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Real Random: Jak (Jak & Daxter) vs Ratchet (Ratchet & Clank)

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
Tery, you're gay. <3

I think that Ishida would really handle Shikamaru. He outspeeds him and outclasses everything he can do because he can fly. Shika can't really get to him because of his range and stuff.

One sided battle but I haven't seen fillers of Shika so inform me if I'm wrong.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Alright. Let's have a serious discussion about this here.

Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto has evolved into an extremely potent fighter. Wind-element ninjutsu, only furthered by his mastery of the Sage Techs and now the newly acquired Kyuubi Mode, enabling speed on par with the Fourth Hokage. He also has Substitution and Shadow Clone abilities for scouting and setting up. Naruto, like most ninja are equipped with weapons such as kunai and explosive tags for various purposes.

Naruto's most powerful attack is easily his RasenShuriken. Just grazing a target obliterates their cells from within, and he's mastered it to the point of being able to throw it carefreely and without major risk to his own self. There's a limit to the amount of times it can be used but that's viable for any person for any sort of attack.

Naruto originally could fall prey to his inner Kyuubi, but this is now irrelevant now that he has taken full control of its abilities.

Naruto's flaw is his vulnerability, but that has slowly wavered out as he grew. He does tend to rely on Shadow Clones a bit too much, so long range fighters can easy manipulate their way around that. He backs great stamina and chakras behind those Shadow Clones, however.

Kurosaki Ichigo
Ichigo, unlike Naruto has had "growth spurts". Bankai was the furst spurt, followed by obtained Vaizard abilities and now learning his final Getsuga Tenshou. While in Bankai mode, Ichigo has incredible speed, only furthered by the introduction of his Vaizard mode. His reflexes are also very alert and combined with his speed allow him to react accordingly.

Since Ichigo has now "acheived" the final Getsuga Tenshou, he has amassed ridiculous amounts of physical strength and speed. This has not been seen without limit, and is in many ways similar to Naruto in his Kyuubi Mode. They're both extremely powerful and have few risks, but Ichigo is the more used to character with their most elite form.

Likewise with Naruto, Ichigo could succumb to his Inner Hollow, but since mastering the final Getsuga it should seem that he won't be able to be taken over anytime soon.

Ichigo's flaw can be decided on, but it's rather less energy and stamina overall or never properly addressing the situations.
Now I'll address an aspect of combat and who would theoretically pertain the lead with a heavy, moderate, slight, or equal level.

Long Range - Ichigo [Moderate]
Not much to say here. Ichigo has Getsuga Tenshou and even the Cero of Vaizard form. Naruto has silly kunai which are outclassed, but if Naruto moves in enough he cannot lessen this gap.

Short Range - Naruto [Slight]
In general, Naruto is just faster when it comes to delivering attacks. Ichigo does have a sword, which cancels most of the advantage Naruto may have. But again, Naruto basically has a small upper hand here.

Taijutsu - Naruto [Heavy]
Although somewhat even at a glance, Naruto has a heavy lead over Ichigo in hand-to-hand combat. Yes, Ichigo has great speed and immense physical power now, but Naruto is faster and Sage Mode basically gives him neverending strength.

Ninjutsu - Naruto [Slight / Even]
Ichigo has Getsuga Tenshou, which is powerful and technically considered a kido-based technique, but it pales in comparison to the RasenShuriken, which can basically eat the energy out of Getsuga, meanwhile being a faster projectile. It is worth nothing however, that aside from their resepective staples, both characters suck at everything else ninjutsu or kido based.

Defense - Naruto [Slight]
Both characters are pretty crappy here, honestly. While both have the speed to "make up" for their lower defenses, Naruto has an edge in Sage Mode where his blows are lessened, and can even draw energy through Sage Mode. Ichigo has nothing of the sort, and in contrast if is damaged during Vaizard Mode he loses time to stay in said form.

Stamina Naruto [Heavy]
I don't think much needs to be said here. Naruto has guts and all the stamina he really needs. He pulls off Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu liike it was cake and continues with an onslaught. His durations and Sage Mode Clones are "bulkier" and can last longer than Ichigo's typical Vaizard transformation. Naruto also has regular Shadow Clones and Substitution Jutsu to make a lengthy battle easier for him. The Kyuubi Mode's immense chakra is more bonus.

