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PWG - LBT2 Unity! Brawl Reults Thread


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Alright full shoutouts (also added characters of everyone I can remember).

1: Ally :snake: Good seeing you as always man, thanks for coming to take our money again :). Everything was so busy though we barely had time to talk and didn't play :( next time

2: Holynightmare :rob: :metaknight: Well OS already welcomed you to the dark side but here you showed just how attuned you are to it already :p. Why are you psychic when you play ROB? :)

3: Silverdoc :metaknight: Happy belated Jules, sorry I completely forgot about it on the day of. I was really hoping this would be your chance for revenge against Ally and Holy but you'll get them next time.

4: KingAce :metaknight: Good job showing everyone you still roll with the tops. Thanks a ton for all the training/practice before the tourney

5: Swordgard :popo: I can't wait for your set vs Ally to get uploaded (if it has already and I missed it someone please link me to it); that game on SV was too ****. Also I can't thank you enough for the training - you've molded me into an entirely new player. As soon as I get a power cable for my wii I'll hit you up for some more wifi.

5: Hype :metaknight: we barely talked at this but good seeing you and really good job on 5th at this.

7: Ambrose :popo: :metaknight: sex. Unbelievable how you can still place so high being away from the scene for so long; maaaad respect.

7: F00l :falco: Good talking to you but I only wish I knew who the ****er that took your wii was so I could beat him severely about the face and neck. Hopefully this doesn't discourage you from coming to tourneys because you are still too good.

9: T.O. Joe :metaknight: also barely talked to but good seeing you nonetheless

9: KingKong :bowser2: wtf Bowser in 9th too good. Great friendlies for the very little while we played but don't get frustrated when I catch on to some of the things you were doing; we have the same teacher after all ;)

9: Shifou :random: hi

9: Mikey :metaknight: You can beat brose man, and next time do it so I don't have to face you in bracket :p ...your play-style is the weirdest thing for me to adjust to for some reason.

13: Gi :wario: :olimar: Someday I'll catch up to you :). Good job wrecking **** in pools and grats on finally making U&C; it was long overdue.

13: Kuenzel :zerosuitsamus: barely talked, but good seeing you

13: Raidos :popo: barely talked, but good seeing you

13: Iliad :marth::random::falco::random: sadly I barely talked to you as well, but it's always good seeing you. We didn't get to play but let's wifi sometime.

17: Ham n Eggs :peach: hi

17: Dimmy :metaknight: League of Legends ftw. Too bad I spend all of my time on my smurf account now; queueing with/against the same 20 people every game got boring :laugh:

17: Buenob :rob: ***** us in doubles; you're too good of a stock tank as always. I already said it but it warrants saying again: you are amazing for watching over my stuff when I wasn't around. Hoping to see you at the next GTA event.

17: HingHussle :random: hi

17: TinMan :rob: :olimar: lol ***** my $2 :urg: good job man.

17: RyanFW :zerosuitsamus: hi

17: i1337 :dk2: pretty beastly DK, I watched some of your games but we never got to play :(

17: AvariceX :ness2: :dedede: Ness is too good as always

25: Infzy :sonic: Thanks so much for the controller for the day, I probably would have drowned in pools without it :laugh:. Can't wait for a chance to play you again, my brother plays Sonic so I'm fairly familiar with the matchup and Ness vs Sonic is one of the most fun matchups in the game so I'm looking forward to next time. And of course thanks a ton for the housing.

25: Rye :random: hi

25: Tippr :marth::random: Ness dittos all dai :p. I would say something like "ask me any questions about Ness and I'll help" but your main (you do play Marth right?) is a better character anyway so I wouldn't worry about it :laugh:. Seriously though I think I said everything that came to mind during our friendlies. Good games.

25: Jerk :random: hi

25: SRTM :diddy: gg's in doubles.

25: MightyChir :random: hi

25: Phiddlesticks :bowser2: didn't really talk but good job repping the koopa as always.

