Meant to post this MANY hours ago, but Internet down here is shaky.
Vex is phenomenal in crews. Chu, Boss, Cable, NinjaLink, Jash, Snakeee, Dazwa, and Kool-Aid are viable as gimmick options or counterpicks. Both have been performing extremely well recently. I agree that if an Olimar is an absolute necessity, Dabuz is the way to go over Logic. Meep would be nice to have as a spare. Midwest ***** ICs, though.
Anti and Atomsk are givens. Nairo has been on fire recently and I doubt people from out of region will have time to adapt to his crazy style within the short amount of time a crew battle grants. Fatal should be another pretty obvious pick for Snake variety and his consistent performance. Shadow is slacking hard lately, but I wouldn't doubt that with the advent of Apex, he'll want to get better and practice consistently again. ksizzle is the same way, and definitely would benefit us as Lucario.
Main crew: Anti, Atomsk, Fatal, Nairo/ksizzle/Shadow/Chu, Nairo/ksizzle/Shadow/Chu
Two subs: Nairo/ksizzle/Shadow/Chu, Cable/Jash/Snakeee/Dazwa/Dabuz/NinjaLink/Vex/Kool-Aid/Boss
I'd like to use the people with the most experience under pressure and the widest variety of matchup knowledge. MK, Snake, Diddy, ICs, Wario, Falco, and Lucario are our main threats. Anti has a weakness to ICs and isn't 100% consistent in the ditto, but ***** the **** out of the others, possibly barring Lucario. Atomsk has a Falco weakness, but some ICs to back him up. Fatal is ridiculous at Snake dittos, fine against MK, and great vs. Falco. I'm iffy on him vs. Diddy and Lucario, because his region has none. The two IC players in his region aren't top players, and Lain ***** Snake. Not sure what to think there. Kool-Aid plays Wario, so I suppose he has some practice in that matchup.
Now is where it gets rocky. Despite his skill and incredible streak of winning money lately, Nairo has a clear weakness to Wario and ICs right now (and possibly Falco?). Obviously, that can change within the next week and a half, but it's still risky. He also isn't used to the pressure of a national, as he is still young, and it might be a bad choice to put him in. Regardless, he's incredible at dittos, ***** Snake, and god help any Diddy or Lucario that finds himself offstage against the little *******.
Shadow and ksizzle both have plenty of experience at large events and are fine under pressure. Although people have their doubts about them lately due to poor performance in singles or simply lack of entry, I trust their talent and drive enough to put them on as main roster contenders. Shadow always brings some new crazy offstage stuff to the table that out of region players will likely be unfamiliar with. He's good in dittos and great against Diddy, Lucario, and Wario. Not sure about ICs, and he's inconsistent against Snake and Falco. Regardless, Shadow is still a great player and when used right, can get a lot of stocks for us.
ksizzle is ridiculous against Snake, as we all know. Good in dittos, great against Lucario, and from what I know, fine with the Falco and non-ADHD Diddy matchups. I know he used to have some IC trouble, and I don't know if he's gotten over his Wario problem. Either way, he'd add another strong and smart MK to the lineup, as well as a Lucario/Falco option.
Chu's been doing great in his region lately. He's very smart and quick to adapt, as well as having a ****ton of experience under pressure. Nobody really knows how to fight Kirby, and his matchup experience strongly dwarfs basically any opponent's. Only worry I have is that Chu is inconsistent (Kirby sucking is rough too).
Cable is incredible and nobody knows how to fight DK. Dazwa and Snakeee are incredible ZSS players with the same advantages. NinjaLink can counterpick anyone or just be generally amazing with his Diddy. Jash's TL is unlike anything else, and would be great for West Coast. Dabuz is far and away the best Olimar, and can provide some novelty. Vex is fantastic when he actually cares (see: picks Dedede), and he has enough regional pride to want to defend the region. Kool-Aid's Pit and Boss's Luigi are some of the best mid tier shock picks out there.