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Replace Brawl-Sound-Files aka mp3 to brstm converter

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Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
I'm sorry for bumping this, but now with the SD uploader code by Phantom Wings is out and you don't need to burn a disc to replace files... Wouldn't this be more practical now?

Now, all we need is a converter ._.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I'm sorry for bumping this, but now with the SD uploader code by Phantom Wings is out and you don't need to burn a disc to replace files... Wouldn't this be more practical now?
You still need to burn a disc; even if the SD loader code worked with BRSTMs, streaming from an SD card is a bad idea and will quickly kill itI'm an idiot this isn't true. There is, however, a DSP-to-BRSTM converter (Revolution B), and any WAV file can be made into a DSP with minor knowledge of sound files by using the DSPADPCM tool from Nintendo's Wii SDK. I used it to make a personal disc with all the obnoxious post-Genesis Sonic music replaced with Genesis tunes and the Final Destination theme replaced with Bananaphone.

Helpful tidbits if you use this: the loop start has to be divisible by 14336 samples for it to loop properly, and sometimes tracks will not loop at all and freeze the game when you leave the stage/menu; I haven't figured out why this happens yet and so far the only way to fix it is to remake the BRSTM and reburn.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Guide by MK-Zaku III

Ok, here is the beginning of my guide on how to change music from SSBB.

I'll start off with a list of what you'll need.

1.Revolution Dev kit:
sorry dudes, I can't tell you where to get it, try your favorite torrent site

2.Revolution B:
get it from this link: http://www.hcs64.com/vgm_ripping.html It's on the bottom of the page
*TANKS chaotix000! Without your link, it wouldn't be possible!*

3.Sound file editing software:
I use goldwave, but anything that can convert or produce mono 16 bit pcm/wav files will work

again, I can't tell you where to get it, try your favorite torrent site

I used verison 1.21. You should probably stick to it as well

6.Music that you want to convert:
It can be any format. I haven't tried really, really long songs, but I'd stick to stuff that's 5 min. or less. The longest song on SSBB is only 3:40 long.

Ok, please know that this is still in development. I am not an experienced Wii dev person or programmer, so don't dare mock me!!!!. I'm also writing this in a manner so anyone can read this and get a basic understanding on how to do it.

A couple of tips before you start:

DON'T modify the original ISO you downloaded. Use a copied file.
If you press up on the command line, it types in the last command entered.
Make sure you have plenty of time.
All of the command lines in pink are single commands, you don't hit enter until after you type the entire thing
All Special notes are in orange.

STEP 1: Before you start, you need to find a few files in the dev kit in order to convert stuffs. Find the following:

DSPADPCM.pdf (it's a small guide on how to use the DSPADPCM utility)
dspadpcm.exe (it's the utility that converts wav files into DSP format)
dspadpcmD.exe (I don't really know what it's for, but I'd keep it in the same directory as the file mentioned above)
dsptool.dll (you need to put this in your system32 folder for an x86 system, if you have a 64bit OS, put it in the appropriate system folder)
dsptoolD.dll (same as above)

STEP 2: After you find those files from the dev kit, make a folder in your HDD root. You don't absolutely have to, but I did it to make it easy. Let's call this new folder "Music_Hax". In Music_Hax, make another folder, I'll call mine "Tools". Put all the files that you found in STEP 1 into the tools folder. The files with the .dll extention need to go into your system32 folder (if you don't know, your system32 folder is in C:\windows\system32). If you have a 64 bit version, it should be the same. Maybe. I don't remember. More on this on the next revision of the guide.

STEP 3: Download Revolution B. This utility repacks your DSP files into BRSTM files. Put all the file into your "tools" folder.

STEP 4: WiiScrubber, you'll need it. Put it in your Music_HAx folder. Don't ask questions, just do it!!!

STEP 5: Make another folder called "Original_Music". This is where you are going to extract ALL of the brawl music files. It's a very, very long process.

STEP 6: Open up your SSBB Image with WiiScrubber. Click on Partition 2- Data, then scroll down and click on sound, and then click on strm. ALL those strm files start with a letter, and have two numbers after the letter. The letter determines what music group it belongs to. Each game/level has a letter assigned to it. Mother 3 songs start with a K, and all the victory themes start with a Z. Know that you have to extract ALL of them. Why? Well, the only way I know which song is which is to listen to them. In order to listen to them you have to extract them, and convert them all back to .wav files. Extract them into the Original_Music folder. It is going to take a while. I'm working on making a chart as to which letter/number corresponds with which song.

