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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
The one about KOS-MOS quoted up there.
Thanks. I see I can't just post the numbers anymore.


Chance: 0%
I honestly think Sans' time has passed. Undertale may have been huge, but I'm afraid it feels like a game that is passing into time. The Switch release helps, but Undertale is no longer buzzy enough for Sakurai to spend time on a character originating from an American indie game.

Want: 25%
I'm sure he'd be a decent character with a decent moveset. I'm not crazy about him.

9-Volt x5



Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2014

chance: 0%
He's from an indie game, first and fore most. That should really stop his chances enough, but going even further he's not even the main character of Undertale, something Sakurai would obviously go for instead, as well as being a character that is hated by most. I don't think Sakurai would add him knowing most people would be furious. that being said, we did get two fire emblem characters as DLC...

Want: 0%
Do I even need to explain myself? I've never cared about undertale and ESPECIALLY for Sans, a character memed to hell and back and shoved in my face by rabid pre-pubescent tumblrites. It would honestly be insulting to see this character take the chance away from another nintendo character getting in the game.

Nominations: Louie x5

skylanders fan

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
Hunting Down Ever Amiibo

Now this is going to be one of my lowest scores the oly thing he has going for him is the Switch Port (which maybe to late) and popular however he just dosn't fit. As I have always thought 3rd parties need to be important icons to either Nintendo or gaming history and while Sans maybe popular he just lacks the important s to even be considered. Him geting in would open the floodgates to any 3rd part getting in and do we really want Smash to be crowded with 3rd parties not that important. Now if you want a modern day icon to bring into Smash there are so much better options in terms of relvancy and popularity.
chance .05%
Not interested in him at all. If we add him online will be filled with sans trolls and people would beg for more charcters from the likes of mindcraft and fnaf. So if I could give a negative I would but since I can't I'll go
want 0%

predicting tom nook at 16%
nominating labo guy x5


Smash Master
Aug 21, 2014
New York
Jack Skellington

Chance: 1%
Want: 0%

Can't say I've heard of this one before either.

So from what everyone's been saying, this is a bit of a controversial character. "Western Indie" by itself is a recipe for disaster in the first place, and add "not iconic" to that, and there's not much to talk about.

Even after that, there are still more hits against him. Sans is best known for being funny, more particularly punny. You know what doesn't translate well AT ALL to a fighting game? Humor, particularly wordplay humor. People love to talk about how Pil/Palutena/Viridi are comic gods. I wouldn't know, I refuse to touch that series, but I don't see that in Smash...except for that one particular stage where you can do one particular codec. Then you can see them in their eye-rolling glory. And that's strike two - humor is not necessarily universal, and what one person finds funny, another my find grating - and again puns are particularly struck by this. So if Sans's entire raison d' etre is "OMG LOL BONE PUNS," it's something that quite literally cannot be translated to Smash.

Beyond that, I'm getting tired of Character threads shilling thier character as "X would be a glass cannon type character." Is that the only character archetype people know? People like to talk about Sans as a one-hit-point-wonder, which again would make him a useless joke character in a game like Smash.

In essence - no thanks.

Prediction for Tom Nook: 3.5%
Nom: Skyrim x5


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
Also I am tired as **** can someone post some undertale music? Maybe BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11 or ProfPeanut ProfPeanut ?
Lucky for you, I have appropriate edgelord music that everyone knows by now. Just open it in a tab and get back here when it starts loading, you probably know what it'll be. (EDIT: Why did I go back in time to fix this dead link, it'll probably die too...For web archeologists, it's just Sans and Papyrus singing Bring Me To Life by Evanescence.)


Chance: 0.01%
Sans is a uniquely unlikely case. He has all the usual drawbacks of any third-party who isn't super-iconic: not as big of a name as Sonic or Cloud, not as integral to his genre or history like Ryu or Crash, and not close enough to Nintendo to have any favors lined up, like Layton or Shovel Knight might. But that's already tibia-xpected from a third-party candidate.

What Sans has that most others don't is a ridiculous wave of popularity, being the exact kind of character that most kids would fall for. Two years after Undertale's release, the game still remains alive on the internet despite having no real updates besides the occasional port, and it doesn't even need those ports to survive. Popularity like that is not something to be overlooked - if you had a list of characters that'd make bigger waves than Sans, you'd find it depressingly short, and we already know that Sakurai is dead set on raising the spectacle level of these games. People would kill to see Sans fight.

But Sans could have everything going for him in another universe - Nintendo's support, absolute relevance, present-day popularity - in which case, almost everyone here would be giving him +50% scores. But I'd still give him less than a 1% chance, because Sans lacks a vital component that we've taken for granted on everybody else but Sora: the approval of his owner.

As you might know, Undertale was mostly made by an annoying dog named Toby Fox. Now, Toby Fox has a strange rule, despite being the sole creator and owner of one of the most influential video games of the decade: he will not, under any circumstance, recognize or reveal any spoiler that he put into his own game (or at least, spoilers that you can't prove are spoilers without additional context). Observe: in 2016, he opened an ask blog in celebration of his game's anniversary, promising that Undertale characters would answer the best questions submitted.

