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Official [QLD] Tournament & General Thread: Next Event - UQ Smash 15 - 19/12/15

Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
Top half had 5 byes and bottom had 4, mirokii wasnt meant to be in the bracket.

btw lansmash is 12th-12th april, $20 Saturday - $10 Sunday, pay sat get sun free


If sunday we can have $5 entry for singles to have a pot otherwise have on sat with free entry and also crews cause it runs longer on sat.
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Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
I'd drop singles and doubles for crews. There isn't much hype for singles and I think everyone would play better in crews.

Edit: lame, won't be at lansmash. Gotta work.
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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Syke the ever complainer.

Firstly, the melee bracket actually was perfect, we had everyone in good positions, the newcomers were added, and things were ready to take off. What proceeded to occur next was Syke adjusted the bracket of his own free will, which then had to be rectified (as Cal was put in an even worse position than he was), and re-adjusted again. Syke played his match that he adjusted to his line on the bracket, and so Cal's position had to be messed around so many times to get the bracket to a reasonable playing state. The major hold-ups to the melee singles bracket, were some borderline late newcomers to singles, and Syke's adjustment to the bracket. No ifs, no buts, that is what occurred. However, the singles bracket finished on time, with all matches played, and the vast majority of my time was spent sending Gords and Cal to their respective games, along with making sure everyone was playing their matches (80% of my time actually).

Secondly, we ran on time. If people had to leave early, that is simply an issue with your personal need to leave early. We actually exited the building right on 6 (with all matches completed, and played at full length) which was our designated time to finish the event.

I spoke to @ Mytus Mytus after the event @ smopup smopup , and we agreed that melee can be shuffled upstairs to accommodate the player base. I like the idea, and as we go into winter, the extra degree or 2 of heat for the sake of space shouldn't be an issue.

I will post the code for the gate the back of my laptop at the next event. The gate is supposed to stay locked open between 9-5, so if it closed, I apologise, but this is an easy fix.

I'd like to shout-out to @phrase for the stream set-up. Was really good to have up and running, and definitely something I want to run in the future.

Smoking Puppy: Thanks for looking after the bracket when I couldn't be behind my laptop. Thanks for also seeding the bracket with me (the first bracket we put together was, in my opinion, perfect). I'm glad my melee pot boost went to a worthy competitor.

Kansho: For being a good guy and helping out with melee.

Mytus: Always helpful, and it's hugely appreciated. It definitely doesn't go unnoticed.

Kaion: Thanks for taking care of the brawl recordings and character logs for characters, you were a massive help.

Zydro: Super boss dude, helping me set-up, pack-up and general maintenance of the event. Great to have you around for an extra set of hands. Cheers.

Everyone who brought gear and equipment. Was amazing, and very glad we had everything covered.

To the newcomers, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. I tried to chat to all the new guys and people I hadn't seen previously. If I didn't get a chance to have a chat and catch up, come have a few words at the next event. Likely I'll be behind the counter for most of the day again anyway ;)

Will update the OP tonight with the Lansmash info, I have a few trips to the airport to do, and have to see the venue owners today about keys, giving out the front pass-code, and a few other general things I would like them to add to the venue (ie, blinds on the upstairs window).

Great tourney all, and keen to see you all again in a month.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
I don't know about you Syke, but when I look at Round 3 and semi's, the bracket panned out excellently after we fixed your changes.

Better blame the TO because you had to leave early, and didn't like the bracket though :)
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Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
When did I blame someone??

If you fixed the changes then why did gords play cal 2nd round lel

I just try to make it so its not stacked in 1 area so everyone gets a decent run. I dont really care where I end up, I always win anyway :denzel:
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Smash Cadet
Apr 4, 2011
cal was moved from your side of the bracket and was supposed to play jbirds in the third round but jbirds asked us to move him since they end up playing in bracket a lot


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
The bracket finished up fine in the end. Just need less cooks in the kitchen next time.
When it was first made the goal was to have the "better" players meet in round 3.
When it was changed the situation arose where people were meeting round 2 instead, one of which was Cal and myself. Numerous changes were made, I dunno how Cal ended up playing Gords so early, i made mention to have Cal avoid myself and Gords since we have played a million times.

