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Rate Their Chances - Smash Ultimate Edition! Day 672: Five Most Likely First and Third Parties for Smash 6, and Final Goodbyes

Primal Cookie

Smash Apprentice
Nov 24, 2017
Switch FC
SW 2532 0420 7538
Top 3 most hype:

3: Initial reveal trailer - My friend and I were joking beforehand about literally any trailer coming up and people yelling “SMASH BROS”, and then it happened. His stream was just a few seconds ahead of mine, so when he started freaking out about Smash, I didn’t believe him. Then I saw the reflection in Inkling’s eye and I asked “It’s a smash ball isn’t it” and he just responded “Yes”. Then we both got to scream and shout and have our parents question what we’re doing.

2. 8.8 Direct - From the surprise announcement to Simon’s trailer being incredible to K Rool at the end, it was great. In any other situation, this would be #1.

1. EVERYONE IS HERE! - I was watching in the car because we were headed to Savannah, and oh my it was wonderful. I was excited for Ice Climbers, super hyped for Pokémon Trainer, was dumbfounded with Snake, and then finally realized what was happening with “everyone is here” and then they showed Pichu. I was super relieved because Wii Fit is one of my favorite characters to play, and she was now safe. Oh yeah, and Ridley (I knew instantly, and was just quietly repeating to myself “They did it. They really did it.”)

Top 3 least hype:

3. Isabelle - I love Isabelle as a character, but the trailer could’ve been so much better.

2. Shovel Knight and Ashley shown as ATs back to back. They were my two most wanted characters (that were realistic for base game - RIP Rex), and they just got killed one after another. Honorable mention goes to the slaughter at the November direct.

1. Grinch being fake/Box being real - I should’ve known it was too good to be true. I really should’ve. But, I got caught up in the hype, and was 100% Team Real until the moment I saw the eyes in the Ken trailer and realized that it was Incineroar. I wasn’t really mad about it, just disappointed.

EDIT: Most hype character: Easily Simon for me.
Least hype character: Incineroar - not because I dislike the character, but because I believed the Grinch.
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
Most hype character: :ultridley: RIDLEY!
Sakurai said it would never happen back in Smash 4 for being "too big". Now in Smash Ultimate, he decided to clone Ridley and shrink him down to fit in with the rest of the roster. He was hype as hell, and looks extremely fun to play. :ultkrool:and :ultsimon: came really close.

Least hype character: :ultdaisy: <(HI I'M GAYSY!)
Let's just say I wasn't very pleased with this one. Another echo character, and one I find really annoying. All she does is scream and say "HI I'M DAISY!" while being a carbon copy of Peach. I felt like she was added just to get Memoryman3 to stop spamming "Daisy for Smash!" in every comment section on YouTube.
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Jan 29, 2018
Most Hype Character:
- That's a three-way tie between Ridley, King K. Rool, and Isabelle. I've been a big fan of both Metroid and Animal Crossing for almost as long as I can remember, so to see both franchises getting more interesting characters is really cool. They both play how I'd imagined, and every second of new gameplay footage pertaining to them is stinking amazing.

Donkey Kong Country, surprisingly enough, I don't have a lot of nostalgia for. However, I love King K. Rool's character, and I voted for him in the Ballot because I wanted to see him jump back into circulation. Like the other two, Sakurai went to great lengths to set him apart from the rest of the cast.

Least Hype:
- Out of the newcomers, I'd have to say Richter. It's not that I hate the guy, I just didn't know who he was until a few months ago (specifically, August 8th).

If we can factor in returning veterans, no character to ever grace the Smash roster has reached the levels of "what the heck are they doing here" that I feel for Bayonetta.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Most hype Newcomer: K. Rool

He's whole presentation is hype overflowing.

Least Hype Newcomer: Isabelle

Her reveal feels like a Echo reveal outside of the CG trailer; your enjoyment of this character reveal depends pretty much entirely in your enjoymenet of Animal Crossing and Isabele herself.

Okay; but talking about the characters themselves without talking about the reveals...

Probably the Most Hype is still K. Rool and the Least Hype is Chrom xD
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Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Most hype: K. Rool
He didn’t leak, was seen as impossible, and he was really well implemented. His trailer is a standout.

Least hype: Incineroar
Obligatory Pokémon rep, not a lot wanted him and more than a couple hated him. At least he appears to have a cool moveset.

If DLC counts, Piranha Plant. Not even a character, literally nobody wanted it.


Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Looks like I'm late for hype/least hype moment, but I'm gonna mention them anyway.

Most hype: August Direct
We already knew about the game but only what was introduced, no news after that, so we were getting impatient for more Smash news, and when a Smash-focused Direct was announced we were all ecstasic to finally discover more. Too bad the date wasn't very practical to me, but I still managed to watch it unspoiled, just a few hours late. And oh did it deliver. A brand new third-party series introduced with a ton of content, bringing characters with a unique weapon (the whip), finally more Echo newcomers, and the presentation of new content like the 103 (!) stages, stage morph, the super high amount of musics (I loved when it slowed down at 450 or so then went up again until 800), the Final Smash meter was awesome too. And of course it ended with the presentation of the newcomer King K. Rool! He was the main reason why I was so ecstasic after the Direct ended. Definitely one of Nintendo's best live presentations.

