Then you obviously don't pray properly. I get very tangible results in my prayer all the time. Studies don't matter. A lot of people think that prayer is kneeling down with your hands clasped quietly, not saying anything and thinking about it instead. Prayer WILL get no results if you don't know how to do it properly.
Scuse me for jumpin in here....I'm new, but I'm passionate about this subject.
Okay. How does one pray properly?? Personally I would imagine every single person on this planet has a different way of communing with what may or may not be a god/goddess/spiritual entity/giant duck in space/Satan or etc etc etc.... Were all different people even down to highly specific and organized religeons...we all have a diff way of getting in touch with our spirituality......
Are you saying one must pray in a specific ceremonial way to pray the right way? If so thats highly ******, and anyone with any sense of decency and freedom AND spiritual awareness will call you zealous ignorant throwback to roman catholic subversivness(Not saying you are, I don't know you, I'm just trying add a new dimension to this discussion.)
I'm extremely spiritual and devout, I worship myself as the greatest creation on this planet, my body is my temple and my brain is my someone gonna tell me thats wrong? I don't pray in any conventional fact my method of prayer would probably have someone scared of being related to a poor ape, spit fire and brimstone and condemn this self worshipping heathen to hell....But by GOD!!!!(HAHA) I get great results and I'm happy and content...probably a lot more then any of these god fearing alms paying, bourgeois, contemporary Christians( Not trying to single this group out, but they tend to spout fire and brimstone a lot, I know its a stereo type...but we have stereo types for a reason.)
Oh and I agree with you, many people are wrong. The earth is not 6000-8000 years old. The bible has enough scriptural evidence starting with the first chapter of genesis. I don't know how old it is, but it's older then that.
Scriptural about common sense?
I don't take absolute faith in everything about science, especially when it comes to theory. Science has been wrong many times, and has had to correct itself over the years. Evolution is a joke, so out of a impossible chance we just started to exist, we turned into apes, i've watched them on TV, and it'd sure be embarrassing coming from that. So then we just evolved into a human, a body that's absolutely staggering and way beyond anything else on this planet, that's a pretty big jump in evolution, and a pretty low chance of such a thing occurring.
I'll humor you.
You don't take absolute faith in science??? Thats good, because science is simply humans first attempt at modern religeon.
You may not agree with me(or all these thousands of other dumb scientists who make it their life to study the universe and the things in it, instead of thinking of ways to prove the scientists wrong. control the population and make money using threats of otherworldy **** oh, I dunno, the church and all these anti evolution heroes.(think about it...if were descended from apes, the churches customers go away...also of note, the mormon church and the roman catholic church are practically the richest organizations on the planet...
they also own a fruckton of land and people..don't believe me then do you're research kiddo) I'm not a scientist, but I have a logical deductive brain that can process enough logic and info to think for myself.......funny I doesn't make any sense at all.
Oh!!! you've seen apes on TV and you would be embarased to come from that? Well, to any logical persons understanding, it would seem that because you're embarased, you don't like the idea...that says a lot.
Well look, maybe what happened is that a group of apes was cut off from a specific food source for a while and had to adapt in a manner more fitting with the enviroment. MAYBE WE DEVELOPED BIG BRAINS TO SURVIVE ATTACKS FROM SABERTOOTH MOUNTAIN CATS AND GIANT ELEPHANTS AND RAZORBEAKED DEATHBIRDS WHICH WERE VERY COMMON AROUND THE TIME THE APES WERE BEGINNING TO BECOME A PROMINENT SPECIES!!! WE HAD TO EAT ALL THOSE FREAKING PREHISTORIC MONSTERS MAN! We were hunter gathereres, the way our society was adapting and changing is perfectly consistant with our brain growth. Did you know fresh red meat has a lot creatine and nootropics in it which causes brain growth? did you know were also eating a lot of seafood which has a lot omega fatties in it, which causes brain growth. Its all there man, it makes a lot more sense then some omnipresent godlike figure in the sky(who's probably male) that made some guy in a beautiful garden and pulled a broad out of his ribs. At least it does to me??? lol, maybe thats the difference...LOGIC??
Humans have been around for a long time, why haven't we changed over these generations of existing? Why are we still the same? Why are there still many creatures on the planet that remain unchanged after many generations? Why are apes still around?
