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Rate the last game you finished!


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

+ The writing, while it doesn't stand up to the originals, still has its moments. It's still better writing than I've come to expect from most video games.
+ There are a couple of good characters - the Gavin brothers are the two strongest characters in the game, in my opinion. The witnesses aren't as interesting as in the original games, but there are a handful of standouts.
+ The forensic examination sections are quite fun, and make a nice diversion from the simple "point out the contradiction" gameplay the few times they come up.

~ The interaction between Apollo and Trucy feels like a weaker facsimile of that between Phoenix and Maya. This isn't a bad thing as such, since I like Phoenix and Maya, but more could have been done to make the two pairs of characters more distinct from each other, rather than just magic vs. spirit channelling.
~ The general plot regarding Phoenix's disbarment works - but it completely consumes any chance Apollo might have had of having his own story, distinct from Phoenix's, develop.
~ I like the idea of perception, but I just feel like it should be more strict about penalising trying to perceive the wrong statement/body part. As it is, you can perceive whatever you want, whenever you want, with no risk. It's fairer than penalising getting a Psyche-Lock question wrong, but still imbalanced.

- Phoenix. His personality just feels wrong. "But he's been disbarred for 7 years" - no. You don't just become aloof and head-in-the-clouds like that for no reason, and it isn't adequately explained why he is the way he is.
- The soundtrack is the weakest overall in the series. It has a few standout tracks, like Apollo and Klavier's themes, but otherwise it's quite poor. I can't even begin to describe how much I dislike the cross-examination themes.
- The real culprits in the second and third cases are immediately predictable as soon as they're introduced, to the point that you're basically figuring out how to confirm your suspicions, instead of finding who did it. Even the first case - the real killer may seem like a big plot twist at first, but when you think about it, it's pretty obvious.
- The defendant of the second case is unlikeable; at no point did I actually feel like I wanted to save him, which in a game about saving people from false accusations is a pretty glaring weakness.
- Phoenix doesn't feel like Phoenix, in the one part of the game in which he's supposed to be "classic" Phoenix (the "7 Years Ago" trial). He's always had his moments of cockiness here and there, but he comes across as downright arrogant here: "there's no substitute for experience" or however he puts it. I can picture Winston Payne saying that, but not Phoenix.
- Maya's total absence in the past sections, which is a plot hole - she doesn't even get mentioned, despite the ending of AA3 stating that she wasn't going anywhere, and I doubt she was going to miss a trial as significant as Zak Gramarye's, or abandon Phoenix in his hour of need.
- No Edgeworth

The main problem, in my opinion, is that the game in general just feels like "Shu Takumi's Contractual Obligation Game", whereas with the original trilogy, it really felt like he was doing them because he wanted to, and not just because of the money/his higher-ups told him to; in particular, the simple fact that Phoenix appears in the game at all. I honestly think the game would have been all the better without him, since it would have given the space needed for Apollo to have his own story, and to have some character development of his own.

6.9/10 because, as much as I struggled to think up positive points, the game still had something that kept me from outright disliking it - I can't quite put my finger on it, but the overall experience feels more positive than negative - just. I mean, something is clearly wrong when your personal highlights of the entire game are two pieces of background furniture in the second case (which is otherwise my least favourite case in the entire series), but I still can't say I actually dislike the game.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
The Legend of Zelda, Majora's Mask 3D

I ate a crow. I had given up on buying the remake because of the changes they made, but in the end, I couldn't resist and I am glad for that. Most of the chances only improved a game which was already quite close to perfection. My favorite game only got better in its definitive edition. From the top of my head, some of my favorite changes are: The new save system, the revamped boss battles (some got easier, sadly, but at least they make more sense now, especially Odolwa), the new Bomber's Notebook, the reallocation of some masks, etc. The graphics are stunning and the game aged like wine in terms of gameplay. It is wonderful. Majora's Mask is the kind of game that was good in 2000 and will be good forever. Thanks for rekindling my love for the game, Grezzo and Nintendo!


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Silent Hill:

Saturday night I found myself free and decided to take the evening to try and clear up my backlog a bit. So I picked up a game that had been collecting dust on my shelf for over a year: the first Silent Hill. Game that I had put about an hour in before shrugging it off as "just okay." But now that I've beaten the game and experienced the whole thing I realize that I just had a bad first impression of it.

