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[QLD] Brisbane/Gold Coast Meets & Tournaments

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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2008
Brisbane/Gold Coast Meets & Tournaments!

New to the scene?
If you're new to the tournament scene here is a couple of frequent Q&A's:

"I'm crap, should I still come?"
These tournaments are open for everybody and the skill levels are diverse ranging from very high to very low, so don't be discouraged from attending. I also encourage people to attend meeting as it's a great way to meet new people and get your Smash skills up ;)

"How old is everyone?"
Everyone that plays Smash is usually around their late teens (15-22) with some younger and some older, if you don't feel comfortable coming alone bring a friend! (that also plays smash =D)

"What do I need to bring?"
Most important thing to bring with you is your controller, if you have that you're sweet, it also helps to bring Wii's + TV's to the Tourneys/Meets but if you can't don't worry about it. Don't forget to label your things with your names as well.

"What if I get lost, who do I contact?"
Call either Me (Scott) or Vyse (Anthony)

Name: Anthony (Vyse)
Number: Please send me a private message and ask for my number by clicking here to send a message. You can contact anybody in QLD by posting interest here in the thread!

Name: Scott (Hotdog)
Number: 0401 926 914


---Brawl Ruleset V3.1---
(Click to read)


---Upcoming Tournaments---

Luigi's Dungeon 3

The Power of Science 3
(Coming soon)

Old Tournaments:
RetroSmash 2011



What to Expect
  • A Queensland tournament
  • Tournaments for both Melee and Brawl to cater for the player base of each game
  • A massive venue located in Brisbane ensuring maximum room for smash!
  • Projector Set up for people to really show case their skills
  • Recording equipment to capture and youtube the best Queensland has to offer
  • Cash Prizes for the winners!


Why should I go?
  • Highly ranked players expected to attend. Play with the best!
  • Separate days for Melee and Brawl, keeping the focus on the game we're playing!
  • On your off day go explore! Brisbane City and the Gold Coast seperated by just a train ride
  • RetroSmash means Retro gaming :cool:


When and Where?

Date: 2nd April 2011 - Saturday/Sunday
  • Being situated on a Weekend means it can allow for maximum local attendance
  • Saturday will be Brawl oriented
  • Sunday will be Melee oriented

Address: Kessels Road, Nathan Queensland 4111

>>> Google Maps Link! <<<

Very not as of yet thought through Schedule:

April 2nd, Saturday

10:30am - 3:00pm - Melee
3:00 onwards - Brawl


Location: QSAC (ANZ Stadium)
Kessels Road, Nathan Queensland
  • This venue provides a great deal of space suitable for a state level tournament
  • This venue includes a range of facilities necessary for such a tournament
  • Easy access via bus systems which travel from nearby train stations and are only 20 minutes away from Brisbane central station.
  • Will take place in a large, walled room dedicated to smashers
  • Heaps of free space for parking!


Sign up on Facebook!

Make sure you join Australia's Smash Facebook group:

By signing up here, you will be reminded when this tournament will be on!
(Not to mention kept up to date with the latest happenings with tournaments Australia wide)


Event Entry Costs

Venue Fee: $15
Brawl: $5 (Includes Singles and Doubles)
Melee: $5 (Includes Singles and Doubles)

Spectators: Free

Bring a TV + Wii + Brawl/Melee: $5 off Venue Fee (Discount is not cumulative for multiple TV’s)


Pot Split:
Winners of events will receive a cash prize determined by the pot split. The amount of people present at a tournament will also influence the amount of places that receive a prize.

1st: 60%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 10%

RetroSmash 2011 Brawl Ruleset:

The following list is a ruleset for use at The Power of One’s Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament. This rule list is an adaptation of the official Smash Back Room ruleset released 04-08-2010.

Golden Rule: If players wish to alter or ignore any of the following rules with rules more familiar to them (such as ‘random starter select’ instead of stage strike) they may on the premise that all parties to the matter agree to it before hand.

