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Rayman: Hero of the Glade of Dreams - The Great Escape


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2014

Fan service?

If Rayman is one of the more popular picks from the ballot, I'm sure Sakurai will have to put him in one way or another.
I sure hope so. With all the stuff going on with Rayman being in Smash for almost a year now, he feels like a prophesied character. It's like he's destined to become playable in this game. Personally, if he's confirmed, I hope he's not the very last ballot character to be added, but if special treatment is given to him - like with Ryu - it would definitely be worth the wait.

Also, if Rayman does get in, I would love to play him on the Smash N64 stages; it'd feel as if he's always been a character in the series from the very beginning. :upsidedown: I'd just love it. :love:
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Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
Houston, Texas
I sure hope so. With all the stuff going on with Rayman being in Smash for almost a year now, he feels like a prophesied character. It's like he's destined to become playable in this game. Personally, if he's confirmed, I hope he's not the very last ballot character to be added, but if special treatment is given to him - like with Ryu - it would definitely be worth the wait.
Here what I think would be in a set for Rayman:
Tell me what you guys think of this.
Reveal trailer (of course)
I feel if Rayman were to get into Smash, as much I love first and second to get content, they may go with the more recent games (which is fine).
Stage: Teensies in Trouble or Toad Story (for Wii U)
3DS Stage: Land of the Livid Dead
Assist Trophy: Rabbids, Globox (The former may get in over the latter, because they have become popular over the years and do have history with Nintendo)
Trophies: Well, these are already in the game, but I can see enemies from Origins and Legends making it in there.
Smash Run Enemy: The Magician (I got stuck with this one)
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Since the Magician is one person, he wouldn't fit as a Smash Run enemy. Something like the Lividstones, Robo-Pirates, or the Rabbids would be much better.
Rabbids please. or, the Sandbag Rabbid would be pretty nice too. :3
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Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Hey everyone! Long time I don't post here.

I found a "pre-release" artwork, I think:

Carmen was intended to be an enemy? And well, some of them are a bit changed (colors and faces).

It's your birthday? If it's, happy birthday!

hm, I just noticed something, that Poloku's beta hat is blue, and has bubbles instead of being purple and with stars and stuff like Jano's. So, he maybe was going to recieve the "Bubble Dreamer" title in 2, but that concept only calls him "The Magician".


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
hm, I just noticed something, that Poloku's beta hat is blue, and has bubbles instead of being purple and with stars and stuff like Jano's. So, he maybe was going to recieve the "Bubble Dreamer" title in 2, but that concept only calls him "The Magician".
Hey, you're right. I didn't noticed that. If his final version is purple with stars, does that mean he became the magician that was first in R1?


Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Hey, you're right. I didn't noticed that. If his final version is purple with stars, does that mean he became the magician that was first in R1?

So wait. Would that technically mean the Bubble Dreamer in Origins is technically the real magician, and
the other magician guy is just a fake?.. XD


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Hey, you're right. I didn't noticed that. If his final version is purple with stars, does that mean he became the magician that was first in R1?

Who knows, probably, but, they may have scrapped that and turned him into the Omnipotent creator of the Glade.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Who knows, probably, but, they may have scrapped that and turned him into the Omnipotent creator of the Glade.
xD I think that was his role in the first game, imo. But now that I think about it, I think I can understand why, because, since he kinda just looked like Rayman with a magicians hat, they might have thought something different would make better sense.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
xD I think that was his role in the first game, imo. But now that I think about it, I think I can understand why, because, since he kinda just looked like Rayman with a magicians hat, they might have thought something different would make better sense.
I will just say that it was to make Rayman unique of his kind, and well, he was the only being not created by Polokus after all, and he's the Guardian of the World, so, he must stand out.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
I will just say that it was to make Rayman unique of his kind, and well, he was the only being not created by Polokus after all, and he's the Guardian of the World, so, he must stand out.
xD Exactly. That's what I think as well, now that I realized that that might have been Polokus before they gave him his own design for R2 and onwards.


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
xD Exactly. That's what I think as well, now that I realized that that might have been Polokus before they gave him his own design for R2 and onwards.
But then Origins and Legends put that they are not the same (the Magician and Polokus), which, is good, but, I still don't like how Polokus looks there.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
But then Origins and Legends put that they are not the same (the Magician and Polokus), which, is good, but, I still don't like how Polokus looks there.
xD Huh, I see. But that might have been just to make them their own entities, just so that can get covered up after they made that decision.
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Wonder Smash

Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2013
To be kind of fair to MegaMan, he was actually the first third party character to ever appear on a Nintendo console. So, that got some bit of leverage.

