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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I also don't have a facebook, or skype for that matter but I'll probably download that soon anyway so I like the idea of a snake skype

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Easiest way to add other snakes instead of posting personal info here would be to have someone make a fb group and post the link here. That way we can all find each other without searching.



The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
ok guys, i need a hand. i've got a rather large oos tourney coming up in less than two weeks, and i've just come back from a few months off. so i'm requesting a critique.

i'm posting this here instead of the critique thread because this gets way more traffic lol. maybe even get razer to have a look.

i've linked 5 videos below. feel free to watch one or all or whatever, and comment on anything you think i'm doing wrong. i know i roll on the ledge a lot, and this is something i'm trying to fix, and my tech skill is still a bit yuk from the break. but anything else, please comment on.

one big thing is that i find a comeback extremely difficult. if i lose the first stock first, i really cant revenge kill without taking significant damage. perhaps its a mindset thing, ruining my playstyle. i think i need to earn my kills better.


pity its all snake diddy but i havent got to play anyone else recently.

thank you in advance.
Aug 6, 2008
one big thing is that i find a comeback extremely difficult. if i lose the first stock first, i really cant revenge kill without taking significant damage. perhaps its a mindset thing, ruining my playstyle. i think i need to earn my kills better.
That's just brawl making comebacks difficult by nature. You have to out play your opponent or be in many more advantageous situations than them to a greater degree in order to ever make a comeback. That effect is compounded because if Snake messed up, you take extra 30% trying to get back to neutral.

I guess mindset is part of it though if you are getting over hasty in your gameplay and becoming too narrow minded while playing.

I'll just rip apart this match and see if you agree or not.
~0:08 Diddy is camping platforms, he hits you while your trying to throw a nade.

~0:12 why did you dash attack grab a banana peel when your ending lag would put you straight underneath Diddy?

~0:15 you slip on a banana peel after fast falling straight onto it. Did you even see it there when you made that choice?

~0:19 you slip on yet another thrown banana peel trying to pull a grenade

~0:28 you throw a banana peel and commit to a dash attack; but somehow managed to avoid getting punished after it failed

~0:31 you got hit by another banana peel while trying to hold a grenade

~0:34-0:42 you get into a boxing match of sorts, no nades, no bananas, I think you could have won that little exchange

~0:44-0:52, your no longer getting hit by banana peels for plucking nades since your so far away from him now.

~0:58 you have diddy offstage. I am not sure I agree with using a banana as your method of edgeguarding. You probably could have grabbed the ledge trying to Bair him, or simple keep diddy at the ledge racking up damage if he tried to get back on stage from the ledge.

~1:03 nice SDI of the Fsmash, not srue if intentional, but you got a grab.

~1:13 well, you got grabbed when he was invincible being stuck at the ledge. There might be a better method for wearing off his invincibility by sticking to the center of the stage and mixing up moving in different directions, just so you don't end up with so little room at the end of the stage.

Anyway, next 10 seconds of snake getting recovery wrecked, not much you can do about that.

~1:26 You get an Utilt and that likely could have lead into something, but you choose to get back to center stage instead. Not a bad idea, but you possibly could have profited from that Utilt a little more.

~1:33 unfortunate bair you received, but you got 60% on him before dying. good work before death

~1:40 you got hit by another banana plucking a grenade

~1:53 you did that Nair a little late there.

The rest of the match you played well.

Overall, I believe you need to think ahead about the decisions you make. Using a banana might have worked as you did in edgeguarding, but it seems an unnecessary gamble. And your other methods at edgeguarding worked much better later on in the match. Once you denied Diddy having access to bananas, the match went a lot smoother. Trying to pluck nades when diddy has bananas within throwing distance, I feel is not a wise move unless you are far out of his range for throwing them.

Take this critique however you want. Remember, I suck at this game.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
champion effort, much appreciated. a fresh set of eyes is always helpful.

my responses are in red :D

I'll just rip apart this match and see if you agree or not.
~0:08 Diddy is camping platforms, he hits you while your trying to throw a nade.
you're right, he's trying to lure me in. i should be more patient at the start of matches. perhaps throw grenades from further away.

~0:12 why did you dash attack grab a banana peel when your ending lag would put you straight underneath Diddy?
can't explain that one. it's bad from every angle. might've been an accident lol

~0:15 you slip on a banana peel after fast falling straight onto it. Did you even see it there when you made that choice?
failed instant throw. blaming that one on lack of recent playtime.

~0:19 you slip on yet another thrown banana peel trying to pull a grenade
this seems to be a recurring problem. i didnt need to move forward. need to work on my safety spacing.

~0:28 you throw a banana peel and commit to a dash attack; but somehow managed to avoid getting punished after it failed
i was anticipating that he would throw it back. he does this all the time. i dont think he had any good responses to this in that position.

~0:31 you got hit by another banana peel while trying to hold a grenade
once again, shouldve moved back.

~0:34-0:42 you get into a boxing match of sorts, no nades, no bananas, I think you could have won that little exchange
needs more pivot grab.

