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Remaking the Smash Bros. series from the ground-up!


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
I would like Cerulean Cave to be a bit less of a straight Smashvile clone so we can add that to Brawl later. Otherwise I'm cool with it


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Pokemon Stadium
Kanto Skies
Unknown Dungeon Cerulean Cave

For items, I think Sukapon would be cool to have as I think the licensing could be obtained then.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
I think it's an appropriate time to tally up the votes for the final home stages:

Pikachu's Stage:
  • Pokémon Stadium - 6
  • Pallet Town - 2
  • Pokémon Island - 0
Meowth's Stage:
  • Kanto Skies - 3
  • Meowth's Party - 5
Mewtwo's Stage:
  • Cerulean Cave - 5
  • Whirl Islands - 3
Pokémon Stadium, Meowth's Party, and Cerulean Cave have been added! With that, all of the fighters' home stages have been decided!

Job #27 will remain open for the time being, though I'd also like to make an addition to my submission: the roster of Assist Trophies I'd go with should we decide to include the item.
I went with 1 assist trophy for each of the Smash 64 fighters' series (aside from Pokémon, for obvious reasons), plus a few extras representing other games on Nintendo's consoles. Most of these are carryovers from Brawl, Sm4sh, and Ultimate, and would function exactly as they did in those games.
  • Super Mario: Hammer Bro
  • Donkey Kong Country: Klaptrap
  • Legend of Zelda: Skull Kid
  • Metroid: Metroid
  • Yoshi's Island: Kamek (functionally similar to Tingle or Riki)
  • Kirby: Knuckle Joe
  • Star Fox: Andross
  • Fire Emblem: Lyn
  • Mother: Starman
  • F-Zero: Samurai Goroh
  • Arcade: Ducks (functionally similar to Flies & Hand)
  • Famicom: Sukapon
  • Disk System: Takamaru
  • Game Boy: Prince of Sable
  • Super Famicom: Dr. Wright
  • Nintendo 64: Ray MK II (functionally similar to Ray MK III)
  • Gameboy Advance: Infantry & Tanks
  • GameCube: Mr. Resetti
Admittedly, this might be a bit much, so I'm willing to cut a few of them if need be. Also, some of them would show up as enemies or hazards in Adventure Mode should we decide to include it (the specific ones that I have in mind are Hammer Bro, Klaptrap, Metroid, Knuckle Joe, and Starman).
I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether or not it's feasible to include Assist Trophies in this version of Melee, as well as what your choices for Assist Trophies would be!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
I think, just like the Poké Ball Pokémon in our Smash 64, we start with the amount of Assist Trophies in the 10s (so like 10-19 assists) and build up from there.
Also, are we gonna decide classic stages and the wildcard stages (if there still is some) in a future job?
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
Also, are we gonna decide classic stages and the wildcard stages (if there still is some) in a future job?
I'm glad you asked!

Job #28: Submit a selection of Past Stages
My choices are:
  1. Mushroom Kingdom
  2. Hyrule Castle
  3. Brinstar
  4. Green Greens
  5. Saffron City
  6. Onett
  7. Big Blue
As for the "wildcard" stages, since we didn't really use them to add stages from outside the fighters' home series, I'd still be open to adding a couple "bonus" stages for Nintendo series without fighters, if anyone's interested.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
Job #28: Past Stages
  1. Mushroom Kingdom - Currently don't have a stage representing the classic 8-bit era of Mario.
  2. Hyrule Castle - Don't have a regular castle stage from Zelda, even though Temple can count as a half.
  3. Super Happy Tree - The other franchises have two stages already, and some of their gimmicks are covered by other stages.
  4. Onett - Would be cool to show a semi-call back to the "front" and "back" stages, albeit unofficially.
  5. Big Blue - Can definitely have the moving vehicles be a bit more hectic and faster.
  6. Metal Cavern - Maybe unlock it after beating Classic Mode as all the 64 fighters or something, idk.
Job #28.5: Wildcard Stages
  • Nintendo GameCube - Screw it, imma put a game console in as a playable stage. Think like the DS/3DS from SSF2.
  • Mysterious Murasame Castle - A tribute to Takamaru, since we can't get him in as a fighter.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 28: Past Stages