*You can see an entire song list at:http://www.mariowiki.com/List_of_Songs_in_Super_Smash_Bros._Brawl
, so you no longer have to convert ALL of the songs to find out which goes to which. THANKS RAWRzilla!*

STEP 7: After you have extracted all of the game's BRSTM files into your Original_music folder, you can start converting them. Open the MS-DOS command line. If you don't know how, just click your start menu, click run, and type cmd. When you have the window up, type in CD C:\Music_HAX\tools. Now we are going to use revb.exe to convert the brstm files into dsp files. In the command line, type in revb and press enter. It will give you a list of commands and options you can use. we are going to use the extract command. For this example, we are going to convert K01.brstm into a dsp file.

In the command line, this is what I'd type to convert K01.brstm into a dsp file:

C:\Music_Hax\Tools>revb --extract C:\Music_Hax\original_music\K01.brstm rstm C:\Music_Hax\original_music\K01.DSP

After you hit enter, it will display some data and such, but look in your original_music folder. Now you will have an K01.dsp file.

You can convert all of them to dsp files before proceeding to the next step, or do it one at a time. It doesn't matter. Either way it will take up lots of time.

STEP8: Open up DSPADPCM.pdf, and scroll down to usage. It will tell you commands you can use to do stuffs. This time, we are going to use dspadpcm to convert K01 to a .wav file, and create a text document with data.

In your command line, type in dspadpcm. It will display it's commands.

Now, to convert the file, and produce the data, I'm going to type the following on my command line:

C:\music_hax\tools>dspadpcm -d C:\music_hax\original_music\K01.dsp C:\music_hax\original_music\K01.wav -cC:\Music_Hax\original_music\K01.txt

It takes forever to type, but once you've done it, you'll end up with K01.wav, and K01.txt. Open both. K01 is the music from Lucas' stage, Snowman or winters. I can't remember. But it's the winter themed one. Here is what the text file says:

Header size: 96 bytes

Sample : 'C:\Music_HAX\original_music\K01.dsp'
Length : 4189394 samples
Num nibbles: 4787880 ADPCM nibbles
Sample Rate: 32000 Hz
Loop Flag : LOOPED

Start Addr : 0x00044000 + ARAM_offset (ADPCM nibble mode)
End Addr : 0x00490EA7 + ARAM_offset (ADPCM nibble mode)
Curr Addr : 0x00000000 + ARAM_offset (ADPCM nibble mode)

a1[0]: 0x0221 a2[0]: 0xFFE6
a1[1]: 0x0AA3 a2[1]: 0xFB9A
a1[2]: 0x06E6 a2[2]: 0xFF9D
a1[3]: 0x0E92 a2[3]: 0xF8E1
a1[4]: 0x0430 a2[4]: 0x01D9
a1[5]: 0x0B9A a2[5]: 0xFBDE
a1[6]: 0x07DF a2[6]: 0xFFB6
a1[7]: 0x0E2D a2[7]: 0xF9AB

Gain : 0x0000
Pred/Scale: 0x0000
y[n-1] : 0x0000
y[n-2] : 0x0000

Loop Pred/Scale: 0x0057
Loop y[n-1] : 0x0780
Loop y[n-2] : 0x0980

Note the number in lime green color. That is the sample rate. All wav files converted to dsp must be 32000 Hz.

If you get errors when you try step 8, try putting all the contents of the Audio portion of the dev kit into your tools folder.

STEP 9: Create a new folder in your Music_Hax folder named "new_music". Now that we have K01.dsp and K01.wav, you can open up your sound file editing software. I use goldwave. Open up your favorite .mp3, .ogg, .wav, etc. etc. For this stage, I used a song from Bound Together Album, "Sweet Dream Lullaby". Resample your song to 32000hz, or 32khz. Remove any or most of the silence from the end of the song, as it will repeat the song in the end. If you have no sound for the last few seconds, it will replay that also. Save it as a mono 16 bit PCM, in your new_music folder. It takes away the stereo, but it has to be done. I renamed my saved .wav file as "sweet_dream.wav".