Control - Ichigo [Slight / Moderate]
As of current Ichigo obviously shows more control over his abilities than Naruto, who has just freshly acquired the Kyuubi Mode. However as with time Naruto will become used to handling the speed as did Killer Bee. Ichigo would retain a small advantage having been using this form for a little bit longer.

Second Stage (Sage Mode vs. Vaizard Mask) - Naruto [Moderate]
Sage Mode lasts longer, hits harder, takes hits better, and can literaly turn you into a frog. Vaizard Mode allows Ichigo with more speed than a typical Sage Mode Naruto, but when you're being faced with all Naruto has to offer + Substitution and Shadow Clone Jutsu you're definitely at a loss.

Inner Self (Kyuubi vs. Hollow Ichigo - Naruto [Moderate]
Hichigo is absurdly powerful. Immense speed, power, and even ninjutsu in the form of Getsuga Tenshou, Cero, and even tekekinesis. But it's nothing when faced against the Nine-Tailed Naruto (uncontrolled). The Kyuubi could literally just draw in attacks and absorb them with the thick chakra cloak, while if Hichigo is damaged, he stays damaged. The Kyuubi's Energy Ball makes the Cero look like a child's toy, and possesses much better physical combat skills, etc. Another point is that while both characters lose control, it's clear Ichigo's is more spontaneous and more unreliable than the Kyuubi.
As with any sort of comparison like these, the battle situation itself is obviously a huge factor in determining a clear "victor." But take into consideration the following: Naruto edges Ichigo out in at least four suits strongly, and considering their roughly equal levels their battle would be lengthy. That means whoever has more stamina wins, and that's Naruto.

Naruto Uzumaki vs. Ichigo Kurosaki

I'll do Ishida vs. Shikamaru next.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Terywj, I think you just ruined any chance of debate left on the first match.
Get out of here. :laugh:
Seriously, though, you did a great job, I'll definitely read your post on the second battle.

Next battle better be Arucard vs. Lucy. :bee:

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Naara Shikamaru
Lazy, unmotivated, borish. Those are typical thoughts about Shikamaru at a glance. However you cannot underestimate him. Shikamaru is a genius on the battlefield and for good reason. His intelligence easily allows him to setup, and more importantly, plan ahead faster than the opponent.

Although lacking physically, Shikamary has his Shadow Art Ninjutsu. His various Shadow Ninjutsu: Shadow Possession, Shadow Weave, etc. can easily trample the opponent and give control of the match to him. However, as with any technique the power lowers after each usage, and Shikamaru lacks exceptional stamina. Shikamaru has kunai and other ninja weapons to aid and diversify his usage of ninjutsu. Shikamaru has shown decent ability with a blade as well.

Ishida Uryu
Uryu is a long range fighter with strong intellect. Ginrei Kojaku fires thousands of arrows at once, and extremely quickly, too. He himself has great speed and is also capable of flight by abusing the energy particles in the air. Uryu has extra tools to assist him in battle such as the Steele Schneider, able to be used as setup for an explosive tech or a handheld weapon, although not nearly as powerful as a sword.

Uryu's "loss" is that he relies on ability. not power. Any character relatively fast enough with strong physical attacks can just beat him down with pure power.
Long Range - Uryu [Heavy]
Uryu has a bow that fires thousands of arrows at once. Shikamaru has kunai and a shadow which can move a length relative to whatever shadow is being used. Although abusing the shadows of the arrows would be a possible task, it's not something manageable during a battle.

Short Range - Uryu [Slight / Even]
Both characters aren't very good at short distance fighting, but Uryu is faster while Shikamaru's blade is theoretically more powerful. It's close to even on this one.

Defense - Uryu [Moderate]
Shikamaru has to lie in wait to acheive success on the battlefield, while Uryu is free to abuse his quick speed and long range attacks to counter approaches. Shikamaru can't really do anything about that. Uryu also carries some elixirs which help with wounds.

Movement - Uryu [Moderate]
Shikamaru is grounded while Uryu is faster and is capable of flight. Shikamaru can compete with ninjutsu, but not himself. Shadow Possession and Shadow Weave can cause problems for Uryu in the air, and on top of that he has to watch where his shadow from flight is, so that helps Shikamaru out a lot.

