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Rahndaym topic (formally gay, then not gay, then re-gay rage)


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Basically, as some people know, I'm gay (and if you didn't, you do now).

Anyway, my younger brothers/sisters/parents (parents obviously aren't younger) are all fine with it, etc etc.

It was revealed today to my older brother (who is a drug addict and on Disability because of problems he himself caused by using drugs in the first place) found out. He walks up to be and goes "You are kidding? Not only are you a half wog (he's full, as he would say, "Aussie") You are a ****ing ****** as well (two F words, one obvious, one is the one for gays)? He did this in a very aggressive tone. I attempted to explain how I had no say in the matter (I don't, those that don't understand, you just don't) and the next thing he does is just punches me straight in the face and yells out "*****". At this stage I got up and smashed him in the back of the head with a pole, but I only attacked back because he attacked me.

I hate this sort of discrimination. I can get accepted by so many people but when my own family (parts of it) turn me away, you have no idea how utterly wrenching it is. I have no problem with gay jokes, like, "Oh Nova would suck the big one" etc, or people calling people gay, it's just when homophobia enters I lose control. But for my own, older brother to punch me just because this was lightly announced.... Luckily my younger brother is a lot larger and put him in his place very quickly.


btw, as I said, I have no issues with gay jokes and such, or calling things gay, whatever. The word has changed definitions more than once anyway. Just *Sigh* Punched by my own brother for something I have no control over....


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
your bro sounds like a douche...
sometimes i dont know what to say around gays :X
but yeah its your choice in the end =P
atleast brother wont sue... i hope =P


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
yeah youre brother is a doosh.

admittedly, i dont really know you very well, so feel free to discard this as you see fit. but in my experience, so people, even if theyre family, simply arent worth it. i dont respect or like people because i should, but rather, because in my eyes they do something that makes them respectable or likable. a brother is not someone who is born from the same parents, but rather, someone who you can tell anything to, and they should defend you at all times. this is the kind of relationship i have with my brother. parents really have nothing to do with it. we'd most likely be best mates anyway.

but for someone to punch another human being unprovoked... i dont know, i just cant understand it. and while its hard to admit that youre better off without someone who youd rather have in your corner, sometimes its for the best. at least until they sort themselves out. its not your problem, nor is there anything you can do to make them see reason.

there are such things as bad people in this world, and unfortunately, its generally best to avoid them. it sucks, but not as much as your futile efforts to have them on side.

but yeah, this is where my experiences have led me. feel free to take on board any of this, or ignore all of it. just the point of view of someone who's worn that mask before.


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
i wish i had a bro
2 sisters, hate them both
can we turn this into a *****ing thread


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
If i had a drug addict brother i would hit him with a pole for being that way lol. Need to knock some sense into him.
What happened to him when u hit him with the pole? He get knocked out?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
your bro sounds like a douche...
sometimes i dont know what to say around gays :X
but yeah its your choice in the end =P
atleast brother wont sue... i hope =P
He won't. He's too stupid to even know how to walk out of his room half the time.

yeah youre brother is a doosh.

admittedly, i dont really know you very well, so feel free to discard this as you see fit. but in my experience, so people, even if theyre family, simply arent worth it. i dont respect or like people because i should, but rather, because in my eyes they do something that makes them respectable or likable. a brother is not someone who is born from the same parents, but rather, someone who you can tell anything to, and they should defend you at all times. this is the kind of relationship i have with my brother. parents really have nothing to do with it. we'd most likely be best mates anyway.

but for someone to punch another human being unprovoked... i dont know, i just cant understand it. and while its hard to admit that youre better off without someone who youd rather have in your corner, sometimes its for the best. at least until they sort themselves out. its not your problem, nor is there anything you can do to make them see reason.

there are such things as bad people in this world, and unfortunately, its generally best to avoid them. it sucks, but not as much as your futile efforts to have them on side.

but yeah, this is where my experiences have led me. feel free to take on board any of this, or ignore all of it. just the point of view of someone who's worn that mask before.
Very wise words. Taken them all on board. Thanks Attila.