Should honestly just have a Laptop for each bracket kept on corresponding floor with a set person managing it with only him putting results in.
Additionally, as i have mentioned before, number the tv's and assign the matches then report results back to said manager.
That is if yall are man enough to handle real life sitchaytions.
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Darkwing SykeDuk

Smash Dankist
Mar 5, 2006
Purple Monkey Dishwasher
it doesnt matter if you've played a million times, when u've been in the scene long enough its an unavoidable situation. I've vs'd Kas in bracket more than 10 times and only 1 or 2 times its been passed the 2nd or 3rd round..

the main aim is to get the top 4 players to not vs for as long as possible, which is what happened mostly (until bryce had to leave)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2014
QLD, Australia
Cheers @ Remastered Remastered - it's my pleasure to help out. Thanks again for going to all the effort of booking the venue and taking care of things. Feel free to assign me any jobs or tasks in the future, even it's just bin duty and cleaning up so you have a bit less on your plate.

I'm going to have a chat to phrase about maybe using my laptop for the stream next time, since his Surface seems to have a few issues.

Wait was Mytus the guy I teamed with in that random 2v2 Project M game on Corneria?

Yeah I think so! You played Zelda with me, right?


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2006
i think you know

B.I.G. D.I.C.K. 2: The Road to Recovery

Loved the tourney, needed more 64 but I'll live

Sloth & Neon: great as always to see you guys, it's no BoO but I'll live, if Ben BS ever comes back up for a tourney, massive hype for the tassie crew.
Crash: Good to see you coming back to tourneys, gotta get you over for a few more meets.
CigarPuppie: Congrats and your welcome
Phrase: Nice matches again man, if we keep vsing in doubles and singles, i will eventually top you.......or not.
Radiance or Rob:
Cal: Great having you over again man and its great to see how much you have improved......also thanks for a suck on the hooker
Gords: Same message as Cal's, gotta get the most Qld NWS player up here more often, massive hype for Puzzle League playoffs (Gords, Kas and Matt)
J-Birds: a pleasure as always
Matt: thanks for running it all

sorry if i missed anyone, as for lansmash, Bob and I are good for either day, so long as we can get out by about 6pm Saturday.
Also Crews definitely have to come back, like Tassie Crew VS Old School QLD VS New QLD VS Interstate or something like that


B.I.G. D.I.C.K is coming........


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
The bracket finished up fine in the end. Just need less cooks in the kitchen next time.
When it was first made the goal was to have the "better" players meet in round 3.
When it was changed the situation arose where people were meeting round 2 instead, one of which was Cal and myself. Numerous changes were made, I dunno how Cal ended up playing Gords so early, i made mention to have Cal avoid myself and Gords since we have played a million times.

Should honestly just have a Laptop for each bracket kept on corresponding floor with a set person managing it with only him putting results in.
Additionally, as i have mentioned before, number the tv's and assign the matches then report results back to said manager.
That is if yall are man enough to handle real life sitchaytions.
This post is sweeter than a plate of yams with extra serrrrrrrup.

PS: It's also cooler than Freddie Jackson sipping a milkshake in a snowstorm.
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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
it doesnt matter if you've played a million times, when u've been in the scene long enough its an unavoidable situation. I've vs'd Kas in bracket more than 10 times and only 1 or 2 times its been passed the 2nd or 3rd round..

the main aim is to get the top 4 players to not vs for as long as possible, which is what happened mostly (until bryce had to leave)
It doesn't matter if you don't like the bracket. If you aren't a TO, or asked by the TO to adjust it, don't touch it.

I will remove you from the bracket & the venue if it happens again. That goes for anyone who decides to take it upon themselves to adjust bracket data without permission.

