Nah, that's not really accurate.
A more accurate analogy would be that a single group ate traditional hamburgers for a long time (nearly four years), with everything that was expected of a traditional hamburger. Then, a few people eating traditional hamburgers decided that the traditional hamburger could be improved to more fit their personal tastes, and they began removing parts of the hamburger from the recipe and adding things of what they considered a more refined hamburger palette. To them, this hamburger had a lot more range and flavor than a regular hamburger, and they all enjoyed the hamburger together and tried to share it with the people who still loved the traditional hamburger and had either tried and disliked or never liked the new hamburger.
The traditional hamburger lovers couldn't understand why people would *want* a new hamburger! Don't they want something that actually tastes good? The people with the new hamburger couldn't understand what they were complaining about... Nobody was forcing them to eat the new hamburger, they were merely suggesting .Some who liked the traditional hamburger thought the same. Then a few of each side began to argue about the superiority of their hamburger recipes, saying that only a true hamburger fan would prefer one over the other.
And very, very few people will just sit down, shut up, and enjoy their hamburgers.