-Metal Cavern
-Hyrule Castle
-Green Greens
-Mushroom Kingdom
-Kongo Jungle
-Super Happy Tree

Job 28.5: Wildcard Stages

images (2).jpeg

Excitebike Course-this stage is on the game Excitebike,the stage appears racers as stage hazards and it have just one a platform

images (3).jpeg

Balloon Fight
-this stage is on the game Balloon Fight,the stage is similar from Smash games


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Job #27: Assist Trophies
  1. Mario: Lakitu & Spinies
  2. Donkey Kong: Klaptrap
  3. Zelda: Skull Kid
  4. Metroid
  5. Kirby: Chef Kawasaki
  6. Star Fox: Andross
  7. Fire Emblem: Tiki
  8. EarthBound: Starman
  9. F-ZERO: Samurai Goroh
  10. Ice Climber: Polar Bear
Job #28: Wildcard Stages
For the first one, I'm going to submit Famicom Disk System again, but this time it's going to be a medley of Famicom games and Famicom Detective Club isn't one of them.

For the second one:
Game Boy.png
Game Boy

This would also be another medley of Game Boy games, though in this case it's from franchises already represented.
  • Kirby's Dream Land (Green Greens)
  • Super Mario Land (first boss battle)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Tal Tal Heights)
  • Metroid II: Return of Samus (SR-388 Surface)
  • Pokemon Red & Blue (Red's Charizard vs. Blue's Blastoise)
  • Tetris
The music would be pulled from each of the above games.

And now the past stages:
  1. Mushroom Kingdom
  2. Hyrule Castle
  3. Brinstar
  4. Super Happy Tree
  5. Green Greens
  6. Saffron City
  7. Onett
  8. Big Blue
  9. Meta Crystal
  10. The N64 versions of Battlefield and Final Destination can be unlocked as skins for the existing versions
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Console Floats

Since Poke Floats isnt here wanted to still use its stage concept but now you fight on top of the various Nintendo consoles released through that time

Not sure how music would be handled, could see either sharing smash original tracks with other stages/modes or having its own original tracks.

Panel de Pon / Puzzle League

Works similar to the Tetris concept stages many people have made.

Lip's Theme
Title Screen - Panel de Pon

For returning stages id keep it smaller like actual melee & just bring back stages from series that only got 1 new stage this time around.

Super Happy Tree
Big Blue
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
Here are our voting options for the selection of Past Stages!
Vote for your most preferred selection (self-votes are allowed)! My vote's for Shadic's.

And here are our options for the wildcard stages!
  • GameCube
  • Mysterious Murasame Castle
  • Excitebike Course
  • Balloon Fight
  • Disk System
  • Game Boy
  • Console Floats
  • Panel de Pon / Puzzle League
  • Virtual Boy
Vote for your top 3, with yours below 1st. The 2 highest voted stages will be added. My votes are:
  1. Mysterious Murasame Castle
  2. Excitebike Course
  3. GameCube
Job #29: Submit unlock conditions for the 12 unlockable fighters
For a reminder of which fighters those are:
  • Luigi
  • Marth
  • Mewtwo
  • King Dedede
  • Meowth
  • Wario
  • Diddy Kong
  • Ganondorf
  • Ridley
  • Falco
  • Ayumi
  • Mr. Game & Watch


Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Past Stages - ShadicMCGS

Wildcard Stages
Disk System
Excitebike Course
Console Floats


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Past stages: Perkilator

  1. Excitebike
  2. Game Boy
  3. Balloon Fight
As for unlock conditions, that depends on other modes. For example, in canon, Ganondorf can only be unlocked through a specific event match, and Luigi can only be unlocked by getting a certain time and fighting him in the first stage of Adventure Mode.

…Basically, I’m just begging to do a job for Adventure Mode and maybe even a job for events. Can this be a discussion later?