NOTE:If you use softer songs with lyrics they tend to lose volume when you convert them to 32000hz mono, so raise the volume to compensate AFTER you resample and save it as a mono 16 bit PCM.

STEP 10: Now we convert my sweet_dream.wav into a dsp file. Look at the DSPADPCM guide. It will tell you how to encode it and such. So, to encode my file into dsp format, I'm going to type the following on my command line:

C:\Music_Hax\tools>DSPADPCM -e C:\Music_Hax\new_music\sweet_dream.wav C:\Music_Hax\new_music\K01NEW.dsp -cC:\Music_hax\new_music\k01NEW.txt

After I hit enter. It converts the song into DSP format, it also produces a text file. This is what the text file says:

Header size: 96 bytes

Sample : 'C:\Music_Hax\New_Music\sweet_Dream.wav'
Length : 7962741 samples
Num nibbles: 9100277 ADPCM nibbles
Sample Rate: 32000 Hz
Loop Flag : NOT LOOPED

Start Addr : 0x00000002 + ARAM_offset (ADPCM nibble mode)
End Addr : 0x008ADBF4 + ARAM_offset (ADPCM nibble mode)
Curr Addr : 0x00000002 + ARAM_offset (ADPCM nibble mode)

a1[0]: 0x031C a2[0]: 0xFF0C
a1[1]: 0x0ACC a2[1]: 0xFAF0
a1[2]: 0x065F a2[2]: 0x001F
a1[3]: 0x0E7A a2[3]: 0xF8FE
a1[4]: 0x0735 a2[4]: 0xFD15
a1[5]: 0x0BF3 a2[5]: 0xFB34
a1[6]: 0x08AE a2[6]: 0xFEDA
a1[7]: 0x0D99 a2[7]: 0xFA47

Gain : 0x0000
Pred/Scale: 0x0000
y[n-1] : 0x0000
y[n-2] : 0x0000

Loop Pred/Scale: 0x0000
Loop y[n-1] : 0x0000
Loop y[n-2] : 0x0000

Notice the lime green colored number. That number is the length of the song. It will be different for every song you convert to DSP format! We have to reconvert it with the loop option in order to make the song repeat during gameplay. To loop the song from beginning to end, this is what I'd type in my command line:

C:\Music_Hax\tools>DSPADPCM -e C:\Music_Hax\new_music\sweet_dream.wav C:\Music_Hax\new_music\K01NEW.dsp -l0-7962741 -cC:\Music_hax\new_music\k01NEW.txt

This will make the DSP loop from the end of the song, back to the beginning. Hal makes it so their songs loop somewhere where it sounds like the song is continuous. I don't have the time or capability to determine which byte in which song to loop to do that. So for now we just loop from beginning to end.

STEP 11: So now we have K01NEW.dsp and K01NEW.txt. We are now ready to convert it to brstm format. To do this, you have to use revb.exe again. so in the command line, this is how it would look like:

C:\Music_hax\tools>revb --build C:\Music_hax\New_music\K01NEW.brstm C:\Music_hax\New_music\K01NEW.dsp

Now you have K01NEW.brstm, you can now go to the final steps.

STEP 12: You open up your SSBB ISO in WiiScrubber again, and scroll down to the music file you want to replace. Right click K01.brstm, and replace it with K01NEW.brstm. Replace all the music files, skins, etc etc. you want. Close WiiScrubber.

Step 13: Burn your new image using the DVD-ROM book type on the slowest settings your writer supports.

Hopefully, if everything was done correctly, it should add up and you'll have Sweet Dream Lullaby play instead of snowman on Lucas' level.

and um, well that's it for now.

Here is a music sample done my me. I did two sonic stage songs, three Lucas stage songs, and both of Ness's stage songs.


Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Note the number in lime green color. That is the sample rate. All wav files converted to dsp must be 32000 Hz.
This is wrong. The DSPs and BRSTMs can be set to any sample rate. The guide also missed a few things:
A. The files you make to replace the files on the disc must be the same size or smaller than the original files.
B. Determining the right looping point is fairly easy; find a good looping point in the waveform and multiply that by the sample rate. Example: The looping point is at 14.223 seconds, so I multiply that by 32000 to get 455136, which is the sample where it loops.
C. You can easily make stereo tracks. Make one DSP the left side and one DSP the right side, then combine them with the relevant commands in RevB.
D. As I mentioned in my previous post, the looping point must be divisible by 14336. This is because Nintendo's hardware only checks for loops every block, and a block is 14336 samples; you'll have to add silent padding to the WAV to get the looping point at the correct time, so I whipped up a handy formula for doing so:

loopstart / 14336 = B
B rounded up = C
C * 14336 = D
D - loopstart = E
E / samplerate = seconds of padding needed

D = loopstart2
E + loopend = loopend2

Additionally, I have a list of all the songs and their corresponding filenames.