Least hype: the October news drought and rumors
I expected a new Direct mid-early September so right after the Isabelle reveal I wasn't impatient by any mean, but that impatience slowly built up until the end of October due to two factors: the larger amount of time compared to the August Direct to Isabelle wait, and all the rumors that spread out. First the infamous box hypothesis which was a huge wake-up call to lower my expectations, but having trouble seeing the box design ending up with a radically different design (which I think was the main argument for those who didn't believe it) it made too much sense in my mind, and combined with Vergeben's excellent track record we might have known the last newcomers (which we indeed did). There also were the arguments I had about me defending the 103 stage being the final number for the base game, as I was basically being the party pooper by advocating the realness of the worst case scenario (I insisted on the word "total" and the fact we've seen the SSS with all stages being available from beginning). Thing heated up when CoroCoro suggested we might get more stages, as well as the Grinch hoax, which I admit hyped me up a bit because the final roster looked so amazing (I was ready for Incineroar but I would gladly have traded him for the rest of the characters supposedly leaked). It found it to be so well made that I thought it was the real deal at some point, but as it contradicted evidence I found to be solid (box hypothesis and Sakurai's statement about not oo many newcomers which I thought should have been taken literally) my confidence in it started to dwindle, which was a good thing because it was shattered by the final Direct. Although it didn't find it to be as amazing as the August one, I'm glad this Direct finally put an end to this drought and gave us something to look forward to (playing the released game with its adventure more to discover as well as DLC, although I'm not expecting any new DLC character to be revealed before mid-early 2019 at least).

And for today's topic, I would rank characters from most hype to least by this order:


Several factors influenced this order, including my personal interest pre-reveal to the context of their reveal to my satisfaction post-reveal. The context explains for example why I put Piranha Plant above Incineroar or Chrom above Isabelle even though in both cases I prefer the later as a character inclusion (hilariously creative, unexpected reveal VS the obligatory Pokémon that was heavily rumored, in the other case Chrom being revealed in the amazing August Direct gives him a strong advantage over Isabelle).

Most hype::ultkrool:
As I said above he's the main reason why I was so ecstasic after the end of the already excellent August Direct. Because in hindsight I didn't really like how I acted in the Smash 4 DLC speculation era (I feel like I took character inclusions and exclusions too personally, same for character speculation — I acted like a "stop wanting what I don't want" guy) I didn't want to put as much emotional energy in Smash speculation as last time, so even though I still wanted K. Rool I wasn't nearly as invested in him than I was last time (he struggled to break the 75% want rating from me which would have been unthinkable three years sooner). Seeing him actually revealed reminded me that I was a bit too modest in this position and that I actually wanted him more than I thought. The trailer was awesome, his new design is amazing taking the best parts of both Rare and post-Rare, and I'm glad we finally have a fixed moveset design on a character who was so speculated about. Now we need to see him back in the main Donkey Kong series so his potential as a character can shine once again!

Least hype: :ultken:
I don't dislike any newcomer so far so this is relative and not because I have something against Ken in particular. But he's been a super obvious shoo-in for quite some time (although unlike Inkling this status as a shoo-in had to be built during the speculation era rather than coming from a super obvious Nintendo All-Star status) and he has the same hard to master gimmick as Ryu who was the character I picked the most occasionally as a result. That said as "the original Echo fighter" I must admit his inclusion makes perfect sense.

Edit: typo fix.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
In terms of rating all of the newcomers in terms of hype:



Smash Lord
Aug 31, 2018
I see some people are dong rankings, so I'll do all of them by (a rough, not exact) rank too:

Newcomers (From most to least hype):
:ultinkling: (The only one I actually wanted), :ultkrool:(The only one who wasn't leaked be Verge besides Inkling and Pirahna, with a HUGE fanbase), :ultpiranha:(A good NO ONE expected this, and that was what made it hype. While it's stupid that a Pirahna plant made it, that's kinda the point.), :ultsimon:=:ultridley: (Simon had a better introduction, while Ridley had the fanbase, but both were leaked before the fact),:ultisabelle: (Don't get me wrong, she deserves to be in Smash Bros, but her reveal trailer was lackluster and left many thinking "Seriously? A full reveal for just a Semi-Clone?" , and set the tone for the disappointment to come by showing us that Sakurai ran out of hype reveals...),:ultincineroar:(Bottom because Box Theory)

Echoes (Most to least hype):
.:ultrichter:(Caught everyone off Guard thinking it was only Simon),:ultchrom: (He finally gets his chance lol), :ultdaisy: (She's not higher because I wasn't sure if they were separate characters or alts),:ultdarksamus:,:ultken:(Bottom because box theory again)

