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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2012
I don't think a mod is any worse than a fangame. Did people forget that Fighting is Magic is still going to be featured at EVO?
Hasbro isn't exactly competing with it in the fighting game market so I doubt they really care. If anything, it's free publicity for the show. I don't think there's a great risk of a cease and desist or anything, but Nintendo might view things a bit differently with Project M.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2011
Hasbro isn't exactly competing with it in the fighting game market so I doubt they really care. If anything, it's free publicity for the show. I don't think there's a great risk of a cease and desist or anything, but Nintendo might view things a bit differently with Project M.
And how does Project M affect Nintendo exactly? It's not stealing any intellectual property and it's completely non-profit. MLP FiM is more at risk of a C&D if anything, but that's really unlikely too.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Project M potentially can affect Nintendo in the future.

If P:M grows to massive amounts, it can put a dent in sales for Smash 4 lol.

By encouraging sales of Brawl, you can discourage sales of Smash 4.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2013
Seoul, South Korea
I think Sakurai said that he didn't really mind mods since they demonstrate the care and support fans have for their franchise or something like that. As long as you don't put a pricetag on it or anything PM should be fine.


Smash Ace
Aug 26, 2012
Halifax, NS
Pretty sure he meant to ask if you can angle a smash using the c-stick (hitting forward then down). The answer is no, you cant, only the control stick angles attacks.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
Switch FC
6939 6733 3968
You can alter the angle of the f-smash using the joystick (up or down) at the very beginning of the smash.
Cstick-fmash, smash animation begins, choose angle witch control stick and that's all... at least that's how I do it without charging the f-smash...


Smash Champion
Jul 18, 2008
I always wondered: did anyone actually tried to get in contact with nintendo?
Also: on whole smashboards there should be at least on person working for nintendo.
Why shouldn't we try to get some support from them?


Smash Master
Jan 1, 2013
Newark, NJ
Evo 2013 Donation Drive:


$14,268 Super Smash Bros. Melee
$6,650 Skullgirls
$5,235 MLP, Fighting is Magic
$1,581 Dead or Alive 5
$1,210 Guilty Gear XX, Accent Core Plus

Updated Standings, 1/25/2012

$21,265 Skullgirls
$16,015 Super Smash Bros. Melee
$5,251 MLP, Fighting is Magic
$1,835 SFII, Super Turbo
$1,825 Dead or Alive 5

Holy sh*t, Skullgirls fans really stepped it up.

Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
I always wondered: did anyone actually tried to get in contact with nintendo?
Also: on whole smashboards there should be at least on person working for nintendo.
Why shouldn't we try to get some support from them?
If you gotta ask, you don't know Nintendo.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2012
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Kirk is streaming the KirkGo BiWeeklies PM tournament ft Metroid, Kels, Rat, Kirk, and more live right now! http://www.twitch.tv/kirkiusprime
PM Doubles is starting in about an hour or so!

Also keep an eye on http://twitch.tv/JCaesar as he will be streaming the entire Sa2vation2 PM tournament on his stream! Players featured at that tournament include Chillin, Cyrain, StrongBad, JCaesar, Nintendude and more!

Stay tuned to both of these streams for some hype Project M tournament fun :)

goddamnit, scythe


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
Hey guys, the stream is back up after crashing before; we're wrapping up pools and starting brackets! Stream is on Kirk's channel at http://www.twitch.tv/kirkiusprime and looks extremely legit ;).