Intellect - Shikamaru [Moderate]
Shikamaru is a genius. While Uryu's not stupid, his straightforward abilities will easily be read by Shikamaru and he'll plan accordingly. It's as simple as that.

Control - Uryu [Slight]
While both characters are great at controlling their abilities, Uryu actually works with energy particles in the surroudning environment and so has a small lead over Shikamaru.
This fight was one-sided and so the analysis was shorter overall, but it was still fun going through the possibilities. As stated, Uryu outshines him in all aspects. Besides, halfway into their fight Shikamaru would have already analyzed his abilities, knew he was no match and would've given up. :p

Shikamaru Naara vs. Uryu Ishida

I didn't really see the point of this matchup. Both characters aren't exactly parallels and have different styles. Someone like Tenten (lol Tenten) would have been a more suitable opponent.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
Naruto Uzumaki vs. Ichigo Kurosaki.
Again, their universes are totally different. One of your assumptons is that the constitution of a Shigami's body is the same as a ninja's. Pretty sure no. And Naruto's Sage mode is not that great. He pretty much cannot be faster than Ichigo in Bankai, doesn't take that much to realize this.

This thread is no longer interesting.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
You've succeeded in killing the other half of the debate now, Terywj. Good job. :laugh:
Lol, I agree, that matchup is pretty one-sided.
We have no choice but to wait for the next battle, now. :(

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Again, their universes are totally different. One of your assumptons is that the constitution of a Shigami's body is the same as a ninja's. Pretty sure no. And Naruto's Sage mode is not that great. He pretty much cannot be faster than Ichigo in Bankai, doesn't take that much to realize this.

This thread is no longer interesting.
Which is why instead of acting like you, I tried to parallel the two. Building off chakras and spiritual pressure can be similar. Heavy chakras give off more energy while being able to thicken the very air around them, much like heavy spiritual pressure. Likewise, I bridged between ninjutsu and kido as well, etc.
Nowhere in my presentation did I state that Naruto was faster in Sage Mode than Ichigo in Bankai, in fact I even said the obvious.

Terywj said:
Vaizard Mode allows Ichigo with more speed than a typical Sage Mode Naruto...


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
Nowhere in my presentation did I state that Naruto was faster in Sage Mode than Ichigo in Bankai, in fact I even said the obvious.
Pretty sure if they're REALLY going at it, they'll start fighting in their most powerful forms so as to not waste any potential. Whatever else happens in a fight, the most conclusive outcome is determined when both are as good as they can possibly be for as long as possible. So the arguments for lower form [either char.] matchups are irrelevant.

It's like when you play those Dragonball Z games and you just start out as Super Saiyan 3 Goku V. Perfect Cell, not waste time building up your energy to get there later.

Pretty sure no clever and/or rasengan-related tactics or maneuvers Naruto delivers will bridge the gap in speed and strength that Ichigo has just recently attained, now being able to fight Aizen and even catch his sword. He's a beast of the basics.

I do not wish to comandeer the thread, so if my way of comparing the two universes is not the same as OP, I'll change the argument a bit, BUT I believe this is a rather important thing to make clear should we all like to continue real discussion:

1. You either do not "parallel" their universes, like me, and let them be true to the way they've been portrayed.

2. Force accomadation over one to be able to fit in the other thus denying a character the advantages of the universe they're in.

3. "Parallel" both in a "middle-ground" essentially impressing your own universe on the both of them as if they're now characters of yours.

I'm reminded of Meno's "Respect the Game" thread.

God I love arguing.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Is this thread only going to be NvB (Naruto vs Bleach)? Or are we going to get into other shows? if so I've got a few after this one.

Ishida vs Shikamaru:

Shikamaru: He has the ability to hold, controll and kill with his shadows. But they are only limited to the range of how far they can go also they can't last very long at far distances. But he has ways to increase those distances as in fighting at night and using items that make a larger shadow.

His intellect is said to be over 200 IQ (most of you don't realise how much this is. Most geniuses don't have this much. This is actually almost impossible to have this high of an IQ.)

His hand to hand Combat skills are lacking but you would think he would have some skills because he's a Ninja.

Ishida: Has a large bow that can fire long distances, I haven't actually read/seen anything beyond him fighting that triple #ed Arrancar. From what I've gathered is that he can fire multiple shots at high speeds with a bow that he can summon at his command by via reiatsu. He can shoot precise shots and fast shots, so if your not agile enough you'll be dead before too long.