X04 - Battlefield
T02 - Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
X25 - Battlefield Ver. 2
W21 - Battlefield (Melee)
W23 - Multi-Man Melee 1 (Melee)

X05 - Final Destination
T01 - Credits (Super Smash Bros.)
T03 - Opening (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
W25 - Final Destination (Melee)
W31 - Giga Bowser (Melee)

A13 - Delfino Plaza
A07 - Title / Ending (Super Mario World)
A08 - Main Theme (New Super Mario Bros.)
A14 - Ricco Harbor
A15 - Main Theme (Super Mario 64)

A09 - Luigi's Mansion Theme
A06 - Castle / Boss Fortress (Super Mario World / SMB3)
A05 - Airship Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3)
Q10 - Tetris: Type A
Q11 - Tetris: Type B

A01 - Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
A16 - Ground Theme 2 (Super Mario Bros.)
A10 - Gritzy Desert
A02 - Underground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
A03 - Underwater Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
A04 - Underground Theme (Super Mario Land)

A20 - Mario Circuit
A21 - Luigi Circuit
A22 - Waluigi Pinball
A23 - Rainbow Road
R05 - Mario Tennis/Mario Golf
R14 - Excite Truck
Q09 - Title (3D Hot Rally)

B01 - Jungle Level Ver.2
B08 - Jungle Level
B05 - King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2
B06 - Bramble Blast
B07 - Battle for Storm Hill
B10 - DK Jungle 1 Theme (Barrel Blast)
B02 - The Map Page / Bonus Level

C02 - Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
C09 - Ocarina of Time Medley
C01 - Title (The Legend of Zelda)
C04 - The Dark World
C05 - Hidden Mountain & Forest
C08 - Hyrule Field Theme
C17 - Main Theme (Twilight Princess)
C18 - The Hidden Village
C19 - Midna's Lament

C15 - Dragon Roost Island
C16 - The Great Sea
C07 - Tal Tal Heights
C10 - Song of Storms
C13 - Gerudo Valley
C11 - Molgera Battle
C12 - Village of the Blue Maiden
C14 - Termina Field

D01 - Main Theme (Metroid)
D03 - Ending (Metroid)
D02 - Norfair
D05 - Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
R12 - Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)
R07 - Marionation Gear

D04 - Vs. Ridley
D08 - Vs. Parasite Queen
D07 - Opening / Menu (Metroid Prime)
D06 - Sector 1
D09 - Vs. Meta Ridley
D10 - Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)

E02 - Obstacle Course
E07 - Obstacle Course (Winter)
E01 - Ending (Yoshi's Story)
E03 - Yoshi's Island
E05 - Flower Field
E06 - Wildlands

F06 - Meta Knight's Revenge
F01 - The Legendary Air Ride Machine
F05 - Gourmet Race
F04 - Butter Building
F02 - King Dedede's Theme
F12 - Squeak Squad Theme
F07 - Vs. Marx
F08 - 0² Battle
F03 - Boss Theme Medley
F10 - Checker Knights
F09 - Forest / Nature Area
F11 - Frozen Hillside

G10 - Space Armada
G02 - Corneria
G01 - Main Theme (Star Fox)
G03 - Main Theme (Star Fox 64)
G04 - Area 6
G11 - Area 6 Ver. 2
G05 - Star Wolf
G09 - Star Wolf (Star Fox: Assault)
G07 - Space Battleground
G08 - Break Through the Ice
Q12 - Tunnel Scene (X)

H01 - Pokemon Main Theme
H03 - Road to Viridian City (From Pallet Town / Pewter City)
H02 - Pokemon Center
H04 - Pokemon Gym / Evolution
H05 - Wild Pokemon Battle! (Ruby / Sapphire)

H06 - Victory Road
H08 - Dialga / Palkia Battle at Spear Pillar!
H07 - Wild Pokemon Battle! (Diamond / Pearl)
H09 - Team Galactic Battle!
H10 - Route 209