25: Jasuke :popo: tough breaks in game 3 in bracket, but ggs otherwise. I was scared every game, you got enough grabs to seal the deal if you were just a little more consistent with the CG's (Ness is weird to CG though; I know I tried to learn the IC's cg's :p).

Annsy :kirby2:: Thanks to you and infzy for the housing and fun friendlies the night before. GG's in doubles.

Primo :peach: + Mistral :lucario:: not going to lie we waaay underestimated you in doubles in game 1; won't make that mistake again. Good stuff and gg's.

Marik :yoshi2:: good chilling as always, can't believe I still haven't played you in vBrawl. GG's in Brawl+... next time I think I'll try to familiarize myself with the new codeset so I'm not super-fail :laugh:

Carter :samus2:: GG's in Brawl+, just in case I want to make sure you know that none of my frustration whatsoever during our matches was directed at you and it was entirely directed at the guys on the mic. You on the other hand are chill, so gg's and good seeing you again.

F1ZZ :lucario:: Ness + Lucario is sooooo broken :) especially when the lucario is a beast of a stock tank. GG's.

My pool: Everyone had some skill so our pool was really exciting and interesting, gg's to all.

RiddleBox :peach:: You and Akariss play Peach so differently I was so worried because at the beginning of one game I had to unlearn a matchup that I just learned 5 minutes ago :laugh:. Good stuff.

Akariss :peach:: Send me a PM or something if you wanna do penguin dittos any time.

Tasty :metaknight:: you're a champ for driving so many people out all the time. Train up with Iliad some more and you'll be really good soon.

K_snip: GG's, sorry I don't remember too much :(

Sorry if I missed anyone.

**** I forgot zaf: It had been a while so it was really good seeing you again after so long. Hopefully we actually get to play sometime :).


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
1. HolyNightmare (ROB) - GG on beating ally Marcos. I guess you finally did it. Don't walk into revolution so cocky though because of this win. You will not be getting first at that tourney ;)
2. Ally (Wario) - Wtf man lol, meh it happened nothing can be done now. Why don't you use marth anymore against rob?
3. KingKong (Bowser) - Good **** man, i didnt get to play you.
4. Distructo (Toon Link) - <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
5. Tin Man (ROB) - didnt get to play you but im sure it would of been fun man.
5. ThatGuy (Ike) - you have the tl mu experience man, be more patient and **** next time
7. Jer (Jigglypuff) - gg partner, good **** knocking me out
7. Rion (Zelda) - great zelda as usual rion. nice seeing you. When will you be in mtl next?
9. Eugene (Cpt. Falcon) - get *****
9. Iliad (Link) - wont happen again.
9. Swordgard (Sheik/Zelda) - well you ***** gta, but who didn't. You didn't do good against mtl. Isn't saying much about yourself imo. We'll mm soon.
9. Marik (Yoshi)- cool yoshi, but its no MAC_LF
13. 5ive (Pika, Olimar) - get *****
13. F1ZZ (Lucario) - get *****
13. zaf (Toon Link) - you ****ing suck, get your **** together douchebag. you played like *** losing to that scrub iliad. Wake up and play better
13. Tha Carter ( samus) - great samus man, i watched you play. just mix it up more like i said
17. chesterr01 (Various) - maybe entering too many games in one day was a bad idea?
17. Fonez (Peach) - get *****
25. Gi - It was fun to watch the dud play, she did pretty good actually. Keep her playing =P
25. Troll (Lucas) - LOL, you weren't as big a douche as last time. Which was amazing because you kept the trolling to a minimum from what i saw, but also trolled just enough.
25. Tippr (Marth) - gta player? get *****
25. Akariss (Peach) - get *****.