I'll start by saying that my first encounter with the Silent Hill series was back in my collector days when I very briefly owned an original Xbox. I had heard Silent Hill 2 getting damn near universal acclaim and decided to give it a go. I found a copy of the Xbox version for cheap and decided to give it a go. Unfortunately for me, the game froze less than an hour in. After returning it I saw the store I got it from actually had a copy of the first game in. Which ending up sitting on my shelf for a very long time before I finally played it. Then it sat there even longer before I gave it a full play through.

There is a lot of things Silent Hill does right. First of all, exploration is highly encouraged and rewarding. You want to go check out places that are way out of your way entirely because of the goodies awaiting you there. Hell, it's even required to get the good ending. Granted, supplies aren't as limited in this game as they are in other horror games from the same time period, so you're a lot better off here. That being said, combat is ironically actively encouraged and simultaneously discouraged. I'll get to that later, but let's just say that I realized that this was not a "avoid the monsters" kind of game when I was carrying around 120 bullets for my pistol.

The absolute best part of Silent Hill is its puzzles. They're the absolute perfectly balance of difficult, but totally solvable with enough brainpower and patience. This is the first game I've played in a long, long time that made me reach for a pencil and paper the figure out a few of these. I've seen way too many modern games either give you a hint or flat out tell you the solution to a puzzle if you're stumped for more than five minutes. I'd love to see games with challenging, smart puzzles that have faith in their player's abilities. The real sad part is that there's only a handful of puzzles in the entire game. I wish the focus had been put on that instead of the combat because it really is the highlight of the experience.

To me surprise, even though the game runs on extremely dated PS1 hardware there are times when it actually cranks up the spook factor. Exploring an uncharted area is an unnerving experience, and when you're not ready for it hearing your radio crack the second you enter a room always provides a delightful scare. But there's one big, big, big problem with this game. The controls. As you'd expect, once you have the area you're in figured out it very quickly stops being creepy and the game's clunky, awkward controls become a major problem. Silent Hill is a game where you have to do a lot of running around to grab items to solve puzzles and the like. Unfortunately, the difficult, unwieldy controls makes this one of the most tedious and annoying parts of the entire game and it damn near ruined the whole thing for me the first time I played. You could argue that the reason why the controls are intentionally bad is to convey that Harry, the protagonist, is not a fighter and to make combat more panic-inducing. In actually, the reason why these controls are in the game can best be summed up as "because it's a thing Resident Evil did."

As I've mentioned a few times, combat is kind of a big thing in this game. You are damn near constantly swarmed by monsters, especially in the later half of the game where simply navigating is a chore since you can't take three steps without your radio going off. This wouldn't be a bad thing if A) combat was engaging and B) if the monsters were frightening. Silent Hill fails on both accounts. Since so many of the encounters are in tight hallways every fight can be summed up as: Camp at the end of the hall with your melee weapon out, wait for monster to get close enough, mash X until the monster falls over. The boss fights aren't much better. With one exception every single boss in the game, final boss included, can be beaten by standing in one place and unloading bullets while chugging down health drinks if you get hit.

Despite it's shortcomings, Silent Hill comes together as a rather decent horror game despite its age. What works really works and if you're willing to forgive its dated "because Resident Evil did it" controls you'll find a very enjoyable game that's worth checking out if you're a fan of horror. My last two complaint is that the game feels really short. I managed to finish my play through in just under six hours without a guide, including thorough exploration and even some side content I accidentally stumbled upon. Oh yeah, and this game is also really easy. I did twice in my entire play through. That being said, after I finished I found myself really wanting more. If I still had my PS2 I'd probably be in the process of hunting down the squeals right now.

Oh yeah, and I've decided that anyone who thinks that Silent Hill is about guilt and punishment clearly hasn't played any other game except for Silent Hill 2.

