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"Revival of DGames" Mafia

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I also had Indy feels on Fanny, but you fail to mention that and only my MavenIndy spec.


Now why should Ryker be buried toMorrow?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
So what, now we have to lynch J tomorrow because Rake wanted to kill himself and laundry is so self centered that he'd waste a lynch to clear himself when barely anyone was scum reading him?

Did this seriously just occur in this thread
I'll take a clear on my slot. I wasn't getting J so I'll take the next best thing. This could be Rake being scum and making a move to get me lynched but who the **** cares at this point, I didn't have the numbers to get J anymore so I was getting lynched regardless if Rake flipped scum.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I also had Indy feels on Fanny, but you fail to mention that and only my MavenIndy spec.


Now why should Ryker be buried toMorrow?
Because they're not even substantiated.

Why do we let a mod-confirmed Jailer who lives through the night off without any hint of pressure?


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
So reads:


Ryker due to NA's
Fanny due to obvious
Spak (gut but the slots been hammered on so much and yet everything he does is more dumb newb than town to me
Laundry (kinda iffy on this because role revealing goes either way for me but i feel like his play overall has been okay except for lynnching me after spearheading for J so much, that swaps kinda bull****

Town lean:
WaTT (Been happier today with the slot than yesterday, some of the swings have read a little off but scum orbo is alot more plotting and caniving and shadowy then to play the way he has with the openness of the read changes
Kantrip: Don't really trust kantrip because he keeps dipping to avoid being a real presence, like he came in strong before but now he's kinda just a vapour slot with semi good opinions who comes around just enough to be seen doing things
Ryu: I can see Laundry's arguement on us being TvT, I really did over extend on Ryu but i still feel like i did the right thing to call him out on it. Especially because him calling the phine upon gaining the power is kinda unexplained, like why would you call it, you have no idea what it could do, so he did it on what, faith ?


PoE between remaining players
So what, now we have to lynch J tomorrow because Rake wanted to kill himself and laundry is so self centered that he'd waste a lynch to clear himself when barely anyone was scum reading him?

Did this seriously just occur in this thread
I didn't want to, I said I'm okay with it.
We could have had J but yunno, Laundry's kinda a ****


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also laundry hammering me after defending me all day and now suddenly I'm his next best thing when we had numbers on J. That;s some bull**** right there


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'll take a clear on my slot. I wasn't getting J so I'll take the next best thing. This could be Rake being scum and making a move to get me lynched but who the **** cares at this point, I didn't have the numbers to get J anymore so I was getting lynched regardless if Rake flipped scum.

what the **** are you talking about

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
He hammered to prove a point of arrogance.


You want to call me arrogant? Your playstyle is so garbage, I wouldn't even add it to my beautiful artistic heaps. You refuse to play D1 because you "work better from a paper trail" despite the fact that anyone with a brain works better with one? Yet somehow this buys you an excuse to sit out D1, not play, not put reads out, not get your hands dirty? And as soon as you're called on that garbage logic, you defend your play as acceptable because of your experiences with morons on other sites. You shut down Ruy for saying walls are bad because you have 4-5 years of experience when Ruy has been playing just as long and I, who told you they were garbage also, have been playing even longer. You are the epitome of snippy, self-righteous arrogance, J. You who act as if you'r ebetter than everyone here. The rest of us make due with what we have but no, not god tier J, not the high lord of mafia who knows better than everyone else.

Spare me. Your opinions are garbage.



Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I'll take a clear on my slot. I wasn't getting J so I'll take the next best thing. This could be Rake being scum and making a move to get me lynched but who the **** cares at this point, I didn't have the numbers to get J anymore so I was getting lynched regardless if Rake flipped scum.

J was at like ****ing L-2


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Well now that ****ing Badwolf decided to do the scummiest action he could think of to hammer a slot he was just insisting had to be town barely 5 minutes before when we sitting at l-2 on our scum target 9 hours form a deadline, I honestly don't even think BW not blowing up could even prove him town, in such a heavy item game BW could just have a bomb vest or something like that, cause wtf. like wtf

I'm pissed and will probably be able to think about this later before Bard comes in, hopefully.

If not I'll post thoughts tomorrow.

Poor show

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
J was at like ****ing L-2
I mean fair enough but we had numbers for J lol. Your excuse is trash garbage
Go through the playerlist and tell me who was gonna vote him then. You two and myself, Maven, and Ruy were already on him. Wott, Spak, Ryker, and Kantrip already comprised the Rake wagon. J's not gonna vote himself. Dancer voted Rake and said he wouldn't vote J. That's already majority right there.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Wow Laundry, that is truly not how I try to come across and I feel you are completely off based with your opinion, but okay sure you are entitled to your opinion.

But that was incredibly in poor taste/way too harsh. Especially since this is just a game of mafia that I joined to just have fun with old friends, not come in here and read posts like that.

