CommonYoshi: Again you're just hiding behind the "if we can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there!" argument.
Actually, I'm saying I have seen it. I'm saying
you haven't, no offense to you in any way.
So what you really have is a hypothosis that theres other planes and god exists in one of them. Thus he isn't bound by our sense of logic.
No, the other planes thing was a metaphor. I dont think comparing God to a sphere and humans as polygons explains exactly correct.
And you just said something that always puzzles me, however. Everyone I've ever argued against has rejected God because they, in some way, say humans are incapable of being on God's level of wisdom so therefore He must not exist. It's really something I've never been able to argue against since I cant convince people that they aren't/shouldn't be on par with a diety. They seem prideful to me for thinking that way, but I suppose they could argue I'm gullible for believing in something I cant see physically.
You know, I've always had an issue with the entire concept of god having human emotions. First off, emotions are caused by chemical imbalances in our brains, a purely physical process. If god is not physical, why would he have these emotions?
Hahaha, I'm trying to imagine a God without emotions. Would it be like some sort of computer system purging viruses here and there?
And no, I do think God has emotions, though they aren't exactly like ours. God "created humans in His own image" which, I guess, people could think of as a head, body, and limbs, but another explanation would be having free will, emotions, and reason which animals do not have. It does make sense for God to create his most beloved possession with attributes like Him. He just put those attributes into a brain.
Second, it is a sign of fault, of imperfection. Hate is not a positive thing, it never is. Emotions imply a loss of control. I just can't picture an all perfect being getting so angry that two dudes are having sex that he thinks they ought to be killed.
How is hate always bad? Does not everyone hate ****, murder, malicious lieing, and violence? If you dont feel anything against these actions...
I'm glad we've come to this point, however, as it was Jesus' whole message. God seeks repentence and forgiveness, not justice. There was a part in Jesus' ministry when an adulteress was dragged in front of him, and he was asked if she should be killed. This was a trap the Jews set up having to do with obeying the Laws of Leviticus, the Roman law, or something like that. Jesus, under Leviticus, would have had every right to tell the Jews to stone her, but he didn't and saved her life. The very first thing he said to the adulteress following that was to tell her, "Leave your life of sin."
So Jesus, I can't ever imagine, appoaved of her actions, yet she was saved through mercy.
see, this kind of crosses the line from being religious to borderline crazy. When groups of people begin to hold opinions like this, it only leads to one thing. Maybe you should think about the implications of banning other religions in a whole country. I seriously doubt it will lead to anything your God wanted. Or at least I hope so.
Do you even realize what you're saying? Just assume for a second that there was some sort of diety out there who created everything. Why should he allow the people whom
he created to worship his own enemies? I understand
humans wanting freedom of religion, but why should a
diety accept that kind of insult?
Oh, and just so you get the record straight, Israel was God's chosen nation, set apart so tht through them they would bless the whole human race. The countries we have now are absolutely nothing, ruled entirely by people, so that's why we shouldn't ban people from worshiping whoever they want. You seem to think Leviticus holds true for all people. The morals behind them still apply, dont murder/steal/blah, but society has created their own government to function however they want. Heck, they can allow baby killing, and we wouldn't be able to stop them. We could preach to them to ask them to stop, but the decision is entirely up to them.