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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.

Aug 6, 2008
I have felt like maining olimar every so often. I guess after Falco/Snake I pretty much move through everyone xD

Main: Falco/Snake. Second: everyone else
Aug 6, 2008
Super Smash Bros. for the virtual console is out for NA release.

Don't believe Ume as of late. He has been overexaggerating things. But, there is hints of truth to his words.

Dtilt is pretty good, just depends upon the situation. Probably the best I have seen as Snake is agains certain characters recoveries. Some try to attack you and with crouching you can avoid the aerials aimed at your head and attack them as they land. Ume showed me the usefulness of this one. Also, for some reason, you automatically seem to PS any hit as soon as you hit shield. It's amazing.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Playing mainly offline matches helped me alot with powershielding, even with wifi lag as long as it is consistent I can still somewhat do it with a lil bit of guessing.

But yeah I've always being a fan of dtilt, it has the most horizontal range out of all your tilts, and like Xeylode said you can avoid being hit by chars who likes to use aerials on landing. It comes out as fast as your utilt if you do it w/o crouching.

Also, the dtilt's hitbox is not just his legs, its his whole body and then some, so you cover quite a wide range with it.
Jun 8, 2009
I don't use D-tilt much.

But it's pretty amazing since it can attack open spots in the shield (Mostly the bottom). It's also pretty good against Ganon
Aug 6, 2008
I don't use D-tilt much.

But it's pretty amazing since it can attack open spots in the shield (Mostly the bottom). It's also pretty good against Ganon
My favorite use of Dtilt is for punishing landings. Ume, you really installed that usage in me. It's really safe if you space it right. Also, Dtilt is really good for ledge covering.

And yeah, I started PSing, but only after an opponent is really obvious about what I can PS. I still cannot PS on reaction. I typically spotdodge for a read and end up PSing something which goes into a buffered spotdodge and thus I get hit by another move in it's lag. I really have that bad habit of shield, then dodge. In MK's case, it's better to just shield, then wait out the attacks. If MK starts Dtilt spamming you, angle your shield and after about the 2-3 hit MK is in range of you to grab.

And PSing in lag is a ***ch. As Snake, you pretty much have to be able to PS projectiles or else you get ***** really hard trying to camp back. Which has probably gotten me to my overally offensive style. Use nades more as a distraction than anything else. Although, facing ete's MK really got me back into that use nades more to punish stupid tornado as-I-cannot-DI-out-of-it-on-wifi.
Aug 6, 2008
I found a wii! It has a faulty sound card but I don't care! 100$ :D :D :D :D :D :D

beserker thats already been done. Let me find the link. It is without DI.
Sinz, even with DI, that thing is pretty darn close to the real thing. Many are spot on for Utilt KOs, but some vary as much as 10%. But, still, it's a really good starting place.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Idk, I feel like the Snake Olimar matchup is one that I just know, lol.
how do you not fail at it then -_- in general I did a lot better playing snake this weekend than my past two tournaments as an MK main(3 wins vs none) but oli ****ed me up and forced me to go back to my rusty *** MK which put me in losers

I learned a few things watching fatal vs icy but he wound up having to use MK too

DDD is probably a bigger disadvantage but at least I feel like the gameplan is pretty obvious, dunno what to do against oli, he outcamps me and he's impossible to approach with a character like snake

Main: Snake
Secondaries: Falco, Ganondorf

Ganondorf is just fun to use xD
I think you're picking up ganon because of me >: D

oh, I'm only going to use snake now competitively. at least for now. I also have a rudimentary MK, marth, falco, DDD, ganondorf, captain falcon, bowser, wolf, fox, and sheik for friendlies. I might play olimar and ike a little this month, playing as the characters I lose to might be good practice, learning matchups in reverse!
So guys...

What's your opinion with d-tilt >_>?
it has good range, protects nearly all of snake's hurtbox while also shrinking it allowing you to duck and counter attacks, YOU CAN USE IT WHILE HOLDING A GRENADE, has good knockback...it's pretty underutilized even if it will never be snake's bread and butter

If MK starts Dtilt spamming you, angle your shield and after about the 2-3 hit MK is in range of you to grab.
another neat trick is that if you drop shield and reshield you'll powershield him so you can tilt him

Although, facing ete's MK really got me back into that use nades more to punish stupid tornado as-I-cannot-DI-out-of-it-on-wifi.
your ability to DI out of tornado is partly dependent on how MK uses it, a heavy character like snake usually shouldn't be able to DI out unless you SDI the first hit or the MK does it wrong. grenades also don't really stop him from using it that much, see how ksizzle uses it lmao
Aug 6, 2008
your ability to DI out of tornado is partly dependent on how MK uses it, a heavy character like snake usually shouldn't be able to DI out unless you SDI the first hit or the MK does it wrong. grenades also don't really stop him from using it that much, see how ksizzle uses it lmao
SDI is the best way to get out of it. Once I am in it, I hardly ever get out of it unless the MK decides to start moving off to the side in which case I can DI in favor of there momentum going the opposite way. Sort of a double effect.

Biggest problem is not getting caught in the stupid thing to begin with. My reaction time to anything short of auto-DI it is horrible. My only reaction times are ones I have drilled into me. Anything else I have to predict to circumvent.

Hey guys, I'm sitting in front of a Panda Express at Denver International Airport for the next 3 hours, so I'mma post around for a while. How's everyone?
Getting SS soon I hope.
Aug 6, 2008
Snake Social thread really is not much of a social thread. It's more of a spam wall. It's lot in life was to absorb all the spam we would have otherwise put in other threads in the Snake Boards. So, the social thread is serving it's purpose. I want it to be a social thread and therefore I'm going to change the topic.

Who thinks the Super Paper Mario game for the wii was legit, but the thousand year door and the 1st were much better?

Also, apprently there is going to be a 5th generation of pokemon. I guess we can expect pokemon to be enslaving us for another 5 years. On pokemon, Soul Silver is pretty good. Nice to see a remake of the old series I could no longer play due to the battery dying on me.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I dont like where the social thread is headed

I actually hated super paper mario, thought TYD was sort of good, and paper mario was one of my favorite games of all time. ITs soo ****in good. I think I might just pull an all nighter and try to speed run through it <3
Aug 6, 2008
You must tell us your fears for us so that we may do our utmost best to make them come true. :)

I could never speed run though anything. I always take my time to enjoy it.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
lately I've heard nothing but talk of wifi and spam, which is gay and stupid

I've already beat paper mario several times doing things like normal playthroughs, trying to do everything in the game, but I dont think I've ever tried a speed run through, it sounds fun
Aug 6, 2008
lately I've heard nothing but talk of wifi and spam, which is gay and stupid

I've already beat paper mario several times doing things like normal playthroughs, trying to do everything in the game, but I dont think I've ever tried a speed run through, it sounds fun
Wifi is just a learning tool. Speak of wifi on here means we have a lot of people still learning. You already know we lack the necessary talents to progress anything. And, spam is sometimes necessary for matches. Seriously, look at the MK or Marth match-up without a large number of nades. It's very hard to imagine the match-up without them.

Good luck with a speed one. I wonder if anyone has done one on utube.

I am starting to doubt if I'll ever get to play in a tournament any larger than local or state. Looking at college studies and the work involved, I'll probaby pull a samuraipanda and never get the time to show up.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Nah college is a piece of cake, find a part time job, make some money, go to a national near you.

First couple of years will be easy, btw you should come to NE, join the rest of us Snakes.
Jun 8, 2009
Super paper mario for the wii is awesome though I haven't finished it yet D:

Since I'm playing other games like new super mario bros. wii
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