I01 - Mute City
I03 - Fire Field
I02 - White Land
I04 - Car Select
I05 - Dream Chaser
I06 - Devil's Call in Your Heart
I07 - Climb Up! And Get The Last Chance!
I08 - Brain Cleaner
I09 - Shotgun Kiss
I10 - Planet Colors
R09 - Golden Forest (1080° Snowboarding)
W18 - Mach Rider (Melee)

J02 - Fire Emblem Theme
J04 - With Mila's Divine Protection (Celica Map 1)
J08 - Attack
J06 - Preparing to Advance
J07 - Winning Road - Roy's Hope
J03 - Shadow Dragon Medley
J13 - Ike's Theme
J09 - Against the Dark Knight
J10 - Crimean Army Sortie
J11 - Power-Hungry Fool
J12 - Victory is Near
W17 - Fire Emblem (Melee)

M01 - WarioWare, Inc.
M02 - WarioWare, Inc. Medley
M08 - Ashley's Song
M07 - Ashley's Song (JP)
M06 - Mike's Song
M05 - Mike's Song (JP)
M04 - Mona Pizza's Song
M03 - Mona Pizza's Song (JP)
M09 - MicroGame$ Theme 01
M10 - MicroGame$ Theme 02
M11 - MicroGame$ Theme 03
M12 - MicroGame$ Theme 04
M13 - MicroGame$ Theme 05
M15 - MicroGame$ Theme 06
M16 - MicroGame$ Theme 07
M17 - MicroGame$ Theme 08
M18 - MicroGame$ Theme 09

L06 - Main Theme (Pikmin)
L01 - World Map (Pikmin 2)
L07 - Stage Clear / Title (Pikmin)
L02 - Forest of Hope
L04 - Ai no Uta
L08 - Ai no Uta (French Version)
L05 - Tane no Uta
L03 - Environmental Noises
R08 - Title (Big Brain Academy)

N01 - Title (Animal Crossing)
N02 - Go K.K. Rider!
N03 - 2:00 a.m.
N06 - Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store
N05 - The Roost
N07 - K.K. Cruisin'
N08 - K.K. Western
N09 - K.K. Gumbo
N10 - Rockin' K.K
N11 - DJ K.K
N12 - Condor

K07 - Porky's Theme
K09 - Unfounded Revenge / Smashing Song of Praise
K08 - Mother 3 Love Theme
K10 - You Call This a Utopia?!
K05 - Humoresque of a Little Dog
K01 - Snowman

Q07 - Ice Climber
Q06 - Balloon Trip
Q08 - Shin Onigashima
Q05 - Clu Clu Land
W13 - Icicle Mountain (Melee)

P01 - Underworld
P03 - Skyworld
P02 - Title (Kid Icarus)
P04 - Kid Icarus Original Medley

B04 - Donkey Kong
B03 - Opening (Donkey Kong)
B09 - 25m BGM

A17 - Mario Bros.
Q02 - Gyromite
Q01 - Famicom Medley
Q13 - Power-Up Music
Q14 - Douchuumen (Nazo no Murasamejo)

R04 - Flat Zone 2
Q04 - Chill (Dr. Mario)
W14 - Flat Zone (Melee)

R02 - PictoChat
R10 - Mii Channel
R11 - Wii Shop Channel
R15 - Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
R16 - Opening Theme (Wii Sports)
R17 - Charge! (Wii Play)
R13 - Shaberu! DS Cooking Navi
R06 - Lip's Theme (Panel de Pon)
W20 - Dr. Mario (Melee)

R03 - Hanenbrow?

S06 - MGS4 ~Theme of Love~ Smash Bros. Brawl Version
S02 - Encounter
S03 - Theme of Tara
S08 - Battle in the Base
2849 S04 - Yell "Dead Cell"
4200 S07 - Cavern
5978 S05 - Snake Eater (Instrumental)
S10 - Theme of Solid Snake
S11 - Calling to the Night

U01 - Green Hill Zone
U04 - Angel Island Zone
U02 - Scrap Brain Zone
U03 - Emerald Hill Zone
U06 - Sonic Boom
U07 - Super Sonic Racing
U08 - Open Your Heart
U09 - Live & Learn
U10 - Sonic Heroes
U11 - Right There, Ride On
U12 - HIS WORLD (Instrumental)
U13 - Seven Rings In Hand