He proceeded to spend the whole day making everyone confront the question of what Papyrus' favorite food was.

People will tell you that the best way to play Undertale is with as few clues as to what will happen as possible, impossible as that might be these days. And yet, it's the same dog-gone presentation that Toby Fox has stuck with up to today, prevalent in both trailers for the Undertale ports and his present-day interactions with the internet . But without any spoilers whatsoever, Sans is just a bag of layabout lazybones that likes to crack bad skeleton puns, a side character with little other substance to him. That Sans would be an almost disappointing inclusion by himself because the character that people actually like is what's beneath the surface of Undertale's presentation.

Which is why I believe Sans is such a uniquely unlikely case: because his creator would probably never let him actually fight in any official appearance. His chances are even worse than rest of the cast's chances because of this, because Sans' spoilers lie behind almost everyone else's. This isn't whether Smash would respect Undertale's spoilers (it wouldn't,) but whether Toby Fox would let them spoil to that extent, when Undertale is one of the few games so harshly crippled by what the player knows about it going in. Even if he topped the Smash ballot, even if Sakurai got it into his head that Smash absolutely had to have a playable Undertale character - there's an almost certain chance that the Annoying Dog would, with all peace of mind, decline the offer immediately. And that's not even going into how much Undertale stands against senseless methodological violence.

What can I say? I had a skele-ton to talk about.

Want: 20%
Honest truth, though: Undertale would probably be one of the best games that they could ever cameo in Smash Bros. Directly influenced by a Nintendo game, it's a perfect example of an indie game that you'd want to represent, one that also happened to change the way most people view how they play games. Inspired, inspiring, and also known by pretty much everyone, an addition from here would score more points from the non-Nintendo crowd than most other third-party franchises can offer.

But Sans himself? Give the guy a break, geez. Now his brother, on the other hand...

Tom Nook: 11%

Papyrus x5
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Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
Chances: 10%
Want: 30%

Although I love Undertale, I do not think the characters have much of a chance of getting into Smash. But it would be really cool!

Nomination: Agumon x5


Smash Champion
Feb 12, 2015
Pepperoni Secret
Switch FC

Chance: 1%
I hesitate to even give him that single percentage.

Undertale was a massive phenomenon, yes, but during the time of this game’s development, the game probably wasn’t even considered for a Switch release. It may have been an indie darling, but it’s not at all influential compared to other potential 3rd parties.

On top of that, Sans would be hypothetically competing with Frisk for the spot, and I feel Sakurai would choose the protagonist over side character/potential final boss.

Want: ...... 50%
judge me all you want. I have a weakness for puns and telekinetic fighters, and Sans packs both in spades. Sans’ boss fight attacks would make a ****ing amazing character, and while he’s not anywhere near my most wanted, I would not be unhappy if he got in, legacy be damned.

Also, Megalovania in Smash = hyyyype

Tingle x5
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Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2014
Chances: 0%

I have no issue admitting I have a pretty bias opinion of Undertale, but even speaking objectively here it's chances are really really really low. First off it's indie, which gives it an inherent low likelihood of getting in, second it's only now getting on a Nintendo console, way too late to be added, third it's literally the only game of it's "series" so It's not a franchise with even a significant number of games and fourth it doesn't have a long history with gaming, let alone Nintendo. It is popular both in the west an in Japan, so if anything that counts for something. This is all ignoring the specific character being rated who no doubt wouldn't get in over Frisk. Sans may be a fan favorite, but he's not the MC, Even Final Fantasy, a series with numerous protagonist got Cloud and not a Black Mage.

Want: 0%
I have 0 connection to Undertale or it's characters, and I never liked Sans. Say what you want, but I find the game to be way overblown in hype, and to say that it deserves a character in Smash is a big stretch with it only having one game. Even then, Sans in particular is a character I especially dislike mainly due to the fact that he's basically a walking meme, and not the funny kind. I would say that it's thanks to my overexposure to the series due to it being heralded as the second coming of Christ back when it was first released and the numerous "get dunked on" and "burning in hell" post in basically unrelated videos that caused my aversion to the game and Sans in particular.

yeah but tl;dr, it's a strong no from me.

Primarina x5
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
The time has finally come. Let's get some fitting music for this occassion.

Fake Pikachu

Chance: 25%

Before the game was announced, I believed that Mimikyu has the best chance out of any Gen 7 Pokemon if the game happens before Gen 8, but that belief has faded overtime (which might have to do with my increasing optimism over Decidueye’s chances), and since then it’s been reduced to the Ashes of Mount Chimney.

I hear a lot of people call it a “dark horse”, say it’s “slept on”, and stuff like that.
Right off the bat, that is completely false. Mimikyu is frequently mentioned as one of the most likely Gen 7 Pokemon newcomers for Smash, which kinda goes against the whole definition of a “dark horse”.
But that’s not the point, I shall now list all of Mimikyu’s pros and cons while trying to sound as unbiased as I possibly can:

+ Mimikyu is, without a doubt, one of the most promoted Pokemon of Gen 7. Jessie owns it in the anime, there’s a hat based on it in Pokemon GO, and it even got its very own song.
+ Massively overrated popular.
+ Like any Pokemon, Mimikyu has the potential to be unique, as we never had a ghost type Pokemon on the roster before.

