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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Not a lot to critique imo. You obviously lost because of that error right at the beginning.

STOP MAKING ERRORS LIKE THAT <- there's your critique -.-

But really, you play the match-up a lot better than most Snakes I've seen. Loving how you challenge his nair with your own bair, I don't see Snake players using their own aerials as anti-aerials enough.

Next time just keep your double jump @first stock and try not to show off too much @2nd stock XD
If you want critique you should prolly post something where you actually got outplayed imho



The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Not sure if that meant you didn't want anyone else to comment or not.

If you didn't want to hear from anyone other than razer (which is fair enough), ignore the rest of my post.

A few things:

- Even with poor DI, you'd survive a lot longer if you use the airdodge --> jump --> airdodge for horizontal kills. both the second stock (iirc, ceebs checking, but it was two stocks) from the first, and first stock of the second mikehaze matches would've been longer if you did this.
- Keep your jump. Not just on the first stock of the first match, but there were a number of occasions where he caught you with your pants down. second stock of the second match was lost because you double jumped when mikehaze was in a position to hit, in the future, keep your jumps when he's in range, else di up and hope for a landing opportunity.
- You have a large habit of cross-up rolling. He punished for it pretty badly, and it was an easy way for him to start juggles.
- When you have an option, don't recover into a grounded marth. If you've messed up your wavebounce, and are stuck falling with a nade, don't bother landing into him. he's better than that. chuck it and hope for the best.
- c4 and dair usage was boss.

imo anyway. hope that helps.

Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
I enjoyed the pun. =D

EDIT:Also about the MikeHaze video. I've actually noticed that he very rarely does a get up attack when being tech chased, so i'm not even sure you needed to shield when you were tech chasing him. He may get up, and attack though. I think you started to catch on to that though at the end of the video when you got that dair out of your d-throw lol. Also this is kind of just based on a video of him vs Havok, and this video right now.


Smash Champion
May 20, 2008
Houston, TX
I'll see if I got time tonight, false. School decided to pika CG me so I gotta put work in. I watched t before and did see mistakes so I'll let you know when I can.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2010
I love Razer's avatar. So good.

Also, nice games False. I'm assuming you got the nade pickup with full hop bair against Marth idea from Calzorz? He used to use that a bit.

I'm also wondering, how exactly are you doing your platform cancels? I know in theory how it works, but it seems very difficult.

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Pivot grabs and tech chasing do wonders against DK. If he's facing towards you coming in the air, he can't do much. If his back is to you, he's going to bair, which has insane priority, so just avoid it. Camping works great against him too cause he can't do much. Other than that, I can't give you much advice cause I haven't fought a DK in a really long time and have forgotten a lot of the specifics.


Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
Pivot grabs and tech chasing do wonders against DK. If he's facing towards you coming in the air, he can't do much. If his back is to you, he's going to bair, which has insane priority, so just avoid it. Camping works great against him too cause he can't do much. Other than that, I can't give you much advice cause I haven't fought a DK in a really long time and have forgotten a lot of the specifics.

I'm excited that I was kind of right. :cool:

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I never said I was any good nor I was referring to simply smash for why WI best state ever :p

I wish match-up questions were a little bit more specific.
I just want you to come to Utah So we can play.

And yeah, more specific questions about match ups make it a lot easier to give good feedback.
I'm excited that I was kind of right. :cool:
When I said a long time, I was referring to more than two years ago lol. That's just all I remember from back when I used to have matchup experience.



The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
srt this summer?

is there a thread for this or something? that time of year is bad over here (our summer holidays are over christmas), so unless its an amazing conincidence of timing, i probably wouldnt be able to go.

but its way cheaper than going to america!


Nitoryu Kuro
Jan 30, 2010
Apopka Florida
Lol it's in august. Mid august iirc. I wish i could go. But i wasn't able to get a job this semester so that's a no-go :(

Ralph Cecil

Smash Champion
Mar 9, 2010
Somewhere in KY QQQQQQQQQQ
Doesn't Kel know some things about how to play Snake?

Also if you do learn Snake we should play the ditto a lot, because I still need to learn that mu. >_<

EDIT:Also something I find useful for learning characters is simply just watching videos, and emulating what I see when i'm practicing with someone.


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2010
What in the world are you talking about? What does that even mean?
Snake without a doubt wins the :peach: MU no questions asked. What Im saying is a majority of mid tiers (or just brawl players in general) always want to turn to a quick fix like a higher tired char, MVC, or melee and then they end up failing at that. If we had more mid tier mains like you or hell just more brawl players like you we would have a much better community. You actually accept the MU as it is and work around it as best you can like a good player instead of most peach mains who just use sub-par camping techniques spam a useless fair on snake like 20 times and then complain it doesn't work (I know he lives till 200 :snake: is broken, I get it, I dont need to hear about it every smash fest :glare:)


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York

Well P play Peach and know her flaws along with her strengths. So when I picked her as my main, I know what I was getting into. And I am fine with that. Hell, I have lost bad match ups when half the time I am smarter then the other player. At this point, I usually blame myself for the lost and not being on point. And this happens alot. I would never blame my character for my loses. If I lose, its all my fault for being aggressive and not taking my time Like I know I should be ftw.
Aug 6, 2008
As usual, it will be difficult to travel. But in a couple years if your still playing and I finally have a job that doesn't pay ****, Utah might be possible.

