night and ended up dead.

Don't come at me with garbage.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Yes because DGames is known to turbo-lynch voyeurs out of the gate. Don't be a moron, John.

No, but DGames is known to turbo-lynch my slot for claims. Like whenever I do claim, I pretty much always die that day phase because everyone is usually too busy being stubborn which is this site's biggest problem is arrogance.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: For as bad as it sounds then, it sounds infinitely worse now because you held that information immediately.

Admittedly it would've changed the Rake/Ruy dynamic because you and Ruy claiming something got stolen from you would've gotten me skeptical but if your entire role got stolen while Ruy only lost his phone, I assume that that's plausible.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
No, but DGames is known to turbo-lynch my slot for claims. Like whenever I do claim, I pretty much always die that day phase because everyone is usually too busy being stubborn which is this site's biggest problem is arrogance.
Yes, because history dictates what will happen this game. Yet we're the arrogant ones.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
It would have changed the Rake/Ryu dynamic a lot and it would have brought the day-phase to being me and Ryu as the lynch candidates when there is the possibility that there are two roles. We have no idea what PRs the Indy could have had, but one thing proven by me not revealing my thief is that Theif is NOT a town role.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
inb4 J is actually scum and I'm the biggest dope ever.

More HBC:

Jeez, give me time, I'm going individually here haha.

And if you ignore that to your own laziness than that's your own fault. I put a ton of work into that and quoted/cited evidence. You should read it.

Regardless, the reason I find Swords scummy is that his pushes this game have been passive and also fence sitty. He has not made a move himself this game and is comfortable to sit in the background and let other people do the legwork for him. TownSwords is a much bigger force to be reckoned with and this game Swords is reading 100% different then his meta persists. However, Swords also has admitted to this and has agreed that his play "from his persepctive" is bad. Another thing that annoys me is that he has not given a single scum-read toDay after responding to my post and decided to take me off his scumdar after my approach to him which makes it look to me he is trying to placate me into not combating him further. I think Swords is scum and I stand by that fact.
Whatever. You might not like me for it but I'm still flipping my read on it.

Btw J I like this post.


Page 35 mostly just J. I like him here. Will not lynch. Where is Rake at in terms of votecount?

OH. Wait no, I get it now and this is nothing.

When you were referring to "Call phone or something" you meant "or something" on the name of the ability that let you speak. I'd been reading it as a totally different ability in addition that you weren't sure the role of and been wondering why you didn't ask and also couldn't just look it up in your PM.

Ignore all of that, I'm an idiot.
Okay, lol.

I don't understand why you keep saying you liked J's wall if you also say you don't see the point of it wrt actual conclusions and content. And why aren't you asking J directly instead of asking other people their theory on J's motivations?
This post is good.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
also if rake flips scum then ****ing lynch me. I'll fullclaim, do a full reread, and give my thoughts, but I simply don't think he's scum because the evidence for his wagon is ****.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
My last 7 games have had d1 bandwagons on me without fail and it didn't happen here.

Tomato, tomatoe.

You can fault me, but I honestly don't really care.

Move on, adjust your reads, and continue on.

You said at the beginning of the Day Phase you had me as town. Pretend you got my lynch and I do flip Town Ghost Mod (Voyeur). What do you do from there?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm Gheb, Town Australian Salt Bomb .

basically Im just really salty and mad cause everyone sucks but me and to combat this i built an amazing australian bomb vest for myself / town to martyr myself and kill the scum.

I have one item in my inventory, which is a bomb vest, which I am now wearing.

If someone shoots me, they die (obviously).

Bonus points though: Only town aligned slots can hold my vest, or else it goes off (passive abilities OP) so if scum hammers me they get my vest and they die. Same if the theif role steals it, it goes off and they die.

Also i have a restriction to post arcanine's which i very unsubtly crumbed D1

I've been trying to draw the kills by being super townie and I was gonna do the same today but then the Ryu thing happened and I over extended on it which was a bad call, I shoulda just kept playing the same because I honestly feel my role is best served as a 1 for 1 exchange


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Tomato, tomatoe.

You can fault me, but I honestly don't really care.

Move on, adjust your reads, and continue on.

You said at the beginning of the Day Phase you had me as town. Pretend you got my lynch and I do flip Town Ghost Mod (Voyeur). What do you do from there?
Look at the two you started laying out as scum. I already said that if you flipped not-mafia this is the exact angle I would investigate. Do you just not read my posts or something?


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Fanny's licking his wounds from realizing the derp he did. Maven is still on me cuz he's pretty much tunneling and I can't really remember why Alex is on me besides "Info lynch = best lynch".