- Like with Lycanroc, the roster might’ve been planned when Mimikyu was a mere concept art, therefore potentially negating the first 2 points
- On the same note, Mimikyu’s design doesn’t exactly scream fighter material. Like, I know Sakurai made movesets for unorthodox characters before, but something that everyone seemingly overlooks is that the only “small” Pokemon that ever got in on its own merits was Pikachu - Jigglypuff was an easy semi-clone of Kirby, while Squirtle (and Ivysaur, if you want to count him) was part of a gimmick, and that’s reflected in his moveset (watch RelaxAlax’s video on the Pokemon Trainer if you don’t understand what I mean). Every other Pokemon was bipedal, and I feel that’s because it’s much easier to visualize movesets for humanoid characters. Just look at Greninja - Sakurai made a quick moveset from him based on a concept art. I feel like that’s a major point against Mimikyu that many people overlook.
- And of course, you can’t talk about any Gen 7 Pokemon without mentioning the competition from other ‘Mons.

In conclusion, I believe that unless Mimikyu was planned to be so promoted from the beginning and was specifically suggested to Sakurai, it’s not gonna happen. If anything, Mimikyu is heavily overestimated in my opinion.

...now for the real reason I came here.

Want: 0%.

Honestly, I’d give it a negative score if I could.
If my "subtle" hints, VexTheHex's response from the other day (thank you for spoiling that, BTW -_-), or mere interactions with me, didn’t make that obvious, I don’t know what would.

Obviously I’m gonna give my reasons though.
I’ve never been particularly fond of Mimikyu. When it was leaked in CoroCoro it seemed like I was the only one that wasn’t. Its design never clicked on me (not big on other Pikaclones, but at least they were cute and weren’t purposely made to look like him) and its backstory did nothing for me either.
However, I remained largely indifferent to the Pokemon until I got back into Smash speculation.
Now, believe it or not, Mimikyu for Smash was a concept that dates back to before Sun and Moon’s release. When I saw people talk about it on NintenZone, I just rolled my eyes because I thought it was a half joke, half bandwagon. Flash forward to September of 2017, when I returned to Smashboards from my hiatus, I was surprised when I saw that it’s actually a rather popular idea…
My mentality was initially “Decidueye or death” - I disliked almost every other potential Gen 7 candidate purely because they weren’t Decidueye - that included Mimikyu.
As time went on I became more open-minded and started to be more accepting of some of the other Gen 7 fighters (to the point of being somewhat fond of the idea of Incineroar)... but not Mimikyu, mostly because A. I never liked it, B. The Mimikyu thread literally can’t go a single page without taking a jab at Decidueye, and C. There was one user that felt the need to carry that behavior over to the General Speculation thread.
One day, I had a confrontation with said user, which ended with me rightfully snapping at him. I was so mad that I would’ve become the strongest Sith in the universe if I were a force user... Oh, and it also turned me against Mimikyu for good.

It’s now my least wanted character, and it’s the only inclusion that could potentially kill my hype for the game, because on top of getting Mimikyu - which would mean the guy I yelled at would get his wish - it would also mean that the Gen 7 slot will be taken, and that Decidueye will never have his chance ever again. True, it would also happen with every other non-Decidueye Pokemon, but at least that slot probably wouldn’t be given for a Pokemon I thoroughly despise. I’m genuinely afraid of becoming “the boy who cried Decidueye” if Mimikyu gets in.

I will honestly admit that I might be overreacting, but that’s just how I feel.

Nominating Lara Croft x5
Sorry if I seemingly came here just to rant, but please do keep in mind that these are just my own opinions. If you want Mimikyu in Smash, more power to you - just don’t rub it in my face like that guy did.
Ok, I finally got around to checking Mimikyu's scores. I also missed Spyro's rate the chances since I decided to take a break because this site is unhealthy.

I don't know if the user your referring to is me but I feel it is in a sense. I had character development since then. Yeah. I was wrong, duh. I got outta control. Decidueye is truly overrated though. Its just.. another humanoid Pokémon that's supposed to be cool. Yes. Humanoid Pokémon are easier to work with as far as Smash but, that doesn't give them the right to automatically be chosen over bipedal Pokémon. If Mimikyu is the fake Pikachu then let it be the individual that represent a fake character in Smash. Smash is a series where imagination is supposed to run rampant. This rant was a massively unpleasant attempt at the victim and, it honestly put me off from your character. I'm sorry, dude. For this, you don't deserve Decideye. I take back my statement. Good, you deleted it. I can't relate to you anymore.

You got Pokken Tournament.
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Smash Lord
Jul 29, 2014
Drenthe, NL
Ok, I finally got around to checking Mimikyu's scores. I also missed Spyro's rate the chances since I decided to take a break because this site is unhealthy.

