Scott, there's a couple of things I need you to do ahead of the tournament.
1. Talk to Game Traders (Ask for Michael or the manager, Peter) about letting you put up posters. If neither of them are there, just ask the staff there if you can put some posters up. PM me or something if you need me to upload another poster or something.
Is this the Browns Plains Gametraders?
I'll do it!
I don't have posters but....
I can do stuff for ya...

Hahaha, oh man next weekend is already perfectly planned.
Things are good!
...The GOOD DK!
@Billy: I voted for yas! <3
@toki: Thats cool thats what we be al about, Bi-Smashuality.

@Sea: Just come whenever yas wake up, there will still be enjoyment to be had no matter when you arrive.
@everyone: Please bring TVs and Wii's and POWER!
I've lost 2 of my finest troops lately (Chris and Dungy) and I'm actually low on TVs (and its not worth bringing Berta) so we'll need a good TV effort from everyone!