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Rate the last game you finished!


Smash Rookie
Aug 17, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
Review: 9.7/10 -Dandy Points

Game: Persona 4 Golden

It's honestly in my opinion one of the most must play games on the Vita system! Great story, PS2 gramphics, great characters, and overall GREAT GRAMEPLAY! One of my favorite JRPGS on the handheld.

Would recommend: One million falcon's "HYES!"


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Yooka Laylee (post patch) for PS4 and Xbox 1

This game got mixed reviews at launch but most of those problems were fixed by the patch. The camera occasionally gets stuck but works most of the time and the challenges are lenient enough I beat them in a few tries at most. Controls are slippery at first. Yooka Laylee is a 3D platformer/collectathon with minor puzzle elements. It was meant to be a spiritual successor to the N64 Banjo-Kazooie games and fills the role well.

Yooka is a chameleon and Laylee is the bat on his back in this buddy style platformer. Together they have to explore 5 worlds and a hub to find missing 'pagies' of their stolen magical book. The villainous CEO of Hivory Towers, Capital B, stole their book to rewrite the world. Fortunately the pagies escaped into magic tomes that contain each level. The story is mediocre but frequent jokes mocking video game tropes keep you coming back for more. The dialog is rather amusing actually.

Environments are colorful with cartoonish music. Instead of including more worlds, you can expand the 5 areas by adding pagies. This adds harder challenges and works surprisingly well. Each world is huge and uniquely themed. I liked all of them but some more than others. The Galleon Galaxy world was my favorite, combining black light neon colors, space themes and a beach like layout. A few worlds felt generic, like the ice and casino. The hub Hivory Towers is expansive enough to be a world too.
There are several collectables including 5 'Ghost Writers' filling the role of Jinjos, life and power extenders, pagies and quills that you can use to by new moves from Trouser the snake (see what they did there?). Each move is useful and enables you to return and complete challenges you couldn't before in a Metroidvania fashion. By finding a 'mollycool' Yooka-Laylee can use the DNRay of each world to transform. These are fun but most have limited uses to finding one or two pagies.

Overall Yooka Laylee is a fun game and great buy at $20. I beat it with 116 of 145 pagies in 24 and a half hours so there's a good amount of play time. If you enjoyed N64 platformers like Banjo Kazooie and Mario 64, you'll find this game to be faithful and fun to their legacies.

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Deleted member

Let me be assertive and rate the last three games I've finished:
  • Mario Party - 3½ out of 5. The party boards are great but I do not care about most of the mini-games, especially the cooperative four-player games and the ones where one has to rotate the joystick. My favorite board to play on? Peach's Birthday Cake and Bowser's Magma Mountain. My favorite mini-game? Pipe Maze. Favorite character to play as? Peach.
  • Mario Party 2 - 3½ out of 5. Similar to the previous mentioned, the party boards are great but the mini-games they have here are better. Still don't care about most of them, though. My favorite board? Bowser Land. My favorite mini-game(s)? Bowser's Big Blast and Day at the Races. Favorite character to play as? That's right, Peach.
  • Mario Party 3 - 4½ out of 5. This outclasses the previous two games in every possible way. Duel Mode was a great addition; recently I played on Gate Guy as my favorite character Peach and it took almost fifty turns to beat my opponent. Now that they threw in more chance-based mini-games, I can say that a decent number of mini-games I like playing. Y'all also do not want to get me started on how fun Waluigi's Island is to play on. Favorite character(s)? Peach and Daisy. Favorite board(s)? Waluigi's Island. Favorite mini-games? Merry-Go-Chomp, Stacked Deck, End of the Line, Chip Shot Challenge, and Mario's Puzzle Party.