Either way, I'll do my own little table for the unlockable characters and update it depending on future jobs.
CharacterHow to unlockVs. Matches
Luigi and Luigi’s Mansion​
Wario and Wario’s Castle​
Clear Classic as Mario on any difficulty w/o continues​
Diddy Kong and Monkey Mines​
Clear Classic as 10 characters on any difficulty w/o continues​
Ganondorf and Gerudo Valley​
Ridley and Norfair​
King Dedede and Dedede Arena​
Eat 100 pieces of food​
Falco and Venom​
Clear 100-Man Melee​
Meowth and Meowth’s Party​
Clear Classic or Adventure on any difficulty as any character w/o continues​
Mewtwo and Cerulean Cave​
See the Legendary Pokemon Mew​
Marth and Castle Siege​
Clear Classic or Adventure as all 15 starting characters w/o continues​
Ayumi and Ushimitsu High School​
Collect 100 trophies​
Mr. Game & Watch and Flat Zone​
Clear Classic and Adventure as every other character w/o continues​
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
WOOO, A lot to unpack here!
First off, I would vote for myself, but seeing that a lot of you are voting for me, I'm going to be nice and vote for Gamingfan's. (it's the closest to my selection anyway)

Secondly, I'll discuss about the items. I have a visual representation below, but I'll update it with appropriate Melee-style icons in the future. The new items are listed below.
Items Melee Rewrite Roster.png

  • Pitfall - Same as its function in future Smash games.
  • Smart Bomb - Same as its function in future Smash games.
  • Assist Trophy - This may get removed if the console can't handle them.
Thirdly, the top 3 wildcard stages:
  1. Excitebike Course
  2. GameCube
  3. Mysterious Murasame Castle
Next, the unlockable characters and how to unlock them. Aside from the absence of Adventure Mode (as of right now), all of the other modes that the unlockables require remain in the game. (i'll update the table if we do add Adventure Mode) Because of this, I think most of them can remain the same:
CharacterHow to UnlockVS Matches.
MeowthComplete Classic Mode with any character10
WarioComplete Classic Mode with Mario without continuing50
Diddy KongPlay all modes in Special Melee at least once100
FalcoClear 100-Man Melee200
MarthUse all starter characters in VS. or Classic Mode. A complete playthrough is not required for the single-player modes.300
King DededeComplete Classic Mode with Kirby on Hard difficulty400
GanondorfUnlock and complete Event #29 (or whatever event that suits Ganondorf)500
MewtwoPlay VS. mode for a combined total of 10-20 hours700
LuigiTBD (His original condition was Adventure Mode only, so I'll think of an alternative later)800
RidleyGet 20 KOs in Cruel Melee with any character (lol)900
Mr. Game and WatchComplete Classic Mode, Target Test or Crystal Smash with all other characters1000


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
ShadicMCGS ShadicMCGS for 64 stages.

1. Gameboy
2. Excitebike Course
3. Virtual Boy

Unlock requirements:
Meowth: Beat Classic Mode or play 10 matches
Diddy Kong: Beat 10 events or play 50 matches
Wario: Beat Crystal Smash with the starting cast or play 100 matches
Falco: Beat 100-Man Melee or play 200 matches
Luigi: Beat Break the Targets with the starting cast or play 300 matches
Marth: Play vs. matches as the entire starting cast or play 400 matches
Ayumi: Collect 50 trophies or play 500 matches
Ganondorf: Complete the Triforce Gathering event or play 600 matches
King Dedede: Complete Classic Mode with the starting cast or play 700 matches
Mewtwo: Play Vs. Mode for 20 cumulative hours or play 800 matches
Ridley: Complete Classic on Hard mode or play 900 matches
Mr. Game & Watch: Beat Classic Mode, Break the Targets, or Crystal Smash with the other characters or play 1000 matches
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
Past Stages:
Wildcard Stages:
  • GameCube - 8
  • Mysterious Murasame Castle - 5
  • Excitebike Course - 22
  • Balloon Fight - 3
  • Disk System - 3
  • Game Boy - 8
  • Console Floats - 1
  • Panel de Pon / Puzzle League - 3
  • Virtual Boy - 1
The following stages have been added (along with some fitting music):
Moving on to items, I've decided to go with a mix of all the submissions for Job #27: ShadicMCGS ShadicMCGS 's general item selection, Perkilator Perkilator 's assist trophies (plus Dr. Wright and Sukapon, if possible), and my Pokéball Pokémon (though I've decided to drop Eevee and return Porygon2 to its original function from the real-life Melee, as I'm not sure if my Tri-Attack idea would be feasible with the amount of dev time we have left at this point).