doc- why do you seem so depressed all the time lol? I didn't want to say happy birthday cuz im sure you would of just shrugged it off or something. Told you i would not be bothering you. Thanks for ****** me in vbrawl. Although that game feels so slow to b+, i got lost in the mechanics. I do not know what happened with the losers finals. From what i know, every tourney final match should be a bo5. You said it was to be a bo3 to save time. It makes sense. But i was not there at the time, i do not know what went down. So therefore i am neutral in this, sorry you got screwed over but at the same time holy still managed to win =/


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2005
1. HolyNightmare (ROB): Great job beating your brother dude, but don't worry i got you at Revo
2. Ally (Wario): Uairs to 60% is ridicilous, we need to play more
3. KingKong (Bowser): Good **** on placing third dude, shouldve been my spot but whatever :)
4. Distructo (Toon Link): Stealing chicken all dai :) But seriously, you're TL is really good, nice job on the placement
5. Tin Man (ROB): We didn't play our mains against each other but i still had fun in our match, you're one of the nicest guys i've met :)
5. ThatGuy (Ike): Close *** matches Joel, nice job knocking me out :) <3
7. Jer (Jigglypuff): Do better next time, 7th is good but cmon bro
7. Rion (Zelda): ****ing Zelda, you're too good, always nice seeing you :)
9. Eugene (Cpt. Falcon): Getting gimped all dai with falcon against jiggs must suck :( You have potential, keep playing ^_^
9. Iliad (Link): We didn't play but i saw your link and i liked it :) You're a cool guy
9. Swordgard (Sheik/Zelda): YOU'RE BAAADDDD :p Haha, grats on the placing
9. Marik (Yoshi): Nice job on 9th, keeping working on your Yoshi thought, i wish Elef was there to show you some stuff. Our friendlies were amazing, you're a really cool guy, i can't wait to play you again.
13. 5ive (Pika, Olimar): Dumb azn, you're bad i thought you were good for making this game, 13th is for scrubs, enjoy your placing :) Just kidding i <3 you
13. F1ZZ (Lucario): Roll>Fsmash worked in 2008 in vbrawl, stop doing it dude. Anyways gg's, grats on knocking out Reggie
13. zaf (Toon Link):YOU'RE BAAAADDDD THOOOUGHHHH. Don't drop TL, keep playing him, it's sex. We got teams next time i promise
13. carter(Samus): I didn't play you, but i saw that samus and **** was it sexy
17. chesterr01 (Various): Wow Reggie, way to rep MTL for us eh? Just kidding, you got gayed, it happens. Keep playing
17. Fonez (Peach): JV! JV! JV! JV! Our matches were too fun, i was worried our first match i thought you had me, but then i figured you out. You're such a cool guy, keep playing, your peach is gunna be mad good someday
25. Gi: You told me you didn't play this game, and it kinda showed. We had gg's, charizard against Jiggz isnt the greatest because of your weight. I guarantee if you went Wario you wouldve placed much better. Ggs
25. Troll (Lucas): Your bad, not enough nair with Lucas. :)
25. Tippr (Marth): Don't think i played you >_>
25. Akariss (Peach): Idk if i played you

Honorary Mentions:

Adnan: Thanks so much for the housing, you really saved our ***** both night

Doc: Told you i wouldnt troll you irl, im not like that. I hope you had a good time at this tourney, i heard about all the stuff and you placing third, better luck next time.

Kingace: We talked for like 2 seconds but you're pretty chill, when you come to MTL for revo we defz gotta hang out.

TheDUD: I think it was you playing Swordgard in b+ (You took Gi's spot possibly?) Anyways, i tried my best to help you when you were using Jiggs, if we ever meet up again i'll give you tips that'll make people HATE Jiggs. :)

Anyone else i missed: I <3 you guays, see you next tourney ^_^


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
Tinman, Zaf, and Jer.

You guys are all cool, if I was grumpy, it's cause' of Ally, but as long as he doesn't bother me irl I won't ***** about it on the boards, I'm in a very good mood now so I'd like to take the chance to say that.

