The Official Reloaded LAN Report:
Reloaded V - January 16th - 17th, 2010
St Clair Recreation centre, Woodville, South Australia
As always, the event began with organisers begging for a break in the hot weather. Just one week before the event, Reloaded officials were looking at the possibility of cancelling the event due to heat concerns. In the month leading into the event, temperatures in the high 30s and low 40s were a regular occurrence, and it was with some relief that organisers found the weather forecast to be a pleasant 27 degrees on the Saturday and 23 on the Sunday. Reloaded events continue to have extraordinary luck with the weather (last years event was held two weeks prior to a month long Adelaide heatwave).
Setup began at 7am on the friday with several hardy souls arriving early for setup after driving all night from Sydney. The Sydney Gaming league admin team were on hand to supply gigabit networking for the first time at an event of this size in South Australia, and they worked tirelessly over the course of the event. (more information on SGL events can be found at
With such fine weather on the day, it was still a pleasant surprise to find hundreds of people lined up around the outside of the venue, stretching from the side entrance all the way around to about halfway down the outside of court 4. This was entirely without precedent at a Reloaded event, and set the tone for the rest of the weekend.
Within an hour of doors opening, network admins reported more than 480 individual machines on the network. For the first time ever it seems that everyone arrived with a bang. In total network admins report more than 700 machines on the Reloaded network at the event.
Total Attendance (saturday) - 750 persons
Added Attendance (sunday) - 120 persons
Entry to this event was $35 for a BYO seat, and $10 on saturday for console areas (this was dropped to half price and eventally free on the sunday).
A number of stalls and displays were on hand, including, ModchipMonster, Subway, XS Energy, Sublime PC Gear, Team AU overclockers and new to Adelaide, Zowie Gear.
It would also be remiss of me to not mention the girls from
PIMPTV who came down and posed for pictures with the attendees during the day. PIMPTV managers expected the lan community to be shy about the pictures, but underestimated the number of people who consider themselves "players" in another sense.
More pictures can be found at the website or on the facebook page.
Team AU were immensely popular at the 2008 event, and we jumped at the chance to have them back here in 2010, where they once again proved to be a centre of attention. Team AU also ran a competition for people to get the closest to 60k on 3dmark2001, and gave people the chance to play Crysis on a machine cooled by Liquid Nitrogen.
And who could forget the contributions made by Gamestah in the promotion of this event. Every weehk for the last 6 months Gamestah have promoted the event via their Esports Weekly broadcast, in the process giving away 50 general admission tickets. Ina ddition however, gamestah sent a crack team of casters over, lead by the fearless Leader, Craig "Arseynimz" NImmo. Together, these digital heroes braved the various Reloaded competitions and shenanigans, spicing up the event with odd comments, strange foreign music, and sheep jokes.
Gamestah shoutcasts from the event can be found at
Sadly for us the Aushalo tie up didnt work quite as well as we'd hoped, at times registering up to 14 teams, the turnout on the day for Halo 3 was just 10 teams, and even then it had to be filled with the admins for the event. Modern Warfare 2 didnt fare much better despite a $1000 purse on offer, with only 4 teams competing in the event. In the end halo found its prize pool reduced to $1500 after consultation with the admin team. Vanzo deserves considerable credit for driving down from Queensland the day before and conducting the competition despite poor registration. Players did turn out from all over the country, from as far away as Brisbane and even Broom in WA for the competition. Halo taking the prize for the most interstate competitors of any competition at Reloaded.

Final Halo Standings:
1. Frenetic Array
2. 2XO
3. Fourdown
4. UtB
5. Good Hustle
6. Sabby's Heroes
7. Our Heroes Have Died
8. Techno Wizkids
9. Needs 4th
10. LMB
MVP : Ripped
Best Objective : Hef
Rising Star : Walleyyy
3rd place team in the Halo competition which came from Melbourne was also awarded Zowie mousemats, since they travelled far for no reward.
More information:
Aushalo Summaries
Counterstrike remains as ever, the largest and best attended of the Reloaded competitions, and despite the reduction of the prize money from $3500 to $2250, 20 teams elected to compete at the event, included high powered teams from Archaic and SQL. Sublime were also expected to be in the mix, and the usual local teams showed up in force, including the likes of Devastation, Noob International and everybodies favorite perenial third placers, klaus.
Team Attendance list: (from Iroffles Gotgames list}
archaic - boomser stv apoc topgun havoc
devastation - ghosty frog mayfaz speed flux
gmoney - iroffle houseboat element misk destinyau (godstar cheerleading)
klaus - gaara pod ghost mike font
sql - snyper killer dripskii zeke camstar
sublime - ozi dab mrt ver coffex
noobint - TotalEclipse Hordy Mittens Guy-Hampton Wazza
revelations - ramirez leo longie uporz tribal
nesreca - nate resolute godzgift sasa syntax
Shutdown controversy - no finals result.