Sayonara :kirby:
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Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2017
i mean i didn't beat the perfect run but i did get all of the other 241 stars in the game so...

super mario galaxy 2.

pretty much the only thing the game doesn't obliterate the previous at is its music and having a less spacey atmosphere overall, which is one of the biggest reasons why it was called...galaxy. final boss was underwhelming too...eh. at least you don't have to beat it 4 times to 100% the game.

the levels are just...mwah. pure platforming bliss. each level has a more coherent structure than galaxy 1 and is an absolute joy to play. i only found myself not having fun a handful of times, and i could count them on one hand - purple coins on the rainbow road, green star 2 of bowser jr's boom bunker, green star 3 in melty monster galaxy, and the perfect run. the rest of the game is, at worst, fun, and at its best is one of the best games in the series. even running through older levels searching for green stars manages to be fun, even if it's kinda mindless.

music is hit or miss. sometimes it's an absolute banger (hurry!, tension, upside dizzy (inverted), melty monster galaxy) and other times it's...eh...(honeybloom galaxy, glider minigame/wild glide galaxy, freezy flake galaxy)

graphically it looks no worse than its predecessor - at times, it surpasses it. the end of slimy spring galaxy is the most memorable example, but melty monster, fleet glide, and even the final boss look great.

overall fantastic game. would highly recommend, even with its shortcomings.



Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Sonic Forces


This game, unfortunately, doesn't reach the highs of Sonic Colours or Sonic Generations, but it doesn't hit the lows of Sonic 06 or Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric either.

My three biggest issues are the tone, the level design, and one of the playable characters. The tone is downright odd in places - it's like they're trying to bring back the slightly darker tone of the Adventure games, but they seem to have no idea how to do that. You have Knuckles treating this like it's all-out war with Eggman, and characters saying that Sonic was tortured for months, but all of this is handled off-screen, and it seems incredibly jarring for a game involving talking animals.

As far as level design goes, it feels like about eighty percent of the game involves running straight forward with little effort on the player's part - there's the occasional exploration bonus for eagle-eyed players who spot alternate routes, but when the enemies and settings are almost identical across the game's thirty levels (there are only seven settings - Death Egg, Green Hill, Chemical Plant, two cities, a jungle, and Eggman's fortress), it makes the game feel incredibly forgettable.

Then there's Classic Sonic, who feels incredibly shoehorned into the game. Characters talk about him being from another dimension (when that wasn't the case in Generations), he plays little to no role in the plot, and his gameplay isn't all that interesting until the end of the game. It doesn't help that the music is uncharacteristically awful in his sections - they try to emulate the Genesis soundtracks, but the end result is grating on the ears.

When the game works, it works extremely well. The original character creation turned out better than I thought, and at times, characters like the Avatar and Infinite came across as the franchise poking fun at itself (or at least its common fanfiction tropes). Voice acting is stellar as always, and music (with the exceptions of Classic Sonic's early stages) is well-done, doing a good job at keeping the player excited and motivated.

Sonic's gameplay is generally fun, as usual, and the Avatar changes things up enough to make playing as him or her feel distinct without completely altering gameplay. I just feel like the game could have used a few extra months, or a more narrow focus (sticking to two types of playable characters, rather than three) to be a much better release for Sonic's 25th anniversary.

As a side note, I like that the Episode Shadow DLC adds the ability to play as Shadow in any modern Sonic stages that aren't boss battles. Hopefully, we see more things like that.
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ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I found the lack of control in the custom hero sections (auto-grappling, cutscenes and quicktime events mid-level) aggravating and struggled to do even 2D platforming with the all or nothing momentum that the game gave me. Too many sections were endless runner mobile game derivatives (though that actually worked for rail grinding and the final final boss) and, even when modern sonic was in actual 3D, the jump from folk range of motion to his highly restricted pace in no time at all was quite jarring.

The game did get some things right, mind you. As mentioned above, it fixed the atrocious rail jumping from Sonic's past, as well as adding in-level dialogue for extra character snark time. The custom hero was genuinely good from a non-gameplay standpoint and I actually rather liked the tone too. It was a juxtaposition between happy go lucky characters and darker events, matching the Adventure series rather well, IMO. Seeing Sonic brutally assault the first boss was pretty disconcerting, mind you.

I did not find any of the music grating, though I did find much of Classic's lacklustre. He definitely didn't bring much to this game and, while the triple boost at the end was a nice finale it wasn't necessary. Double boost was already OP as could be from a story perspective. All he really gave us was a reason for enemies to exist.

Had he been ditched, we could have seen a bit more of the main characters in the game, properly building up their solo personalities and the bromance nature of their partnership. Because, let's face it, the main theme is totally a love song from Modern Sonic to his Deviant Art counterpart.