General rules:
  • 3 Stock
  • 8 Minute Timer
  • Items set to “off” and ratio set to “none”
  • All sets with the exception of the winners finals, losers finals and championship match are best of 3 whilst the aforementioned sets are a best of five
  • In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors
  • No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.
  • In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port.
  • In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port.
  • Metaknight's Infinite Cape glitch is banned.
  • You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties.
  • Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.
  • Excessive Stalling is banned*
*Excessive Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not excessively stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end quickly after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.

Set format (In Order of Procedure):
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match *
2. Opponents start the stage striking procedure**
3. Each player may announce one stage to be banned for counterpicks of the set
4. The first game is played, using the stage chosen during step 2
5. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter Stage List
6. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
7. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all proceeding matches
*Double blind character selection may be called for the first match
**Stage Striking: Players determine a winner from Rock-Paper-Scissors, coin flip, etc. Beginning with the loser, players alternate turns in eliminating stages from the starter list until only one remains. This stage is the starter on which the set begins. These “struck” stages are not banned and can be chosen later in the set. (Unless either player chooses to ban one of them in step 3)

Time Out Resolution:

In the case of a time out the winner(s) of the match are declared by (in order):
  • (Singles Only; Meta Knight only) If the player has more than 30 Ledge Grabs they forfeit the match.
  • Highest [combined] stock count.
  • Lowest [combined] percentage.

In the case of not being able to declare a winner, a One Stock Four Minute Decider is played with the same characters and stage. In the case of the Decider time out with the previous conditions, Sudden Death is played out.

Stage List

The stage list to be implemented is based on current metagame analysis and the impact of these stages based on informed evaluations of each stage’s tournament viability. This is also influenced by educated, common arguments made for and against each stage and successful tournament stage lists seen in other states and countries.

Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
Pokemon Stadium 1
Final Destination

Lylat Cruise
Castle Siege
Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon

Additional Rules for Doubles Tournament:
  • Life Stealing is allowed
  • Set team attack to ON
  • Hanenbow is moved to counter pick
Special Rules
These rules are in place for rare or exceptional circumstances
  • Port Slob Pick: On a player’s counter pick, that player may opt to redo the port selection process with that player or team picking their port first in the 1221 method.
  • Resolving Ties: Any games ending in time running out should always be decided by stock, and then percents. If percents are the same or both players die simultaneously, sudden death will be played out. (This does not include Bowser’s suicide klaw).
  • Color Blind rule: Should a player have a color-based disability, he or she may request in a teams match to have a specific color for their team. This is so characters such as Lucario or Sonic can be granted the blue team so that there is not unnecessary confusion.
  • The Mages DQ rule: After a match has been called, if a player is two minutes late he will receive a warning. At 4 minutes late, he will be given a loss for the first game of the set. After six minutes, he will be given a loss of the entire set.


RetroSmash 2011 Melee Ruleset:

Super Smash Brothers: Melee (singles and doubles)

The following list is a ruleset for use at SantaSmash's Super Smash Bros. Melee Tournament. This rule list is an adaptation of the official Smash Back Room ruleset released 1-16-2008.

General Rules
• Items are set to off
• The stock is set to 4
• The time limit is set to 8 minutes
• All sets are best of 3 matches with the exception of Winners semi-finals, losers semi-finals, winners finals, losers finals and grand finals, which are a best of 5.
• In the event of a dispute, controller ports will be selected by Rock-Paper-Scissors
• No player may choose the stage they last won on unless agreed upon by both players
• Ties will be broken by lives, then percentage. In the event of a percentage tie, one stock sudden death will be played
• The Ice Climber's technique 'Wobbling' is banned
• The Ice Climber Freeze Glitch is banned
• Jigglypuff's rising pound stall is banned
• Peach's bomber stall beneath levels where she is unreachable is banned (example: FoD)

Set Format (in order of procedure)
1. Opponents choose their characters for the first match *
2. Each player may announce one stage to be banned for the entirety of the set
3. The first stage will be played at random from the Random Stage List **
4. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Random Stage List or the Counter Stage List
5. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
6. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
7. Repeat steps 4-7 for all proceeding matches
*Double blind character selection may be called for this match
**Opponents may instead agree upon a random stage