GTA: I love you guys

Kingace: Misunderstandings happen, if your respect for me is "limited" so be it.

Montreal excluding Holy and Ally, you guys are cool.

Holy: lets just say thats your revenge on me for the whole Niagara thing, give me a week and i'll totally get over it :)

Ally: .. No comment.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Don't worry Jer, once I find a way to get homebrew back on my wii (my bro updated my wii and we lost it) I'll get B+ back and michelle (Dud) and I will be good again.

Man GTA got soooo ***** in B+, I really think we should start doing 1v1s at york casuals for B+ as well, not just doubles. ****ing step it up.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
o yeah shout out to

sylvantes for thx for the tourney

5ive for sucking at a game he makes, naw i luv u 5

cyan and scrubthony for being scrubs
hey you didnt call me by my nickname you made up, remember?

i forgot it...


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Had fun in Brawl+ for the most part. So disappointed after getting 13th, but I'll be back with a vengence :demon: lol cliché. Had fun chilling with Jer, Rion and Zaf. You guys are mad cool. Hope Zaf can bring some people to a Gi/Fizz sometime.. That should be fun.

1. Ally (Wario) What can I say, you're good at this game and you don't even play it. Just goes to show how good you are at smash. Had fun playing you in doubles, A LOT closer than I expected.
2. Holy (ROB) loool no friendlies :(. I'll play you some other time. And nice hair.
3. KingKong (Bowser) A Bowser that beat Dist - LOL WAT. Good job man.
4. Distructo (Toon Link) Nice job again you blubber necked beast. Rep Toronto+ woooo.
5. Tin Man (ROB) Great placing - had a hard time with you in our MM. Don't get too cocky though there are a lot of good players in Toronto that can contend. Like I said, I'm coming after you :laugh:
5. ThatGuy (Ike) IRC BUDDY. Habs suck, get 6 stocked :) Anyways, good job on the placing and amazing Ike. SILVEN VS THATGUY GOGOGOGO
7. Jer (Jigglypuff) You are mad funny. You make fun of Dist like me and Eugene do. Good job. Nice Jigs and you got 3 stocked by my cstick LOLOLOL. Hope to see you again.
7. Rion (Zelda) eeyyy another IRC buddy. Nothing short of amazing from your Zelda. Heard about it on the IRC, and then saw it IRL. Really impressed. UPSMASH POWER.
9. Eugene (Cpt. Falcon) wowwowowowowowowowowowowo
9. Iliad (Link) Nice job on the placing. Got to see that cherished Link+ of yours. Definitely no joke. Don't worry about the Rion loss, that upsmash hits Link too much.
9. Swordgard (Sheik/Zelda) Hi. You seemed pretty cool in real life. You gave Fonez tips about punished Sheik on transformation which was pretty nice of you. On SWF it's a different story though :bee:
9. Marik (Yoshi) OMG most painful loss of the night. Good win though, you deserved it.
13. F1ZZ (Lucario) Oh ****, awesome placing. You managed to knock out Chet and came close to some Montrealers. I'm proud of you, keep it up.
13. zaf (Toon Link) Didn't talk to you much, but from what Dist told me, you're pretty cool. And if you're cool, you're cool, nuff said.
13. Carter (Samus) only played you in an SD fest friendly. We should play more.
17. chesterr01 (Various) Doubles :)
17. Fonez (Peach) STEP IT UP. Your Peach is too good place this low. Let's gooo.
25. Gi LOL your GF played your bracket matches. I should of saw that.
25. Troll (Lucas) Thanks for trolling me dude. Made me get that 4 stock ;). Oh and good **** trolling swizzbeatss. I almost died laughing when you first saw him LOL.
25. Tippr (Marth) Didn't see you
25. Akariss (Peach) Close games, but get ***** last game son. You're also a pretty cool guy. Hope to play you again.