Aside from that, though, I really liked the soundtrack. I just wish the gameplay had been remotely decent. Sonic 06 infuriated me a lot less.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Final Fantasy VIII

Amazing game, amazing cast of memorable characters, great story, great soundtrack, phenomenal FMV cutscenes and an interesting junction system. Stocking up on magic can be pretty boring sometimes but it was necessary.

I enjoyed the game a lot and I would play it again if I want to.
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Smash Rookie
Dec 29, 2017
Super Mario Odyssey

The game is great. Amazing controls, graphics, and many new ideas! I love it.
I just had to take off a point because the level design can be really annoying at times, and the story line where Bowser actually wants to marry Peach was strange, and then Mario did too at the end and they had a fight, like what? I don't know why but I don't like it.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I beat the Breath of the Wild DLC and tbt was disappointed in the lack of new content. It had 1 entirely new boss, which was awesome but no other new enemies. The closest things to new were more powerful versions of 2 minibosses with the same basic 3d models and behaviors. There were 16 new shrines with no real new concepts. A new dungeon which was cool yet small. And a bunch of dress-up armors with no new abilities and terrible armor ratings. Actually the Korok mask senses when they're near so that's new but the others all have abilities that are on other armor sets. It wouldn't have been hard to give you something cool or useful like not slipping in the rain or at least let you upgrade them so they have battle uses.
It's a dirt bike, yep. The "Master Cycle Zero" (eye roll) is fun to ride around on but hardly a "divine beast". It's a regular dirt bike in performance. You can't even bring it in the desert or volcano; I assume only where you can ride a horse.

If you look at other DLC for say Dark Souls 3, you got all kinds of entirely new areas, enemies, equipment, spells and bosses for around the same price, especially if you ordered the 2 together as a season pass. I hate to say it but the BotW DLC wasn't worth the money.

6/10 it adds on to a great game at least :/
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
TellTale's Batman Season 1


  • Interesting take on Batman, specifically with the stuff regarding Bruce's parents.
  • Linking evidence together was pretty neat.
  • I like TT's take on the Penguin and Two-Face.
  • The choice at the end of EP4 is one of the only times where a TT choice actually matters. It changes the last 10 minutes of EP4 and the first 15 minutes of EP5, which was pretty cool.

  • Some of the writing is really cringe-worthy, specifically with all of the Two-Face references ("TWO-FACED move I know!").
  • A few plotholes/inconsistencies.
  • Lots of technical bugs.
  • Like every other TT game, almost none of your choices change anything. People will say that you act violent as Batman even if you go out of your way to not harm criminals.
  • Their version of the Joker tries way too hard to act crazy. It's not as bad as Jared Leto's joker, but it's close. Thankfully he's only in one episode.

It was free on PSN so I decided why the heck not. It's far from perfect but I enjoyed my time with it. I look forward to trying out Season 2 but only when that's available for free.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


  • Amazing story and characters. The plot was much more interesting than Birthright's.
  • Adding to this, Alm is a much better protagonist than Corrin.
  • Phenomenal OST and beautiful cutscenes.
  • Cool to switch between playing as Alm and Celica.
  • Lots of shrines to explore.
  • With the exception of a few random NPCs, all of the dialogue between characters is fully voiced.
  • Memory prisms and Mila's turn-wheel were nice additions.
  • Not sure if this is unpopular or not but I think I actually prefer FE without the weapon triangle. I also didn't mind that magic costs HP, but I can see why people don't like it.
  • Enemies would always spawn on the overworld map and move towards you (specifically during Act 3). It's a cool feature but it happens way too often, resulting in a lot of unnecessary easy fights.
  • Lots of maps with single corridors, leading to a lot of waiting for two units to kill each other.

Overall, I enjoyed this game much more than Birthright (which looking back on it had a very weak story especially compared to SoV's). Now to get back to Conquest and eventually start Revelations.
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I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
Yakuza 4


Story leaves your jaw open how the story gets more interesting.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Fire Emblem Conquest


  • Very challenging maps with a heavy emphasis on time and resources.
  • I prefer the Nohr units (both by their gameplay and character) over the Hoshido units from Birthright.
  • Has just about everything that made Birthright enjoyable.
  • Corrin is the lapdog of obvious cartoon villain Garon and invades a peaceful country/allows innocents to be killed just to get Garon to sit in a chair. I never understood the hate Corrin gets, but after playing Conquest I can see why. Sadly I hear Corrin's character gets worse in Revelations.
  • A lot of units are essentially just weaker versions of better characters.
  • Peri.