I'll leave Job #29 open until we've finalized Event Match and Adventure Mode. Speaking of which...

Job #30: Submit a selection of Event matches
What ideas do you have for this version of Melee's Event matches?

Discussion #5: Adventure Mode
Would we still have time to include Adventure Mode, and if so, what structure would it have?


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Here's how I imagine what my version of Adventure Mode would be like:
This version of Adventure Mode is similiar to that of Super Smash Bros Melee.

You go through multiple platforming stages and try to reach the goal at the end.

There will be multiple enemies in the way as well as fighters that are on the playable roster.

Unlike Melee however, there's a world map.

You can select your character before selecting a stage you want to play.

After each stage, your game will automatically be saved, so you can pick up from where you last left off if you decide to stop in the middle of the mode.


Smash Legend
Writing Team
Apr 8, 2018
The perpetual trash fire known as Planet Earth(tm)
Job #30: Event Matches
My idea was to give each character their own dedicated event match, as well as throw in some extra ones for good measure.

Trouble King​
Defeat Bowser​
Giant Donkey Kong​
Lord of the Jungle​
Tiny Donkey Kong x30​
Kongo Falls​
DK Rap​
Defeat an rmy of fighters​
Link (200HP)​
Link's Adventure​
Dark Link (200HP)​
Defeat Dark Link​
Samus and Captain Falcon (2 stocks)​
Bounty Hunters​
Ridley and Bowser (2 stocks)​
Vs. Ridley​
Samus has to defeat Ridley (Bowser is optional)​
Ridley and Norfair​
Yoshi's Egg​
Bowser vs. Donkey Kong​
Yoshi's Story​
Super Mario World​
Keep Yoshi's Egg safe for 1:00​
Gourmet Race​
King Dedede​
Dedede Arena​
King Dedede's Theme​
Both fighters start at 300% and must use Maxim Tomatos to heal back to 0%​
King Dedede and Dedede Arena​
Target Acquired​
KO Scizor more times than the Arwings do​
Pikachu (150HP)​
Pokémon Battle​
Scizor (150HP)​
Pokémon Stadium​
Pokémon Theme​
Only Poké Balls appear​
Trophy Tussle 1​
Any 3 opponents (1 stock)​
Goomba Trophy​
Defeat each opponent​
Goomba Trophy​
Any (2 stocks)​
All-Star Match 1​
:mariomelee: :dkmelee::linkmelee::samusmelee::yoshimelee::kirbymelee::foxmelee::pikachumelee:
Bob-Omb Battlefield​
Multi-Man Melee 1​
Defeat an army of fighters​
Events 11-20 (assuming you at least have Luigi unlocked by the time 1-10 are cleared)​
Bowser (200HP)​
Luigi's Mansion​
Main Theme - Luigi's Mansion​
Defeat Bowser before he destroys the mansion​
Giant Bowser​
The Gargantuan Battle​
Giant Donkey Kong​
King Bowser​
Defeat Donkey Kong​
The Monster Beneath the Earth​
Scizor x2, then Giant Ridley​
Castle Siege​
Together We Ride​
Defeat both Scizors before Ridley appears​
Mewtwo and Zelda​
Mewtwo Strikes​
Pikachu and Meowth​
Cerulean Cave​
Pokémon Red and Blue​
Only Legendary Pokémon appear, inlcuding Mew​
Mewtwo and Cerulean Cave, assuming you either see Mew during the event or play this event with the controller in the P2 slot and beat it as Zelda
King Dedede​
Who's the Boss?​
Bowser vs. Ganondorf vs. Ridley​
Bowser's Castle​
King Dedede's Theme​
Score more KO's in 3:00​
Space Travelers​
Samus, Ridley, Kirby, King Dedede and Fox​
Kraid's Lair​
Defeat an army of fighters​
Captain Falcon​
Seconds, Anyone?​
Mute City​
Big Blue​
Use the Falcon Punch to defeat Ridley in 7 seconds.​
Party Poopers​
Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong​
Meowth's Party​
DK Rap​
Defeat DK and Diddy before the guests arrive; only Party Balls appear​
Trophy Tussle 2​
Any 3 opponents (1 stock)​
Entei Trophy​
Defeat each opponent​
Entei Trophy​
Any (2 stocks)​
All-Star Match 2​
Castle Siege​
Defeat an army of fighters​
Events 21-30 (assuming you at least have Wario unlocked by the time 11-20 are cleared)​
Peach and Mario​
Peach's Peril​
Princess Peach's Castle​
Princess Peach's Castle​
Defeat Bowser while protecting Mario​
Zelda / Sheik and Link​
Triforce Gathering​
The Dark World​
Link must be the one to defeat Ganondorf; protect him!​
Ganondorf and Gerudo Valley​
Hot Date on Norfair​
Samus vs. Ridley​
Scizor starts at 300%​
Ice Climbers​
Ice Breakers​
Bowser and Ridley​
Ice Climber​
Only Fire Flowers appear​
Super Wario Bros.​
Mario and Luigi​
Wario's Castle​
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3​
Grab more coins than the Mario Bros. in 3 minutes​
Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong​
Monkeys Unite​
Yoshi x2​
Monkey Mines​
Jungle Level​
Survive as long as you can until you reach the end of the stage​
Hide 'n Sheik​
Zelda / Sheik​
Gerudo Valley​
Gerudo Valley​
Defeat Sheik, not Zelda​
Slippy's Invention​
Fox and Falco​
Kraid's Lair​
Defeat Fox and Falco when they're invisible​
Lethal Marathon​
Captain Falcon​
F-ZERO Grand Prix​
Big Blue​
Beat Captain Falcon to the goal; only Bunny Hoods appear​
Excitebike Arena​
Girl Power​
Peach vs. Zelda / Sheik vs. Samus​
Fountain of Dreams​
Gourmet Race​
Get more KO's than any opponent in 2 minutes​
Mr. Game & Watch​
Super Mario 128​
Tiny Mario x128​
Bob-Omb Battlefield​
Defeat an army of fighters​
Trophy Tussle 3​
Any 3 opponents (1 stock)​
Majora's Mask Trophy​
Defeat each opponent​
Majora's Mask Trophy​
Any (2 stocks)​
All-Star Match 3​
:peachmelee::zeldamelee::212::icsmelee::warioc::diddy::ganondorfmelee::ultridley::falcomelee::gawmelee: and Ayumi​
Final Destination​
Defeat an army of fighters​
Any (3 stocks)​
The Final Battle​
:ganondorfmelee::ultridley:and Giga Bowser (3 stocks)​
Final Destination​
Multi-Man Melee 2​
Defeat the villains​
Final Destination Trophy​