Random Stage List

Fountain of Dreams
Dream Land
Final Destination
Yoshi's Story

Counter Stage List
Pokemon Stadium
Rainbow Cruise
Kongo Jungle

Teams Random Stage List

Pokemon Stadium
Dream Land
Final Destination
Yoshi's Story

Teams Counter Stage List
Rainbow Cruise
Kongo Jungle
Poke Floats

Additional Rules for Double's Play
• Life Stealing is allowed
• Set team attack to ON
• Add Dream Land: Fountain of Dreams to the Banned Stage List

House Rules

1. No running, dancing, cartwheels, Shuffling, jumping (includes wall-jumping), Shoryukening (And all like dragon fist movement inputs thereof), ballet, setting up Cricket inside the venue, Amateur Wrestling, kicking footballs, break dancing, Running Short Hop Falcon Knees/Punches from across the room, tea-bagging, surprise leap-frogging, glomping, tee-ing off, Flash Kicking (and all hold variants thereof): Self explanatory. In an environment with cables running everywhere, there’s bound to be a disaster. Hadouken’s are fine, provided that they are not aimed at competitors, equipment, closed windows, walls, the floor or the roof. Please, oh please think of the bond money >.>

2. Bring your own controller:
Controllers will NOT be provided for competitors to use (In the Brawl and Melee tournaments). It is an expectation that all competitors provide their own controllers. Do not use any person’s controller without their permission or expect a disqualification. Borrowing another player’s controller for the duration of your time at the tournament is completely fine. This is just to say that the tournament will not be providing competitors with controllers.

3. No ‘friendlies’ during early rounds: In the early rounds of each tournament bracket, there will likely be a shortage of free setups. Do not use TV’s for friendlies until TV setups outnumber the amount of matches in any given round of a bracket. When there are free TV’s, go for your life!

4. Keep the bad attitude at home: We’re all good mates in the Australian Smash community. We’re not here to argue, pick fights or put people down. We’re here to compete against each other respectfully and responsibly. This is a competitive gaming environment, so I expect and encourage competitive trash talking, however players should feel as though they can talk to anybody at the tournament at any time and be greeted with a civil response. If for whatever reason you feel as though you aren’t capable of being polite, go home, because if I see it myself, you’ll be asked to leave. We understand that some people may be afraid or put off by competitive gaming environments and we would like to change that perception through this tournament. Smash is a fun game for happy people after all :)
5. If you eat inside, clean up!: If you manage to make a mess, clean it up yourself please.

6. Setups must be used for the tournament: At least, to qualify for the discount, any setups must be configured for the tournament at all times. That means no switching it to another game if it’s already set up. The only setups that bypass this rule are the N64 setup and the Street Fighter IV set up.

7. Finals and Crew Battles:
All consoles and TV’s not being used during finals matches and Crew battles must be switched off.

8. We have to leave by 11:00pm:
This is not negotiable; we have to be well and truly done by that time. If we’re not, then Melee Singles/Doubles will be ending prematurely :(

9. Refunds do not happen after tournaments begin:
This is pretty vital to know. I can and will give refunds to participants for events, but not for events that are in progress unfortunately (since that is largely unfair to the other competitors). The Venue fee is not refundable.

10. No Smoking or Alcohol inside the venue: There are smoking areas designated for smokers, so if you are so inclined, go for your life (no pun intended). Absolutely no alcohol though please :)


Advice to new players (And old players alike)

Best Advice: Join Smashboards: If you really want to make headway in the world of competitive smash, check Smashboards regularly and become a regular poster. Smashboards is the home base of smash in Australia, it’s where players organise tournaments and practice meets and each of these represent great opportunities to enter the scene, improve your skill as players and make new friends along the way.

1. Introduce yourself: Before a match in the tournament; introduce yourself to your opponent. This meeting is no different to any other, and it makes for a much friendlier environment if competitors can do this much.

2. Keep your controller with you: Always keep your controller on you. You never know when your match might be called, and then you suddenly can’t find your controller. Controllers are easy to lose, and if you use the Wii Remote + Nunchuk setup, losing your controller could be very costly.

3. Label EVERYTHING: Do it. Get a permanent marker and label your discs, cases, memory cards, controllers, consoles, power boards, cables and TVs. For the things you might not want to put a mark on, perhaps apply a length of clear sticky tape, and write on that. Everything you bring to this tournament is your own responsibility and this is a good way to ensure that other people don’t accidentally pick your stuff up.