Great game though the story could've been better. Now to play through Revelations.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Fire Emblem Revelations


  • Nice to see Nohr and Hoshido work together.
  • Great to have almost all of the Birthright/Conquest units in the same route.
  • Has most of the other features that made the other two routes enjoyable.

  • The new maps are badly designed, with most of them featuring a lot of unnecessary waiting and obnoxious dragon vein mechanics (chapters 12 and 25 are probably the best examples of this). Also did Fire Emblem really need a stealth mission?
  • There is basically no reason to use any units outside of the Fates siblings since the latter are insanely good.
  • Story was pretty boring. Maybe I've been spoiled by SoV, but that game had more emotion and interesting plotlines whereas Revelations did not.
  • Story gets really bad towards the end of the game (more details on this in the spoiler tag below).
  • Final boss theme is reused from Birthright/Conquest (with a few lyrics changed), which felt very lazy especially considering Revelations is the last route most people play.

  • Mikoto and Sumeragi were wasted. They should've done more with them but instead they just show up in one mission each and that's it.
  • Gunter's betrayal felt very impromptu. In addition to feeling out of place, Gunter hating Corrin's guts since the beginning leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  • Adding to this, Ryoma and Xander of all people don't hold much of a grudge against him after he betrayed them and caused Scarlet's death.
  • Also, WHY THE HELL WOULD GUNTER MENTION SCARLET'S FLOWER?!?! DID HE WANT TO GET CAUGHT? I think by this point the writers just gave up (I stopped caring by this point).
  • Final boss was a generic evil monster. I know there was some backstory behind it, but the entire story was so boring I don't feel like learning more about it.

I heard bad things about Revelations, but thought that maybe people were just overreacting about it's issues. Boy was I wrong. Easily the worst of the three Fates routes.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Xenoblade Chronicles: 10/10

I'm not going to go into too much detail about the game, considering the sheer amount of twists and turns. I'll just say that the plot went in a lot of directions that I didn't expect, the game's settings were gorgeous (for any console, let alone the Wii), and it's certainly packed with content. I got 106 hours of playtime, and even though I took extended breaks from the game at times, I enjoyed almost all of it.

My only issues are minor - the sheer amount of random chance when it comes to finding collectibles, and the game being really unclear where NPCs are at times. The combat seemed a bit overwhelming at first, but once I found combos that worked, I was able to get into a rhythm when it came to battle, no matter which character I was playing as.

The game is fantastic; it's a shame that allegedly used copies are being sold for full price at EB Games/Gamestop, and while it's available on the Wii U's eShop, that console never really took off.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Celeste: 9.5/10

Wow. Just wow. If you haven't played this game yet, do yourself a favor and get this game right now. It is, I can't now confidently say, the best designed 2D platform I've ever played, and, even though it is incredibly difficult, it is ABSOLUTELY worth playing. The only reason it doesn't get a ten is because of its rapid difficulty curve, which could be offputting to new players. Still, though, if you have ever played a platformer in your life, you owe it tomorrow yourself to play this game. Trust me.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I'm bored so here are several single sentence reviews:

Yoshi's Wooly World
Cute game hiding a surprisingly challenging precision platformer if you go for the collectables. 8/10

Horizon Zero Dawn
Amazing story with all around great open world gameplay. 10/10
HZD Frozen Wilds DLC
Great new areas, weapons, enemies, story, absolutely worth the money. 10/10

Dark Souls 1 Remastered
Great world design with an overly rigid system that will frustrate you like old NES games did. 8.5/10

Monster Hunter World
Amazing Monster Hunter game with a poorly reworked online system that "fixes" what wasn't broken in games like MH3 Ultimate. 9/10

Chrono Trigger (Nintendo DS)
Pure SNES RPG goodness with all around solid story and gameplay. 9.5/10


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Metroid Prime: 9/10

Finally got around to playing the Prime trilogy and I just finished the first game... And it was awesome.