PS: Happy Birthday to @ Rayman4Smash Rayman4Smash !
Well, technically, Galaxian was released on the Famicom before Bomberman and lots of other 3rd party games were released on the NES before Bomberman.
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Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
I'll be hitting the hay soon, so I wish you all a good night.
Before I go, however, there is something that needs to be said.
Rayman may not be the face of an entire genre, but he's truly the last video game star that has a ton of Nintendo history. In my eyes, he's more than qualified to join Smash 4.
That said, as Sakurai is preparing for several characters that are fan favorites to join the battle, I can only hope and pray that he has Rayman in his thoughts. I mean, with our limbless hero already having a trophy as well as a game published by Nintendo in Japan, he would be crazy not to add Rayman.
The trophy has given Rayman access to the Smash universe and the leak has provided him a ton of publicity and supporters.
Now we're at the Ballot. He's facing competition from the likes of Shantae and Snake and unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though all three will be added.
However, all we can do now is wait.
It will be a scary time, my friends. The thought of having Rayman in Smash would be the most magical moment in Smash history, but the thought of seeing our limbless hero deconfirmed means he will probably never join Smash.
He's got the demand, star power, uniqueness, and history to make it in.
All we can do is hope and pray for the best.


The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
I'll be hitting the hay soon, so I wish you all a good night.
Before I go, however, there is something that needs to be said.
Rayman may not be the face of an entire genre, but he's truly the last video game star that has a ton of Nintendo history. In my eyes, he's more than qualified to join Smash 4.
That said, as Sakurai is preparing for several characters that are fan favorites to join the battle, I can only hope and pray that he has Rayman in his thoughts. I mean, with our limbless hero already having a trophy as well as a game published by Nintendo in Japan, he would be crazy not to add Rayman.
The trophy has given Rayman access to the Smash universe and the leak has provided him a ton of publicity and supporters.
Now we're at the Ballot. He's facing competition from the likes of Shantae and Snake and unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though all three will be added.
However, all we can do now is wait.
It will be a scary time, my friends. The thought of having Rayman in Smash would be the most magical moment in Smash history, but the thought of seeing our limbless hero deconfirmed means he will probably never join Smash.
He's got the demand, star power, uniqueness, and history to make it in.
All we can do is hope and pray for the best.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2014
I'll be hitting the hay soon, so I wish you all a good night.
Before I go, however, there is something that needs to be said.
Rayman may not be the face of an entire genre, but he's truly the last video game star that has a ton of Nintendo history. In my eyes, he's more than qualified to join Smash 4.
That said, as Sakurai is preparing for several characters that are fan favorites to join the battle, I can only hope and pray that he has Rayman in his thoughts. I mean, with our limbless hero already having a trophy as well as a game published by Nintendo in Japan, he would be crazy not to add Rayman.
The trophy has given Rayman access to the Smash universe and the leak has provided him a ton of publicity and supporters.
Now we're at the Ballot. He's facing competition from the likes of Shantae and Snake and unfortunately, it doesn't seem as though all three will be added.
However, all we can do now is wait.
It will be a scary time, my friends. The thought of having Rayman in Smash would be the most magical moment in Smash history, but the thought of seeing our limbless hero deconfirmed means he will probably never join Smash.
He's got the demand, star power, uniqueness, and history to make it in.
All we can do is hope and pray for the best.
I agree and I feel your fear. We still have characters like Wolf, Snake, King K. Rool, Krystal, Isaac, Bandana Dee (for some reason), and Inkling giving Rayman some significant competition. And goodness knows how many ballot characters we're actually getting. I'm going to assume 3, but I personally hope for 5 just to make it 60 characters.

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
I agree and I feel your fear. We still have characters like Wolf, Snake, King K. Rool, Krystal, Isaac, Bandana Dee (for some reason), and Inkling giving Rayman some significant competition. And goodness knows how many ballot characters we're actually getting. I'm going to assume 3, but I personally hope for 5 just to make it 60 characters.

Well, just to give some insight, Bandana Dee has become fairly important in his series (jumping from a simple side character in a minigame, to full on support/anti hero status, up to the point of often being playable). Next to Kirby, Metaknight and Dedede, he is arguable the next most notable Kirby character in the franchise so far, and by the looks of it, he's only becoming more and more prominent with each installment... add that to the fact of having a large and growing campaign AND fanbase, and you have a competitor..

Never underestimate your competition, regardless of what you don't know about them. You may not understand why he has a following, but his fans do. Just like some may not understand why Ray should be a thing in Smash, but Rayman fans do..

In all honesty, this is definitely turning into a Free-for-all. I myself, can wait to see the victors that arise out of all of this..

Anyways, I'm heading out too fellas. Good Night!
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Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2015
Well, just to give some insight, Bandana Dee has become fairly important in his series (jumping from a simple side character in a minigame, to full on support/anti hero status, up to the point of often being playable). Next to Kirby, Metaknight and Dedede, he is arguable the next most notable Kirby character in the franchise so far, and by the looks of it, he's only becoming more and more prominent with each installment... add that to the fact of having a large and growing campaign AND fanbase, and you have a competitor..

Never underestimate your competition, regardless of what you don't know about them. You may not understand why he has a following, but his fans do. Just like some may not understand why Ray should be a thing in Smash, but Rayman fans do..