4. Ask for friendlies!: When there are free TV’s towards the later end of the tournament and you see a free TV, sit down, plug in and ask the nearest person for a game! Even if every TV is taken, just find a TV with only a couple of people at it, and ask for a turn after their next game. The only way to get better is to maximise your opportunity to play at every tournament, and you should not be afraid of asking someone for a match, or for a turn in the next game. You cannot be faulted for taking an initiative in maximising your tournament experience in this way and I would encourage it.

5. Be Co-operative, Be helpful: The success of a large scale tournament is largely dependent on the co-operation of all of its participants. If you’ve bought equipment, that’s great, but also make sure that the first thing you do is set it up as well. If you’ve just arrived with friends, make sure you help them set up their equipment as well. Heck, if you see anybody trying to set up equipment, tables, chairs, etc. Help them out.

When tournament directors ask for participants to do something, please listen to them and do what they say, it’ll makes things fun for everyone :)

6. Times are not final:
Things usually happen, and underestimations made, and generally speaking, we don’t always run on time. The tournament will run well into the night, so don’t expect your event to be over before you need to leave. I’m not saying skip your 7pm shift at Subway if you’re only attending for Brawl, but just be mindful that the tournament probably won’t run right to the minute of the schedule.


What, When and Where?

SmashPlay V

->WHEN: <-

Saturday 26th February, 2011 @ 1:00 PM


Helensvale Community Centre, Discovery Drive, Helensvale

->Events: <-

Brawl Singles+Doubles/Melee Singles+Doubles (If we have time, otherwise no doubles)

- Doubles will begin at 2:00PM Approx.
- Singles will begin after dinner.

- Singles After Brawl Singles*

*Melee is not the emphasis of this tournament, therefore, I leave it to you guys to decide what you really want to do. If somebody would like to be the Melee TO, raise your hand. Feel out what the community wants, and then run with it. If you really want to start before the end of Brawl singles, expect delays in both the Brawl and Melee running time.[/QUOTE]





Jagera Arts Centre, South Brisbane


---Pricing and Prize Payout---

Entry fee:


Entry fee = $5
Entry per event = $5
(e.g. Brawl singles, Brawl doubles, Melee Singles, Melee Doubles)
Per person


Entry fee = $10
Singles (for Brawl + Melee) = FREE
Doubles (for Brawl + Melee) = FREE

Prize Payout:
1st) 60% of pot
2nd) 30%
3rd) 10%
- No prizes this time :(


---Previous Tournament + Results---

Hotcat's Brawl V1


Hotcat's Brawl V2


Hotcat's Melee V.1

Hotcat's Brawl V.3 + Low tier

Hotcat's Melee V.2

Hotcat's Brawl V.4


Hotcats Brawl V.5 + Melee V.3

SmashPlay 1: Merchant of Venice

(More Results to get later)

SmashPlay V




Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
from what i can work out after 5 minutes of google it is a very long way away.
1000km+ away.
I think, never actually used google maps before.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Port Douglas isn't that like further north than Cairns?
I don't know, but if it's close to Cairns which is like 1600km away, then you're a little out of luck. c:


I FAIL AT READING quite severely. :c

Kooliez, tomorrow, then.
I shall see if I can come.

Edit 2:

I'm now going to call you Scott (Hotdogs).


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I'm pretty impressed with this.
You should extend the average age higher to about 21-22, since there is a couple of players in that range.

Looks like we're gonna need to talk about what threads should be existing atm.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Cool easy enough to get there early.
I shall be there and maybe see how i go all IC's.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I was too confused.
Bob said it might be at his, and no one said that they were going, not that I really asked.

Need more time to decide, bra. :c

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
OOhhh, so I wonder who will get the doubles championship!

There will be a 5 minutes, free-for-all on Final Destination with Items on to determine the Hardcore Champion!
Entrants will be decided on the day!