EDIT: Sorry, the power in the room is getting cut off, we're currently relocating to a different room in the venue.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
F'real, the shoulder buttons on the GC controller are silly. Light shielding was just an incidental positive. Who thought that was a good idea and how long did it take for them to be fired?
I think the shoulder buttons of the GCN controllers were gahlike. Lightshielding was just ONE positive effect, but think of the additional potential (and possibly similar) applications that could have been given to them because of how they were formatted. The only reason they can be viewed as silly now is that GCN games other than Melee didn't take advantage of their analog pressure-sensing abilities and simply treated them as additional regular buttons to be used to add in a couple more simple commands. It wasn't the shoulder buttons that were silly; it was the games. :smash:

I thought that was just to emphasize her other tools to make her gameplay more varied?
That's kinda against the promise to keep the Melee vets 'as is', as KK already pointed out. Who are we or the PMBR to dictate how "varied" a Melee vet's gameplay should be, especially if she was already a great character? If we're going along that road, we might as well nerf the shine so that the spacees have reason to use something else after hitting someone's shield instead of spamming the same thing.

I wonder what could be done to make these characters less centralized around these moves/strategies (grabs) while keeping their overall style in-tact?
Well that would be pretty darn hard for the Melee vets because their main strats from Melee were supposed to be translated directly to P:M, but to put it simply, one would have to attempt to do to these chars what the PMBR did to Lucario, Ike, Sonic, and maybe Sheik: 'Nerftweak' the moves in question in order to promote the use of their other moves and vary their gameplay.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
I don't think a mod is any worse than a fangame. Did people forget that Fighting is Magic is still going to be featured at EVO?
This. ALL of this.

Project M potentially can affect Nintendo in the future.

If P:M grows to massive amounts, it can put a dent in sales for Smash 4 lol.

By encouraging sales of Brawl, you can discourage sales of Smash 4.
So we hurt them by helping them. :cool:


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
The only reason they can be viewed as silly now is that GCN games other than Melee didn't take advantage of their analog pressure-sensing abilities and simply treated them as additional regular buttons to be used to add in a couple more simple commands.
Super Mario Sunshine made great use of it.


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2012

stream has started for our tourney, friendlies right now with Metroid!
I'm watching your Wolf ditto with Rat, so tight. It's making me want to pick up Wolf. Great stream.

I thought Metal Gear used the analog shoulders as well, but I might just be thinking of the PS2 games where EVERY BUTTON WAS PRESSURE SENSITIVE.
Yes! The problem isn't the pressure sensitivity, the problem is how far you have to press the button.

I wonder how much easier short hopping would be if it was pressure sensitive instead of timing based. Not that it's super hard anyway, but it was the biggest hurdle for me when getting used to playing without the buffer. It would even make setting R to jump more convenient.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Super Mario Sunshine made great use of it.
It's been a while since I played that game. What did the shoulder buttons do again? Was it control the pressure of the water you sprayed? :confused:

I thought Metal Gear used the analog shoulders as well, but I might just be thinking of the PS2 games where EVERY BUTTON WAS PRESSURE SENSITIVE.
Yeah, and they broke so easily because of it. If Smash was a PS2 game, we'd all be going through 12 controllers a year. :p

I wonder how much easier short hopping would be if it was pressure sensitive instead of timing based. Not that it's super hard anyway, but it was the biggest hurdle for me when getting used to playing without the buffer. It would even make setting R to jump more convenient.
Oh gosh, no! :c This would make things so difficult for no reason. SHing now is easy because humans tend to press buttons down hard under stress/pressure, but we're fine with timing, and the difference between FH and SH execution is timing-based. If we had to focus on how hard we pressed the button, SHFFLs would be unnecessarily difficult. Also, FHing would become a real pain.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Palm Beach
Because it benefits everyone, even just plain vBrawl players, if smash gets more attention.
Remember that players unfamiliar with a series, like smash, group the games together because they don't know anything about them. If they're thinking more about smash, because Melee had an EVO showing, they're also thinking more about Brawl/Project:M and possibly smash64 as well. If anything, any new players melee picks up for smash at EVO will migrate here due to the general desire to play up-to-date games that a lot of players have and because the two are so similar, and Project:M's accessibility will make that a reality.
This, we need to get hype for Melee again and make the melee scene relevant, before trying to prove to the fighting community at large that the Melee scene is adapting and that fan made fighting games can have a similar amount of quality as official made fighting games.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
So I got a little bit of time with the game, not too much. But there are three HUGE GLARING PROBLEMS with Toon Link that in my opinion are completely INEXCUSABLE and should fixed ASAP.