Mikey: YOU SCRUB LOLOLOL. Stop camping Brawl+ before we ban you. You and your gimmicks smh
LBT: Thanks for hosting this. Much appreciated, great venue.

Toronto Joe

Smash Master
May 13, 2008
lucario in B+ kills at 60...i remember phil was just spamming fsmash wtf is that broken nonsense


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Man GTA got soooo ***** in B+, I really think we should start doing 1v1s at york casuals for B+ as well, not just doubles. ****ing step it up.

I approve of this newfound ****.

Time for my shoutouts.


Iliad: Sorry I flopped in my matches against you, I was feeling mad discouraged and plain fed up with vBrawl. Even though I beat Danny, Wild Card, and SkylerSilver, once I SD'd that one match against RyanFW and lost to i1337, I knew I wasn't making it out. Next time maybe.

i1337: You're too ****. That Donkey Kong of yours is scary, sorry I didn't live up to my potential and give you a challenge, I made reckless and stupid mistakes. Next time.

Danny: Good games.

Wild Card: Good games, keep it up. Nobody except Nickcam does good at their first tournament haha.

SkylerSilver: Work on that Marth, but good games.

Ally: Beast matches, they were mad fun. I did surprisingly good against you, hope they were recorded or something. Good games and winning Brawl.


Now here comes the good part!

Jer: Awesome games, it was great playing with you. Come to a GtaN event soon so we can chill again! Dude you have a Mango Puff in Brawl+, aerial comboing my ass like crazy. Mad good games though.

Zaf: You seemed awfully upset and emotionally detached at this tournament. We had mad fun games, sorry about not saving that replay, I'm sorry if it made me look like a sore loser, that wasn't my intention at all. Place better next time scrub. :(

5ive: Sorry about game three, I needed that win. Keep working on that Pit, it has potential. I had a great time playing you, mad fun games.

F1ZZ: We took a game off Chesterr and ThatGuy! Haha, awesome! Great games, keep working on that Lucario more. If my Squirtle and Snake beat your main, that ain't good lol. Awesome matches, chilling with you and Brawl+ Smashers made my entire month. <3

Avarice: That Zero Suit Samus was scary! Keep working on her, it's pretty legit. Just stop SD'ing as much and familiarize yourself with the mechanics. Good games, I had mad fun.

Eugene: Doubles were awesome. Same with everyone else I had doubles matches with, awesome stuff.

PaintedGhost: I never ***** your Peach. I'm sad now. :(

ThatGuy: I could NOT handle your Ike. Keep ****** it up.

Distructo: That one match was great. Hope to play you more in the future. Good job ****** Tin Man! <3

Tin Man: I'll learn Gyro gimmicks sooner or later. I'm ****** you next time we play.

Rion: We never got to play. Wicked Zelda though.

KingKong: You murdered this tournament. Legit Bowser man.

Brawl+ scene is amazing, hopefully it grows.

Also, thanks Troll for the ride. Appreciate it.

Had awesome fun chilling with Brawl+ people. Looking forward to doing it again soon.

Random Shoutouts:

JustNoOne: Your Luigi is great. Once I got back into sync with vBrawl again, I ***** you haha. Thanks for letting me train my Snake and giving me advice. You should've made it out of pools, Jerk lied. Your Luigi is legit.

BOB SAGET: I never got to play you. I tried calling when you left for hockey, but you never heard me. Next time.

Sexy female Unity staff: Wear more skimpy clothes please. Mad cute girls though.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Avarice: That Zero Suit Samus was scary! Keep working on her, it's pretty legit. Just stop SD'ing as much and familiarize yourself with the mechanics. Good games, I had mad fun.
Lol :) all of my practice came from 5.0C; I hadn't played the new codeset at all and I'm about 90% sure this codeset changed the angle/distance at which Ness' recovery can ride up the edge of a stage, which is where those SDs came from :(. I'm probably going to switch to pure ZSS in Brawl+ anyway; all that matters is I'll be ready for next time :)