Mam Brehhhh

Smash Rookie
Feb 11, 2014
Atlanta GA
Destiny by Bungie

Destiny as a idea was vary ambitious for what it was trying to accomplish. With deep lore and a great idea of a FPS and MMO hybrid type of game, but the execution was vary disappointing. First the games story has no depth at all. all that happens is that you are awaken in the world for no explanation or reason. The NPC characters are not interesting at all considering bungie made the game and there previous game Halo was a massive success a matter a fact halo 3 is one of my most played games of all time right next to smash. Most of the charicters you will get to know are only known because they either sell you items or give you quest.
Secondly, the game tried to go for a MMO type game play with raids and a long lasting end game, but the end game is not as long lasting as you would think. with 1 raid per planet ( not including DLC ) you end up doing a boring grind for equipment that you barely get. Bosses are not challenging or even require team work besides the occasional revive or two. All of the raid bosses are regular enemys that you see during normal game play but bigger and with more HP.
Hold on a second dont get me wrong the game is no doubt fun ... with friends. If you are a lone wolf player then this game will be as boring as watching 2 lvl 1 fox fight each other. With friends this game is a blast and raiding isnt to bad i mean you can talk wile you blast away at the same enemy for 30 mins wile adds spawn.
My final conclusion to this game is wait for a price drop and find a team to play with before grabbing it i give it a


Panda Yuki

Smash Rookie
Feb 14, 2015
Wow, now that I think about it, I don't think I've beaten a game all the way through in months. The last game I beat was probably Super Meat Boy which I would rate an 8/10. The control was perfect and the levels were very creative. Push aside the feeling of rage I got from every level from the rapture onwards and I'd say it was a pretty enjoyable experience.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Mega Man Battle Network 3

+ Giga Chips (even though I never got one)
+ Wider variety of enemies/battle chips
+ Customize option technically allows for more options
+ A somewhat graphically interesting overworld

= Same pros/cons as other games in the series
= Pokemon territory with versions
= Virus Breeder mechanic, never even got what it was supposed to do

- The most annoying bosses in the series
- Customize replaces Power Up/Leveling system
- Required story Custom parts force you to downgrade yourself (same problem as Pokemon HMs)
- Can't max out stats before endgame
- There are two sections in the game that require you to delete/farm items
- Style Changes are still random and can now only have one at a time/per game (?)


Takes some steps in the right direction but then some back. Not sure if it's the best in the series like people say it is, but it is certainly the hardest. I feel that if I didn't get the Style Change I did (FireGuts) I would have had a significantly harder time with this game, a lot of boss fights are just obnoxious (Bubble Man can go to hell).


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Xenoblade Chronicles - 10/10

The best game 'Nintendo' has ever made since Majora's Mask. Man, it is so good. The game never gets stale. There is always something cool or interesting happening or about to happen. And when it happens? The game will make you feel things. All kinds of emotions. The story might not be the best thing ever, but it is great and it works. The characters? Probably the best cast I have ever seen in a video game, both in terms of party members and supporting cast. The music is faaaaaantastic, based Yoko Shimomura and ACE+. I think "Field of the Machinae" has to be my favorite track in the game, well, not counting "Confrontation with the Enemy". The game looks so beautiful that by the time I finished it, I had saved over 150 screenshots on Dolphin (here is a link for them and again, be aware that there are HUGE spoilers in the screens, from the whole game).

Gameplay is solid. I don't like how overcomplicated the battle system and related mechanics are, but once I got used to them (when I was starting to get my butt kicked, halfway through the game) thanks to the amazing NeoGAF user alvis.exe, who took some of their time to explain how the mechanics work as well as to give me tips in how to become better at it, the game became really fun. So fun that I backtracked to kill all those unique monsters I could find. I am also not a fan of how the game seems to be built on the philosophy that "more is merrier", specially when it comes to side quests. There are far too many. It is a good thing they are optional and there are alternative and more entertaining ways to level up, should you need to.