Events 31-35 are unlocked by clearing Classic and Adventure as every character and then clearing Events 1-30

As for Adventure Mode; yes, we should do it. But I also want to present it in a way where there's more variety at the start of each playthrough.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Fore events, I’ll take Perkilator Perkilator ’s and then change the All-Star events.

The All-Star Matches would work like in Melee, where the characters are fought on their home stage.

All-Star Match 1: Mario, Peach, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Bowser (Event 10)
All-Star Match 2: Link, Zelda/Sheik, Samus, Fox, Captain Falcon (Event 16)
All-Star Match 3: Kirby, Pikachu, Scizor, Ness, Ice Climbers (Event 20)
All-Star Match 4: Luigi, King Dedede, Marth, Meowth, Mewtwo (Event 30)
All-Star Match 5: Wario, Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, Falco, Ridley, Ayumi, Mr. Game & Watch (Event 35)
I’d add an extra event as Event 36, which is Final Destination Match.

Rewards will depend on whose unlock requirements we go with.

As the same franchises are present in the starting cast, I’m fine keeping Adventure mode as is more or less.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
Our Event Matches for Melee have been decided!... for the most part. While the two submissions for Event Matches are nearly identical, they do differ in terms of All-Star Matches, which will be determined by vote:
Also, it looks like everyone's in favor of keeping Melee's Adventure Mode, so let's vote on the structure:
In both of these, my vote's for Perkilator Perkilator .

Also, based on the results of the StrawPoll, Game Boy has been decided as our final stage for Melee!
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
All-Star Event Matches:
Adventure Mode structure:
Perkilator Perkilator 's choices for Event Matches and the structure of Adventure Mode have been decided!