C03 - Great Temple / Temple
W24 - Temple (Melee)

W05 - Yoshi's Island (Melee)
W15 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Melee)

W03 - Jungle Japes (Melee)
W26 - Kongo Jungle (Melee)

W12 - Mother (Melee)
W19 - Mother 2 (Melee)

W08 - Corneria (Melee)
W28 - Venom (Melee)

W02 - Rainbow Cruise (Melee)
W01 - Princess Peach's Castle (Melee)

W07 - Green Greens (Melee)
W06 - Fountain of Dreams (Melee)

W11 - Big Blue (Melee)
W29 - Mute City (Melee)

W27 - Brinstar (Melee)
W04 - Brinstar Depths (Melee)

W09 - Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
W16 - Battle Theme (Melee)
W10 - Poke Floats (Melee)

X02 - Menu 1
X03 - Menu 2
W30 - Menu (Melee)
X01 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme

Y01 - Adventure Map
X17 - Adventure Map Ver. 2
Y02 - Step: The Plain
Y03 - Step: The Cave
Y04 - Step: Subspace
Y09 - Jungle Theme (Donkey Kong Country)
Y10 - Airship Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3)
Y11 - Menu (Metroid Prime)
Y13 - Brinstar (Metroid)
Y14 - Step: Subspace Ver.2
Y15 - Step: Subspace Ver.3
Y05 - Boss Battle Song 1
Y07 - Boss Battle Song 2
Y08 - Save Point
X27 - Credits
Y16 - Ambient
Y17 - Clear

Z01 - Mario Series
Z02 - Donkey Kong Series
Z03 - Legend of Zelda Series
Z04 - Metroid Series
Z05 - Yoshi
Z06 - Kirby Series
Z07 - Star Fox Series
Z08 - Pokémon Series
Z10 - Captain Falcon
Z11 - Mother Series
Z16 - Ice Climbers
Z17 - Fire Emblem Series
Z18 - Mr. Game & Watch
Z21 - Wario
Z22 - Meta Knight
Z23 - Pit
Z25 - Olimar
Z35 - R.O.B.
Z46 - Solid Snake
Z47 - Sonic The Hedgehog

X07 - Online Practice Stage
X08 - Results Display Screen
X09 - Tournament Registration
X10 - Tournament Grid
X11 - Tournament Match End
X13 - Classic: Results Screen
X15 - All-Star Rest Area
X16 - Home-Run Contest
X18 - Boss Battle
X19 - Trophy Gallery
X20 - Sticker Album / Album / Chronicle
X21 - Coin Launcher
X23 - Stage Builder
X26 - Target Smash!!
T05 - Master Hand
X22 - Classic Mode Clear
X06 - Alternate Results Screen?
X24 - Nothing?
Z50 - Continue
Z51 - Game Over
Z54 - New Feature 01
Z55 - New Feature 02
Z56 - New Feature 03
Z57 - New Feature 04
Z58 - New Feature 05
Edit: Also, this should behas been moved to the Smash Workshop.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
How likely is it that in the not-too-distant future there will be a code to make this work for softmodded Homebrew-only Wiis? Kind of like we got with textures lol


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
So the music is continuously loaded from the disc, not stored into RAM and played?
Correct. BRSTM is a streaming format.

How likely is it that in the not-too-distant future there will be a code to make this work for softmodded Homebrew-only Wiis? Kind of like we got with textures lol
I'm not seeing this as possible anytime soon based on our current understanding. Brawl hackers have surprised me more than once, though.

Nintendo Maniac 64

Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
Northeast Ohio
even if the SD loader code worked with BRSTMs, streaming from an SD card is a bad idea and will quickly kill it.
I'm making my first post after a year of lurking because this statement just bothered me. As an audiophile that would love using custom soundtracks without ISO hacking, I cannot let this one go.

Flash memory, AKA what SD cards use for storage, eventually fail from WRITES, not streaming and reading. This is because flash memory has to be pretty much "forced" to change its data by overcharging it with electricity that has been built up in a "charge pump."

That's the quick version, and you can find much more info elsewhere on the internet.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Oh wow...so maybe that's why my SD card is randomly deleting some of my many textures now? Because I keep writing texture files to it so much whenever I make changes? If so looks like I need to buy a new one when I'm done with setting up textures.

