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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Aug 6, 2008
Apprently, modifying my broken L button by removing the springs helped greatly. It still has problems with holding shield for periods of time. It's sort of sensitive, but at least I can pull out the shield now without having to break my finger by pressing so hard anymore. Also, I managed to loosen the main buttons, so it should be easier to press them as well if I start playing. If only my shield button wasn't so **** tempermental.

Have I missed anything at all?
No IxxI. You have not missed anything. SuSa has left. You have left. Syx has left. Many others have left. The Old Ekans Order is crumbling. I am starting to feel lonely :(


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
It's good to have a secondary.
I think it's easier to get good focusing mostly on one character but it's too boring lol, at some point I've mained or secondary'd over half the cast I think

edit: lol me velox and nappy are the old people now


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
playing all snake is much more fun IMO, because the better you get the more fun it is because you slowly learn more and more and can win alot more consistently. I only play other chars. in friendlies where I'm just really random and such these days.

Dont worry xeylode, I'mma start trying to help out more =D. SNAKE BOARDS MEGA IMPROVEMENT GOOOO
Aug 6, 2008
Maybe nappy will play me on wifi sometime and actually teach me something.
don't even start with the tourney stuff, I alreadytold you why

DO not forget yume Etecoon.

I agree. Olimar is ********. I managed to beat one of the better ones last time we played, but at first he wrecked me. Then I guess I Just got pretty lucky, but he really seems difficult if they knew what they're doing, maybe its just a lack of knowledge on my parter. I really really hate pikmin and getting close to olimar is hardddd. And its not really as easy to tech chase as people think. Yeah, his roll is short but he still has like, 6 options to choose from and confuse you with.
It is hard to tech chase on reaction with regrabs. I think it's easier to tech chase with stuff like Ftilt behind you, dash in front and regrab, OoS ftilt for get-ups and attacks.

At modest percents, one ftilt to put olimar offstage should be good enough to edgeguard him to death.


Feb 5, 2009
When did Syx leave? And I'm kinda an old user. Kinda.

I play the entire roster. Just not in tourney. Then I play characters I know I'm not garbage with.
Aug 6, 2008
When did Syx leave? And I'm kinda an old user. Kinda.

I play the entire roster. Just not in tourney. Then I play characters I know I'm not garbage with.

I was on leave when Syx started not coming here as often. I think it is due to his work and band.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
If you want, I'll wifi with you right now xeylode. Dont you have aim? Or did you block me or something cuz I was bothering you about tournaments xD
Aug 6, 2008
If you want, I'll wifi with you right now xeylode. Dont you have aim? Or did you block me or something cuz I was bothering you about tournaments xD
No, some ninja guy or something was using your account at the time, called me weird and left >_>

I'll get on AIM now.

I've always been around, I just didn't post as much until recently. Last I saw actually, SuSa last logged in a couple of days ago I think.
I just sort of think of you as our Solid Snake. You lurk around enough to go unnoticed.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
playing all snake is much more fun IMO, because the better you get the more fun it is because you slowly learn more and more and can win alot more consistently. I only play other chars. in friendlies where I'm just really random and such these days.
somewhat true but a lot of the time I really feel like I make no progress with snake even as I learn things, like I'm still bad at tech chasing because I'm not fast enough to cover most options every time so all I'm left with is 100% prediction which only works on players that are dumber than me(i.e. completely unreliable)

plus I really don't even think snake is very good I think he just has an abnormal number of players massively outperforming his limitations <_< like I don't understand how snake players have done well enough where some people think snake vs MK is close to even, my experience AS AN MK MAIN tells me that it's like 6:4 MK

DO not forget yume Etecoon.
my memory isn't always good but I didn't recall him being here that long, I was trying to think who was regular here back when susa, syx, angel etc. still posted here

I've always been around, I just didn't post as much until recently. Last I saw actually, SuSa last logged in a couple of days ago I think.
yea I know you've been around just not that active, and yes I saw susa lurking around tactical the other day


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2008
Northern Virginia, &lt;3 Ramona Flowers
somewhat true but a lot of the time I really feel like I make no progress with snake even as I learn things, like I'm still bad at tech chasing because I'm not fast enough to cover most options every time so all I'm left with is 100% prediction which only works on players that are dumber than me(i.e. completely unreliable)

plus I really don't even think snake is very good I think he just has an abnormal number of players massively outperforming his limitations <_< like I don't understand how snake players have done well enough where some people think snake vs MK is close to even, my experience AS AN MK MAIN tells me that it's like 6:4 MK

my memory isn't always good but I didn't recall him being here that long, I was trying to think who was regular here back when susa, syx, angel etc. still posted here

yea I know you've been around just not that active, and yes I saw susa lurking around tactical the other day
I always thought I was pretty bad at tech chasing, but when I really started looking at other snakes do it, it seemed more like prediction on the faster rolls. So I started looking for habits, like they roll toward the edge, or at certain percents they try to do a getup attack. Having a grenade or a mine nearby always helps, and mixing up your own reactions kind of messes them up. Sometimes turn away and shield, sometimes just sit in shield, even dash dancing lol.

And I always felt like, if someone can do it, than it's possible. So I don't agree with outplaying his limitations.

Well, for sometime, I hadn't been to a tournament, so I felt my info was pretty useless. After SuSa left, it kind of felt like who ever was left was trying to keep the Snake boards together and moving forward, and I thought I'd try to help.