@ J-Birds J-Birds I said the exact same thing to Mytus as well. Better having 2 laptops with the different brackets on each one. The stairs in the venue is the main reason this would be optimal at Play Warehouse events. Kaion and I would still like a copy of the TIO file at the end of the day if Spup or your good self can provide a laptop to run it on.
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<3 Yoshi
Apr 10, 2012
Brisbane, QLD
Was originally gonna set it up to record crowd audio but its not possible with the piece of software it uses. Only thing I could do is start an audacity recording the same time I start the game recording and sync em up later.


<3 Yoshi
Apr 10, 2012
Brisbane, QLD
Ah tru, have you tried using pinnacle studio? I use it and you can set the audio to record from any device available e.g mic/sound input
The capture card I use is awful. Only driver and software that works are the one on the disc it came with, nothing else even detects it. Think it uses some wierd encoding or something.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Isn't there a 10 minute rule when a match is called? Bryce had to wait over an hour yet Cal wasnt dq'd. Why is that mr TO? You do understand all the rules don't you?
He didn't wait an hour just for Cal. The losers bracket was catching up to the winners bracket, like it always does in any bracket based tournament. Cal actually went and played a heap of melee matches before coming up to play his match with Blade (I was asking both him and Gords to play matches all day, and they did without question, and were 100% responsive to my requests). Then he went down immediately afterwards to play his next melee matches when I asked him too.

Let's be honest though, the reason you're complaining is because you and Sloth had previously made plans to leave early, and because the bracket didn't work with your plans, you are venting on Smashboards.

Tournament ran on time. Just not on your time. The end.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
I have updated the OP. I also updated player characters and information. If anyone believes I've added the wrong character next to your names, please let me know and I will change it :)

Sunday is my vote for the Lansmash event, simply for the cheaper entry fee. We really don't need the extra time to finish a tournament providing everyone gets there on time for sign-ups. What are everyone's thoughts at which day to hold Smash?

I also won't be running melee at lansmash (as I only look after Play Warehouse, and I'm merely filling in for Brawl at this event for BC), so I'd vote 1 @ smopup smopup to run the melee show if he's happy to do so.


<3 Yoshi
Apr 10, 2012
Brisbane, QLD
Just a thought, is it possible to do 2 days? One for melee/brawl and the other for Project M? Might get less people on the second day but it could still be worth.
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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2010
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
We can do 2 days, but we would be better putting melee on one day, and Brawl/PM on the other day just due to melee having such high numbers recently.

I'll run Brawl on Sunday. Will let the melee/PM guys decide what day to hold their events.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 13, 2006
Australia, Brisbane.
Yes I like
We can do 2 days, but we would be better putting melee on one day, and Brawl/PM on the other day just due to melee having such high numbers recently.

I'll run Brawl on Sunday. Will let the melee/PM guys decide what day to hold their events.
Agree 100%

Just make sure melee is on Saturday. :)


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
Ahh the smash drama. Love it.
I am not sure at this stage if I can make it to Lan smash - but I'll also vote for more time and therefore Saturday if I can make it.

Also - I with Play Warehouse into the future I was wondering if other players may want to consider :
1. Dropping Melee Doubles
2. Using the extra time to have pools seeded into double elim for singles. Or another format like Swiss.

I just feel that doubles doesn't have the hype. I know I use it mostly as a warm up for singles but I'd choose pool situation seeded into double elim for singles. More time for singles and more games for everyone I feel works. But that is my opinion !


Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2006
i think you know
@ Sloth Sloth agreed, the Swiss made 2 great things: cheese and the Swiss system, and only the cheese has holes in it.
As for doubles/crews I like it but only drop doubles if crews are definite and this isn't the old people get knocked out of singles and bugger off straight away and leave like 6 people for crews.

Also gotta say, doubles were interesting at play warehouse, the teams who got roughly 2nd to 7th were fairly even, made it more interesting to play in when every match could go either way, but that's just me
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