Each area was fun to travel through, and the music was so atmospheric. All the different powerups Samus received were fun to use as well, though I'd say that the Wave Beam is my favorite beam type for its ability to stun enemies. The Ice Beam's my least favorite due to its slow fire rate, though I like how handy it is against aerial opponents.

The bosses were the biggest highlight. Each one is different in many ways, and were absolute giants. The only one I was legitimately frustrated with was the Omega Pirate, but other than that the bosses were fun.

If I were to have one nitpick about this game, it'd probably be the amount of backtracking I have to do to travel from world to world, made worse by the fact that I'm going into this series blind and I want to get everything that I possibly can before moving on. Thankfully the game has a hint system to help me through when I'm stuck.

Overall, this was a fun game to play, and I'm glad I finally got around to it.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Rayman Legends: 9/10

Pretty fantastic game in the Rayman lineage, it scratches most sweet spots, with nice music, great level design, and the much-needed challenges. However, I felt a bit of disappointment in regards to the final regular world, as it didn't take the mythological Greek theme to its fullest potential, there's barely any Gods (if any), and you don't even get to fight the dragons sent out in the penultimate stage. The bonus world, for its part, just recycles all the musical stages with superficial increased difficulty, which is a shame, since the Land of the Livid Dead is severely underutilised overall, not even getting the dignity to show up in the Back to Origins levels beyond a boss fight. Finally, some of the trophies/achievements must require the player to have friends.

Those issues aside, it's a quite fun game.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2013
Try Underhero on Steam, it just came out a few days ago. My rating for it is 8/10.
In short, it's like Super Paper Mario if you could only be Peach, but also if it actually had an engaging battle system. It's got memorable characters and locations, some decent platforming puzzles, generally avoids a lot of missteps I feel Super Paper Mario took, and even tries to implement a similar level-up system to the first 2 Paper Mario games, which helps to give it some replay-ability. There's definitely room for improvement if the developers make a sequel, but it's a solid game and I hope more people try it out.


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes: 8/10

People weren't kidding, this game was much more difficult. Thankfully I managed to get through it just fine.

Echoes was overall just as good as the first game. Interesting puzzles and bosses, atmospheric music, awesome weapons... You name it, the game has it, basically. However, I found playing through this game more disorienting and confusing due to the Light and Dark world mechanic. You have to travel between worlds so much that you eventually start to get lost and go blank on what you need to do. Due to those issues, I felt that the game didn't quite have the magic that the first game had, but it was still fun to go through.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus (Switch)

The game was solid, but I felt like the first half of the game never really made BJ Blazkowicz feel like the Nazi-killing juggernaut that the game makes him out to be. (there are in-story reasons for that, but still) Once I got to the second half of the game, where contraptions give you bonus abilities and you unlock the map in order to revisit previous areas, the game improved significantly. However, as of now, the Switch version has a major disadvantage compared to the other console versions - the vault doesn't open up once you beat the game (that was only added in alongside DLC, which the Switch version doesn't seem to be getting), meaning that all of the collectibles from the first two areas of the game can easily be permanently missed.

The game improves significantly in the second half, but in the first half, it feels like Blazkowicz has the durability of a wet paper bag, and stealth does not seem to work well when you're limited to a first person view. The contraptions (which, among other things, slow down time when a Nazi is about to see you or when the weapon wheel is activated) make the game a lot more fun, but all in all, I preferred Doom (2016).

Mega Man 11 (Switch)

The game is very short - admittedly, I played on Casual mode (I felt like Normal difficulty would be frustrating), but it took me about four hours to beat. Still, it was an enjoyable four hours, and all but one of the weapons were fantastic, with or without the boost from the Power Gear. (I felt like the Acid Shield was mostly useless) I'm glad I got a Pro Controller for the Switch; my Joycons were falling victim to a common issue where the left joycon's control stick drifts slightly to the left, making precision platforming far more difficult than it needed to be.