Now, BIG story spoilers

Man, I thought Mumkhar was a **** but holy **** at DICKson. Dunban had the worst partners EVER in the battle of the Sword Valley. Sadly some of the plot twists were spoiled to me before I played the game. I already knew Fiora would come back and become the seven ranger, that the villain was someone named Zanza and that he looked kinda lika Shulk but also like a purple giant, etc. Fortunately those events are still quite enjoyable to watch even after being spoiled. Plus, a lot of stuff wasn't spoiled to me, like Gadolt's return and eventual demise (I cried), the fate of the High Entia (Kallian ;-;), the reason for the Mechon assault, what Zanza actually is, what Alvis actually is, the fact Bionis and Mechonis awake again during the events of the game, Dickson's betrayal. Btw, I really didn't expect the villain to be from Bionis - or better, to be Bionis itself. That was a nice twist, imo. Although overall I didn't like Zanza that much, I think the 'supporting antagonists' were a bit more interesting. I guess I am bit tired of deities acting as final boss in games :p

Can I say I am a bit disappointed at Riki's lack of screen time? He is like, the first mascot who I don't find extremely obnoxious or extremely bland in a game. He is fun and cute (and that scene where he was the only one, other than Melia, to hear Kallian's last words, melted me), but sadly his screen time and importance is really minor compared to the others. Even Reyn gets more screen time.

Since I am talking about Riki, let me talk a bit about the party members. Shulk is great, one of the very few non-silent main characters in JRPGs that doesn't get on my nerves. In fact, he is quite likable. Sharla is nice, but the fact most of her character development is centered around her boyfriend, Gadolt, kind of irks me. Still, she is quite the badass. Healing people by shooting at them? Wow. Melia is a bit bland on the personality side, but her actions say a lot about her. She is brave and strong and she suffered a lot before and during the events of the game. I respect her. Heropon very cool. Dunban is hilarious, I love how he always make jokes with a straight face. Plus, it is nice to see an older person in a party mostly composed of young people (Well, lets pretend Riki and Melia aren't older than him). Reyn is alright. Lastly, Fiora is probably my favorite character, both in design and gameplay purposes. She is funny and likable. I'd love to have a friend like her.
I loved the game, it is definitely one of my favorites... I doubt I will ever play it again, tho, because it is so freaking long (I clocked 63 hours).

Anyways, can't wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X!

Modular Zeal

Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2014
Bayonetta 1/2
HOLY S***!!!!
Seriously these games are amazing!!! I honestly wasn't expecting much when I first bought them, but when I finished I was SO glad I did! The combat is amazing in this game and the boss fights are just godly!

Bayonetta- 9/10
Bayonetta 2- 9.8/10


Smash Apprentice
Dec 19, 2014
EV Training in Hoenn
Kid Icarus Uprising
Rating: 8/10
I love the graphics, music, and voice direction, but I felt like some of the mechanics needed a bit of polishing. Every level started in the sky and ended on ground, and that gets old. The ground combat feels clumsy with some of the weapons, and the camera doesn't particularly get in the way, but it is by no means perfect.
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Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2015
Southern California
Dragon Age Inquisition was 8/10. It wasn't as good as the first in terms of depth and story, but the graphics were fantastic and there were a lot of difficult choices which carried over from Origins and DA2.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2014
What better way to revive a dead thread than with a post about a game that involves capturing the dead?

Luigi's Mansion (Gamecube): 8/10

+ Very great looking for a 2001 game, a launch game at that. Serves as a great example as to what the Gamecube could do compared to the Nintendo 64.
+ Great atmosphere, the team did a great job making the mansion seem "spooky".
+ Fun and different gameplay from what was provided at the time.
+ Pretty good music, which helps set the mood for the game.

- Boo hunting can get down-right frustrating at times, making it almost a chore in the later parts of the game.
- Rather simple puzzles, most of which boil down to "There are candles here. They're unlit."
- Short, can be completed pretty quickly.
- (Really only applies to NTSC version here, on the PAL version this isn't much of a problem) The Hidden Mansion doesn't change much, giving the same experience as the regular mansion but you take more damage. Pretty good if you're going for 100% and all gold portraits though.

Also, can I ask how the hell this game didn't get a T rating back in the day? Would it have if they went with the hunter ghost that was wanting to make Luigi a trophy?
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Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
Every game I've played recently does not really end.....Sm4sh, MK8, Animal Crossing.

I did download Metroid Fusion again recently and beat that. The ending was meh.

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
I just finished a game of DotA 2, gonna have to rate it a 5 maybe 6/10. It was quite honestly a disgusting experience, that lead to nowhere fast, but redeemed itself in the end with my team winning, all thanks to yours truly, someone other than me.

Oh wait I don't think that counts...

