I've already said this yo Billy but yeah, I've run brackets and SNL and Shadowloo Showdown before and i'm more than happy to help run stuff for smash at monthly events (SF4 and MVC seem to be dead at CW now). I havn't been playing smash long granted, but from seeing how you guys do things there are a couple of easy fixes that could be made.
First is what invisi said. A dedicated break for 30 mins to 1 hr in between the games is a good way to avoid disputes. People are free to leave during the bracket but risk DQ.
The other idea is that with SF and stuff we have a number or letter for each TV. You'd be surprised how less ofter people sit at a setup for friendlies when the TV has an allocated letter on it. Forcing matches to be played on a setup chosen by TOs workes wonders . I did see jei and dean doing this at ACL for the brawl amateur bracket which was great :D
The idea of having friendly setups alongside tournament setups is nice, but from the FGC standpoint at least (espicailly when we are low on setups) is that we "Nazi" our way though brackets, keep geting matches on and played. That way we finish as efficiantly as possable and there is heaps of time for friendlies afterwards. Dekar did this at "Don't get hyped". I was messing around and I got DQ'd into loosers in brawl.
A little more strictness and a little more organization/co-operation with everyone (which I find to be easier with the smash community as ya'll are alot friendlier
) and project M can EASILY become a regular thing in melbourne
/end rant
tl:dr: Project M can be done at all monthlies with some work :D