You and DH have claimed characters that don't even exist. It could be that J felt he had to invent a character out of thin air, or maybe he didn't know the characters' names and just made some up. The fact that you and DH have both claimed these odd characters adds solidarity.
Soup has claimed a human, one who's actually in the game with his proper name, but who doesn't appear very often. It's an odd character who is only seen as a helicopter, never bodily. It could be a hastily provided fakeclaim for scum, moreso than the other claims.
I've claimed chainsaw man. This is certainly not a J-provided fakeclaim. I could have made up my own claim entirely, but the chances of what I've claimed being a mod-given fakeclaim are next to nothing.
So, as I've been saying, common sense dictates that the character claims are suspicious purely as fakeclaims in this order from most to least suspicious.
Helicopter Mike
Villagers that sort of exist
Villager who does exist but with a chainsaw
Have I ever said that my claim isn't odd? No. Look at it next to your and DH's claims, I'm claiming a villager but with my proper name, and I'm saying I'm a miller to top it. The lynch is certainly between Soup and I toDay objectively.