If I was scum, I would have just rode the Rake lynch and twiddled my fingers. But nope.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'm Gheb, Town Australian Salt Bomb .

basically Im just really salty and mad cause everyone sucks but me and to combat this i built an amazing australian bomb vest for myself / town to martyr myself and kill the scum.

I have one item in my inventory, which is a bomb vest, which I am now wearing.

If someone shoots me, they die (obviously).

Bonus points though: Only town aligned slots can hold my vest, or else it goes off (passive abilities OP) so if scum hammers me they get my vest and they die. Same if the theif role steals it, it goes off and they die.

Also i have a restriction to post arcanine's which i very unsubtly crumbed D1

I've been trying to draw the kills by being super townie and I was gonna do the same today but then the Ryu thing happened and I over extended on it which was a bad call, I shoulda just kept playing the same because I honestly feel my role is best served as a 1 for 1 exchange

Congrats, I'm hammering now. People seem to think I'm scum if you flip it so that's a fantastic way to check, right?


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Look at the two you started laying out as scum. I already said that if you flipped not-mafia this is the exact angle I would investigate. Do you just not read my posts or something?

No, I am trying to get you to realize that you are incorrect on my slot.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Vote: Rake ~Desu

Fine, let's do this. I'm more than willing to clear/condemn Alex and get that out of the way.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
My one regret is not posting exactly like Gheb does this whole game, that was initally my plan but I didn't think I could pull it off lol


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Fanny's licking his wounds from realizing the derp he did. Maven is still on me cuz he's pretty much tunneling and I can't really remember why Alex is on me besides "Info lynch = best lynch".
"I like this." "This is exactly the same as SD and you hate him for it why do you like Alex for it." "I don't like this"

No, your play is garbage. You skipped D1 so we're not gonna talk about that. You walk in here with a garbage Maven read, try to play him off as mad scum and vote him over anyone else. Then you disappear and come back with this Dancer/Wot team and that Maven is suddenly an indy because J logic (read: bull**** opinions). Your entire stance around Maven is garbage and half your reads read of OMGUS.

If I was scum, I would have just rode the Rake lynch and twiddled my fingers. But nope.
Nah I hate these arguments because they're completely unprovable. Get this outta here.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also the vest thing J claimed seems really unlikely to me.
Not sure about how to feel with him not talking about the other thing but maybe its null ?
Also, what;s with the mod falvor this game lol
First gossip mod now ghost mod.
Where;s the Marshy angry mod role


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
J the problem with your push on me was that you clearly had no idea what was going on in the thread, you clearly had no idea what people were talking about, the points you had against me weren't even occurring, and the fact that you had barely read is information you would know. You were aware you weren't really following the game at all. So why, if you were playing as town, would you come into a thread you hadn't been following 24 hours before a deadline to push a slot based on wrong information, and then when pointed out this was wrong information, why would you then just double down and stick with it instead of checking to see if they were right?

What has J's slot done that's townie? How is targeting Spak townie?


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
So what, now we have to lynch J tomorrow because Rake wanted to kill himself and laundry is so self centered that he'd waste a lynch to clear himself when barely anyone was scum reading him?

Did this seriously just occur in this thread

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Half my reads aren't OMGUS and also I don't have a MavenIndy read you derp.


your scum ass said:
Indy feels: Maven/Fanny
your scum ass said:
Continuing in this line of thought going onto Maven and remembering why I disliked him early. He seems to be the sort of player that centralize a lot of the game around themselves especially with the wording. Plus he lashes out at people who vote him, but in a self-preservation way rather then a question as to figure out the "why" behind it." This is one of my tells of finding Indys and so far it has been pretty full proof. I think I have failed to explain that when I am talking about Maven, I am seeing him as one of my biggest Indy reads. He does not seem to make sense with who I am looking at for the scum-team. I will probably continue on this later if I deem it necessary but Indy's are the least of my concern honestly with nothing but a theory I have regarding them *which will be talked about later*.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I am feeling indifferent about you, Maven. I am probably taking you off my indyDar because it is confuddling to say the least. I did at the time of my big post have you as Indy or Town. I took you off of my scum-team list and did say that in my big post so I claiming that I said both was not true. Your play is mainly based on yourself and since this is my first game with you the only view I have on your OMGUSy playstyle is that it looked like reactionary scum.

Also you are saying in the latter quote that you find me scummy for changing my read on you after doing an indepth read-through on the entire game and providing quotes and links and posts about why I find my scum-team to be WATT/Dancer means. People change minds, but I have substantiated why I changed my mind and proven that very clearly toDay so I don't get why you are harping on this invalid point.
Seriously, look at the updated read.
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