You deserve a medal if any of my faimily reacted like that I would of been on the next train out of town
Yeah a lot of my family is religious (Christian AND Muslim sided) it's a bit of a hassle I can't tell some people because they will react like this, so I try and keep it to myself. Even this post itself is pretty strange of me because I usually keep it low profile. Not anymore, but I don't want to be one of those "Oh I just came out so I'm gonna tell the entire world people" >_>.

i wish i had a bro
2 sisters, hate them both
can we turn this into a *****ing thread
I have 6 brothers and 5 sisters. You can trade the 2 sisters from my older brother? >_>

If i had a drug addict brother i would hit him with a pole for being that way lol. Need to knock some sense into him.
What happened to him when u hit him with the pole? He get knocked out?
No but he fell down hard and my younger brother (who is 6ft4) literally picked him up and said should I throw you out the door or will you be MAN enough to walk? Owned pretty hardcore.


Smash Champion
Jul 27, 2009
In an alternate universe.
as un relative as this is, the only Gay guy i've ever known is a friend of mine.. he doesnt let me fart around him.. so **** annoying.

but anyway.

this event is real unfortunate, i've never known anyone to react like that to such a small/big thing being announced. your brother will get what's coming to him eventually.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Metanova firstly using weapons is not a good idea.

If someone punched you randomlly in the face you keep punching them until they are all ****ed up and about to die. Ok you do not stop until you see they are at a point where they will not be able to take a hit that is when you stop.

But what you did then was wrong wrong wrong. NEVER EVER HURT FAMILY MEMBERS. FAMILY IS THE BEST THING YOU CAN POSSIBLY HAVE in your life. So what it was your brother he punched you he is your brother man just take the punch and tell him nicley to go away or try and calm him down. If it was some random that did that yes you have teh right to go mad but not if it's your own family member. Family is always first.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Alzi, I don't even consider him part of my family anymore.

1: For discriminating against me 'cause I'm partly Turkish/Puerto Rican and he isn't.
2: For discriminating against me 'cause I'm gay and PUNCHING me for no reason.

What I did was right right right, and if he ever EVER comes at me like that again I swear to god I'll give it back double time. He's on the bad side of the "wog" side of my family now anyway, so I doubt I'll have trouble with the nub anymore.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
eye for an eye is sometimes... good...
but just eye for a decap... bad...
we all cant be saints :S

i think he will understand in time tho... when hes not 2 high


Smash Ace
Mar 15, 2009
South Australia, Australia
Geez alzi im a pacifist and if my brother hits me in the face, im sure as hell gonna hit him back. (but that would make me not a pacifist?)
The thing about weapons reminds me of something. My dad always says never use weapons, if i ever used a weapon to hurt my brother or sister or vice versa he would call the cops to take me away. As he's been in the police for like 30 years he knows the damage a weapon can cause and that it can also create legal issues.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
The weapon was a major impulse. I was friggin furious.

Anyway, I'd better go to bed now. Tired.... urgh. Thanks to the people on MSN (like 5) that talked to me about this, really helped.


Smash Ace
Aug 9, 2005
Moorabbin/Hampton East, Melbourne, Australia
wow meta, that really sucks. sadly tbh my 13 year old brother who is much stronger than me started beating me up when i told him i was gay... in the end i passed it off as a joke and hes fine about it, but if he ever finds the truth...

(btw i know i shouyldnt have said it in first place, he typing right behind me and nearly saw what i wrote :O)


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
You don't hit your family. They are family.

I understand wogs Metanova i know alot of them and theres alot in Sydney / Melbourne.

I hope it works out for you Metanova if he comes again don't turn it into a fight since it might go to far.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Alzi, word of advice: Just walk away. This is Meta's thread, not yours. Drop it.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
i'd like to post something constructive and nice but im not to sure what to say other than "that sucks man" :/

hope stuff ends up working out/getting better somehow hey

problems come and go, you'll deal with it man, just vent like this or talk to people, usually the best way to deal with it.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Yeah just ignore what others say. You are steal human right? Your not some alien with 5 legs and 6 hands that makes you so dam diffrent to your brother.

Your brother is the one on the wrong path by doing drugs and imo thats probally what made him hit you the drugs. Try get him off the drugs Metanova? Or is he just so gay that he won't listen?


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
alzi gets yet another facepalm. seriously, drop it.

what meta did was harsh, yes, but at the same time, quite understandable. that being said, i remember a time when a young tibor also punched me in the face. it was an accident though. i told him to get out of the room before i killed him, and he ran. and he were fine again the next day.

different story here, and i certainly dont think meta should be condemned for it.

but yeah, talk here until you feel better.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Heh Tibs punching you (even if it was an accident, he so doesn't seem the violent type). At least you had the self control to talk before acting, in my case I was so **** angry I didn't have any control at all. I just wanted to hurt him.