Returning Veterans... There are 2 tiers:

everyone up to and including Pichu...:ulticeclimbers::ultpokemontrainer::ultsnake::ultpichu:

and everyone after... :ultyounglink::ultwolf:(and anyone I'm forgetting)

since it was like "Everyone is here?! Pichu too? PICHU!?!?!" and everyone after that is "Oh ok they're back too" unless you specifically wanted any of those veterans, which I personally didn't.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Most hype... in terms of newcomer reveals, probably Inkling just because that's where we found out there would be a new Smash game in the first place, although this spot would probably go to the Belmonts if Castlevania content hadn't leaked hard by way of Vergeben and the Bloody Tears goof. If we're including returning veterans, though, then I have to give it to Snake. My 9-year-old self loved Snake in Brawl just for looking like an epic tough guy, even if I had no idea who he was or what game he was from, and although my tastes have shifted considerably since then, it was still really awesome to see my childhood favorite in lieu of Mewtwo return.
In terms of who I'm most excited to play, though, my favorite would definitely be Piranha Plant. There's no contest there. He's a super quirky choice, and the only newcomer who really appealed to my tastes specifically. His moveset also looks really fun, so I'm definitely gonna try and make him one of my mains once he drops.

The least hype reveal for me was probably Isabelle. I don't see what the hype is all about regarding Animal Crossing as a series, I didn't dig her trailer, and Isabelle herself was personally one of my least wanted newcomers. I'm not mad she's in, but her trailer was definitely a bit of a hype killer for me personally, much befitting of the Direct it was part of.
As for who I'm least excited to play, Incineroar takes the cake by a longshot. I really don't like slow characters, and Incineroar seems to be as slow as they come, quite frankly, not to mention I never liked Incineroar as a Pokemon, so I pretty much won't be touching this guy when the game drops. Incidentally, Incineroar also would have been my least hype reveal if his trailer didn't look so good, but because of that, he just barely edges out Isabelle in that department.

If I had to rank the characters themselves, though, it'd probably go something like this:
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2018
The Netherlands
Most hype unique: :ultisabelle:
If I had played a game from the original DKC trilogy or DK64, this would've been different. (I tend to limit my mains and secondaries to characters from games I've played.) Although I found the reveals for pretty much every other newcomer more exciting, Isabelle is the character I'm most excited for to play... and that's sadly not a good thing. I'll be honest, the vast majority of Ultimate's newcomers I'm indifferent to as to interest in playing the characters. Isabelle only wins for me because she looks like a more fun version of :ultvillager: which I sometimes play. To be frank, the most exciting part of Ultimate is that I'll at least be able to revisit my old main from Melee (Pichu) and that I'll be able to try Robin out again.

Most hype echo: :ultchrom:
I love Chrom. He was one of my favourite characters in Awakening, and once it was revealed he was an echo of Roy without the hilt mechanic, he suddenly became the character I never knew I wanted. Yeah sure, he's got Ike's up-b but that's not gonna stop me. He's going to be one of my go-to characters and I'll love every second of it. Many people have said it already, and I'll say it as well.
Today, is another day. He finally got his chance.
(Just please remove him from Robin's Final Smash and put Morgan in it or something this is just hella weird.)

Least hype unique: :ultincineroar:
Not gonna go into detail here, but let's just say Incineroar doesn't do the job for me and that I'd rather have had one of the other popular gen 7 picks over this one.

Least hype echo: :ultdarksamus:
It's kind of strange. I'm more interested in the general echo cast than the newcomer cast. Even if it's only by a small margin. Only reason Dark Samus is the lowest is because I haven't gotten to Prime 2 yet and last time I played Prime 1 was like, 5 years ago which I haven't finished.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I guess since people are doing Echoes I might as well join in on the fun.

Least hype: Richter
The fact that Richter is my least hype Echo speaks to how they blew it out of the park with Echoes. Every one of them deserved to get in. Richter is the least hype because I could have done without him, and would have preferred Trevor. Plus from what I’ve seen the differences are mostly cosmetic.

Most hype: Chrom
Chrom is awesome. He has a different Up-B, so as far as I’m concerned he’s no Echo. Such a great character, it was sad to see him shafted last game. Despite how popular he is, it appeared that he was impossible, which made it all the sweeter. And really, making characters that appeared impossible happen, wasn’t that (allegedly) the point of Ultimate?


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
Most hype unique: :ultkrool:
We got no leak about him and a wonderful trailer. His reveal was the best in my opinion. The end of a 16 years waiting. He's the reason why I'm getting the game day 1. And even if they announce Geno, I'll main and play K Rool most of the time.

Least hype unique: :ultinkling:
I don't have any connection to Splatoon, the design is not appealing to me. But they're totally legit and they look fun to play. Isbelle could have been my least hype newcomer. Don't get me wrong, she's legit and she looks cool, but her trailer was terrible in my opinion. Also, most of the time, I'm more into old school characters. I'm a retro guy.

Most hype echo: :ultken:
I was going to say Chrom only because we all knew that Ken was coming. But even though i knew that Ken was coming, I loved his trailer, it was just awesome ! He's also my main on Street Fighter, so yeah, I'm pretty happy about his inclusion because I'm not a big Ryu's fan.