Jet Set Radio was pretty fun 8/10. Not as good as Future, but still loads of fun.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2014
Oh wait I don't think that counts...
I'll say, it just sounds like you're mad at the community. Trust me when I say that you shouldn't let the community of a game ruin your view on a game. Otherwise that TF2 review I posted a while back would've been a lot lower than a 9...

Kurri ★

Nov 22, 2014
Palm Beach FL
Switch FC
I'll say, it just sounds like you're mad at the community. Trust me when I say that you shouldn't let the community of a game ruin your view on a game. Otherwise that TF2 review I posted a while back would've been a lot lower than a 9...
Oh I'm not mad at the community, was just joking. Despite the community being bad and extremely toxic at times I'd actually give it a 9/10 maybe even a 10. It's a really fun game, and if I'm having a bad game, I know a lot of it is due to me being abysmal at MOBAs anyways, so I don't really blame others unless it was clearly their fault.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2014
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver: 8/10

+ EXCELLENT writing and voice acting (RIP Tony Jay), as per the series's norm. If you're one of those nerds that play video games for the story and just the story, play this series (Start with Blood Omen 1 though, like I didn't.)
+ Visuals looks nice for their 1998/1999 time period, the surroundings of the dead and barren Nosgoth help give off the feeling of being in a ruined world.
+ The gameplay is fun, and the choice of two realms to move between to solve puzzles or explore is interesting. The game plays a bit like a 3D Metroidvania or Zelda in the sense that you acquire abilities to use to explore new areas, while solving puzzles ala Zelda. Combat is a bit simple, but is basically "Smack vampire until he's red as hell. Now finish him and eat his soul." Oh, and there are tons of neat upgrades you can miss because you have no idea until you go to Google that, holy crap, the map's frickin' huge despite the ground you cover. The upgrades are optional (except for like two) but they help out.
+ The moody and unique music sounds nice and helps set the tone for the game.

- Except for figuring out where to go sometimes, and certain puzzles, the game's kind of easy. I never Game Over'd (can you even game over in this one?) once in 11 hours.
- Combat is relatively simple and can be a little repetitive.
- Oh man, speaking of repetitive: Block puzzles. Soul Reaver has some nice puzzles, believe me, but most will involve blocks in some form. Push blocks into corner of room, push blocks in a specific way into holes in the wall, line blocks up like the picture on the ground...Nosgoth has a lot of blocks.
- You can tell the game's rushed given the mediocre ending and final boss. There's even a scene where Raziel, the hero, sees visions of times to come...they don't happen. It's basically the devs going "Oh man, look at this scene! Isn't that great?"
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Jul 2, 2014
Golgo-13: Top Secret Episode

This game is a headache-inducing chore, like many other NES games. I give it 1 point for being hilariously indecisive when it comes to its mechanics, and another for that sweet title music. Bonus point for NES boobs.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2015
Gears of War: Judgement

Very weak campaign that plays like a series of small challenge rooms rather than an arcing story. Poor and uninteresting characterisation of the cast, Baird was almost nothing like his usual wise-ass self and Cole was literally just there to say Cole things. Sofia was wasted potential, and was about as interesting as a brick. Paduk was about the only saving grace of the story with some humorous remarks here and there and his attitude problem where the COG were concerned. very functional mechanically, but just a really poor story. Online is standard gears faire, watch a guy eat 4 of your gnasher rounds at point blank and then turn around and kill you in 1 shot. Really dubious changes to multiplayer, removal of DBNO, ridiculous amounts of verticality that turn things into a game of tag, just not very good maps in general...

Only thing that stands out is the Overrun mode. Locust vs COG in a class based tower defence where you can play as various kinds of locust (tickers, wretches, corpsers, etc). Tons of fun and probably the highlight of the game. I could massive amounts of time into this and not get tired of it.
Apr 19, 2015
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

+++ Excellent story
+++ Gameplay
+++ Partners are great (especially Yoshi Kid and Bobbery)
+++ Bowser missions
+++ Most chapters
++ Glitz Pit
++ Paper abilities
++ Final Boss was challenging (unlike in SPM)
--- Limited Inventory
--- General White (having to visit practically every place in the game while searching for him was extremely annoying)
-- Postgame felt lacking (only Pit of 100 Trials and few Trouble Center missions)
- Piranha Plants + sub-species are extremely hard to avoid
- Some Trouble Center missions
- Peach missions (I found most of them either boring or annoying)
- Chapter 2 (only chapter in the game I found annoying)

Despite the cons, I'm giving it 9/10.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2014
Sonic Adventure 2 (PC): 7/10


+ Great music as per the series's norm.
+ Visuals look decent enough for a port of a 2001 game.
+ Excellent replayability in the bonus emblems for each stage, along with the Chao Garden.