I take offense to your post on a personal out of game level because that is seriously what that post was meant to do.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also you guys better hope laundry's town cause I did lie about my role lol. Mostly cause I'm not a good person but also because me claiming would have got me hammered anyway.

Have fun.

I was a dayvig, I got loved if I shot correctly and hated if i killed town. I was restricted to shooting on D3 cause apparently D1 dayvigs are lame. Suckish role but I was planning to shoot first thing D3 regardless so maybe I'm the ****

#rake Out

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

See ya'll in a later dayphase. I'm not gonna let 1 person ruin my comeback game, but after reading Rake's last post. Going to Target, day-drinking, and League, sounds lovely right about now.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Wow Laundry, that is truly not how I try to come across and I feel you are completely off based with your opinion, but okay sure you are entitled to your opinion.

But that was incredibly in poor taste/way too harsh. Especially since this is just a game of mafia that I joined to just have fun with old friends, not come in here and read posts like that.

I take offense to your post on a personal out of game level because that is seriously what that post was meant to do.
And there's the "I'm just here to have fun" thing.

On a personal level, I've come to hate playing with you. You're snarky and refuse to play the game in a meaningful way until it's convenient to you. It's obnxious to handle you at times and when others say "we don't like this, please stop doing this" you respond with "well it works for me in other places and I don't give a **** to change it so deal". That's annoying at best and arrogant at worst. Nobody cares that you work better with a paper trail. So do I. I still flounder around D1 trying to make things happen and end up with a bandwagon on my ass for my troubles more often than not. Ryker works damn well with a papertrail but he still tries to get in thread and get clout so he can have command when push comes to shove. This isn't even mentioning your ways of trying to shove me over the line so I'll crack. I get the point of it, but that ****'s obnoxious to me and I hate how you do it every time we play together. You're no fun to play with, J, not to me and continually pushing me over the line is going to get posts like this as a result because you know that I will snap back.

Was that over the line? Damn sure, and I'm sorry for that. I don't wanna ruin your playing experience, that wasn't my intent either.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
And others can comment to me about how annoying I am. I've been trying to improve that, not vocally, not visibly, but trying because I know the effect I have on other players and I don't like it. That's no excuse, but that is me trying not to be a damned asshole to everyone I meet in this game.



Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Also you guys better hope laundry's town cause I did lie about my role lol. Mostly cause I'm not a good person but also because me claiming would have got me hammered anyway.

Have fun.

I was a dayvig, I got loved if I shot correctly and hated if i killed town. I was restricted to shooting on D3 cause apparently D1 dayvigs are lame. Suckish role but I was planning to shoot first thing D3 regardless so maybe I'm the ****

#rake Out
This is the biggest rakeeffectI have ever seen.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
We're going to have to deal with your slot and having another player come in is just going to throw even more chaos into the mix of trying to figure this out

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
The thing is Laundry, you are trying to put how you view the game and what you take as annoying as this god-forsaken way to play the game. I am not here to make it a competition, I am here to make the environment fun and enjoyable. If you are seeing me as arrogant, then I am 100% telling you that is not how I am trying to come across. I disagree with how you play the game which is essentially to be a huge **** to everyone, but do you see me trying to get you to change your ways? No. You've grown so much in the past years and settled down to a medium to where you aren't being overtly dickish on purpose. That post against me was seriously just a flashback to you trying to get me, the person, out of the game instead of me, the player. The last thing I want you to do is replace out because I signed up seeing you on the player list with other people I have fun playing with. I just think that regardless of alignments you shouldn't stoop to such animosity on games, especially when someone like you knows me as a person from how many months of solo playing league together with you and Sophie? Like that's what I don't get, if you have an honest problem with me, I consider myself very receptive to critique and if you just sit me down and I can listen. I've already vowed that I am never playing a D1 anymore like this one and I am going to change my ways with that, but I will say that it because I am realizing the effect I have on other players. But there is a reason for my playing D1 like I did to this game specifically.

I do forgive your outburst because I understand a majority of it comes from anger regarding the situation of this game. I just feel you play this game with anger where I try and play this game with joy. (Literally, referencing a Disney movie *Inside Out* in this point)

Also, people really need to stop being ***** to BadWolf, he was one of my friends from IRL who I invited to come play in this site because I trusted to community to be nice to new players and yeah he may not be the best, but the way this site ousted him was just pure bullying.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Let's just let this go and continue playing a game of mafia. I'm more than okay with moving on and after taking a step back I am just very passionate about this game which I haven't been with mafia in a while so I took offense to Laundry's post much more than I should have.

But hey, when isn't J an emotional roller coaster?

Come on let's liven the mood and shake off the bad air that is floating around. I'm okay with what Laundry said, and I'm just gonna move past it, but take what he said into deep consideration for my post-game recollection of what I did this game.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also pretty sure if laundry's scum they won or close to it

Night kill goes through, daykill then night kill

Is that GG ? I dont know alive numbers lol
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