Least hype echo: :ultdarksamus:
I just don't like this character. Yeah, it's a villain, sure. But visually, it's just a dark version of Samus. I couldn't care less about her inclusion.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Most hype unique: :ultisabelle:
In a slew of Skull Kid/Geno/Shadow the Hedgehog/other badass wanted newcomer here, it was frankly refreshing to see that yes; Smash was for everyone and that big name Nintendo characters could still get in despite their percieved flaws. Especially nice since Isabelle was the only character outside Inklings I'd called as a lock, so it was nice to see I can sometimes get things right.

Honourable mention: :ultpiranha: for being the thing to bring my hype back up.

Least hype unique: :ultincineroar:
There's nothing really WRONG with Incineroar, but Pokemon inclusion in Smash is ALWAYS marketing of the current game regardless of popularity. I can name about twenty different Pokemon that are a bigger name than the fire tiger that have KEPT their popularity over the years which is honestly what I think Pokemon should celebrate. Despite literal hundreds of new Pokemon, characters like Blaziken and Gardevoir have managed to remain fan favourites even as they lose their 'relevancy', and that's not including the big Pokemon names from Gen 1 that are undeniably more popular overall; Meowth, Eevee, Snorlax, Gengar, etc.

For what it's worth I don't think Incineroar was the worst option from the popular speculated Sun and Moon squad, hell I was torn between Mimikyu or him for who I'd prefer...but since he's my least favourite unique that probably speaks wonders about how I feel about the Pokemon newcomers in Smash.

Most hype echo: :ultchrom:
ANYTHING CAN CHANGE. Like my opinion on Chrom. Holy crap if you told me I'd of been rooting for Chrom pre-Robin reveal in SSB4 I'd have thought you were crazy, but after warming upto him through Robin/Lucina's trailer and Fire Emblem Warriors(where he became my favourite go to) here we are. And he's certainly more varied than his daughter much to my relief.

Chrom's a pretty great guy, but aside from being a guy who tells fate to go **** off Chrom breaks a few rules;
Echoes can have different moves to their base
Fighters can exist in anothers moveset and still be a fighter(Good news for my boy Toad and any Tom Nook/Fiora/Protoman fans I guess)
Fire Emblem isn't doomed to be like Pokemon and only market the current game.

That last parts a big boon for anyone who is a fan of the series even if they dislike Awakening. Chrom managed to change his fate...and a few other things regarding Smash.

Least hype echo: :ultdaisy:
Okay, for the record I love Daisy, she's my favourite Mario princess and I'll most likely pick her up and play her far far more than Rosalina, but she's easily the least differentiated echo fighter at first glance; Edible daisies as her Final Smash, using Blue Toad instead of...literally any other species that would suit her better; How about a Sarasaland minion, or a Crazy Dazee due to her affinity with plants...or even a Tostarenan as they're desert dwelling species? Could of been functionally the same as Peach but with a more Daisy twist.

Also sadly whilst I like Daisy just fine, having my most wanted be stapled to her was a bit of a hype killer, especially as she's a more minor character than Toad with only Super Mario Run being a notable appearance in the mainline games for years. I'll probably still use her(albeit less than Peach still; sucker for the red spot blue vest lad) more than every echo not called Chrom but she could have been so much more.

Honourable mention: :ultrichter: just due to not knowing who the hell he is rendering him kind of forgettable in my mind.
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Smash Lord
Nov 24, 2001
Hypeness ranking, overall:

(includes previously cut veterans)

:ultridley: :ultsimon:+:ultrichter: :ultkrool:
:ultwolf: :ultpiranha: :ultinkling:
:ultpokemontrainer: :ultincineroar: :ultisabelle:
:ultyounglink: :ultdarksamus: :ulticeclimbers:
:ultsnake: :ultdaisy: :ultken:

But I think Piranha Plant looks like it could be fun while the Belmonts look a little iffy. They could be fun but they also look potentially very wonky to use so I may not end up using them a lot (I don't tend to play characters like Marth a lot, and they look like they will also emphasize precise spacing). While I'm not into Incineroar so much as a character, the moveset looks interesting. Isabelle looks like I might enjoy her more than Villager but she does have a lot of similarities.

None of the Echoes can get me that exciting for gameplay since they do, kind of by definition, not change gameplay that much. BUT I do enjoy seeing Dark Samus and Daisy. Since Simon and Richter came in at the same time, I figured Richter didn't belong down in the Echo tiers since both Simon and Richter are equally new to me. But for the record, Simon is higher priority than Richter.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Hype Rankings:
Most Hype::ultridley: - The wildest of dreams that finally came true after so many years. Ridley is finally playable in Smash Bros, and he looks amazing. His reveal trailer was a great way to start off the hype train at E3 amongst the Everyone Is Here reveal, and his moveset looks great. Definitely looking forward to playing as him on day one.
Most Hype Echo: :ultrichter:: Simon was a given, but Richter joining the fight as well really caught me off-guard. Well-played and he looks just as interesting and fun as Simon does. A little disappointed that "HYDRO STORM!" isn't his Final Smash, but he's a very welcome addition to the cast as an Echo.
Honourable shout-out to Dark Samus