I don't know if the user your referring to is me but I feel it is in a sense. I had character development since then. Yeah. I was wrong, duh. I got outta control. Decidueye is truly overrated though. Its just.. another humanoid Pokémon that's supposed to be cool. Yes. Humanoid Pokémon are easier to work with as far as Smash but, that doesn't give them the right to automatically be chosen over bipedal Pokémon. If Mimikyu is the fake Pikachu then let it be the individual that represent a fake character in Smash. Smash is a series where imagination is supposed to run rampant. This rant was a massively unpleasant attempt at the victim and, it honestly put me off from your character. I'm sorry, dude. For this, you don't deserve Decideye. I take back my statement. Good, you deleted it. I can't relate to you anymore.

You got Pokken Tournament.
Leave him alone and get your *** outta this thread. You're just looking for a fight and not contributing to this thread at all. Don't even think I've seen you here till now.
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Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
Ok, I finally got around to checking Mimikyu's scores. I also missed Spyro's rate the chances since I decided to take a break because this site is unhealthy.

I don't know if the user your referring to is me but I feel it is in a sense. I had character development since then. Yeah. I was wrong, duh. I got outta control. Decidueye is truly overrated though. Its just.. another humanoid Pokémon that's supposed to be cool. Yes. Humanoid Pokémon are easier to work with as far as Smash but, that doesn't give them the right to automatically be chosen over bipedal Pokémon. If Mimikyu is the fake Pikachu then let it be the individual that represent a fake character in Smash. Smash is a series where imagination is supposed to run rampant. This rant was a massively unpleasant attempt at the victim and, it honestly put me off from your character. I'm sorry, dude. For this, you don't deserve Decideye. I take back my statement. Good, you deleted it. I can't relate to you anymore.

You got Pokken Tournament.
Dang man this is a pretty good analysis of Sans


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
Before this derails any further, please remember the actual rules of the first post.

3. Please do not discuss a character after their day has ended. If you wish to discuss a character again start nominating them for a rerate, however please wait at least two weeks before renominating a character.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Switch FC

Chance: 0%
Want: 0%

I've seen a surprising amount of people wanting Sans in Smash. I own Undertale, and while it's a good game, I don't think it's that good. Certainly not enough to warrant an Undertale character in Smash.

He has no chance. Nintendo is not going to include a character from a random indie game, popular as it may be. If he somehow makes it in, even as an assist trophy, I'll change my avatar to something one of you guys picks for 1 month.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2014
Chance: 0%
He's not on a Nintendo console yet. He also has bigger competition as an indie character.

Want: 0%
I don't get the hype behind Undertale. I also don't really want indie characters added.

Tom Nook: 17.6%
Nominations: Pyra/Mythra (without Rex) x5


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208

in true sans fashion, no capital letters today.

chance: 3%
considering i've taken dlc into consideration for spring man, rex, and funky, i am doing so here as well. if another ballot happens, he could get in from that...by then, undertale will be on a nintendo console, and the game is popular inside and outside of japan. but for the base game? nah.

want: 98%
i'd definitely prefer papyrus or undyne or mettaton, but sans is neat. plus, undertale music is the bomb diggety. and hey. even the undertale fanbase isn't as bad as the smash fanbase. talk to me when the undertale fanbase has a string of sexual assault accusations attached to it. I didn't say anything.

predicting a 14 for tom nook.
nominating k rool x5

Deleted member

Chance 0%
Because a game gets on the switch and is a game that sakurai likes, dose not mean we're getting a playable rep in it. Besides, frisk/chara/whoever has a higher chance.

Want- 0%
As a kinda mild fan of this game... Nah. Im fine with the game getting nothing outside its original game and continues to be fine with it.

Tom Nook- 10%

Meowth x3
Tora and Poppi x 2


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Well, this is gonna be an interesting day. And I won't deny that it's one I've actually kinda been looking forward to.

Sans Chance: 2%

Alright, let's look at what's going for and against him, here:

+Undertale is well known and popular
+The game has recently received a port on the Nintendo Switch
+Sans is very much important to the game
+Sans has boatloads of powers that could be incorporated into a moveset; no question on an inability to fight uniquely in some way

There's also the fact that Sakurai has played through Undertale and enjoyed it, though all that might do is make him think about Sans in Smash. Not seriously consider it, or go the extra mile to make it happen. He may not even like the idea, if it's even come to his mind, for all we know. It's not something that considered a concrete positive for the skeleton.

-He's from a single third party game
-He's from a (single) Indie game
-Nowhere near as famous as most of the other third parties in Smash, arguably even Bayonetta (whoever is more recognizable depends on who you ask, though)
-No precedent for a third party characters with any of the above three aspects getting into Smash as a fighter
-There are other characters from Undertale hat could potentially be fighters instead of him
-The game is quite controversial, if mostly because of it's fanbase
-The Switch Port is extremely new, so it may have been too late to influence a decision for the roster. That, and there's really no indication that it means anything but that Nintendo and Toby Fox got on good enough terms to work out porting the game to Nintendo's newest console.

