talking about
that thread again...
I hate how detractors are claiming Medusa shouldn't be in, even as an echo, because
she's just a conglomerate copy based on the original's memories of her undying hatred or
her source material won't blend well into echoing Ultimate Palutena, and
how she's an inferior villain to Hades even jabbing that she's "old news".
First of all, its a spinoff crossover about trophies. "Canon rules" don't
strictly apply here and Sakurai's willing to give liberties to any character in consideration for a fighter role.
Second, being a clone copy didn't stop characters like Ridley (who's actually gone for good since Super Metroid) joining and even based his new Smash design on his clone's design in Other M and his iconic Super Metroid appearance. It all bunks down to an attempt to loophole an argument that she's not a recurring character or relevant to her series.
Third, being the "better" or "most current" character doesn't neuter another character's chances as well. It's like saying Lord Fredrik should be in first because "he did everything K.Rool does in superior ways, plus Snomads > Kremlings" or Sylux being the most recurred or more talked Metroid Prime antagonist while Dark Samus is being officially shelved as completed and old news.
really. its like people have this sort of mindset that a character getting in wouldn't favor the other, so they whip up samey debunked arguments to retaliate to that fear. there's more people wanting both Hades and Medusa even Viridi than having one of the other because they don't like it.