Least Hype (initially): :ultpiranha: - Not gonna lie, but having Piranha Plant confirmed after Isaac was confirmed as an Assist really soured my response to this guy. I've bounced back significantly, but at the time I was kinda ticked off. I'll definitely get it with the My Nintendo bonus, but it's amongst my least favourite addition to the cast.
Least Hype Echo: :ultdaisy: - It's nice to have her around. Since I didn't see the reveal live, my main reaction was just "Wait, Daisy is in this game...? Oh no..." She doesn't exactly fill me with hype, but I'd probably play her over Peach for the personality alone. (that and I kinda like some of her alts; red, white and black-white)

Late 1-Day Edit. but a full rundown of everyone's hype rating for me:
1: :ultridley: - Most wanted
2::ultinkling: - Wanted and expected
3::ultsimon: - Once again, one of my most wanted, and got me more invested in Castlevania
4::ultkrool: - His implementation really won me back in favour of him.
5::ultrichter: - A pleasant surprise
6::ultdarksamus: - One of my most wanted for an Echo.
7::ultken: - No problem here.
8::ultincineroar: - Looks good in moveset and great personality, but the Grinch leak still kinda stings.
9::ultisabelle: - Confused since I didn't know if she was a unique or Echo fighter and I was holding out for Isaac, but she's fine.
10::ultchrom: - Nice to have him after the four years of humiliation he endured, but I think we're fine for Fire Emblem content. ...can we have Hector for an axe-user?
11::ultdaisy: - Not exactly my most wanted Mario character, but nice she's here and I love her alternate colours.
12::ultpiranha: - Salt flavoured soil.
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Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
Hype Rankings (Including returning characters):

So explanations for Most/Least Hype characters:
Most Hype Unique: :ultridley:
I've fought this stupid purple dragon since I was a child. He always was cemented to me as one of the most depraved characters in Nintendo's history, and as Samus's, and maybe by extension the Metroid series, true anatagonist. So I always figured he should be apart of the incoming roster for a new Smash game, especially since Metroid only consisted of, well, Samus.
Plus, I always loved his Xenomorph like design, and thought it'd be interesting to see how Sakurai would take a character who's only been a boss, and converting him into a playable character.
(A huge reason I was a fan of characters like Sigma being playable in the MvC series.)
So when I saw that trailer right after E3, I got extremely excited when seeing this murderous captain tear through two of gaming's biggest icons.
I love the way he was implemented, and I'm extremely happy he's here.

Least Hype Unique: :ultincineroar:
It's actually kind of a toss up between him and Inkling, but I think I was slightly excited to see how Inkling's moveset was implemented, so Incineroar takes the cake.
This isn't to say I'm not digging the character btw.
Incineroar I feel slightly annoyed with the idea of his inclusion, especially when he was a promotional Pokémon that isn't necessarily promoting TPCI's new product. Especially when there was some potential Pokémon to choose from the ballot.
Compound that with the fact we've been hearing about this wrestling cat since September, I wasn't excited at all to see him.
With that all said though, I'm happy he's here.

Most Hype Echo: :ultken:
Ken is definitely my favorite out of SF's main "shoto trio" (Ryu, Ken, Akuma).
So while I was extremely happy back in Smash 4 to have Mr. Fighting Game himself join, I was a little disappointed as he's not my favorite variation.
And despite the leaks, as soon as I saw Ken get in this game, I was extremely ecstatic.
He pulls from both SF II Turbo and the Vs. games, so I fell in love immediately after the demonstration.
Sakurai payed a great deal of attention to making him as authentic as possible, and I'm grateful for that.

Least Hype Echo: :ultchrom:
I want to preface this by saying: I thoroughly enjoyed Awakening, and as outrageous as it may sound, it's probably one of my favorite FE games.
I'm not exactly a huge fan of Chrom's inclusion, especially when now three Fire Emblem characters are just variations of Marth. I like the character and all, but I wouldn't really care if he was missing. I just really wasn't excited when I saw him, and my exact words when I realized it was him were "God-****ing-damn it, Sakurai."
At the very least I will say, it is nice to see that echoes can be differentiated, especially in Chrom's case. Also, it's nice to see the three main protagonists of Awakening here.
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Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2008
Most Hype: K. Rool
The return. The remix. The absolute moveset of this unit. For a character that Sakurai's thrown into the trophy bin for three whole games, he sure is giving the king a ton of love!

Least Hype: Dark Samus
I should really get onto finishing the rest of Metroid Prime Trilogy, huh? They really ought've done more to differentiate this echo from Samus, but at least it's a spot for her.
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Most Hype : :ultpiranha:.

I've said it before: I love surprises, stuff we didn't see coming. And here you have Pirahna Plant, a generic Mario enemy that didn't even top the charts for most wanted Mario enemies. Safe to say I was thrilled.