It helps that the game is less expensive than most new releases, and I really like the shop. If there's ever a concept (like instant death pits, spikes, or running out of weapon energy) that you're struggling with, the shop will usually update with parts to help you with that, which can be turned on or off. I could easily see the game getting DLC characters down the line (Roll seems like she'd make sense, and Proto Man and Bass are conspicuously absent from the story), and I'd gladly get them - it seems like it will be a ton of fun to experiment with the levels and bosses now that I've beaten the game. All in all, I'd love to see Capcom make more games like this - while it's not the longest game out there, it was still plenty of fun to play.


Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)

This game is a masterpiece.

Yes, it took me over a year to beat the game; the part where you're stuck in a swamp ground the game to a halt, and life got in the way. Still, aside from the swamp level, every world did an excellent job of using moons and missions to naturally push you forward, helping you to get the moons that you needed to move on by following each world's story and going off the beaten path now and then.

The capture mechanic is great, and I hope it gets expanded on if Nintendo decides to make a sequel. (I'd say "when", but Super Mario 64 and Sunshine didn't get sequels) Playing as an ordinary frog or a classic Mario enemy was a lot of fun, and that's not even getting to the post-final-boss transformation, or the transformation in the bonus world that you unlock for completing the game.

There's no way that I'd be able to 100% complete it (from what I've read, there are a maximum of nine hundred moons in the game, and I've got about 215), but just beating the final boss is fine by me. This game is a joy to play, start to finish (with the possible exception of the swamp level), and I'd recommend it to anyone who owns a Switch.

...meaning that anyone reading this post has likely already got the game.
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Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Super Mario Odyssey

The good:
SMO is a very fun game. It stays fresh all the way through with creative level designs and the new possession mechanic. Possessing enemies is well implemented and a staple for many boss fights. Speaking of boss fights, the Broodles are a breath of fresh air from the usual BamPom/Koopalings fights. They each have a lot of personality and I feel not giving them individual southern names [edit, after getting 250 moons you go to an area that tells their names on the map] like Ma Broodle was a missed opportunity.
There is a ton of content. I've barely scratched the post game stuff but heard there were like 900 moons. Mario can change outfits and if he's not properly dressed his idle animation will look uncomfortable without actually affecting gameplay; like wearing a suit at the beach will make Mario sweat and tug at his collar. Mario also has an impressive array of jump and movement options on his own. SMO is basically an expansion of pure SM64 platforming in every way.

The bad:
The graphics are disappointing. This is the switch, why am I seeing texture mapped grass? I've played Breath of the Wild and know they can do better. While the game didn't focus on pinpoint precision platforming it did make Mario unnecessarily hard to control. He's ultra responsive and the camera is farther back than other Mario games. I'm saying this as someone who has beaten every console 3D Mario game: it's difficult to make what would be simple jumps in other games. There's also a 'stick in a wall and fling' mechanic that could be toned down; I've had several accidental 'flings' due to holding the control stick a direction to move to the apparatus only to be flung the opposite direction because it used that input.

The Nintendo-ie
True to modern Nintendo, the story was the same 'Bowser kidnaps Peach' line we've heard a thousand times. Even a little side story like Rosalina's book in SMGalaxy would have made mountains of difference. Unfortunately the heads of Nintendo seem hellbent on keeping anything but silly fun from slipping into their games. There were so many worlds that could have had little side stories.

The verdict:
SMO is just another 3D Mario game- but that's not a bad thing. 3D Marios are known for quality and content and SMO delivers both in spades. It just didn't wow me like Galaxy 1. The flaws are minor complaints that won't ruin the fun. Overall it was an enjoyable experience.

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2018
The Netherlands
Castlevania (NES, 1986)


-Weapons were fun to use.
-It was pretty challenging.
-With some Trial and Error, stages were fun to progress through.
-Short but sweet experience.

-Stages 15 and 17 can heck off.
-I'd rather have that you'd permanently get the two whip upgrades after the boss fights in stage 3 and 6. Losing it after death is really annoying.
-The bosses were frustrating.
-Game over shenanigans, if you lose your last life on the boss, you go to the start of two levels prior.
-Did I mention stages 15 and 17 are the most frustrating thing
-Because of prior issues, I had no shame in using savestates at the start of each level at best, or at the start of a boss fight at worst. Because of this, my experience wasn't soured as much as it could've been.

Verdict: Left me a good impression, will probably play another game in the series at some point. I just hope I won't spend hours on BS moments like THAT GOD DAMNED HALLWAY.