At 9pm on day 2, centre management caused considerable controversy by ordering Reloaded management to close down the event in order to be out by midnight. Appeals from Reloaded management for time extensions fell on deaf ears, although we were granted an hour extension. By this time, team managers were informing Reloaded that there was anywhere up to three hours required to complete the competition. After considerable discussion, the prize money was increased to $2500, and handed to the managers to split however they pleased. Teams also recieved prizes from Zowie Gear and Plantronics in exchange. Reloaded apologises for the inconvenience and will ensure such things cannot take place in the future.
upper bracket
gmoney 16 > immortal 2
noobint 16 > nesreca 12
archaic 16 > nesreca 0
gmoney 16 > klaus 9
sublime 16 > noobint 8
sql 16 > devastation 14
arc 16 > gmoney 2
sql 16 > sublime 6
sql 16 > arc 12
sql vs winner of arc vs sublime
lower bracket:
noobint 16 > devastation 12
nesreca 16 > immortal 8
nesreca 16 > klaus 9 (??????????)
sublime 16 > noobint 11
gmoney 16 > nesreca 8
sublime 16 > gmoney 7
arc vs sublime
There is a full review, pictures, images and discussion at
Gotgames, as written by Iroffle.
Other Winners:
CoD 4 - Double Elim
1st iAM
3rd defiance
4th bashing services
1st. TeamQT
2nd. SQL
1st. MuffinMan
2nd. Ian
3rd. ChaostTheorist
1st. Gamestah Mick
2nd. AnyKey
3rd. Pingers
1st. | klaus ghost | 100 | 00:18:48
2nd. | Cash$Money | 90 | 00:18:33
3rd. | G$ MiskRossThaBoss | 88 | 00:22:22
FPS Championship
1st. Anykey 18
2nd. klaus ghost 10
2nd. MuffinMan 10
2nd. Named 10
2nd. Gamestah mick05 10
Command and Conquer 1v1 (actually FFA)
1st. PurpleCheese
2nd. Starman
3rd. WrathChild
Supreme Commander 1v1 (actually FFA)
1st. (Terragen?)
2nd. (T?)
3rd. Kaning
Starcraft 1v1 (ended up being a FFA because of too few numbers)
1st Mittens
2nd Draken
3rd bluedice
Strat Championship
1st. PurpleCheese 15
2nd. Mittens 10
2nd. Dusk 10
2nd. (Terragen?) 10
Super Smash Bros Brawl 1v1
1st: Earl - MK
2nd: Tibs - Diddy
3rd: Tedeth - Wolf
4th: Apollo - ZSS/Snake
5th: Nova - Oli/Zelda/Sheik
7th: Jamage - ROB/Wolf
7th: Luke Atyeo - Snake
9th: Nicks - Wario?
9th: Hybrid - MK/Falco
9th: Kaeser - Wolf
Super Smash Bros Brawl 2v2
1st: Luke (Snake) + Tedeth (Wario)
2nd: Tibs (Diddy) + DJB (MK?)
3rd: Earl (MK) + Nicks (Wario)
4th: Nova (Oli?) + Apollo (ZSS/Snake)
5th: Hybrid (MK/Falco) + Mooseking (Lucas?)
5th: Chirpin (G&W) + Blue Bomber (Ness)
7th: Ant (Snake) + Jamage (ROB)
7th: Lazarus (G&W) + Paul (Snake)
Super Smash Bros Brawl 2v2 Items
1st: Tibs (Diddy) + DJB (MK/Lucario)
2nd: Earl (MK) + Nicks (Wario)
3rd: Ant (Snake) + Jamage (ROB)
4th: Luke (Snake) + Tedeth (Wolf)
5th: Blue Bomber (Ness) + Chirpin (G&W)
5th: A team called BS
7th: Lazarus (G&W) + Paul (Snake)
7th Boss (???) + Andrew (???)
Mario Kart Double Dash
1st TibsRibs
2nd Duckdonkeyduke
3rd DrakenSly
Guitar Hero 5
Amateur comp
1st Woodstar
2nd metalshred890
"Probably the closest final I've ever seen, Woodstar winning each comp by a few thousand only" - Legionx
Pro comp
1st Joe
2nd EternalEvolution
Forza 3
"In the end unfortunately we were only able to run Forza3 on the one 40" LCD instead of the 3 LCD setup originally planned, however, the comp was quite competitive" - LegionX.
1st Pingers
2nd Nathan
3rd Missingo
"after being locked at 2-2 at full time, and then locked 3-3 in extra time, Adriano took out the win in the penalty shootout" - LegionX
1st Adriano
2nd Junglist
Reloadeds Fighting Championship
Tekken 6
1st Hybrid
2nd Sub_Zero
Street Fighter 4
1st lyvt
2nd theundyingmage
Soul Calibur 4
1st EternalEvolution
2nd Garrett
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
1st mooseking
2nd Hybrid
and the overall pointscore winners
1st Hybrid
2nd mooseking
Winner - Nova
Finally, Reloaded would like to thank of its sponsors and supporters of this event.