Least Hype: :ultincineroar:

I feel bad for Incineroar, I hate it but most of it could've been avoided. Box Theory being confirmed wouldn't of stung near as much as if we didn't have the Grinch leak. Not to mention I would've probably liked it more if it were a surprise: If Vergeben never said the Pokemon and we were all on team Decidueye. That aside, I never cared too much for it, and some of the Incineroar fans got annoying after Vergeben confirmed him (mostly over on GameFAQs).


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
There was a problem fetching the tweet

So since we will be presumably rating DLC characters soon, what do you guys make of this recent news that the DLC characters were all decided by Nintendo and not Sakurai?

Personally I think this hurts a lot of third party character chances as well as the more obscure character picks like Geno. Edelgard may also get a big boost off of this since Nintendo may add her to promote Three Houses.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2015
Most/least hype newcomers

Most Hype- :ultridley:
It's been a long time coming. A new Metroid character, a new heavyweight, a new villain. Ridley scratches off so many niches not to be excited about. How about the fact he has a move where drags you across the mud, or when he stabs your heart out, or when he blows up Samus's Spaceship in his Final Smash. Not to mention his trailer was the first to have characters die and I loved it.
And to think people gave this guy so much beef cause he was big.

Least Hype- :ultchrom:
Really, a fourth Marth. Sorry but there is nothing to be exited with this character. His model is probably one of the worst looking in the game, He's part of a series that already has a lot of characters, half of which all have similar moves. At the very least I thought with him being playable, we'd have the benefit of giving Robin a new Final Smash, but we couldn't even get that.
Chrom should've stayed as a Final Smash or at best an alternate costume to Lucina. Change my mind.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 13, 2018
Triassic Sweden
Most Hype: :ultridley:
It's good to finally see him in after 17 years of waiting. Smash was severly lacking in villains, heavyweights, and Metroid Character. Ridley fills all those niches alongside having a great model and moveset.
Least Hype::ultchrom:
Another unnecessary Fire Emblem clone. Yawn.
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
There was a problem fetching the tweet

So since we will be presumably rating DLC characters soon, what do you guys make of this recent news that the DLC characters were all decided by Nintendo and not Sakurai?

Personally I think this hurts a lot of third party character chances as well as the more obscure character picks like Geno. Edelgard may also get a big boost off of this since Nintendo may add her to promote Three Houses.
I'm gonna ignore TurdGayBen with my predictions. (Nobody likes this big sack of anti-hype)
Considering that Nintendo chose the DLC characters this time, my guesses are:

- Banjo-Kazooie (easy to implement, Phil Spencer wants him in, massively requested, Nintendo + Microsoft are on good terms.) HE'S ALMOST A LOCK!

- Bandana Dee (easy to implement again, Sakurai's own character.)

- Shantae (massive amounts of evidence pointing towards Shantae for DLC, highly requested, WayForward staying completely silent about all Smash talk, Matt Bozon follows and once talked to Sakurai, Bozon wanting Shantae) VERY LIKELY

- Crash Bandicoot (another one of Mario's biggest rivals back in the old console wars. (Nintendo vs Sega Vs Sony) Mario, Sonic, and Crash duking it out in Smash is way too fitting, and will make a huge impact like Sonic did back in Brawl. He is now owned by Activision and just got the N Sane trilogy on the Switch. He also has a big fanbase requesting him. Just imagine the trailer with Crash saying this to Mario: "Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has returned!")

- Retro representative (We got our WTF/Joke character this time, but we didn't have enough slots for our retro rep this time around. This time, it will most likely be DLC. My guess is Mach Rider, but it could be anyone.)
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Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
I'm gonna ignore TurdGayBen with my predictions. (Nobody likes this big sack of anti-hype)
Considering that Nintendo chose the DLC characters this time, my guesses are:

- Banjo-Kazooie (easy to implement, Phil Spencer wants him in, massively requested, Nintendo + Microsoft are on good terms.) HE'S ALMOST A LOCK!

- Bandana Dee (easy to implement again, Sakurai's own character.)

- Shantae (massive amounts of evidence pointing towards Shantae for DLC, highly requested, WayForward staying completely silent about all Smash talk, Matt Bozon follows and once talked to Sakurai, Bozon wanting Shantae) VERY LIKELY

- Crash Bandicoot (another one of Mario's biggest rivals back in the old console wars. (Nintendo vs Sega Vs Sony) Mario, Sonic, and Crash duking it out in Smash is way too fitting, and will make a huge impact like Sonic did back in Brawl. He is now owned by Activision and just got the N Sane trilogy on the Switch. He also has a big fanbase requesting him. Just imagine the trailer with Crash saying this to Mario: "Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has returned!")