In all honesty, this is definitely turning into a Free-for-all. I myself, can wait to see the victors that arise out of all of this..

Anyways, I'm heading out too fellas. Good Night!
Since Bandana Dee is becoming this popular, wouldn't his chances of getting in be great regardless of the ballot outcome? Same with the Inklings?

K.Rool.. I could see him getting in. He's iconic enough >.< Heres too Sakurai adding in 5 or 4 characters from the ballot..and one them being Rayman lol Would be cool if other popular characters got in period, or mentioned for future plans XD

Good night everyone :D
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Heyo, Residents of the Glade! I'm back; I was taking a minor break from this thread since I wanted to wait until the E3 period was over - understandable with no Rayman 4 in sight. Oh well - let's hope Ubisoft still keep Rayman in their memories and remember his upcoming 20th anniversary and give him Rayman 4 as a birthday adventure, and let's push towards Rayman in Smash 4 too!
And Happy Birthday, @ Rayman4Smash Rayman4Smash ! :bee:


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
Rayman's birthday is on September 1st, which is the same day that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases.
If Nintendo holds a Direct that day, I hope they announce both Snake and Rayman for DLC, as unlikely as it is.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2014
Notgonnahappen Lane
Rayman's birthday is on September 1st, which is the same day that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain releases.
If Nintendo holds a Direct that day, I hope they announce both Snake and Rayman for DLC, as unlikely as it is.
That would be the best Direct ever.

I'm not even joking.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
My two favorite characters other than Banjo? Not just a good direct, but the greatest moment of all time.

Everything would be perfect and I wouldn't even care about anything else at that point.

I'll be more than happy with at least one of them, though...

Manic Rykker

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2015
Since Bandana Dee is becoming this popular, wouldn't his chances of getting in be great regardless of the ballot outcome? Same with the Inklings?

K.Rool.. I could see him getting in. He's iconic enough >.< Heres too Sakurai adding in 5 or 4 characters from the ballot..and one them being Rayman lol Would be cool if other popular characters got in period, or mentioned for future plans XD

Good night everyone :D
The problem is, in standard development, some factor definitely seems to determine what characters get in. Uniqueness, contributing to the game balance, and things like that of course all ultimately determine this... however for some reason with certain characters, even if they may do all of this, sometimes they seem to be ignored.

This goes for K. Rool and Krystal for example. Even though they are both REALLY popular and suggested characters, and a lot of fans beg for them (practically since melee), neither of them have made it.. (This especially says something when you consider many fans were certain Krystal got into Brawl, considering the poll that was taken on who fans thought made it into the game)

Of course, what could it be? Bias? Preference for one character over another? I will say it can definitely seem that way.

Looking at the roster, The Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Starfox and Metroid franchises remained surprisingly unchanged from brawl.. (not counting the transformation split for Zelda and Samus, and the various balance tweaks throughout the line ups either.. heck Starfox LOST a character for that matter XD)

Zelda is especially a surprise, considering it is one of Nintendo's most successful franchises, beside Mario at least XD

Kirby, you would think Sakurai wouldn't be biased against, as he created the series. However some fans like to argue he is biased against content not created by him... (which seems plausible when you consider how Kirby Super Star (One of the titles he produced) was practically plastered ALL OVER Brawl..)

Maybe it is biased, and maybe it's not. It's hard to say with that fellow. Whatever the case, with the ballot at least, being all about the fan service, at least all parties have a more fair ground to walk on this time around.

Anyways, shifting back to Rayman, I got a question for you guys. A theoretical one:

Lets say Ray did make it into Smash as DLC this time around, and Smash 5 rolled around, and he came back as another Veteran. Another Ubisoft character was being considered to join him. What character do you think would join along side Ray? (Either from his series, or another Ubi franchise)
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The Inspired Artist
Jul 14, 2014
Anyways, shifting back to Rayman, I got a question for you guys. A theoretical one:

Lets say Ray did make it into Smash as DLC this time around, and Smash 5 rolled around, and he came back as another Veteran. Another Ubisoft character was being considered to join him. What character do you think would join along side Ray? (Either from his series, or another Ubi franchise)
Well, if you ask, if it's when like with Mega Man to Ryu, it would be more then possibly AC, if anything. Despite the rating, Snake still breaks that "rule". But then again, I don't know if Beyond Good and Evil could really happen. legacy wise, or possible wise (but I don't really know about that series well to judge). So chances are, it's going to be either no one ( like Sonic) or someone from Rayman again....which I don't honestly want, other than Barbara for whom I'd think could be choose I guess, but more than likely, it's going to be the DAMNED Rabbids...
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Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2015
South Bend, Indiana
Honestly, I wouldn't care if Rayman was cut from Smash 5 and ended up being a one off character.
Seeing him make a playable appearance in Smash 4 would be more than enough for me, as he would be designed in beautiful HD by none other than Masahiro Sakurai. I just WANT to see him duke it out with the giants of gaming.
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