- Actions all being bound to the same button (At least with the default PC controls, I couldn't use a controller on the machine I played SA2 on.
- Boring or tedious bosses (The same GUN boss is used three times)
- You can tell Shadow/Tails/Rogue levels were added late in development, as Sonic/Eggman/Knuckles's levels play better and feel more polished.

+ In some ways, feels as an improvement over Sonic's SA1 gameplay.
+ Most of the stages are an absolute blast to play through

- Shadow's levels aren't as good as Sonic's.
- Not enough of it compared to the other two types.

Tails/Dr. Eggman:
+ Longer levels than the Gamma stages from SA1.
+ The platforming hardly gets tedious.

- A bit odd to control on the PC.
- Eggman's levels take up the majority of the Dark story.

+ Levels themselves feel like improvements over Knuckles's SA1 levels.

- They tend to take a while compared to the much quicker running/shooting levels.
- Some levels can be a bit frustrating. (txet sdrawkcab gniyonnA)
- Inferior radar, SA1's worked better and tracked all the pieces at the same time.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
Kero Blaster:

Great game by Pixel. For a platformer on a cell phone, it controls really well. There is even a free "demo" called Pink Hour that gets you prepared for the controls of the actual paid game. This game has much less of a story than Cave Story (it rivals current Mario Games in terms of story) so that's a bit of a downside. The music is great though in a catchy chip tune style akin to that of Cave Story. There are even references to Cave Story strewn about. The weapons you get are varied enough that you'll be switching between them to fit different situations and all of them are very useful. There is a nice difficulty curve, and I overall feel that there were not many cheap moments in my play through.

Overall, I loved this game. I'd say it's my second favorite game for mobile, the first being PvZ 2 (...most of the time. Jester Zombies and Big Wave Beach can go screw themselves)


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
The first game is technically not the last game I finished, so I'm rating two since they're related anyway:

Shadow of The Colossus: 8/10.

+ Epic boss fights with unique puzzles
+ Immersive and huge overworld
+ Great music
+ Replay value (NG+, Hard Mode and Time Trials)
+ Minimal, but emotional story
+ Pacing, defeating bosses creates a nice sense of progress

- Awkward controls
- Puzzles can be annoyingly specific (you can figure out a puzzle, but not actually solve it because you have to do it in a very particular way)
- Colossus 9

Overall, a very good game. I didn't like it at first but it really grew on me, with a lot of the later colossus being a blast to fight. I don't plan on playing it again anytime soon, but if I did I know I'd have something to do with all the extra content.

Here's the other game I'm rating:

ICO: 6/10.

+ Interesting and satisfying puzzles
+ Great, well-designed world with many shortcuts
+ Charming (and adorable) main characters

- Annoying and repetitive combat
- Awkward controls that aren't explained at any point
- Frustrating loss of progress due to save system discourages experimentation.

I can't say I liked ICO very much. You can definitely see where "Team ICO" improved with Shadow of The Colossus, as ICO has a lot of the same issues as that game, and some new ones, with little to make up for it. It's basically one long escort mission, one that had a hard time holding my interest.

Neither ICO or Shadow of The Colossus are really bad games though, ICO just isn't for me.
I'd love to see Team ICO make another game one day...something to do with guardians...:ohwell:


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Mario Tennis: Power Tour

I'll probably get hated for this but I couldn't stand the story mode of this game. Dialogue was boring and completely unnecessary while none of the characters were memorable. The RPG elements could have been done much better since even without leveling up your character the game is pretty easy (even on hard mode). Just run up near the net, hit the ball away from your opponent, and chances are they won't react in time. There are a few fun mini games but overall the game feels empty.

Also the title is very misleading since this game has almost nothing to do with Mario. A few Mario characters appear at the very end for a secret tournament but that's about it.


