Reuben: Come at 10am
I think it would be better (and anthony would probably agree) that having separate directors for melee and brawl events is the way to go.
I agree with this. And I'm very happy.
And part of me was hoping either you would come out of retirement or somebody else would step up for Melee specifically.
Nick, this whole time Melee has clearly taken a back seat. I let it take a back seat.
I am more interested in growing the competitive Brawl scene. I cater for the Melee scene because I enjoy the game, I grew up with it, It's my original competitive game and it kicks ***, and I enjoy the company of the people who play it (just as much as those who play Brawl mind you), but
the point is, it's obvious that Brawl will take precedence in what I cater for because of my goals for the Brawl scene over the Melee scene.
You can't complain Nick, before Syke came back there was absolutely nobody willing to go out of their way to cater
specifically and only for Melee. Everybody here talks about how much they love Melee, but complain when it doesn't get catered for. Syke is an amazing troll but at least he's doing what not a single Melee player in the 'Melee state' was willing to do. Not even me.
In the past year I can think of only 1 Melee only tournament in Queensland.
And Syke, I appreciate it, but please, give the Brawl and Brawl Player bashing a rest. I should be banning your alt account, and I'll get in trouble with the higher ups if they catch on. Please don't get us both in trouble
Anyway, I'm out for at least another 24 hours. Gotta Focus on Uni!!!
EDIT: Syke, can you bring a laptop to HotCats?
That way we can run 2 brackets seperately.
(I assume this was your plan anyhow)
That's how they did it at Genesis and I think it's a good idea.
EDIT2: One more thing Zac, do you want to see Melee at LanSmash? I could decide not to hold one so that people can instead take whatever weekend you decide to organise for off instead. Idk, let me know. It works for me either way since it's gonna be hard running two tournaments in one day.