Smash Cadet
Jun 20, 2014
Finished 'Spiderman' for PS4 a few weeks back. As a spidey fan, I loved it! Though the combat wasn't the most complex and some of the side missions and challenges weren't the greatest, I still rate the game a solid 9/10.. Highly recommended if you're a PS4 owner!


Lurker By Nature
Jul 7, 2015
Switch FC
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption: 8.5/10

Probably the easiest of the three, Corruption still provides a great experience. The adventure is still there, and the game also had voice acting... And well-casted voice acting at that.

The ability to travel between planets is a welcome addition, though it can be a little confusing trying to determine where to go at first. Outside of that, the game's overall much more linear, and requires less backtracking than usual. Each planet is visually stunning, especially Bryyo, with the temple-like environments and the fuel gel factories, and the music still keeps its atmospheric feel for each area, at least for the most part.

Boss battles are still epic, but toned down a notch from what they were like in the first two games. For instance, I got to fight Ridley twice, and they were fun, but those fights didn't have quite the impact that his boss battle in Prime had, mainly because they were more straightforward and not as challenging.

Overall, the fact that the game is more linear and offers more personality to its characters, especially the three hunters Samus worked with, makes this game my 2nd favorite of the trilogy, and the trilogy as a whole makes me super stoked for Prime 4. Highly recommend them.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Octopath Traveler (Switch)

Much like Wolfenstein 2, I felt like this game picked up towards the end. The first chapters were great (the demo alone sold me on the game), but as I got further along in the story, I felt like the characters were on eight separate journeys, with none of them really impacting the others. Once I beat my first Chapter Four, it unlocked conversations between characters once you entered taverns that made them feel more like a group, which really helped. I just wish that was implemented sooner. (there's the commentary on the events of each character's second, third, and fourth chapters, but the tavern conversations helped to flesh out the characters and their relationships more, which I liked to see)

By the time that I got to the fourth chapters for each character, the individual plot threads began to get tied together into one larger whole. Side-quests helped that even further, and while the true final boss was predictable (I figured it was coming as soon as Ophilia's story started), it was a HUGE difficulty spike. Including the boss rush beforehand, the final boss took me about two hours to beat, which is downright insane.

The main and supporting characters are likable and have great voice acting. The game is great to play in small pieces, as there's always reminders for what to do or where to go, so there's no way that you can forget what you're doing after you've put the game down for months. (I've had that problem with other RPGs, like Tales of Symphonia)

All in all, it's a solid game, though the writing could be better. If the game gets a sequel, I'd definitely pick it up assuming that the characters' individual stories come together earlier.

Mega Man X2 (played through the Switch collection)

It's a solid sequel. The X Hunters were a little annoying (I knew going in that they would stop showing up once you beat enough stages, so I wanted to get health/armour upgrades and deal with them as quickly as possible), but the eight Mavericks were solid this time around, and the weaknesses mostly made sense.

The game was much more of a challenge than X1, particularly in terms of the X Hunters and getting the Shoryuken. Thankfully, the process of getting the Shoryuken wasn't as bizarre as the Hadoken in X1, but it was insanely difficult to get the timing down for the backwards C dashing pattern that was required, and I needed to remap the controls in order to even pull it off. (I needed to set Dash to the R button; the Switch's controller is way too small to have jump, fire, and dash right next to each other when you need to hit all of them in quick succession)

Sigma (oh, spoiler alert: Sigma's the main villain of the game) was more frustrating than X1, but once I'd loaded up my subtanks, he was a lot more reasonable to deal with. This game felt a bit more uneven than X1, but it was still fun, and I'm looking forward to trying X3.
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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Fire Emblem Warriors


  • The general gameplay of seizing forts and commanding units is pretty fun.
  • I like how the weapon triangle was utilized.
  • Having Lyn and Celica be secret characters was a nice little bonus.
  • Aside from Lyn + Celica + the OCs, the playable characters are only from Shadow Dragon, Awakening, and Fates.
  • Having Owain, Niles, Oboro, and Navarre be in the main storyline when they are DLC characters felt dirty.
  • Your companion AI can be braindead at times. If there's an ally you need to protect who you can't control/command, they'll often rush into strong enemies and get killed causing you to fail the mission.
  • Everything about chapter 12. Yes I know you have to capture both sides at a time to not get a gameover but this level was still beyond infuriating.
  • Rowan.
My first ever Warriors game. While there is a ton of room for improvement I thought it was pretty enjoyable. If this game were to ever get a sequel then they seriously need to include more characters from games that aren't Awakening or Fates.