Regardless of how popular Undertale has gotten in the past few years, Sans' odds are hardly better than those of any other moderately popular Indie game character. Unless this entry in the Smash series breaks some completely new ground on third party characters (everyone else we've seen has held some importance to gaming as a whole, with maybe one special exception), there's no logical reason to say Sans is anywhere near likely to become apart of the roster. Smash itself will be taking a radical change of direction if a character like him gets in, or at least, if multiple characters like him get in. Even so, he's still not even remotely likely.

Want: 65%

I heard about Undertale back in early 2015. Was surprised to see a sudden surge of fanart of cartoon skeletons, evil flowers and fish ladies show up around the net. At the time, I heard nothing but praise towards the game. Curiosity got the best of me, and I eventually bought the game during Steam's Christmas Sale that year, then later played through it early into 2016. Honestly? I can say I loved the game through and through.

Undertale is a game that can really make you think. About both video games as we know them, and the general idea of how you treat other or how your actions may affect them and yourself. The story itself is really well written, and I found myself enjoying the charming characters enough to grow attached to them, and there were a few points in the game where I'll admit I even cried a bit. Very, very few other video games I've played in my life have had that effect on me, so far. Other stories from other video games have made emotional, too, I've felt saddened and remorseful watching and playing them, for sure, but few others have ever brought tears out of me as a result.

Sans himself is a very compelling character. If you play the neutral or pacifist routes, you find that Sans is a very much a comic relief character, but there's also plenty of both subtle and clear hints that he knows more than he lets on, and can do things you wouldn't have expected him to be able to do. You just never find out what or why. Playing the genocide route reveals much of this, but at many heavy prices. Sans himself points out some of these consequences and questions why you've done what you have. I won't say much else because of spoilers, in case anyone here wishes to play the game, so I'll leave it at that. All I'm saying is, you'll feel things you probably won't expect to, and once you realize the truth, you'll likely feel for Sans, too. Big time.

It's hard to say who the "face" of Undertale really is, but Sans is a character who is recognized by people who haven't even played the game by this point, and is the one you'll probably see brought up the most around the net. Given that, his importance to the story and lore, and that the dude's actually got tons of powers, of course it makes sense that he'd be one of the first picks, and aside from Papyrus, he'd be my personal pick, too. Maybe it goes against UT's lore, but I'm sure they'd find a neat, if minor way to incorporate his story and characteristics into Smash, too (maybe question a few details of his character and life in his trophy description, perhaps?) in addition to making him one heck of a fun fighter to play as.

So in short, yes, I actually would be happy to see Sans being in Smash. With how unlikely he is and how Smash has never done such a thing before, I can live without him, quite obviously, but I really enjoy Undertale and Sans has tons of potential as a fighter, so I couldn't say no. As long as we didn't start getting a bunch of random third parties in along with him, I wouldn't complain, far, far from it.

I understand that both Undertale itself and the things the game does are not everyone cups of tea, it goes without saying that you're entitled to your opinion. Personally, however, I must say that I don't exaggerate when I say that I adore Undertale, and through it's a controversial game, it's one I like enough that I will continue to defend it if it's being cast in a totally negative light simply because of it's fanbase. My want score is not affected by my own distaste for the weirder and/or nastier fans it has, either. I don't think it's fair to think less of a fictional creation because of some it's fans; you can't fault it entirely for how they act. I definitely like the idea of Sans in Smash, but among the factors that keep my want score lower here, his fanbase is not one of them.

You may not have a even a semi-decent chance at all, Sans, but you're not unwanted. :p

Tom Nook Prediction: 10%

For as long as he's been around in the AC series, most people around here either doubt him, or think of Isabelle as being much more likely. I'm in that same boat.

Nominations: Tetra x5


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Double abstain
I have been avoiding any and all info about Undertale because I want to play it. (In fact, I bought the PS4 version the day the Switch port was announced, heh). He is hampered somewhat by the fact that his game is Western, but so is Shovel Knight’s and nobody seems to mind that. Both their games have been critically acclaimed, so at least they got that going for them.
I wouldn’t want him to get over the PC though, that’s just how I roll.

Tom Nook: Well I think I’m gonna lowball this one. 45%

Nominations: Urban ChampX5
(If anybody could help me keep Urban Champ in the top 7 I’d be very grateful!)

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters

I mean, he has a chance now that Undertale is coming on Switch, but it's a little too late. Plus, while it is a pretty well known game, it still pails in comparison to any of the 3rd parties in Smash, which is a pretty high competition place.

Want: 70%
I'd be hype if I saw him in, especially since Undertale is one of my favorite games. I definitely would prefer Undyne though, I like her more as a character, and think she'd fit a lot better into Smash as well.


Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2013
In that corner over there
Switch FC
Chance: 0%
And here's why giving him anything higher than a zero is wrong:
(But first, here's some High Quality music.)
1. Undertale's Switch port hasn't even released yet
Which already puts him at the bottom of the "Switch port -> Smash Bros." list, and puts him near the top of the "Too recent" list.
2. No history with Nintendo (or in general)
An upcoming Switch port doesn't really count as "history", especially when Undertale was released on the PC, PS4, and the Vita first. And the game itself isn't even three years old.
3. He isn't even the protagonist of his own game
We usually get those first.
4. He's an indie character
I shouldn't have to elaborate on this one.
Anyway, there's probably more reasons I'm not thinking of, but I think I've made my point. He's not happening. Ever.
Want: 0%
Undertale characters don't deserve to be in Smash. I'll just leave it at that.

Tom Nook prediction: 27%
Noms: Steve x5

Depressed Gengar

Hana Is Best Girl
Aug 13, 2013
The Johto Region
Sans Chance: 10%
Yes, Sans does stand a legitimate chance, but it'd take a hell of a lot of support to happen. That said, he definitely can gather up that much support. Hell, if anyone could, it'd be Sans. That's a bit of the problem though: that also means he stands no chance in the base roster and would have to settle with DLC.

And since people of brought Frisk up, I'm going to be honest, Frisk wouldn't be chosen despite being the main protagonist. If Undertale's getting anyone, it'd have to be because of all that hypothetical support I mentioned, and if any Undertale character's going to become requested, it'd undeniably be Sans, what with how popular his is. Besides, Sans is still one of, if not then the most recognizable characters from the game anyways.

Oh, and no, Undertale isn't "irrelevant". Yeah, the game's not at it's peak popularity anymore, but if it was truly irrelevant, it wouldn't be still pretty damn popular, getting ported to consoles, and be the meme it is. Then again, the only people online who genuinely believe Undertale is irrelevant are just those annoying people who just hate the game because of the fandom. Or they're new to the gaming section of the Internet I guess.

... I'd still really doubt it'd happen though because of a MUCH slimmer window to get in, as well as that huge amount of support needed.

Want: 50%
I enjoyed Undertale enough and Sans was easily my favorite character alongside his brother.

... That said I have no interest in seeing him, or any Undertale character, in the game. Granted, if Undertale had to have a character, he'd definitely be my pick, because everyone else bar Frisk either wouldn't work well, aren't interesting enough for a fighter, or just aren't important enough. But I still don't really care either way.

... Though admittedly I guess Frisk should come first. It'd be a little weird and probably a little wrong to have Sans and not Frisk.

Tom Nook Prediction: 10%

Nominations: Rex/ Pyra (rerate) X5

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Organization XIII

Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2015
Anything can happen but it's not very likely. First 3rd parties play by a completely different set of rules: they have to be from video games, both the companies have to agree, they must carry game history, and a Nintendo appearance is preferred. While Sans is from video games and I will be generous and say since Sakurai played Undertale he would be cool with Sans in Smash so he's good on those fronts; however, he carries no real game history at this point in time. Yes, his game blew up but it has died down considerably and by nature of being an indie game he doesn't have that worldwide recognizability that Sakurai loves. His game may be recent but unfortunately, recency has no bearing on 3rd party inclusions. And finally, his Switch appearance really doesn't improve his chances so yeah he's a long shot. Also, some people think Frisk would get in over him but the first character added to Smash isn't the playable character but the face of the series. There's a lot of overlap but it isn't always the same so I'm sure he'd be the Undertale character if we got one.

Want: 50%
Completely indifferent to his inclusion, I like Undertale but I'm not campaigning for it to get into Smash. It's almost lower because I know if Sans was in there would be so many people complaining and being generally annoying but then I figured why let people being dumb ruin stuff and so an indifferent score he gets.

noms: Ray x5


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2011

Chance: 0%
I was going to give him any shot, but I found myself agreeing with ProfPeanut here. Toby Fox probably doesn't want Undertale spoiled even to this day, and Sans' appearance in any kind of fighting game context would spoil one of the bigger surprises in the game. Nevermind that Undertale is a western indie title and I really don't think "we just ported this popular game to the Switch" is enough reason to add him.

Want: 22%
I'm not a big fan of Undertale but really is it worth being mad that a bunch of kids ended up latching onto Sans anymore? Its been a few years and the fad's died down, if anything its probably a bigger fad to mock Sans at this point. He could have a decently interesting moveset with how crazy his attacks get in his own game and while the man has kind of been memed to death, his character really isn't the worst. Plus he basically blocks Frisk forever if he gets added and given how tacky that set would probably be, that's a plus in my book, even though I don't think either of them are ever going to get in. Basically, not particularly interested, but wouldn't be upset either.

Fawful x 5


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

...chance: ...1%

He's an indie, but a popular one. I'd see him as the front runner for an Undertale character even above Frisk. Meme'd to hell and back, Sans is still a very likable individual with a clear moveset and varied skills that would allow him to fight at a distance and up close.

Want: 45%

I don't really like Indie's getting in to Smash. It's elitist I know but Shantae, Shovel Knight, Super Meat Boy, Quote and Sans just don't really do much for me, but of those Sans stands as one of the only ones I'd personally be okay with. Cuphead would be another, but I'm a sucker for that rubberhose animation.