Honestly, I find the match-up against Snake is still really feasible for peach. She has enough necessary tools to play the match-up. Snake's slow camping allows peach plenty of access to turnips which open up many baits and other opportunities. And she if can get the juggles right (which happens quite often, its snake), then the percent difference and KO power sort of vanishes.


Smash Ace
Jul 24, 2010

Well P play Peach and know her flaws along with her strengths. So when I picked her as my main, I know what I was getting into. And I am fine with that. Hell, I have lost bad match ups when half the time I am smarter then the other player. At this point, I usually blame myself for the lost and not being on point. And this happens alot. I would never blame my character for my loses. If I lose, its all my fault for being aggressive and not taking my time Like I know I should be ftw.
Thats exactly why I think brawl is dying. People DON'T know what they are getting into. You did and that's why you will continue to see success because you know fairing certain chars doesn't always work, especially :snake: . Most peaches get upset that she cant kill, you however know she can't and since you are patient you will get better results than others. Some chars are harder to main than others but it seems most mid tiers are quick to say My char sux and don't really play the MU correct or at least to the best of their abilities. @ times I think snake could be lower mid (only for a min though) But I try my best to re watch matches. When I saw my self vs Dabuz I saw so many bad plays, hell when I thought about it I started to even think razer is probably right :snake: vs :olimar: is 50/50 or probably is :snakes: favor. Without purples this fkr cant kill me. Im just not using my nades right.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
As usual, it will be difficult to travel. But in a couple years if your still playing and I finally have a job that doesn't pay ****, Utah might be possible.

Honestly, I find the match-up against Snake is still really feasible for peach. She has enough necessary tools to play the match-up. Snake's slow camping allows peach plenty of access to turnips which open up many baits and other opportunities. And she if can get the juggles right (which happens quite often, its snake), then the percent difference and KO power sort of vanishes.
Pretty much it. Peach players usually just don't chill when fighting snake, and usually go in floating to dairs or fairs. So He gets away with free hits. Also in the air alot. Thats why you have people thinking so much that peach honestly can't do **** on snake when he is camping. If people were to take their time on snake and learn how to pressure him when they get in, snake gets tossed around bad. I sometimes lose my cool on snake and play the basic Peach style on him and lose. I kinda grown tired of giving snake easy wins and play him legit. When on point, he is the least of my damm worries. Math up as not as bad as people go on about over and over. People just don't ever think out the box in this community and thinking camping means everything.

Thats exactly why I think brawl is dying. People DON'T know what they are getting into. You did and that's why you will continue to see success because you know fairing certain chars doesn't always work, especially :snake: . Most peaches get upset that she cant kill, you however know she can't and since you are patient you will get better results than others. Some chars are harder to main than others but it seems most mid tiers are quick to say My char sux and don't really play the MU correct or at least to the best of their abilities. @ times I think snake could be lower mid (only for a min though) But I try my best to re watch matches. When I saw my self vs Dabuz I saw so many bad plays, hell when I thought about it I started to even think razer is probably right :snake: vs :olimar: is 50/50 or probably is :snakes: favor. Without purples this fkr cant kill me. Im just not using my nades right.
Well thats the smash community for you, it's never gonna change. I just let people think all of this crap when it comes to my character. it just makes it easier for me to win. That's how I see it.


Smash Rookie
Feb 4, 2012
RIP Napz. I knew him well and he was always a funny guy, great person to talk to and was one of the non-lurkers of this forum. He'll be missed, and not forgotten. Taken far too soon, I didn't even get to meet him like we had planned. :(

Inb4insta-ban for my name...

Snake eats peaches, they're tasty and have a tinge of turnip with them. Good luck with flawless spacing to avoid punishes, 4 tilts and a single slip up ever and you're done for. The Snake can play sloppy and still come out on top.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2011
Baton Rouge
Pretty much it. Peach players usually just don't chill when fighting snake, and usually go in floating to dairs or fairs. So He gets away with free hits. Also in the air alot. Thats why you have people thinking so much that peach honestly can't do **** on snake when he is camping. If people were to take their time on snake and learn how to pressure him when they get in, snake gets tossed around bad. I sometimes lose my cool on snake and play the basic Peach style on him and lose. I kinda grown tired of giving snake easy wins and play him legit. When on point, he is the least of my damm worries. Math up as not as bad as people go on about over and over. People just don't ever think out the box in this community and thinking camping means everything.

Well thats the smash community for you, it's never gonna change. I just let people think all of this crap when it comes to my character. it just makes it easier for me to win. That's how I see it.
I don't think your sig could be any more obnoxious


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Snake eats peaches, they're tasty and have a tinge of turnip with them. Good luck with flawless spacing to avoid punishes, 4 tilts and a single slip up ever and you're done for. The Snake can play sloppy and still come out on top.
I was wondering how long it would take for me to hear a comment like that around here.
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