Deleted member

I recently bought Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 for Wii.

It has aged and the controls are weird at first, but the game has a lot of charm and love towards the Marvel Universe in general.

Each conversation feels natural to the respective characters, the designs are cool, the character roster has a nice selection and the voice acting is great even for a cast made mostly by fans.

I would suggest this game to anyone who wants to know more about the Marvel universe.

Deleted member

Super Paper Mario (Wii):

8/10 Good Game...
But that one moment when you have to get out a pen and paper to repeat the insanely long code in the desert place made me drop the games score by 1, and the tediousness of pointing thw Wii Remote at the places you never think of also made me drop it by 1 point


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I beat SSBU World of Light 100%. It's a fun "adventure" mode that ends up being more like a long series of event matches. I prefer Subspace from Brawl with side scrolling levels and frequent cutscenes but WoL wasn't bad. The spirit system was fun at first when you were excited to get just the right spirit to open a path or solve a stage hazard. After a while the fights got repitive and equiping the proper spirit felt more like a chore. WoL didn't have major downsides, good fun and some genuinely challenging fights. If anything it went on too long; they could have had the same affect with 2/3rds the content. It didn't reach as high of peaks as it could have either. Characters had no interaction in cutscenes, you could play any character you unlocked everywhere, the RPG elements were cool but there was no real incentive to try different combinations aside from negating hazards like lava floors. It had little story and ended up a 'team vs bad guy' plot with no personality. I liked seeing Wario attack Ness or Fox help Diddy in Subspace and would have preferred a more involved format. Some limitations, like forcing certain characters to do different parts at first would have added depth. Still for what it was, a glorified series of event matches, everything was well done with a lot of creative choices to make fighters have their spirit's personality.

7/10 fun but not fantastic.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (played through the Wii U)

I actually think that I liked this game more than Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Progression felt a lot more natural this time around, and while I don't like that getting souls relied on RNG, I was able to 100% complete the map and get all of the enemies in my bestiary without using a walkthrough. (though I knew going in how to get the true ending, I had to look up how to enter the Forbidden Area, and I used a map to find secret rooms)

The characters aren't as memorable as Alucard, Richter, or Maria, and the game's big twist (which Smash Ultimate's spirits spoiled for me) seems to only have the slightest foreshadowing, but the gameplay is fantastic, and does a great job with making use of the Game Boy Advance's limited space for buttons.

I think that I'll try Metroid: Zero Mission or Fire Emblem Fates next.

Also, I played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch). It was pretty good.

It was great, and unlocking all of the characters wasn't as much of a pain as I thought. Thankfully, none of the challenges seem insanely difficult like some of the Smash 4 challenges were (I only have four challenges left, and all of them are online-related; I was able to beat all of them without needing Golden Hammers). The World of Light was a bit grindy towards the end, but the inclusions of areas inspired by various video games helped to make it less tedious.
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Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2018
Dragon ball xenoverse 2: Switch port
9/10 This game is a great switch port that has a ton of things to do in it. This game had a few problems at launch(before the switch) but in early 2019 its a great buy.
LA Noire: Switch port
7/10 Now this one is a little more disappointing. Overall its a great game as always however the controls are very clunky and messy while using the joycons especially when your involved in ccombat.There is no real graphical upgrade either. You also must digitally download from the internet even though you have a physical copy, so you get the worst of both worlds. This being actually a good game is what made me give it a 7, however i recommend playing this game on a different system. Even the original ps3 LA Noire would be better. On other systems this is a 10/10


Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2018
Not 100% sure if this counts because I technically finished it before, but I just finished playing the NPC version of Pikmin 2 for the first time.
10/10, definitely better than the GC version. The controls are a whole lot better, overall making the gameplay experience better. The only negative thing compared to the GC version is that they removed both Totaka's songs.
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