Discussion #5b: Adventure Mode details
Now that Melee's Adventure Mode structure has been decided, it's time to determine the other details of the mode.
  • How would the individual stages be structured?
  • In what order would the various Nintendo series and fighters be challenged?
  • How would the Adventure Mode stages be affected by difficulty changes, completion times, and unlocked fighters and stages?
Since we're nearing the end of Melee's development, I think now's a good time to share the list of trophies I have planned for this version of Melee (yes, there is some overlap):
  • Any trophy from the real-life Melee that doesn't directly contradict this version of Melee. For example, the Kirby Hat trophies aside from the first one would be different due to the different rosters for Smash 64 and Melee:
    • Kirby Hat 1 (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi)
    • Kirby Hat 2 (Fox, Pikachu, Bowser, Ness, Captain Falcon)
    • Kirby Hat 3 (Ice Climbers, Peach, Zelda, Sheik, Scizor)
    • Kirby Hat 4 (Luigi, Marth, Mewtwo, King Dedede, Meowth)
    • Kirby Hat 5 (Wario, Diddy Kong, Ganondorf, Ridley, Falco, Ayumi, Mr. Game & Watch)
  • 3 trophies for each fighter, each unlocked by clearing Classic, Adventure, and All-Star with that fighter.
    • Any trophies from the real-life Melee that had to be unlocked will retain their unlock conditions wherever possible.
    • Meowth's trophy will have a different description than the one in Melee, while the original description will go to a new trophy representing the "Meowth's Party" stage.
    • The Ice Climbers Classic Mode trophy would use 3D models instead of sprites.
  • Trophies for each of the Items, Assist Trophies, Pokéball Pokémon, and Adventure Mode enemies.
  • The Akaneia Build trophies for Wolf and Diddy Kong.
  • 3D model trophies for Birdo and Pidgit, since there's no Subcon stage to justify keeping them as sprites.
  • Trophies for Johanna Mason (Perfect Dark) and Banjo & Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie), since Rare has a stronger relationship with Nintendo in this Melee's timeline.
  • Trophies for Sukapon (Joy Mech Fight), Takamaru (The Mysterious Murasame Castle), and Urban Champion (Urban Champion), all of whom were considered for Melee in some way, shape, or form.
  • A trophy for the Nintendo Game Boy, since it's a stage in this version of Melee.
  • A few other trophies representing stages unique to this version of Melee:
    • Chain Chomp (Bob-omb Battlefield)
    • Koume & Kotake (Gerudo Valley)
    • Bellsprout (Sprout Tower)
I'd like to hear your feedback on this selection of trophies, such as what trophies you'd add to or remove from it, and what unlock conditions you'd provide for any of the new ones.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 19, 2018
In addition, I don't really have anything for trophies (aside from those mentioned) or Adventure Mode format, although I think the latter should try and have two stages for each franchise on the starting roster (one for "exploring" and the other for a fight, with bonus stages on whether certain conditions are met).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 12, 2023
It seems like everyone is fine with my choices for Melee's trophies, so that's what we're going with.

As for Adventure Mode, I think that we can keep the Mushroom Kingdom, Underground Maze, F-Zero Grand Prix, and Battlefield sections the same as in the original Melee, while other sections like Planet Zebes, Corneria, and Icicle Mountain can be kept mostly the same with minor adjustments. I imagine the final result for the individual stages would be a lot like those in the Adventure Mode proposed by David W. Kimball's Melee with 6 extra months of dev time video.

I'll leave the Adventure Mode discussion open a while longer so we can finish ironing out the details. in the meantime, I think it'd be a good idea to get some work started on Brawl's development:

Job #31: Vote 4 of Smash 64's default fighters to appear in Brawl's E3 2006 reveal trailer
I'll vote for Mario, Link, Samus, and Kirby.

Job #32: Submit a fighter from a Nintendo game released on the Game Boy Advance
I'll nominate Sami from Advance Wars.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 31: Mario,Link,Pikachu and Samus

Job 32: Sceptile (Pokémon)


Sceptile is a Grass type pokémon,they are bipeal and reptile Pokémon.

Sceptile's moveset will be he attacking with claws,kicks and attacks from Pokémon games

I had to choice which gen 3 pokémon rep is good,Gardevoir or Sceptile,i chose Sceptile
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