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Lol :) all of my practice came from 5.0C; I hadn't played the new codeset at all and I'm about 90% sure this codeset changed the angle/distance at which Ness' recovery can ride up the edge of a stage, which is where those SDs came from :(. I'm probably going to switch to pure ZSS in Brawl+ anyway; all that matters is I'll be ready for next time :)
To clear this up, there was no angle or distance change regarding his wall ride ability nor was his Up B distance altered. Although I can tell you there might be a change improving his recovery.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Guess I was choking hard then, because I pretty much never SD normally, and I think I SD'ed like..4 times that day... w/e won't matter with ZSS.

Now that I think about it though wasn't there some discussion on changing the speed of PKT itself? That could significantly alter how to recover properly...

meh, I'm over it.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Oh I see how it is Doc, not even hate shoutouts for me? Disappointed as I just came back from the mall. Killed my day ;P
Ah don't worry about it your not the only one, Doc~ never acknowledges me unless I need GUM or I'm right beside the Troll, and he knows its true.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Don't worry Jer, once I find a way to get homebrew back on my wii (my bro updated my wii and we lost it) I'll get B+ back and michelle (Dud) and I will be good again.

Man GTA got soooo ***** in B+, I really think we should start doing 1v1s at york casuals for B+ as well, not just doubles. ****ing step it up.
F1ZZ stepped up and eliminated a Montreal. LOLOLOLOLOL


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
9th is pretty legit for a tournament where I ran into ThatGuy second round of brackets.


Smash Cadet
Feb 15, 2009
Los Angeles
I guess I should make shoutouts as well lol. But I am only going to do shoutouts on the people I played since I barely know anyone srry =[

Ambrose: Peach was good and good thing I didn't get to face your ICs xD. You got me into losers though with MK D: No johns lol. ggs
Fool: I like how you won all of your pool matches lolol. Sorry to hear about your Wii =[
Mikey: You were probably the only person who I knew a while back lol. Even we didn't get to chat nice meeting you.
Raidos: ICs made me get out of bracket D: I need to learn the MU more but still nice ICs and ggs.
SRTM: I liked your Diddy and we should friendly more often since I need to learn the MU more :D ggs

Troll: I should have met you. From hearing so many things about you literally being a troll and Mikey payign you to troll, I would have loved to be at the scene lololol.

Hope to play anyone else whom I haven't played in the future!


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2009
Toronto, Canada
13. F1ZZ (Lucario): Roll>Fsmash worked in 2008 in vbrawl, stop doing it dude. Anyways gg's, grats on knocking out Reggie
Things just got serious. <_< I also didn't know the Jiggs MU, I guess I got scared use old habits. Next time.

@zaf: I could of, would of and should of beat you. But no johns on my part. (Distructo is going to teach me this MU) :)

PS: You made my day when you started to rage about getting hit by Aura Spheres. Even though I lost to you I was still happy. Done.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
Things just got serious. <_< I also didn't know the Jiggs MU, I guess I got scared use old habits. Next time.

@zaf: I could of, would of and should of beat you. But no johns on my part. (Distructo is going to teach me this MU) :)

PS: You made my day when you started to rage about getting hit by Aura Spheres. Even though I lost to you I was still happy. Done.
Fizz is talking trash. Something is wrong...


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
@hype - nah didn't enter brawl, but had a great time playin melee, good **** as always,
@tinman - maybe after a break I'll come back, maybe ...
@raidos - ics mk is da greatest team ever, haha, we'll work on it and maybe I'll enter some dubs with ya in the future.
@riddlebox - my falcon is better than yours, deal with it, and iliad is a scrub dun listen to him, i haz the greatest falcon ever (next to ally and culex), but still, EVER!
@buenob - wasted your money on the dam buffet, was it worth it? answer ... yes, cuz u didn't get food poisening from ikea. DEATH POOLS FTW haha, no johns tho, next time spam your rob more or something, i dunno i don't play the tard.
@everyone i asked to mm in brawl (other than akariss) - 1 dollar is not that much, and you'll prob beat me i barely play anymore, lrn2addtehfun
@akariss - good money match, glad we could play on better terms.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
so i have a couple of sick brawl+ 0-death combos with me kingkong and ally. They deserve a combo vid lol