Meowth X 5

Tom Nook: 8%


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Mimikyu wants to learn Taunt but Mimikyu already knows 4 moves! Should a move be forgotten to make space for Taunt?
1, 2 and... Poof! Mimikyu forgot what day it was and... Mimikyu learned Taunt!

Chances: 5%
Undertale is iconic (I mean seriously, Megalovania has over 10 million views on youtube), a perfect shining example of a indie success story, is on the Switch and Sakurai's played it, it's got a lot going for a indie game, although Sans does have one big problem, he's easily the most popular and requested character from the game but he's also a massive walking spoiler. Sakurai might be fine with that but who knows if Toby will be.

Want: Abstain
I'm not sure how'd I feel about Sans. On one hand he's a pretty interesting character from a game I like, but on the other hand I don't feel like Undertale is deserving of being a third party rep on the same standing of characters like Sonic or Mega Man (Now Bayonetta it is deserving of, but Bayonetta's a special case).

Predictions: Tom Nook 13%
Nominations: Gooey x 5


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2014
Switch FC

Chance: 0%

Want: 0%

Okay seriously? Really...... Besides my belief there won't be Inidie characters, Sans is hardly the first choice here. And there was only discussion of his appearance because of the Switch port of Undertale which like Crash and Spyro is another new game on Nintendo Console = Newcomer from series meme.

And ugh I really don't like Undertale that much. The fanbase does not really help in that regard. It really made me can't stand Sans for one.

Tom Nook Prediction: 18.77%

Nominate Lloyd Irving x5
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Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
Sans is a very interesting case. UNDERTALE has worldwide popularity, including in Japan. I could see Sakurai briefly considering Sans with him potentially gaining a notable amount popularity in the ballot, at least in the West. But, the main problem I have with Sans is that the game’s popularity in Japan never seriously soared off until 2017 came. UNDERTALE is one of the few Western indies that managed to gain a huge Japanese following. I can see ballot popularity, moveset potential with Sans’ bone powers, and UNDERTALE’s Japanese popularity being considered for Sans’ inclusion, but I do not see him being in the base game at all. When DLC comes, it will be a very exciting time to speculate with Doom Guy, Sans, and Crash becoming very plausible candidates. But Sans’ time to be in Smash is definitely not now.

x5 Balloon Fighter
Mercifully, Undertale released after the ballot closed. So there would be a grand total of 0 ballot votes for him. Unless someone really got excited about him from the kickstarter campaign, that'll do nothing for him, thank god.


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Mercifully, Undertale released after the ballot closed. So there would be a grand total of 0 ballot votes for him. Unless someone really got excited about him from the kickstarter campaign, that'll do nothing for him, thank god.
But his popularity during this Smash Switch period will definitely be present for Smash DLC consideration, especially after the Undertale Switch port announcement. There is no escape.



Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC

Chance: 1% - Only way I can see Sans making it in is if he did very well in the Ballot, which I seriously doubt.

Want: 0% - Not a fan of adding any Indie characters to the roster.

Nominations: Slippy Toad x5


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC

Chance: 0.1%
Undertale had its peak popularity a few years ago and it crossed over to Japan in 2017. That seems too late to add him when the roster is hypothetically said to have been finalized.

Sakurai also prefers to work closely with the character's parent company when such an incurance is necessary (i.e 2nd and 3rd parties). The language barrier and distance between Sakurai and Toby Fox seems like a big obstacle.

Sakurai playing the game himself means the series is on his mind, but honestly, this is far-farfetched for a base roster appearance.

Want: 20%
I love Undertale, but seeing the characters in 3D would be off putting. Sans is also not my favorite character by any means. If it meant Undertale music in Smash though I could live with it.

Tom Nook: 14.2%

Nominating Ninten x5


Smash Lord
May 7, 2015
Ness is Sans

Chance - 0
Want- 0

Doesnt Sakurai have a grudge against final bosses.

Nominations- wonder Red x5

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Oh boy, here we go...

Chance: 1%
He is, in fact, a video game character. That's about the most he has going for him.

Want: 0%
Absolutely not. Even ignoring the laundry list of logistical issues that would be involved in implementing this guy, I just do not want to see this happen. I'm not even hating on Undertale or Sans - quite the contrary, I find the game good enough for what it is and Sans himself is on my list of favorite fictional characters currently. But that's precisely why I don't want to see him specifically in Smash. Anyone who's played Undertale knows that, to avoid going too far into spoiler territory, Sans only ever utilizes violence as a last resort, and to see him fighting for sport amongst a bunch of strangers just would not sit well with me, at all. I don't want to see one of my favorite characters bastardized like this. It's like if the cast of Seinfeld were to randomly show up in a first-person shooter and engage in wanton manslaughter. If we get an indie character, let it be Shovel Knight, Quote, or any of the other indies who would be more fitting, and if it has to be an Undertale character, then go with Undyne, Papyrus, hell, anyone but Sans. I don't even want him as an assist trophy, just keep him the hell away from this game.