His Intellect is unknown to me, but I do recall him being at the top of his class during high school so IDK.

His hand to hand combat skills are lacking, (at least from what I've seen.) and would probably lose to a Ninja if it came down to it.

Winner:If it came down to a long endurance race, Ishida would win. But assuming that neither actually knew each other’s abilities Ishida would probably get too close and Shika would go for the kill. If both knew each other’s abilities then Ishida could act like pit an "The spam is on!"

Overall Ishida is the better of the two.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Is this thread only going to be NvB (Naruto vs Bleach)? Or are we going to get into other shows? if so I've got a few after this one.
I've already offered him one, Arucard vs. Lucy, but he won't listen. ;)

Oh, and yes, Ishida wins, of course. It's a pointless battle in my opinion.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Professor MGW hasn't edited the OP since the 3rd. Don't think this will be edited anytime soon.
I'll PM him and let him know we're coming up with unanimous answers for the second battle.

Hopefully we'll get some Arucard/Lucy action, or Karas/Dante action, or at least some Sakaki/cat action. :laugh:

Edit: PM sent.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
Horray for ishida xD.

Actually this time i'd like to open it up to the public, who would you guys like to discuss?


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Arucard vs. Lucy, now! :laugh:

Let's see what everyone says.

Edit: I take that back: Sakaki vs. the cats. Although we all know who would win. :p
Nah, my vote still goes for Arucard vs. Lucy, though. Arucard is Hellsing, Lucy is Elfin Lied, for those who don't know.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2010
Queens, NY
Arucard vs. Lucy
YAY haha Prof MGW FTW!!!

Can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
YAY haha Prof MGW FTW!!!

Can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we can we pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Cha mang surez xD, i'll update the OP nowz!

EDIT: in case any1 is wondering why the maker of this (me) isn't even posting, it's because it'll make me tired lol, it's mucho eaiser to debate face to face xD. I'm sure i'll jump in here sometime anyways though :D


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Cha mang surez xD, i'll update the OP nowz!

EDIT: in case any1 is wondering why the maker of this (me) isn't even posting, it's because it'll make me tired lol, it's mucho eaiser to debate face to face xD. I'm sure i'll jump in here sometime anyways though :D
I'm glad to see that you decided to take my suggestion. :)

Oh, and to Sephiroth: yes, Lucy is really strong, but Arucard is not to be taken lightly.

I will post my opinions on the battle later.

Thanks again, Professor! :bee:

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
I'm glad to see that you decided to take my suggestion. :)

Oh, and to Sephiroth: yes, Lucy is really strong, but Arucard is not to be taken lightly.

I will post my opinions on the battle later.

Thanks again, Professor! :bee:
Ilvu2moar (jokez)

We need to use the ballistics gel from deadliest warrior nowz.

Crap, i gotta see some of hellsing first before i input a comment.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
Crap, i gotta see some of hellsing first before i input a comment.
I'vve never seen hellsing before,
Wow, this isn't good. :ohwell:
You'd kind of have to watch several episodes to understand how tough Arucard really is, unlike Lucy.
Has anyone here seen both Anime?

@ Sephiroth - Arucard would let the whole crew cut his head off and stab him repeatedly with blessed blades (he's a vampire, fyi) just to taunt them, then kill them all for fun. You can't just say Lucy wins, lol.

@Professor - Poor ballistics gel.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
You know, we should make a braket out of all the winners and see who's the best out of all.

@P... something: I think we need more generic charecters for the next round. How many episodes is Hellsing?


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
You know, we should make a braket out of all the winners and see who's the best out of all.

@P... something: I think we need more generic charecters for the next round. How many episodes is Hellsing?
Generic got us Naruto and Bleach. Also, Hellsing is pretty well known, actually. But maybe you're right.

Hellsing is 13 or 14 eps long, give or take a couple.

A bracket? I don't know about that, some winners would murder other winners...I mean, Lucy or Arucard would destroy Ishida completely. So I dunno...

Oh, and my name's not that hard, only 4 letters and a number. :p

Edit: To tell you the truth, I actually expected most who have seen Elfin Lied to know Hellsing...but it's OK, no worries!