I just sort of think of you as our Solid Snake. You lurk around enough to go unnoticed.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
if you have to predict your opponent twice as much as they're predicting you to win then I'd say you're exceeding your characters limitations, you can beat good characters with captain falcon if you read them well enough, that just makes you a freak of nature >_>


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
the one thing I will say about snake is that I love his comeback factor

people that are like "I'm up a stock I got this!"?

snake eats them almost as harshly as lucario : )

people that know better and air camp...not so much D:


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
playing all snake is much more fun IMO, because the better you get the more fun it is because you slowly learn more and more and can win alot more consistently. I only play other chars. in friendlies where I'm just really random and such these days.

Dont worry xeylode, I'mma start trying to help out more =D. SNAKE BOARDS MEGA IMPROVEMENT GOOOO
I agree completely.

My wii is being so troublesome. :( I am almost done hacking it completely.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
where do you find out about how to hack and stuff, I keep wanting to get hacks but I know nothing about it


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
where do you find out about how to hack and stuff, I keep wanting to get hacks but I know nothing about it
I've just been bugging people I know do that kind of stuff. BPC, Bio, etc...

I am so close too :( I installed everything but it won't read the dvd. =/ I think i might need to redo something in it. =/


Feb 5, 2009
I probably would have quit Brawl by now if it weren't for music hacks. Listening to Final Destination 324563978545786938476934875693487569348576398457 times would drive me mad.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
oh well, gotta start testing something on dthrow anyway, I noticed with some characters you can dash > shield if they buffer a get up attack and you'll still shield it on their other side, wanna find out who that works on if not everyone because then I could ignore getup attack and base most of my dthrow predictions around rolls as getup will be futile >: D
Aug 6, 2008
oh well, gotta start testing something on dthrow anyway, I noticed with some characters you can dash > shield if they buffer a get up attack and you'll still shield it on their other side, wanna find out who that works on if not everyone because then I could ignore getup attack and base most of my dthrow predictions around rolls as getup will be futile >:D
That might be viable. Let me check some frame data.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I might come this friday

I've gotten road rage in boston as a passenger, this could be bad lol
Aug 6, 2008
I might come this friday

I've gotten road rage in boston as a passenger, this could be bad lol
First step in a dash from snake is frame 15. given all dthrow characters put snake at a -1 disadvantage. So, Snake has a -16 frame advantage before he can shield. Then, subtract that total from whatever the PS window is.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
thanks tommy and yume

So I was just looking at that MLG Ruleset and I'm kind of confused at this part

1. No use of Marth’s Grab Release Infinites against Lucas and Ness.

2. No use of King Dedede’s Grab Infinites against Bowser, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus, and Mario.
then look at Rule #7 here

7. Any Infinite Move must end before the affected Character reaches 300%.
????? So are the the Marth and DDD grabs legit or what?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I've tested about 6 characters so far and snake can shield all of them with varying degrees of advantage, most of them give you a crossup regular shield leaving you in ftilt range it seems

edit: IC CG's are still legal


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
But it bans two infinites, and then goes back and says any infinite is legal up to 300%

Thats what confuses me.

I agree that the Ice Climbers infinite being legal. S***s hard to do.
Aug 6, 2008
@Tommy Der Mister: Marth's infinite regrab agaisnt ness and lucas is banned. DDD's infinite against Bowser, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus, and Mario are banned.

However, DDD's ledge infinite on himself is not banned. Therefore, if you start the infinite on DDD in a ditto, you must end it before 300%. This applies to any other infinite not listed.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
@Tommy Der Mister: Marth's infinite regrab agaisnt ness and lucas is banned. DDD's infinite against Bowser, Donkey Kong, Luigi, Samus, and Mario are banned.

However, DDD's ledge infinite on himself is not banned. Therefore, if you start the infinite on DDD in a ditto, you must end it before 300%. This applies to any other infinite not listed.
But if they are all infintes, why don't they just make them end before 300%? Is it because the Marth Ness/Lucas CG and DDD GC on Mario/Boweser/etc. are easier than the DDD ledge CG on DDD?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
DDD's infinite was likely either

A) an oversight

B) considered inconsequential because DDD does it to himself, DDD obviously can't make himself inviable

the MLG rules don't have team attack on for doubles even, it's...really bad

on the plus side the singles rules are pretty awesome for snake, aside from the fact that they banned razer wii remotes snake could have a strong showing


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
The MLG Rules says Team Attack On for doubles though.

1v1 Settings

1. Rules = Stock
2. Stock = 3
3. Timer = 8 Minutes
4. Items = Off & None

2v2 Settings

1. Rules = Stock
2. Stock = 3
3. Timer = 8 Minutes
4. Items = Off & None
5. Team Attack = On


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
er, that's what I meant lol, this will be hilarious

I might finish this later but preliminary results for dash > shield vs buffered get up attack following dthrow

DDD: snake crosses and regular shields, is in ftilt range

Olimar: snake crosses and regular shields, is in ftilt range

Marth: snake shields get up attack without crossing, dash momentum leaves him in grab range in spite of not power shielding

Falco: snake crosses and regular shields, is in ftilt range

Meta Knight: snake crosses, powershields the first hit but takes a second hit on shield

Pikachu: snake trips and gets chain grabbed to 90% snake crosses, powershields the first hit but takes a second hit on shield

Wario: snake crosses and regular shields, is in ftilt range

Fox: snake crosses and regular shields, is in ftilt range

Pit: snake regular shields both hits and crosses, ends in ftilt range

Diddy: snake shields and crosses, in ftilt range

ZSS: snake shields and crosses, in ftilt range

ROB: snake shields get up attack without crossing, in grab range

DK: snake gets hit D:
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