Tom Nook Prediction: 20.08%. Way higher than he deserves in my opinion, but knowing this thread's habit of overrating Animal Crossing's potential for a new character, I wouldn't be surprised to see him up there with Shovel Knight and Bomberman in terms of % by the end of tomorrow.

Nominating Sylux x5 (YOU CAN DO IT BOI, GOOOOOO)
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Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2009
Ok, time for my own post on this.


Chance: 0% - Undertale was a fad that's mercifully past it's prime. Sans is now mostly a jokey meme on the level of Shrek and the like, and is really the only thing that gets talked about regarding Undertale now. Undertale and it's characters fits none of the criteria for third party reps, won't have nearly the amount of backing in a new ballot like it would have during it's heyday (mercifully), and I figure any votes for Sans regardless would be counted amongst the Shrek, Spongebob, and Goku pile as obvious jokes.

Want: 0% - Sans is the absolute worst of my nightmare three. Worse than Rabbids, worse than Jibanyan, worse than even Goku to me. Undertale is the absolute most overrated game of all time in my mind. What was an average-at-best RPG on Steam with a neat pacifism concept somehow blew up into an absolute hellzone whirlwind of the worst of the internet. Undertale doesn't deserve anywhere near the amount of praise it got in my eyes. I played it myself and my reaction to it was an overwhelming "meh". But the fanbase that sprung up around Undertale and it's characters was insufferable and inescapable during it's time in the spotlight, and it permanently soured my opinion towards anything related to it. Freddy flippin Fazbear would be a more appealing indie fad third party to me than this heap of meme bones. Both the Switch port and Sakurai having played it were met with audible groans from me, because I knew it was something Sans fans would point to as evidence for him coming to Smash. Sans, by some horrible twist of fate, getting into Smash Switch would be the one addition that would keep me from buying the game. It's that bad.


Tom Nook: 10.10% - Once the favorite for an Animal Crossing rep, the one two punch of Villager getting into Smash and Isabelle replacing him as the series mascot means things aren't looking so great for the real estate raccoon tycoon.


Scorpion x 3
Agumon x 2


AKA nirvanafan
Oct 14, 2016
Chances: 30%
Want: 40%

I can see an indie rep maybe making it in and undertale is one of the top indie games out there. I never played it but it does seem interesting.

Nomination: Linkle X5
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2018

Chance: 0%
Want: 0%

The only thing Sans has going for him is that he was the most popular character in a short-lived fad. Additionally, he has no gaming history which is something that should be at the top of the priority list when it comes to picking third-parties.

Bayonetta x5

Indefinite Minimum

Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2015
Sans the Undertale

Chance: 100%
Of all the potential returning veterans, Sans is the most likely to come back.

Want: 100%
Sans the Undertale is my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog character.

Dragonite x5


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
By the way, I will be here EARLY to post my Tom Nook analysis when TCT-Phantom begins his day. I would appreciate those who are skeptical of Tom Nook to read my analysis before forming your own conclusion on his chances. :)
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Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2018
Chance - 1%
Indie company makes it rather unlikely. Also he would face competition from other characters in the game. There is always the chance of the surprise that nobody was predicting though.
Want - 10%
I bought the game and never played it. I know there is a lot of hate on the series cause it got one of those fan bases that become rapidly obsessed with it, but I'd reckon that wildly hating on a series without playing it is basically just the same annoying bandwagon behavior except at least the former was based on their love of the game while the second is based on hating on people loving a game which is pretty petty and childish. So ugh, I don't really care for him to be added, but I think getting the extreme haters riled up would at least be entertaining.

Nominations 5x Louie
(Felt like saving someone from the purge)

I also missed Spyro's rate the chances since I decided to take a break because this site is unhealthy.
You can't take this site or this thread that serious. Like legit, everyone on here runs around with their ideas and thoughts and act like they know what a man on the other side of the world is planning on doing with his game. It's just a bunch of predicting and most of it is full of echoed bias from the more popular ideas spread mostly around by young, westerns with no connections at all on what a older eastern man with direct control will be doing. Deciueye, Mimikyu, and Lycanroc could technically all be passed up for something like Oricorio which represents the different islands or Alolan Marowak to showcase the alternate forms of Gen 1 popular Pokemon. Cause truth be told, we don't really know much and just spread our personal bias as the "likely" truth. Takamaru and King K Rool were considered locks for Smash 4 by most, turned out we got neither of them. Zoroark was a popular pick in rosters as well, it failed to get in. Balloon Fighter has been a good possibility for Brawl and Smash 4, wasn't picked. Isaac totally has a shot, gets demoted to not even being an Assist Trophy. Duck Hunt Dog has no chance, he wasn't even playable in his own, lacking move set potential game. Etc.

Just always remember this is a way to pass time and try to have fun. Our predictions are pretty flawed and that's fine. I mean the Squidlings were really the only lock, nobody else is anywhere close to a 50% to be quite blunt. But that doesn't stop people scoring characters with 70% or higher which is just flat out ridiculous. But in the end, this is all meant for fun and to see how well we did on predicting stuff. None of this is actually holds any true point or merit in the end.
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