SHouts to the quebecers who stayed with me. Come back whenever =D bring more. And bring a bell collar for holy so we dont lose him again ahaha

Im rusty but ill get better again in both games. Dunno how i faced holy 2nd round of brawl+ but whatever....almost beat him.

THANKS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN BRINGING THIS TOURNEY! Geez, so many walls of texts complaining and so little 'thank yous' for bringing the biggest smash tourney to date. Hopefully youll ignore the ungratefulness and continue to improve your tourneys



Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
so i have a couple of sick brawl+ 0-death combos with me kingkong and ally. They deserve a combo vid lol

SHouts to the quebecers who stayed with me. Come back whenever =D bring more. And bring a bell collar for holy so we dont lose him again ahaha

Im rusty but ill get better again in both games. Dunno how i faced holy 2nd round of brawl+ but whatever....almost beat him.

THANKS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE INVOLVED IN BRINGING THIS TOURNEY! Geez, so many walls of texts complaining and so little 'thank yous' for bringing the biggest smash tourney to date. Hopefully youll ignore the ungratefulness and continue to improve your tourneys

Thanks again for hosting the other mtl people : )


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Things just got serious. <_< I also didn't know the Jiggs MU, I guess I got scared use old habits. Next time.

@zaf: I could of, would of and should of beat you. But no johns on my part. (Distructo is going to teach me this MU) :)

PS: You made my day when you started to rage about getting hit by Aura Spheres. Even though I lost to you I was still happy. Done.
naw man the match was mine and will always be against you.
You sit there charging aurasphere and then fsmash and roll back and forth.
There is nothing else to your game.

Once i figured it out, i just camped back and waited for you. It worked cuz i won. i outsmarted ya buddy ;)

Speaking of which, lucarios fsmash is mads broken. It lingers around forever, has a huge hitbox and has a stupid vertical hitbox.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2005
Things just got serious. <_< I also didn't know the Jiggs MU, I guess I got scared use old habits. Next time.

@zaf: I could of, would of and should of beat you. But no johns on my part. (Distructo is going to teach me this MU) :)

PS: You made my day when you started to rage about getting hit by Aura Spheres. Even though I lost to you I was still happy. Done.

You're aware i didnt know matchups outside of Yoshi/Ike/TL at this tourney right? I had to make everything up as i went so don't be all "I didn't know the mu" because neither did i.

Anyways, stop rollin around brah, it doesnt work


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
A clip from the South Park movie where they satirize Canadians.

That movie was jokes though.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2008
So the B+ results finally come up! Yay~

I'm pretty dang tired right now, but I do want to make 2 specific shout outs before I post more later this week.

@ Sylvantes - Thank you very much for arranging housing and for getting me picked up after I got off the bus ride. Also, thank you for working so hard to make the tournament run as best as possible.

I appreciate all the effort and work that you and your crew did. Thank you!

@ Dave, the awesome guy who housed me! - Wow, I don't think I'd have even gotten to the tournament at all let alone play in it if you weren't around. I am grateful for all the hospitality you've given me during that weekend. You made the weekend a blast for doing so much for me!

A sincere thanks!

Sleeping now, whew... :dizzy:

Self Distructo

Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2009
Toronto, ON. Canada
4. Distructo (Toon Link) - <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 333333
If we were a B+ team, you'd be the right guy
And I'd be the smasher, that you'd fall in love with
In the end we'd be spamming, watching people complain
Fade to black as we win, play the Zelda song, YEAH


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
It's almost as erotic as when Toronto Joe sits on Iliad's lap.

And Troll's too.
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