Smash Cadet
May 3, 2015
Where the sidewalk ends
Kirby Triple Deluxe

I loved it but I had tiny pet peeves about the game. It was also good to see that Hammer is still godlike and I liked that they fused Plasma and Shock. It made shock not feel that bad besides super shield. I loved the dodge mechanic in it, I loved it very much. It made me feel cool to shorthop and dodge moves or to sidestep dodge, it's like I was playing smash except it was fun! When it came to new abilites, Suplex seems to have been replaced with beetle which made me sad and glad. I loved Suplex and hated seeing it being reskinned, but I love Beetles and other exoskeleton insects. I'm indifferent on Whip, Circus was odd, Bell was the only one I disliked and Leaf was cute. I wish it was longer and had more things in it like SSU did, only reason it's not a 10/10 in my book.


Smash Rookie
Jun 2, 2015
Advance Wars 2


Overall the gameplay is addictive and the soundtrack is awesome. The only problem is single player campaign can get really hard and that wouldn't be a problem if playing through the campaign was how you unlock maps and CO's for versus mode. Overall the gameplay is addictive and the soundtrack is awesome. Some CO's are slightly OP too (Grit, Strum, Colin, Kanbei, Sami)


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Nayuta no Kiseki completed. While having the name Kiseki, it's more of a spinoff of the Trails series. The other trails series are all connected while this one has no relation to the actual world. For a Kiseki game, the writing wasn't as strong. Your characters were closer to JRPG tropes but there's a lot of character development going on as things progress. Interesting lore the all wraps up together towards the end. The game definitely gives off PS1 vibes. It's almost like if you put Brave Fencer Musashi and Threads of Fate in terms of gameplay.

Overall, it was a very fun game with interesting mechanics. The only way to play it in English is by using a fan translated patch. I'd recommend it to anyone that liked PS1 action RPGs back in the day and want to try something similar.


I've completed Kirby: Triple Deluxe for the 3DS recently.

8/10: This is the first Kirby game I've ever played, and as a whole it's a good game. The only things bothering me were the length of the levels and the fact it was hard to get into until I got further into the game (the second being the main reason I rated it 8/10). One of my favorite things about this game was collecting the Sun Stones and Keychains. To me it was so addicting (the sun stones at least), and the keychains really took you back into the past (who knew that Master Hand was in an old Kirby game?). Also, another thing I liked about the game was how in some levels used Kirby's inhale, you could pull out scrolls. There was one of a level from the original Kirby game on the game boy and another that showed the "Evolution" of Kirby (I personally love those). Finally I loved the powers you could use (I knew beforehand Kirby could copy powers but I really like the types). Hammer, Sword, Archer, and Music were my favorites. The music one was especially cute XD. It's a good game in my opinion.

Nixon Corral

Southland Scion
Jan 16, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Last game I finished was Ice Climber. It was terrible.

I really need to step it up. I've finished far fewer games this year than last (I think I finished 41 last year?) at only 8 so far. Oh well. Life's also been a bit more interesting than it was last year. Give and take, right? :estatic:
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Dem Bones

Smash Rookie
May 18, 2015
Auburn, Alabama
Finished Bioshock again for, like, the 4th time. Still such a great game, only to be ruined by a generic boss fight at the end. Looking forward to picking up Bioshock Infinite since Steam has it on sale.

8/10, would rapture again


May 2, 2015
Dragon Age: Inquisition - 7/10

Overall I really liked the game. There were just a few things that made it harder for me to like.

· Character Creation
· Several racial options and the option to change gender. (*1) This choice also affects how the world views you.
· Easy to learn Controls
· Several Companions with unique personalities
· Overall a decent story
· The graphics were beautiful
· The writing was fairly decent
· Choices made by the player can affect the story
· Romance options (*2)
· Most of the romance scenes were fantastic!
· Customization of Skyreach
· Varric

· Horribly weak ending (*3)
· Grinding had to be done to advance the story. (*4)
· The combat overall wasn't satisfying. (*5)
· Side quests often felt like a chore rather and occasionally NEEDED to be done in order to advance the story....even when the story suggested that danger was coming. They took away from the urgency and felt downright silly at times.
· Fetch quests!
· The crafting system made no sense to me and when I actually did craft something it was worthless compared to previously obtained gear (*6)
· Main baddie was overall an uninteresting character. (*7)
· For a game called "Dragon Age" I'd expect more dragons and less demons. Minor nitpick but still.