We have been. If you disagree with me, then do your own research.
Apes are around because they are a successful species of primate that live in a jungle away from most illogical stupid people that would capture or kill them because they are embarased to be related to them....distantly.
We've existed for many generations after the ape, but I still see no difference. The other apes are the same, were the same, it's like natural selection left and went home. We humans are producing at a rapid rate, we have a high population, we exist alongside countless species of animals. How many generations is it gonna take until we evolve? Don't talk about the different races, the differences are minimal, and none of the differences are beneficial. Remember, natural selection is a process of improvement.
You see no difference? don't mind me asking, how old are you? 1400 years old? you would probably have to be older then that to see a difference.
Another thing. Western society is essentially static, why evolve physically when it can be mentally and spiritually? Do you live side by side with animals in a forest or jungle? oh, didn't think so.
And the differences are not minimal between difference races...why do negroids have dark skin? could it be the sun from native africa? why are eskimos short and fat? maybe they live in antartica where its cold. Hmm, gonna go a step further here, Japanese people tend to be short and delicate because they didn't traditionally eat red meat, they lived on rice and fish...(hey aren't japanese ppl really smart as a stereo type? HEY THEY EAT LOTSA FISH).
The only 'evidence' which is the most important of all, is again more speculation. Common descent is the basis of evolution, without that, you have nothing. I'm not doubting that a lot of animals look alike, share the same genes, same kind of characteristics etc. which is obvious, fascinating, and has been proven. I call it intelligent design by God, you call it evolution.
Ok so neither theories have any weight or evidence, yet you're Ok.
Evolution suggests that life just happened to happen, there is no purpose, there is nothing beyond the grave. It suggests that there is a force called natural selection and that genes and chromosomes take on a mind of their own and emit frequencies in a population and that causes intelligent adaptation, which also causes mutation and improvement of the species. It also tells us that genes and chromosomes know where we are, and what were doing. This explains why we see a diversity in animals, plants, and other things.
Ok, whats gods purpose...oh yeah, we get live with him in heaven when were dead. RIGHT ON.
Oh, but wait...I don't believe in god....guess I'm screwed.
Which begs another question. I thought natural selection was supposed to improve the species, not make it worse. Animals are superior to humans in many ways. Apes for example, are WAY stronger then we are, and if a man got in a physical fight with one, I think we'd know who'd win. Why would natural selection choose to demote us. That goes against evolution itself. So I think you better reconsider us coming from apes. Actually, good luck finding an animal that isn't superior to us in some way. Except for maybe some insects, so maybe we evolved from an insect then, that sounds even more stupid.
Wow. Ok, we only control the planet because were the most adaptable tool using species on the planet....Screw ape strength I make a spear...better yet a gun....oh wait, I don't have to do anything....were so smart and successful that I don't need to do...Instead I have to buy my food.....hmm, well a spear is useless, I guess I better use MY HIGHLY EVOLVED BRAIN TO THINK OF WAYS TO MAKE MONEY AND SURVIVE IN A WORLD WHERE APE STRENGTH IS NOT USEFUL. Natural selection did not demote anyone.....Except...oh nevermind.
Oh and nevermind explaining the origins of the universe or planets for that matter. That isn't even biology. The only explanation for that is just it just happened a big bang or crunch whatever you want to call it, happened and it just so happened to form a universe with intelligent design. Something out of nothingness just gave birth to life right? That goes against science itself, everything involving biology and life itself all weighs on something else being able to give it life in the first place. Procreation requires another living being for it to happen. Plants require seeds to exist which come from living plants (or plants that originally lived).
Whats you're freaking point? you're questioning the semantics of creation to explain a highly specified idea of creation....WOW.
There are so many holes in what you guys believe in. You even believe in powerful unseen forces just like I do. The bible and God makes way more sense then evolution does. You only discredit it because you don't want to change. You don't want to do anything to do with God. Now your only making excuses so you can continue to be ignorant. Ignorance is indeed bliss. have a very human right to believe what you want...But last time I checked, christians have always beleived in intelligent design...for centuries.........Yes, ignorance is indeed bliss.
Brings to mind the Golden apple of eden, were you to be offered wisdom and intelligence by the snake you would say no right? Because its a snake...and ignorance really is bliss