Thank you Oversawm for submitting data! About time we see some numbers!
I really really don't want to take 30 years and write a 40 page essay........but....*sigh*...I'll try to summarize as much as I can.
Starting with the MK Usage sheets. Both pages have both counter picks and neutral stages on them. I think Win / Loss data would prove to be more useful.
I'm kind of confused why Brinstar is much lower on the second picture. Was this from two separate tournaments? Because Brinstar was REALLY high in the first picture and low in the second one. Same thing goes for Smashville. Anyways, I'll continue.
If I recall correctly, the first one is specifically MK and the 2nd global; I'm not entirely sure though. It's been three years since crunching the data and I don't have all the original stuff yet. I didn't notice it at first, but the first set is % and the 2nd is raw, which indicates the 2nd is global and the primary is specific. Good catch on the Brinstar thing, I should have seen that.
Overswarm, if you have another character sheet such as this, it would prove to be helpful. Say, Olimar or D3. Meta Knight is a character who is good all around and its really difficult to show a true importance on this data. Although, I'm not sure what you're trying to convey the meaning by this data, I might not have read something right during your post. Pretty much, what is this trying to prove, or you are just showing interesting facts? To me it seems like Meta Knight has a huge variability of where he can be played, and the reason why some of the stages were so low, were just due to people choosing another stage instead of that particular one, especially if all were allowed in these tournaments.
This is just old data kind of for funsies for the most part. Corn asked to see some of it and this is all I could scrounge up. I've gone through 3 laptops since 2010 and don't have all the original stuff on me so I can't go through everything in my post history to find it since some is behind the BBR wall. It gives an idea on what data can mean and how to interpret it; you're on the right track by asking for sheets on something like Olimar or D3. I went over other characters as well but this was all created during the MLG circuit and the MK ban discussion v 4(?) or something like that, so the focus was on MK. In the future I plan on having a database set up to be able to pull info on any character in Smash 4, so keep thinking on what data would be useful.
This is good data right here, but I think it can go against you. A player that has 3 stocks is due to a player having skill especially represented on a neutral stage. However, in the second picture, MK has barely ever wins with 3 stocks, if at all. This could be do due to the abuse of the moving screen. Its a lot harder to live on and more room for SD as well as easily gimping players for being off of position. That is why its difficult to obtain a 3 stock in a stage such as this.
As I said before, I would like to see more characters if you have it, so I can either prove this theory further or prove me wrong. Because once again, MK is good everywhere.
I wish I had more data to show you, but I'm definitely not looking any more :B
You'd have to take my word on it, but, no, MK isn't good everywhere. MK is just good. There's a very specific difference in that wording. His only negative stage was Frigate Orpheon (below 50% win rate), other than that he had higher than 50%. So he's not BAD on stages. But there's a stark difference between "not bad' and "good", and Norfair and Rainbow Cruise didn't really make the cut. In a game where you can CP only 1 or 2 stages and you only get 1 ban, the top 3 or 4 are all that are ever going to be important. Norfair and RC weren't even in the top 5. Starters were in the top five though. Predominately so. Percentage, not raw, of victories. Chew on that! :B
As for "a player having 3 stocks is due to a player having more skill" is kind of a BS argument that people should stop making. This is an
assertion, and has no valid backing. Arguments without evidence should be dismissed without evidence. It's presented solely as a "Well, your data proves me wrong UNLESS...." argument. It's not to further discussion on what's true or right, it's to further discussion towards you BEING right in your previously held beliefs. That's unhealthy and should stop.
That said? The data was naturally normalized and then artificially normalized via a focus on only top players, only top segment of bracket, and entire bracket. You're looking at entire bracket (the most important). The data was consistent.
It wasn't skill that was being a divider there. The stages are practically synonymous. There's what, a 4% gap in 2 stock victories between the two? MK had a whopping 0% 3 stocks on Rainbow Cruise, his counterpick, and 2 or 3% on Smashville? Rainbow Cruise isn't more polarizing on a global scale OR on an MK scale than Smashville is.
Would Olimar and ICs do worse on it? Yeah, I'm sure, but the entire cast? Virtually no change! They're close enough to where you can't really distinguish between the two in terms of "how badly characters get beaten by MK".
As for the tournament attendance sheet, I don't know what could be "exactly" the cause of it. Could be due to the player interest in Brawl at the start because it was a new game, then people running away from it later for disliking it. At least that's what it looks like to me, but I may be biased here. I don't honestly think this has to do with the range of stages. Also note, that in December, its moving back up again.
I will also agree with Caps. People who just blatantly state, "I agree or disagree" without reason should be ignored due to their lack of reason.
Agreed and agreed. When I first brought it up it was mostly the same. "Like it or not, tournament attendance is down". Melee kids liked to laugh at this, but their numbers were worse than Brawl's then. Melee and Brawl both went through the cycle where the last year or so was kinda "meh" and then picked up again right before Smash 4, but Brawl had a serious lapse early on that Melee didn't have. Now Melee DID have a huge advantage with being part of an MLG; it was basically Melee's lifeblood. Without MLG, people probably wouldn't be playing Melee right now and I'm not joking. It led a lot of credence to the game and there was a notable change after Melee was picked up, and that momentum changed how Melee looked at itself.