Remember to bring your Wii's people!
Also, J-Birds, Hotdogs, Benny Hill and anyone else who has TV transporting abilities, we should work out the best way to splt up the pool of TVs we have . :)


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Oh you haven't seen my IC's yet have you, they are getting there. CG's ALL DAY!
Ill be too scared to do it though.
As for doubles champ me and Kaion have got 2nd and 3rd soooo time for 1st?

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Less than 10 days now, get pumped!!!

What cool people will be bringing TVs?

I can only bring 3, so who else will help out?
Chris will you be bringing your 2?
Anyone else who can bring one, will be greatly appreciated.
And, if not a TV bring a Wii!
We will need them to fill up all the empty TVs. :)

Doubles will be exciting. :)


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Um if i can get a drive there i can bring a TV if needed. However my Wii hates me and freezes now and then so its probably better i don't bring it in case of freezing during peoples sets.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Um if i can get a drive there i can bring a TV if needed. However my Wii hates me and freezes now and then so its probably better i don't bring it in case of freezing during peoples sets.
I could pick you up on the way.
How good are you at getting up early?

Wait, I would have no space left in my car for any more TVs.
Maybe someone else could pick you + TVs up...???
Hotdogs??? If its not too far out of the way.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2008
Yea I'll prob be taking Rocko and J-birds, and 1 more other person if needed.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
sweet i may go to this. I'll have to google map the pcyc location *sigh* :p but having this close to lansmash will be shweet.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Take me with you. <3
Miss NZ... :C

I would be able to bring a T.V IF MY DAD DIDN'T SELL MY FRIGGIN T.V. =/
But yeah.

Depends on if I get fined when I go to court or not.
With whether I can attend and such. d:
Court 2 days prior, fun tiiimmmeeesss.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
Put me down for 2 TVs.

Looks like we'll do good for TVs!

Just remember to bring Wii's, we will need them!

Kas, you should come, you like Brawl at least somewhat now. :)
But the after tourney fun is where its at.
Starting at the Pancake place. Ben will direct us! :)
Awesome if you can make it Calibur, its quite a travel for ya!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2007
Gold Coast
I'll be there.

not sure if I can make it for Doubles, but I'm in in singles.

I don't have a Wii or a TV but I'll bring my Brawl.

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia
I'll be there.

-Arrow, lets team with a silly name as well.

-Anyone wanna turn up early with me and help set-up?
Friendlies n shiz can follow.
Also, anyone want to do anything tonight?
And, we COULD follow this up with a movie or something (as well as pancakes, pancakes are a given).

Can someone else bring a laptop incase Hotdogs can't make it?
And do they have the tournament running program thing?
Please confirm ASAP if you can...



Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2008
Don't worry fellas! I is all better now! I'll be there at 8, right when they open.

So don't forget:

Come at 8:30-9am! *looks at Accelerate*

D.J Cat

Smash Lord
Dec 10, 2005
Brisbane - Australia

1st: Chris (Ameratsu)
2nd: Chris (Kaiaon)
Forget the rest, Hotdogs to post up :)

1st: Chris and Ben (forget the name it was funny though)
2nd: Chris and James (forget the name, Hotdogs struggled with it though :p )
3rd: Asian Pride (Hotdogs/Rocko)
4th: The Mystery of Diaper Man (Arrow n Bob)
5th: Kasper the friendly GhostCat (Ghost + NightCat)
6th: Zac and Kas

Thanks for coming all, not many did but hey.
Hope to see ya around in the future NightCat!

More here:


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2008
Hotcat's Brawl V.1

Hotcat's Brawl V.1 Results

1st) Docter of love (Amaterasu)
2nd) DJ Kaion
3rd) Hotdog
4th) J-birds
5th) Scrubs
6th) Arrow
7th) Rocko
8th) Ghost42
9th) D.J. Cat

1st: Grizzly Bears of Love (Chris and Ben)
2nd: Synchronicity (Chris and J-birds)
3rd: Asian Pride (Hotdog and Rocko)
4th: The Mystery of Diaper Man (Arrow and Bob)
5th: Kasper the friendly GhostCat (Ghost + NightCat)
6th: *** and ******* (Zac and Kas) *Forfieted*

Brackets (Clicky)

Thanks to all that came and special thanks for those who came early to help set up =)
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