Nintendo Maniac 64

Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Well, it doesn't matter how frequently you write to flash memory, it just matters how many times total you have written. Also newer SD cards last longer from newer flash memory-preserving techniques.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Flash memory, AKA what SD cards use for storage, eventually fail from WRITES, not streaming and reading. This is because flash memory has to be pretty much "forced" to change its data by overcharging it with electricity that has been built up in a "charge pump."

Well, nevermind then.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
If textures can be replaced, I'm sure it's possible to do it with stage music as well, provided that yu have the right file and everything.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
if you think your SD is having files erased, make it write protect. most full sized SD have a switch on the side to toggle write-protect


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
Hi guys... Sorry for not paying attention to a topic I bump after months ._.

Anyway, all the info bobson and the others have contributed are right... The SD Loader CANNOT accomplish this currently...

However... EnigmaliesBroken (he said he spelt it wrong during registration) from the GSCentral Forums said that Phantom was working on a way around this...

If they already have the concept down of editing and reuploding custom models... I'm sure they can make a workaround for this little problem...

Hope for the future of Brawl Hackery!!!


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
For sound replacement: there are tools that convert wav to brstm (and it's hella easy to convert mp3 to wav), but we can't link to them here, but you could google for Androu1's brstm tool.

If you use WiiScrubber 1.2, you can replace files with files of any size (as long as you keep your ISO within the size limit; hard to not do for just BGM), i've replaced songs with larger songs perfectly fine.

You can't change individual voice acting easily, but you can swap out the whole VAs, if you have the japanese VA pack, i just forget which files to replace.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
what do people have against burning disks? its just that it loads a bit slower...


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Brawl load times are already bad. You wanna make them worse? D:

But in all seriousness, burning seems to be a legal gray area.


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2009
Internet, Florida
I just realized that this will most likely not cause the other player to disconnect if you use it online, even though the other music swap codes do.

Since this seems to be pretty similar to texture hacking, where the game is just programmed to open a certain file name, which both players online can deal with without problem. Just depends on what that file actually is.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
So just to confirm, having your own custom songs you like in the games menu and stages is now possible? you just gotta convert them to brtsm and burn to the brawl iso?


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
So just to confirm, having your own custom songs you like in the games menu and stages is now possible? you just gotta convert them to brtsm and burn to the brawl iso?
Yes. It's been possible for awhile.


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
Noob question but will it ever be possible to have custom music without burning in the future?
PW just told me that he's trying to find a way to do it, he already knows what he has to do to get it to work, it's just about finding the function that controls it in the RAM.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2008
PW just told me that he's trying to find a way to do it, he already knows what he has to do to get it to work, it's just about finding the function that controls it in the RAM.
Basically, he needs to find a way to store the music into RAM, doesn't he?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 2, 2007
No, he needs to figure out how the game streams the music and then apply it to the SD Card in some way.
Give him time... I know he'll pull it off...

He's done some pwnage stuff for us so far...

Like the new version of the SD uploader code that has been reduced from a whopping 170+ to merely 22 lines today ._.

Still no music support though...

Captain Kwark

Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2008
Anyone know if smashbros_sound.brsar (SFX) is streamed? I tried replacing the US with the japanese, but it didn't work.


Smash Cadet
Dec 8, 2008
Where are the files for the smash announcer? I cannot find them in the brsar.

Captain Kwark

Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2008
Where are the files for the smash announcer? I cannot find them in the brsar.
they are in:


Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2009
The VA is actually more complicated than the music. The music files are just inside the sound folder, while the VA and sound effects are inside a .brsar file contained in the sound folder.

We can already extract from the .brsar. Hence the tracks discovered that were not in the sound track. To put these back together is the tough part though.

Currently we can disassemble .brsar and convert .brstm to anything we desire. But we can't seem to put .brsar back together, or convert to .brstm.

I'll post an update hopefully in the next couple of days. I have some audio tracks I'm going to try but I need to buy more disks. I did do the animation swap though, and some of it was distrubing.

Toon Link and Pit with Meta Knights moves... Disturbing. Like crab link and pit.:laugh:
IKE. That's what I've got to say.


Smash Cadet
Dec 12, 2006
Santiago, Chile
If I replace the music files from the ISO with custom music, will the game desync while playing online? If it happens, what can I do to avoid desync?
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