Alzi, do you even have any brothers? Because sometimes things get out of control (like here) very quickly. I was lucky that my younger and much stronger brother (yeah the dreaded Antonio for those that know him) was able to pull me away from him and then virtually throw him out the house. There is no hope for my older brother btw; unlike him I didn't CHOOSE to take drugs and screw my brain to the point of being diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic - I was BORN this way (gay, not paranoid). >_> That's what made me so..... hot headed. I am not usually the violent type (argumentative yes, not violent).


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Everyone has that tendancy to be violent in the back there somewhere, it's what makes us human really. What differs from person to person is how we control those urges.

But in that regard, everyone has the right to defend themselves. Everyone also has the right to stand up for what they believe in and no one can tell you how to live your life.


Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2008
Melbourne/Gold Coast
Umm hmm, I used to get violent often, and it would be near impossible now for people to even contemplate that. But I did some really horrible things(I'm not saying horrible in a naive way)

Can't tell you what to think, but I started changing when I stopped feeling anger over what people said and did, and more understanding, compassion and sadness over what some people chose. This is still the way which I view things and it helps me from hating those who did things against me. When you get older and when relationships change due to death or seperation, maybe things will work out between you two, that's what happened to me

Anyway, :):):):):):):)


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
Wow that really sucks Meta =/

All I can say is that things that are discriminated against such as race, gender, sexual preference are mainly seen in a negative light because of people either...
a) The majority of society having a discriminatory view due to wanting to have the same views as everyone else and going along with it to the point where it becomes a value of society
b) People being so incredibly self-conscious of how they are seen in society that they will act out against any member of society that is not seen as "normal" in order for them to be seen as a member of "normal" society

Hence why some people are so incredibly naive and stupid that they can't think for themselves, so they just follow whatever other people believe


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Umm hmm, I used to get violent often, and it would be near impossible now for people to even contemplate that. But I did some really horrible things(I'm not saying horrible in a naive way)
Yeah that is definitely near impossible to comprehend. You? Angry? Violent? Wha?? lol.

I live in the same house as this brother, so atm it's a tad difficult, just had another somewhat bad encounter, I just walked away. I'm to the point of where I'll let others (who are much larger than me) deal with him, not worth my time.

Wow that really sucks Meta =/

All I can say is that things that are discriminated against such as race, gender, sexual preference are mainly seen in a negative light because of people either...
a) The majority of society having a discriminatory view due to wanting to have the same views as everyone else and going along with it to the point where it becomes a value of society
b) People being so incredibly self-conscious of how they are seen in society that they will act out against any member of society that is not seen as "normal" in order for them to be seen as a member of "normal" society

Hence why some people are so incredibly naive and stupid that they can't think for themselves, so they just follow whatever other people believe
I agree with this 100%. To the word. I even explained it to some people yesterday. Ah well.

Thank you all for listening to this rant.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
You know what they say if someone hits you turn them your other cheek.

I personally can't hit no one unless it was to save my life or someones else's life. Just live life how you want Metanova and ignore every bad comment you get.

Also i can't believe i said "Steal" instead of "Still" lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2008
Flipping Out Someplace
^ This is so true, it's hard to believe he actually would but that just gives him credit to the changes he made working so well

<3 Chris


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2008
meta i have no idea what you go through so while i cant sympathise i can certainly empathise

everyone i think has their fair share of problems, some more than others just know that anyone here is probably willing to listen to you, there is more love in the smash scene than hate, take it from a guy who got beaten up by the sydney melee crew!!


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I want to say something but this keyboard is pissing me off too much.

Everyone's said something anyway I'm sure, I don't think anything I say means much anyway.

Just be happy with yourself, is all I can say.
You are the way you are.
As long as you don't look at yourself and say: "I wish I wasn't this way.", you'll be fine in the end.

You have friends (I assume), and us, too. <3


Just to make a point, I'm a raging f@g.
My family doesn't care except for my older brother, and basically my entire extended family (hardcore Christians) who are homophobes.
They don't know, but if they did and didn't like it, I wouldn't give a ****, 'cause I'm happy with myself.

Be proud! C:
Just don't go around and flare it out to all, like me.
Causes a lot of crap, but I can tank it. c:

Anyway my point is, your family isn't everything, they're just people, like everyone else.
Surround yourself with people that don't mind and still like/love you.
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