- Retro representative (We got our WTF/Joke character this time, but we didn't have enough slots for our retro rep this time around. This time, it will most likely be DLC. My guess is Mach Rider, but it could be anyone.)
Actually, I'd tip my hat to saying Simon was our retro rep, no reason he can't be third party and retro, so that'd free up another spot on your DLC list. I'd also throw in Rayman, if Mario + Rabbids is anything to think about.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
- Shantae (massive amounts of evidence pointing towards Shantae for DLC, highly requested, WayForward staying completely silent about all Smash talk, Matt Bozon follows and once talked to Sakurai, Bozon wanting Shantae) VERY LIKELY
Wasn't all of that silence and hints from WayForward just for the Shantae spirit which they later tweeted about? Based on the wording of their other tweets I think that's the only Shantae representation we'll get for now.

Nintendo didn't give him only five characters, guys.
True, but the tweet implies that his overall options were limited as a result of Nintendo providing him the only possible choices.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2014
The elegant battlefield.
Most Hype unique: :ultkrool:
Ridley, K. Rool, and Simon are all hype in their own right, but K. Rool's the one I have personal attachment to. It also helps that his trailer was just perfect. Fans have long wanted the Bowser to DK's Mario, and all that pushing finally paid off. Nicely done K. Rool supporters, nicely done.

Most Hype echo: :ultdaisy:
To be fair, this is mainly because I actually predicted this one with a group of friends. I didn't think anything would actually come of my prediction, but low and behold, with the E3 reveal, I was surprised to find I was right. No other echo has that distinction for me.

Least Hyped unique: :ultincineroar:
While Isabelle's trailer was a disappointment, Incineroar is another thing. Bloating the Pokemon characters even further (I wonder if Pokemon's the new Fire Emblem), not being that heavily requested, and proving box theory right. Incineroar doesn't bring any new games with him like Isabelle did, he only references Gen 7, which to be blunt, is old news at this point. This character is already aging bad.

Least Hyped echo: :ultken:
I suppose this isn't his fault, but we knew about him for quite some time. Holding onto an echo for that long when we already knew about him was kind of a let down in my book.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
I'm gonna ignore TurdGayBen with my predictions. (Nobody likes this big sack of anti-hype)
Considering that Nintendo chose the DLC characters this time, my guesses are:

- Banjo-Kazooie (easy to implement, Phil Spencer wants him in, massively requested, Nintendo + Microsoft are on good terms.) HE'S ALMOST A LOCK!

- Bandana Dee (easy to implement again, Sakurai's own character.)

- Shantae (massive amounts of evidence pointing towards Shantae for DLC, highly requested, WayForward staying completely silent about all Smash talk, Matt Bozon follows and once talked to Sakurai, Bozon wanting Shantae) VERY LIKELY

- Crash Bandicoot (another one of Mario's biggest rivals back in the old console wars. (Nintendo vs Sega Vs Sony) Mario, Sonic, and Crash duking it out in Smash is way too fitting, and will make a huge impact like Sonic did back in Brawl. He is now owned by Activision and just got the N Sane trilogy on the Switch. He also has a big fanbase requesting him. Just imagine the trailer with Crash saying this to Mario: "Hey plumber boy, mustache man, your worst nightmare has returned!")

- Retro representative (We got our WTF/Joke character this time, but we didn't have enough slots for our retro rep this time around. This time, it will most likely be DLC. My guess is Mach Rider, but it could be anyone.)
I wish I had enough optimism to think we’d get a retro character for DLC, or Bandanna Dee, or that Banjo-Kazooie are almost a lock. A reminder that Nintendo, not Sakurai, is pulling the strings, so the Sakurai-esque pick of a retro is almost an impossibility.

I’d like to know what the massive evidence Shantae fans talk about is? I never felt like she was likely at all, but talking to her fans you’d think she was basically leaked.

And why would Crash talk?


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2018
The blast zone
Most hype unique character: All of the returning veterans who were missing in Smash 4, :ulticeclimbers::ultpichu::ultpokemontrainer::ultsnake::ultwolf::ultyounglink:. I lost it at "Everyone is Here!"

Least hype unique character: :ultkrool:. Meh, I actually don't care at all for K. Rool, and while I'm happy for the people who wanted him in, I don't really care much.

Most hype echo: :ultken:. I'm going to play Ken when the game comes out. He's really cool and everything I wanted in Ryu.

Least hype echo: :ultdaisy:. I don't care for Daisy at all. She can disappear for all I care. I will never understand her appeal.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 5, 2018
Most hype reveal is Incineroar cause god damn... My bae is in and I couldn't care less if he disconfirmed everyone else.
Least hype... uh... Simon and Richter I guess? Not really too big on them. They look interesting I suppose.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2018
Center of the Zero Point
Switch FC
I wish I had enough optimism to think we’d get a retro character for DLC, or Bandanna Dee, or that Banjo-Kazooie are almost a lock. A reminder that Nintendo, not Sakurai, is pulling the strings, so the Sakurai-esque pick of a retro is almost an impossibility.

I’d like to know what the massive evidence Shantae fans talk about is? I never felt like she was likely at all, but talking to her fans you’d think she was basically leaked.

And why would Crash talk?
All the evidence towards her possible inclusion is in this video. Note: this video was made a couple weeks before the recent direct, so some information could be outdated. Also, some smaller parts might be a little bit of a stretch.

