Man I was reading that 4chan thread about medusa... wow so much hate and fighting between Medusa and Hades fans. Why are the Hades fans so against everything medusa, saying she is boring, pointless, and not even the true villain? Medusa has been in from the start, and yeah Hades was the villain in Uprising but I am sure Medusa will come back without Hades around.
And I never liked hades lol. he seemed to be trying WAY too hard to be funny and 4th wall breaking. Viridi was much more interesting then him, and so was Medusa. Sure she was straight laced and not a comedian, but thats not what she is. She is angry and bitter, why would she be cracking jokes?
You know, I was thinking about DLC. I think they may do something like normally its a certain price, but if you have the nintendo online, its free or much cheaper. Great way to push the online service. And People are gonna complain if you put in any character, thinking it would take away from their wanted character.