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
Generic got us Naruto and Bleach. Also, Hellsing is pretty well known, actually. But maybe you're right.

Hellsing is 13 or 14 eps long, give or take a couple.

A bracket? I don't know about that, some winners would murder other winners...I mean, Lucy or Arucard would destroy Ishida completely. So I dunno...

Oh, and my names not that hard, only 4 letters and a number. :p
lol cha. Maybe i'll do one with inyasha next or something~ And oh PD4FR, u can take over the thread if you'd like x3 im pretty sure you'd do a beta job at this than me ^^.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
lol cha. Maybe i'll do one with inyasha next or something~ And oh PD4FR, u can take over the thread if you'd like x3 im pretty sure you'd do a beta job at this than me ^^.
If you want to, go ahead; besides, I can't edit your OP. ;)

Inuyasha's fine, better than Naruto (no offense). Who would you make them fight with?

Edit: Can you give people a thread's ownership? I don't remember...

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
1.Generic got us Naruto and Bleach. Also, Hellsing is pretty well known, actually. But maybe you're right.

2.Hellsing is 13 or 14 eps long, give or take a couple.

3.A bracket? I don't know about that, some winners would murder other winners...I mean, Lucy or Arucard would destroy Ishida completely. So I dunno...

4.Oh, and my names not that hard, only 4 letters and a number. :p
1. Yeah your right, but next match lets do a Light Yagami+Deathnote no shinigami vs Lelouch Lamperouge+Geass no Nightmare or C-2.

2. I could probably watch that by next week if you give me time.

3. Doesn't matter, we'll try to make it as fair as possible at first and work our way up. Or maybe we could do catagories like Inteligence, Strength, Magic, Speed etc.

4. I will call you P-diddy!

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
If you want to, go ahead; besides, I can't edit your OP. ;)

~Yeah i know ^^; you know what, idk but something tells me we can be the best of fri-

Inuyasha's fine, better than Naruto (no offense).

~I gotta get the hell of these boards :/

Who would you make them fight with?

Hmm..dunno yet, i was thinking of putting sesshomaru against sum dude from soul eater (so sorray, 4urgot his name >.<)

Edit: Can you give people a thread's ownership? I don't remember...

Lolz, i dunno that either, i think a mod suppose to do it for us or something. I'm soh unnawwledgeabel :/


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
If you want to, go ahead; besides, I can't edit your OP. ;)

~Yeah i know ^^; you know what, idk but something tells me we can be the best of fri-

Inuyasha's fine, better than Naruto (no offense).

~I gotta get the hell of these boards :/

Who would you make them fight with?

Hmm..dunno yet, i was thinking of putting sesshomaru against sum dude from soul eater (so sorray, 4urgot his name >.<)

Edit: Can you give people a thread's ownership? I don't remember...

Lolz, i dunno that either, i think a mod suppose to do it for us or something. I'm soh unnawwledgeabel :/
Lol, I was just saying that this-thread-wise, Inuyasha was a better choice in my opinion. :p

Soul Eater works, I like Krona. :)

We can still be friends, lol.


Smash Champion
Oct 26, 2008
Aw, I wanted to see Hellsing v. Grave

Sesshomaru v........... Hiei?


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2008
1. That's a great idea, OP's thoughts please?

2. Only if you want to. :)

3. Categories are a prime way of deciding who could win anyway, I agree.

4. That better not catch on. :laugh:

Edit: Oops, I meant to quote you, sorry if everyone's lost.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY
Sorry i got distracted, my brother came in and said Aang could beat ichigo, kinda left me alil disoriented for awhile.

1.Whatever the pplz want xD

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
1. That's a great idea, OP's thoughts please?

2. Only if you want to. :)

3. Categories are a prime way of deciding who could win anyway, I agree.

4. That better not catch on. :laugh:

Edit: Oops, I meant to quote you, sorry if everyone's lost.
1. Then it's agreed

2. I will, and I'll do it fast!

3. K we'll just wait and see what matchups we do and then latter when we have enough we can create the braket.

4. What ever you say P-diddy.

Sorry i got distracted, my brother came in and said Aang could beat ichigo, kinda left me alil disoriented for awhile.

1.Whatever the pplz want xD
Lol, Aang would get a Getsuga Tensho in the face and die.
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