The attendance drop could have been a lot of things, but anyone "on the ground" and actually playing in Brawl wasn't complaining about Brawl. Sure, there were a couple of wanna-be cool kids on the forums going to Brawl tournaments and getting 0-2'd and saying "This game sucks, Melee's sooooooooo much better", but Brawl players
actually liked Brawl. I personally helped build the midwest-east scene and with the help of Kel, Alpha Zealot, Keist, and Nope saw a large, thriving community grow. We had the most average tournament attendees per capita in the entire USA in Ohio and for several months had the highest tournament attendees
period, which is huge. Standard 50+ man tournaments, once a month 80-100 man tournaments. House tournaments on impromptu weekends that had people not making it out of pools and not advancing to a 32 man bracket.
I got to personally watch them leave, and the majority of it was "I can't play my character". Wolf mains, Link mains, Jigglypuff mains, Pikachu mains, Donkey Kong mains, Marth mains... you name it. I was a vocal anti-ban for a while and told people "you just have to learn the matchup, he's good but not unstoppable" and I was wrong. I played with DSF when he visited for some time and saw such a vast improvement in my ability as MK it was laughable. That was the first clue. The second was when my ROB, the best in the nation at the time, was playing DSF's snake, the best Snake in the nation at the time, and we had close matches back and forth. It was a lot of fun and eye-opening to play one of my favorite matchups like that. Then he picked MK and it was consistent 2 stocks. I picked MK and then could beat his MK, trade games back and forth. I did better vs. his Snake with MK just emulating his play, I hadn't practiced with MK at that point. From there I started watching and listening and practicing with MK. I eventually became heavily pro-ban because I saw what MK was doing to both my region and the metagame.
People weren't silent about that. They'd come up to me and complain about MK at tournaments, and then they'd stop showing up. Asking them why? Meta Knight. "Why even bother playing Luigi? I don't mind playing an uphill matchup but I have to work SO MUCH HARDER than the guy playing MK. I could just pick up MK myself but I don't WANT to play MK". Stuff like that. They felt it was impossible or unfair, and it was.
I got to hear individual reasons for why people quit, and it was never "Brawl is campy" or "I don't like Brawl". It was "I don't like Meta Knight" and "I lost all my counterpicks".
Smashville - 834
Norfair - 81
3 Stocks:
Smashville - 71 or 8.5%
Norfair - 4 or 4.9%
2 Stocks:
Smashville - 315 or 37.8%
Norfair - 26 or 33.3%
1 stock:
Smashville - 448 or 54.79%
Norfair - 50 or 62.96%
Timeouts removed from equation, but not from total
Is this from MK only still or just all characters? This further proves my theory of reasoning about life expectancy on controversial stages that deter from actual skill.
I wish I could live in the world you live in. People complain about Norfair being too unfair and too strong a counterpick, MK destroys too hard on that stage, rabble rabble rabble. I show data showing MK actually destroys more on Smashville and people say "Well this obviously just shows the player is able to indicate their skill more strongly, Norfair detracts and gives random results!"
Bull****. It does nothing of the sort and anyone who thinks that not only doesn't know how to read data but should be ashamed of themselves for religiously pursuing a single path at all costs like a zealot. Do you honestly think you'd be saying the same thing if I switched Norfair and Smashville on that list? Of course not! You're coming from the pre-approved mentality of "Smashville is fair". It's not, get over it.
Smashville leads to higher 3 stocks and 2 stocks than Norfair. You have more one-sided matches on Smashville and Norfair. THAT is all you can get from this data. I could see the other data and I can tell you that the "starters" fit the bill of CPs more often than most of the CPs did, but even then Norfair and Smashville
are practically the same. If your crazy zany counterpick Norfair that is on the edge of being banned has a whopping 5% difference in Smashville then that's some pretty tame ****.
This data leaves a stalemate on both sides of the spectrum. It doesn't tell us win/loss ratio and exactly as you said "high occurrences doesn't mean a character does well". Although, we can make assumptions on this data. Such as D3 being a horrible pick for Norfair due to his inability to chain grab.
I want to point something out here though that you said in a previous post. You said something along the lines of tiers being different due to the choice of stage selection. I never disagreed on this statement, but I did point out that if there were to be any changes, it would probably effect the middle-tier. I was correct at that since D3 isn't shown much on Norfair (remember this is just an assumption). Ice Climbers also go along with this category as well. This is because the inability to chain grab on a stage like this.
I'm not sure what you're saying here. I unfortunately don't have win/loss ratios with me; I had them with MK at one point but no longer have them. This is just usage, which gives a strong indicator of how people
This is pretty much close to what I imagined. Meta Knight being the most played character on Norfair (because he has the highest advantage there) as well as Smashville. The only major difference in character selection that can be seen is Ice Climbers and D3. Low-tier characters can't even play well on Norfair at all. Look at Samus, Shiek, Pokemon Trainer, and Zelda. This shows that if you wanted to competitively based on character selection, its really not that fair to choose Norfair as a stage for "so and so" character.