The Crash Bandicoot quote was a reference to this classic commercial
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Most Hype Newcomer: :ultpokemontrainer: if previous cuts count. If not N/a.
None of the newcomers specifically hold any hype themselves for me. :ultridley::ultkrool:and :ultsimon: are characters I don't connect to (Have not played a game featuring any of them). The closest being :ultinkling: and :ultisabelle: reveals, but that is more so tied to the games that were announced with their reveal as a newcomer.
Least Hype Newcomer: :ultken:
While :ultincineroar: had confirmed the box theory , :ultken: suffers from both this and being a character I knew was going to be in it.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
All the evidence towards her possible inclusion is in this video. Note: this video was made a couple weeks before the recent direct, so some information could be outdated. Also, some smaller parts might be a little bit of a stretch.

The Crash Bandicoot quote was a reference to this classic commercial
Enemies fly off the screen: so? At most it’s a reference from Shantae to Smash, not viceversa.

Jammies Mode is here: that’s... not really a reference, it’s just words popping up one at a time. Not really an uncommon thing. Ditto with the word ‘everyone’.

One last thing: not something that Smash invented. It’s commonly used in the gaming industry (you’ll rarely see an E3 presentation without it), and it’s a generic marketing thing (‘But wait! There’s more!)

Ultimate slumber party: Ultimate is a word. People use the word to refer to cool, big, awesome stuff. Maybe if it had been the ‘Special slumber party’ in the Japanese localization, or something pointing to it being a specific reference to the game.

Shantae’s closeness to Nintendo: yeah, that’s more of a necessity, not a bonus.

She’s not in some indie games (though she is in others): we’ve never heard of any exclusivity deals that prevent characters from being in other games if they are in Smash. Shovel Knight kind of disproves this, although I don’t know when the video was made. (Also Ryu was in MvC:I, but he’s not indie so I guess rules are different)

WayForward being silent: probably the biggest one I’ve heard, although personally I never felt it meant anything. Possibilities went from them not wanting to spoil speculation for the game, to Shantae being an AT. Now that we know Shantae’s a Spirit, the answer appears to be that they were under an NDA, though not for a playable character. (That must suck for her fans, by the way, my condolences)

The ballot mattering: *cries in Incineroar*

Ridley and K. Rool were announced early because they’re villainous pirates: Next!

The VA posting about her IMDb page: this is really stretching.

Bleedin’ chairs: At this point I’m convinced that those chairs are like a Rorschach test - people see whatever they wanna see in them.

Alolan Exeggutor: who’d have thought we’d have the palm tree Pokémon shown off on an island with palm trees?

Zelda poses: why would they give Zelda Shantae’s poses if they were planning to base Shantae off Zelda? Wouldn’t it be the other way around?

In the end, it’s mostly reaching and heavily circumstantial evidence. It seems to me that the creator is a fan of Smash and likes to reference it, but that might have ended up giving her fans false hope.

Still, every time I watch something related to Shantae I wish she could have been in the game in a bigger capacity. I only played the OG Game Boy one, so I’m not a big supporter, but it doesn’t take much to remind me of how cool she’d be.

Edit: wow that ended up super long. Spoiler tagged it because it’s sort of off topic.
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Ignore the user in front of you
May 28, 2018
Switch FC
Most Hype Newcomer: King K. Rool. :ultkrool:
Compared to every other newcomer, K. Rool is the only one that got me truly excited. His moveset looks great, and he's actually back after a long hiatus.

Least Hype Newcomer: Richter :ultrichter:
In hindsight, I'm going to love his moveset, but the simple fact that I had no idea who he was, on top of having no familiarity with Castlevania, meant I had no hype for him.

(Though if veterans counted, then :ultsnake:. I legitimately cheered when he appeared in the E3 trailer.)

Smasher 101

Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2013
Switch FC
I posted a full ranking a few days ago, but I'll go ahead and post my most and least hyped:

Most hyped (unique): :ultkrool: - My most wanted Nintendo character. Love the Donkey Kong series, wanted it to have more love in Smash, King K. Rool is one of my favorite villains. He looks pretty much perfect and his reveal trailer was fantastic. Happy to have him finally back in action!

Least hyped (unique): :ultincineroar: - Mainly by default, as I'm genuinely hyped for all six unique newcomers. I just prefer Decidueye for Gen 7 and legitimately everyone else was all among my most wanted at the time of their reveal. I still think a new Pokémon is perfectly fine and Incineroar was my second choice for a spot.

Most hyped (echo): :ultdarksamus: - Only echo I was really rooting for once they got talked about. Like Donkey Kong I enjoy Metroid and wanted it to get more, and my preferred lineup was always Samus/Zero Suit/Ridley/Dark Samus. I didn't expect either newcomer to get in here so getting both made me pretty thrilled.

Least hyped (echo): :ultdaisy: There actually isn't a single newcomer choice I really dislike this time, just kind of indifferent to her and Richter. Interest in both's about the same but ultimately I liked Richter being more unexpected so he slightly beat out Daisy. I'll still try both out though.
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