~0:44-0:52, your no longer getting hit by banana peels for plucking nades since your so far away from him now.
safer spacing.

~0:58 you have diddy offstage. I am not sure I agree with using a banana as your method of edgeguarding. You probably could have grabbed the ledge trying to Bair him, or simple keep diddy at the ledge racking up damage if he tried to get back on stage from the ledge.
in that instance, i agree. it works really well if diddy cant stop it setting up, but in this instance, i shouldve stayed grounded. nicely spotted.

~1:03 nice SDI of the Fsmash, not srue if intentional, but you got a grab.
i actually sdi out of fsmash relatively regularly. i've got a big reputation in australia for this lol. only works if i predict it though.

~1:13 well, you got grabbed when he was invincible being stuck at the ledge. There might be a better method for wearing off his invincibility by sticking to the center of the stage and mixing up moving in different directions, just so you don't end up with so little room at the end of the stage.
something that im definitely bad at. get wrecked by invincibility. ill watch some razer vids to gather ideas.

Anyway, next 10 seconds of snake getting recovery wrecked, not much you can do about that.

~1:26 You get an Utilt and that likely could have lead into something, but you choose to get back to center stage instead. Not a bad idea, but you possibly could have profited from that Utilt a little more.
i was actually predicting him to airdodge towards the middle, and was going to punish with bair. apparently he forgot the mine was there.

~1:33 unfortunate bair you received, but you got 60% on him before dying. good work before death
once again though, it was me moving forward while pulling out a nade. this is a serious hinderance to my game.

~1:40 you got hit by another banana plucking a grenade

~1:53 you did that Nair a little late there.
cant say i know why i did it at all. some ambitious silly read.

The rest of the match you played well.

once im clearly ahead, it become a lot easier.

Overall, I believe you need to think ahead about the decisions you make. Using a banana might have worked as you did in edgeguarding, but it seems an unnecessary gamble. And your other methods at edgeguarding worked much better later on in the match. Once you denied Diddy having access to bananas, the match went a lot smoother. Trying to pluck nades when diddy has bananas within throwing distance, I feel is not a wise move unless you are far out of his range for throwing them.

i really think edgeguarding with bananas is a good idea when done properly. this either requires sufficient space/time, or a good read. there are examples in my other matches, like:

thanks heaps man. seriously. i think this made a big different. that walking forward while pulling a nade is really screwing with my game. and i wouldnt have noticed it otherwise.
Aug 6, 2008
Glad my effort wasn't shot down lol

I still need to get some myself recorded. I always forget to hit the replay save at the end of the match ;p
Aug 6, 2008
Okay, lets bust out that old snake main. What was one of the first names of Snake coming into the scene? I believe he ended up stopping into 09 I think.
Aug 6, 2008
I think Diska means that for your "first week", your pulling off a ton of stuff in this video that most other people seem to have a hard time doing consistently when they first pick up the game ever.

For example, your pulling off jab cancels, turnaround specials, b-reversals, and dacus. You even c4 recover a bit. I have seen a few people attempt to play Snake or trying to learn how to play him and they have no idea how to control the character as you displayed in that first video.

edit: false was flashy at birth. He jumped out of the womb with a controller in his hand and said, "I'll make the next wargasm" lol


Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2010
I think Diska means that for your "first week", your pulling off a ton of stuff in this video that most other people seem to have a hard time doing consistently when they first pick up the game ever.

For example, your pulling off jab cancels, turnaround specials, b-reversals, and dacus. You even c4 recover a bit. I have seen a few people attempt to play Snake or trying to learn how to play him and they have no idea how to control the character as you displayed in that first video.

edit: false was flashy at birth. He jumped out of the womb with a controller in his hand and said, "I'll make the next wargasm" lol
Xeylode knows what I mean.
I see you doing: jab - ftilt
knowing to shield as you approach when projectiles are heading your way
knowing how to use the c4
walking while holding a nade and then shielding out of it
attempting bair stage spikes
blowing a c4 and then landing on the person with a bair right away
using dthrow and having a general idea of how it's meant to be used

a bunch of other things.

I can't believe you when you say it's your 'first week' of brawl. Maybe your first week playing Snake seriously, but not your first week of Brawl lol. No one picks up that stuff so quickly. You used too many competitive Snake tactics for me to believe it could have been your first week ever with Brawl.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2010
Heaven's Arena, Republic of Padokea
I played at release with mario if that counts. I watched like a months worth of snake stuff (all WAR) because it was really intriguing the way he was so flashy. I tried to copy it lol.

but that week was when I decided to actually try it out xD. I was hooked on Snake ever since.


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2010
Plus the first 2 don't really show progression. Now from your matches with Keitaro to Nakat that shows progression.
Aug 6, 2008
Snake versus snake might be a tough call. I am not sure if its our best stage in that match-up. Its probably our worst.

But explain, why is it such a good stage?

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I like ps1 a lot with snake as well. Low ceilings, platforms, gay edges don't really affect snake but mess others up, snake can take control of most transformations and use them to his advantage. Overall, if you can learn how to fight in the different transformations it is a very good choice. But against characters that have gay things against walls (i.e. DDD's chaingrab) it might be better to take them somewhere else.



Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2010
Im not disagreeing with you, in fact im doing the complete opposite. What I am saying is that ps1 is soo good that even if ur facing a ddd there u have an option of running away cuz ps1 is sooo big. But yes I know there are better cps for chars like ddd.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
ps1... it's just a boss stage.

when its neutral, you get heaps of room to camp like a mofo. the spread out of the platforms give you places to land and juggle, but dont cover the middle or the outside, so you cant get juggled so much when recovering. and the ledge is gay for everyone who isnt us.

all the transformations improve your camping game, except the windmill. camp on one side of the tree in the fire transformation, gives you some free hits. camp in the middle of the rock transformation properly and no one can approach you (it looks like a bad position, but its amazing to camp there, trust me). the grass transformation gives you slopes and a random tree branch for your nades to bounce off, which, given that theyre more of less invisible there, helps tremendously. and the windmill... we dominate that thing. anyone comes near us and theyre gonna take way too much damage.

and its big. we live forever. and we kill everyone early anyone.

AND the music is the best since dream land 64. for shizzzzz


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
PS1 is great, really don't see how it's bad against DDD, I actually think that's my favorite stage in that MU, the wall is easily avoidable and you can run away forever. There's a few characters I wouldn't take there but DDD is not one of them

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Ha I never said it was bad against DDD, I just said maybe there is a better choice against some characters. Whether there is or not comes down to personal preference and play style.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2010
Our best stages imo: Halberd and PS1. After that, BF, Lylat, FD. Then SV and Delphino. Then YI and Frigate. Brinstar is an absolute no-no. RC is eh. Just my thoughts.

-PS1 is really good for us for what people said above. Kind of like a much improved FD. This stage is good for like... almost every MU imo.

-Halberd is really good. My most common cp stage if I have a choice due to the obvious low ceiling and the huge platform in the middle. Against characters that are really good at juggling or planking, I feel like this stage can sometimes go against us; also I never cp Fox or Olimar here cause of their dumb usmashes.

-BF is decent in a lot of MUs. I'll say this a lot but I really like platforms; they help me a lot in general. I love using them to keep opponents out, or to help my landing options.

-I don't like FD much in general, but in some MUs I feel like this stage helps a lot. I like going here to fight characters like GaW and Olimar. Otherwise I avoid this stage. Some people say this stage is good vs MK; it might be, but I always do worse here vs Ike, MK, Marth and a bunch of other characters that I do fine against on BF. Always ban vs ICs.

-Lylat is like a slightly bigger version of BF for me, but the edges mess up a bunch of characters.

-SV is eh. The platform in general helps here and there, especially with landing. Otherwise it's like a very small FD. I feel kinda neutral about this stage.

-Delphino is ok in general. Low ceilings help with early kills, and having walk-off edges can help with horizontal kills. Platforms too are helpful in a lot of cases. However the water is really really bad for us, and it's hard to camp in some places. The walk-off edges can also really hurt us vs MK, D3 and a bunch of characters, and scrooging and stuff is really easy for MK here. I feel neutral about this as well.

-YI is theoretically good for us, but it never seems to work well for me in general. The platform is a two-edged sword, helping us camp, or making us easier to juggle. Everything about this stage is pretty average imo, but I don't like it. Personal opinion ftw.

-Frigate is ok as well. Stage flips can hurt us or help us. The low ceiling is good. The part of the stage with a nice middle platform is good as well. However the stage is inconsistent (flips around occasionally) and has really close sides which can help others score early kills on us, especially with abusing our recovery.

-Brinstar is the worst for us imo. The lava kills our camping game and forces us into the air at terrible times. It is very hard to win here vs a decent Wario or MK, and this stage helps a bunch of characters too. We get little from this stage other than early kills all around, but everyone else gets that too.

-RC is just eh. We can do ok here but our camping game is limited a lot. We kill early, but we can easily be juggled and killed early or gimped too. This stage is bad compared to our other options, but not as bad as Brinstar. imo

Discuss, y'all.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Halberd is a good Snake stage but is my personal kryptonite, the background ****s with my eyes too much and I lose focus sometimes

Conversely Frigate is kind of an average Snake stage but I love it for it's aesthetics and I'm a huge Metroid fanboy(if being named etecoon isn't an indication)...Delfino too, love it though it's not really the best Snake stage

YI is dumb and I hate it not only with Snake but with any character I play, hate hate hate hate YI

Lylat is usually either really **** for me or it works against me, it's good to camp on and it's hard to see mines but the tilting and platforms sometimes get me *****

FD I like against any characters that I can fight mostly grounded, hate it against air campers, they can just zone in and out with impunity, **** TOON LINK

Brinstar and RC used to be 'MK time!', idk what to do now :(

Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
Am I alone in liking Brinstar? D= With a well placed C4 I can play footsies with my opponent until the lava comes up, and then either force people where I want them, or just blow a C4 up on them.
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