Hello 1st post
Everything was nice untill DM did not listen to zerick and Burn, number of time they said "lets work this out together" but i think DM just called the cops instead when the Fries knew Burn and said they would listen to him.
I saw Burn watching the match when som1 in the crowd Actually close to me ( he had a mole on his neck that trailed down) said GAY about a pink shirt and Green Metaknight and Burn looked over. What I SAW was the fries started to say stuf AFTER the match when DM and INUI SAID the fries talked trash. Quote "WE DIDN'T SAY SH*T GAY ***! WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT" DM went over to Burn to cry about how he want to fight them but cant because they are 17.
The fries look Bigger and meaner
The cops came, and I went for a smoke to get the details, DM made it look like som1 punched him in the ballz, till Burn came out saying he's in charge of whats going on. The cops asked for IDs even mine, when I was just smoking
Burn was the sh*tz saying how it was just video game trash talk that DM couldn't take it ; his partner trash talked every1 else last time. DM made us all laugh how he said INUI is a HO-MO and felt that wasnt nice to say. The cops talked to Burn about WHO should goto jail- 1st he said get take them all way but right after he was like i want them to stay, and make up, but not come back for the next 1
Burn should have let the cops take m away
The cops forced DM and 1 of the fries to shake hands - Burn thank the cops and said he be doing the calling is somthng trouble come from this then the cops talked to Us all again about if Burn was telling the truth, sure he was.
The cops told us to leave and to talk to burn again, who know what they said But as soon as that happened he came back in to tell Inui and the Fries they can't play Singles and won't be coming back. The Fries played burn and Zerick and Lost, right after that DM wanted his money back and Burn said somthing about a Disclaimer on each sheet, by law that isn't
stealing its visable.
The Fries was acting more of adults then DM and INUI could ever be; they never asked for a refund they never complained about the banning. They told us all they just wanted to scare the panzies for pay back from last tourny.
What me & my friends think that happen was burn and the cops talked about making what happen fair because when you call the cops that means trouble but NO trouble FALSE ALERT. So maybe Burn had to remove the 2 parties after they finished there matches, and then Ban them so nothing like this would happen between the two instead of going to jail that night. Burn was defending both paties and both side got equal treatment. so end of story.
DM and Inui are panzies who can't take trash talk, who messes up every1 FUN! & Like to make sh*t up ! The ally manager let Burn call the shots what ever the cops did if u didn't hear the 2 of them inside and outside I think Burn is tight with them there BULL SH*tz with your HO-MO MAKE UP SH*tz there is camras too they talked about. SO Fries did nothing to anyone's eyes beside yours & crowbars was a panzy threat to you Ho-Moz for j*erking off the toury. they got you scared p*ssing ur pants already.
Inui you got alot of Ballz for a HO-MO to bite the mouth that feeds! You won 2xs now there and still complain - start trouble No wonder why you got banned with DM. Burn might have bumped the cash prize if more pepole like last time show up.
The turn out wasnt like last time ; because Inui trashed talked all the noobs from not coming back this time. (which i'm happy that som1 did in the crowd to start that mess) Burn said he needed to make 200 back for the rent, and he gave out over $245 in cash prizes if i'm correctcause all 3rd places got their money back. Girls got 3 dollar off, and all the guys that helped got in for free do the math - HE might just broke even.
Set up was way diffrent then before and rules was the more counter picks He did post about more wiis and tv needed and when I talked to him he said somthing about workers from RAGE was working or somthing like that
I Did ask why the large list of rules and he said his boss from RAGE made some kind of lvl division were noobs use certain stages when pros use other stages ;in the end to not cnofuse any1 to just use the whole d@mn list.
Next time i'll bring my DVD-RW Player/rec. for Burn to record the finals!
Burn went crazy every time people go up to check who up next tripping over sh*t and spilling soda (INUI I SAW U UP HIS A** 30 times I SAW IT
) Burn told Inui if he didnt like the tournament last time why did he bother coming. Burn was nice enough to Give out the certificates but INUI threw his there and left without it, some1 spilled soda on MEXI and the rests so Burn got P*ssed more the girl that was helping Burn was very nice but got P*ssed off at INUI and alot of other poeple too; like Burn did. She was Holding Burn back alot from Inui and asked for him to leave IF Burn got his hands on Inui ; DM would have reason to call the cops. I think I remember Inui saying you cant can't kick me out of here ; burns said somthing like he has the authority to do it with the cops. What other legal way can he do it? INUI is a
FAT F*ck with boobs that does nt move.
I'm going to the next 1 Because INUI won't be there, DM you were alright too bad you had to C0ck out and call the cops. Signs on the walls said No fighting ;none said No trash talk LOLZ!!!
Team Aqua in Doubles go in 2nd because of that girls fault not Burns that was going on durning the cop mess up!
*** YOU DM for messing Sh*t up!!!!
Loser matches 1 round i can see it happeni with all the little time and every1 wanting to go home early.
I hope next time Burn listen to Velocity wise words; they talk alot.
You looked like a kid i knew from school name John Fisher!
Burn: You Pikachu hat was off the hook! My friends and I thought you knew nothing about the game till you played some I wish i could friendly you and zerick next time. PLEASE get Rage to host another tourny soon! ThaT wut up hot sh*t making these kids here p*ssed because it not there tournament.
Burn: dont listen to them everyone that is posting is Inui, Inui's Boyfriend(DM( & Inui's Boy Toys, & poeple who dont know sh*t that happen. Bunch of C*nts who think they know everything when they no nuthing and have nuthing beter to do beside trash talk here because they can't do it to some1 face or else they get scared and called the cops. Every1 else that know the fries and your groupy dont come here so i represent *****! Host the next one at your studios
Keitaro: They Ban DM and Inui #1 inui was close to ban or was last tournament #2 Inui was partners with DM who called the cops for Un-excusedable reasons #3 DM didnt listen to Burn when he was being mature about the problem #4 DM and Inui made false statements when it was someone else who started it. #5 Ummm Burn doesn't like Inui? #6 Burn had to do somthing for wasting the cops time #7 Kiss and make up dont work with Inui and DM (proof is all over boards)
Inui: Just shut up your making sh*t up. Burn doesn't bluff he is crazy Mo-Fo
Call me a noob or f*ggot or what ever but Burn did nothing wrong just like the Fries, the words i typed are true to that took place with details n all. I was not playing I was watching everything in case no1 remembers me I wore a UFC hat all night. My partner did not show up and burn said i could pay later if he showed up but didnt. Burn Props goes to you!
Burn said on here he was removing somthig like 2.50 and you all still show up. Dont talk about payout anymore you dayum faulting *****.