Meta Knight's win % on Norfair was under par. As in below his average.
If you want to really get into the nitty gritty, a lot of people were willing to switch TO Meta Knight (as virtually everyone has him as a secondary), which inflated his usage numbers (shown in the graph). He just happened to do better. I compensated for the idea of "Ah ha! MK did worse because so many people chose him as their secondary pick on Norfair and had less practice" too, btw. Didn't change the data, especially since most of the time it turned it into MK dittos (which obviously don't change win/loss rate and were removed).
I'll bring a scenario by you. Player A is really good at tournaments. Has won many times with D3 in Brawl. Next tournament Player A joins has Norfair as a neutral stage. Player A joins knowing that the particular stage completely screws D3 over. Instead of playing as D3 for the tournament he goes to his secondary, Meta Knight, who is great at Norfair.
This is what's going to happen. Middle-tier might drop a few steps. Low-tier will become unplayable. And the S-Tier will be played more than any character at a tournament with stage selections available such as this. This ruins variability. This ruins "skill". If Player A decided to go D3 and ended up playing against a Meta Knight, he would try his best and lose. This is where stage becomes the benefactor of decisions and not player skill. Selecting a stage isn't considered skill.
Okay, here's another scenario. That D3 player, Player A, loses on Norfair with his secondary. He then switches to Dedede and takes his MK opponent to Shadow Moses Island (bear with me).
What you're arguing here is not only should Player A be able to pick Dedede (who can basically only play flat/plat stages well), but
no one should be able to counterpick him on a stage he does well. On top of that, you think some cardinal sin has occurred that he had to switch characters!
If you pick a limited character like Ice Climbers you're supposed to need a secondary. It's how smash works. You don't warp the ruleset so Ice Climbers can play on all available stages with no disadvantage.
EVERY stage gives an advantage or disadvantage depending on players and matchups. If we make only flat/plat stages legal, we get the tier list we have now. If we banneed them all and had stages like Rainbow Cruise, Japes, Norfair, and Brinstar as our only stages we'd likely have an increase in Wario players. The tier list is determined by how well your character can play in his environment. The stage list directly shapes the tier list.
If you say that skill is not important, then what's the importance of playing? Overswarm, you said it somewhere on this topic that skill does not matter, all that matters is winning or losing.
What, exactly, do you think "Fighting Skill" is? Actually, nevermind. I don't care. Because there's no such thing as "fighting skill". There's winning and losing, period. You can win by playing well and lose by placing worse than your opponent. That's competition.
This statement right here one day is going to bite you. By saying this, you are not promoting people to play this game. Instead you are trying to make it extinct. Anything that is considered competitive is a representation of skill. You take away skill and what do you have? Answer: No Competition. You're going to lessen the roster and customability even more. Going to LITERALLY be revolved around Meta Knight. This has to be the worst thing I've heard from anyone and I wish that no one would ever use this quote again.
The game DID revolve around Meta Knight and I did my best to stop that. You might have read a thing or two about it if you were on the forum in the past 5 years.
More importantly, it's
correct. There is no "skill". There's winning and losing. You want a definition for skilled? A skilled player is one who wins, period. You don't like that he's campy? Tough. Don't like that he chain grabs? Tough.
People moaned that Mew2King was ruining Melee when he started chain grabbing everyone and focusing solely on u-throw u-air u-air with Fox. People said that Ken "lacked skill" when he beat Bombsoldier by chaingrabbing; they said Bombsoldier was "way better" than Ken because of how flashy and fast he was and that Ken "got lucky that he could chain grab".
It's all bull****. There's winning and losing. If something turns out to be overcentralizing, it gets removed. Until then? Win with it. If you think a stage is a super good CP or a character is OP, win with them. That's how you be competitive. To think otherwise is scrub logic.
Read this post once again. Having things different are not the issue here. Walk-off stages are banned due to infinite chain-grabbing. You allow stages such as this, everyone will just counter-pick a stage such as this and play as D3. If people are going to "win by playing" as Overswarm said, why the hell would they choose any other character?
Walk-off stages were never banned due to infinite chain-grabbing. People thought that at times, but it was never the case. Walk-offs are banned because it essentially randomizes results, but even then it's a case-by-case basis.
If you have a walk-off and you are at high %, what is the best option for you to do? Stand by the edge, get ready to shield grab, then backthrow. What's your opponent going to try to do? Grab you or hit you off the side blast zone. If you're behind, what's your best optoin? Stand by the edge and get ready to shield grab and back throw. This essentially boils the game down to an RPS match. This isn't theorycraft, this was shown by results. The average % on a stock was remarkably lower than other stages.
Stages like Mushroom Kingdom II actually didn't have as much of a problem with this, but that's a whole other ball game.