*1 Not that I regularly play as the opposite sex but I like having the option.

*2 This was only one playthrough but **** I loved those. I'm a big romantic (don't judge meh plz) and this game did not disappoint. I honestly felt quite touched occasionally.

*3 Final fight was me and my companions wacking away at a big health bar for 30 minutes. The final cutscenes were meh. And the final romance scene was the only weak one for me. It was all very unsatisfying for such a long game.

*4 This was easily my least favorite thing. At the beginning this wasn't really a big deal. But further along in the story I had to spend HOURS trying to speed through boring sidequests and such to continue the story, which was horribly tedious considering that not all side quests count towards advancing said story. Another problem for me personally is that midway through the game I realized that the combat was less fun than the rather interesting story. So i turned the difficulty to casual so I could just play through the story and make combat faster. The point being that all I wanted was to go through the story but in order to do that I was forced to go through the boring hack and slash combat that I desperately wanted to avoid for, once again, HOURS.

*5 This is partially me being inexperienced with this type of combat admittedly. It just felt so hack and slash plus a few cool effects here and there.

*6 This is often the case with me and RPGs through the first playthrough. Even in skyrim the first time around I BARELY spent time crafting. The problem in this instance is that by the end of this game it still made little sense to me.

*7 Evil guy is evil. Overall a completely stereotypical baddie. He thinks he is superior to you in every way and craves more power blah blah take over the world evil evil evil. Too bad that they didn't do a better job with him. Literally every other main character was more interesting.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2015
Barkley: Shut Up and Jam, Gaiden was a game that kept me wanting to play more, with expert writing and gameplay that's hard not to return to simply for its unique charms. I've never felt so sympathetic for a post-cyberpocalyptic octoroon great-grandson of Lebron James, and I've never been so terrified to fight a giant amalgamation of basketballs and flesh in the tomb of many ballers past. It's at times a very touching story laden with cleverly written satire and sarcasm.
For a freeware GameMaker RPG with a 20 dollar budget, Barkley: Shut Up and Jam, Gaiden is an impossibility. For a game, Barkley: Shut Up and Jam, Gaiden is a masterpiece. I don't know if I have the power to title it as such, but I would say that Barkley is likely one of the best games to ever have been created.


I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver: 8/10

+ EXCELLENT writing and voice acting (RIP Tony Jay), as per the series's norm. If you're one of those nerds that play video games for the story and just the story, play this series (Start with Blood Omen 1 though, like I didn't.)
+ Visuals looks nice for their 1998/1999 time period, the surroundings of the dead and barren Nosgoth help give off the feeling of being in a ruined world.
+ The gameplay is fun, and the choice of two realms to move between to solve puzzles or explore is interesting. The game plays a bit like a 3D Metroidvania or Zelda in the sense that you acquire abilities to use to explore new areas, while solving puzzles ala Zelda. Combat is a bit simple, but is basically "Smack vampire until he's red as hell. Now finish him and eat his soul." Oh, and there are tons of neat upgrades you can miss because you have no idea until you go to Google that, holy crap, the map's frickin' huge despite the ground you cover. The upgrades are optional (except for like two) but they help out.
+ The moody and unique music sounds nice and helps set the tone for the game.

- Except for figuring out where to go sometimes, and certain puzzles, the game's kind of easy. I never Game Over'd (can you even game over in this one?) once in 11 hours.
- Combat is relatively simple and can be a little repetitive.
- Oh man, speaking of repetitive: Block puzzles. Soul Reaver has some nice puzzles, believe me, but most will involve blocks in some form. Push blocks into corner of room, push blocks in a specific way into holes in the wall, line blocks up like the picture on the ground...Nosgoth has a lot of blocks.
- You can tell the game's rushed given the mediocre ending and final boss. There's even a scene where Raziel, the hero, sees visions of times to come...they don't happen. It's basically the devs going "Oh man, look at this scene! Isn't that great?"
Did you play the Sega Dreamcast version i didn't i played it on Playstation uno a few years back also i need to play the sequel for this game.
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