1. His recovery. DA FUQ. Who the hell designed this and thought it was good idea? Please excuse my language but seriously. DA FUQ. You realize Young Link had easily one of the best recoveries in the game right? His Up-B could be used for edge guarding as well. Not only was he able to go very far with his Up-B, but the last hit on it was very powerful. He has also had one of the best wall jumps in the game, allowing him to the hookshot walljump even from the bottom of FoD. Obviously he can't do that anymore seeing how his Up B only takes him 2 pixels vertically in the air now. I find it EXTREMELY unfair that the game is called Project Melee, all of the high tier characters got to keep their Melee Recoveries, yet when it came to Toon Link, whoever the hell is in charge of designing him is seemingly making the worst possible decisions ever. Just give him back his Up-B. There is absolutely no reason Toon Link should have one of the worst recoveries in the game, when his melee version had one of the best. This is very disheartening for Young Link players to see their character's recovery turn to complete, absolutely useless ****ing garbage. Honestly, no competent Young Link player gives a **** whether or not his Up-B is a kill move. No one. So long as he has a good recovery.
-end rant-
Sorry if I offended anyone, but obviously I care enough about the project to be upset about it.
tl;dr: Toon Link's recovery is ***. Da fuq. Fix this please. Make it more like Young Link.

2. This is something that was probably overlooked, but equally as important as the first fact. His projectiles, mainly his bombs, travel WAY TOO ****ING FAST. Its like if you took Young Link's bomb, turned up the travel speed to 100 BILLION ****ING MPH and gave it to P:M Toon Link. Even though it travel's further than Young Link's, the speed at which it travels makes it literally and completely impossible to regrab the bomb after it hits someone's shield. In fact, I don't even think the bombs even bounce more than 2 pixels off someone's shield or to a grabbable distance. Re-grabbing the bombs off of shields is a VERY STAPLE CORE OF YOUNG LINK. Its literally almost as important as Falco's short hop lasers or Fox's Waveshine. You gave both of those characters there core tools from melee, so not give Toon Link back his tools too? I'm not too upset with this one because it was probably overlooked. But its something that NEEDS TO GET DONE. Its completely inexcusable if its not there seeing as how core it is to Young Link's gameplay in melee.

tl;dr: Slow down the bomb speed. Make them more floaty. Make sure the boomerangs work the same and I can sweet spot them. Bombs have multiple hits now right? Thats a step in the right direction. Remember, the goal is I have to be able to easily regrab the bombs as they bounce off the opponent's shield. Its very staple part of Young Link's playstyle and very important for keeping pressure on his opponents.

3. Even though they say his floatiness is the same as Young Link, it just doesn't feel that way at all. Sure the game feels different overall, but Young Link DEFINITELY feels like I'm playing a super fast faller rather than a floaty, speedy kid. Can anyone shed some light on this?

Yeah basically my biggest two issues right now are 1 and 2 and those are keeping Toon Link from feeling almost anything like Young Link. Also can I please get back my multiple hits on his b-air? This single hit garbage doesn't work for shield pressure. Young Link is all about shield pressure and right now Toon Link doesn't do it justice.


Smash Lord
Aug 15, 2007
Palm Beach
It's been a while since I played that game. What did the shoulder buttons do again? Was it control the pressure of the water you sprayed? :confused:

Thank you DrinkingFood and Bubbaking for supporting my stance that we shouldn't give up on trying to get P:M at EVO over concerns that are not likely to happen


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
1. Toon Link has one of the best recoveries in the game. You obviously aren't familiar with his mechanics if you think he has one of the worst.

2. It's Toon Link not Young Link. He wasn't designed to be young link and has many different tools to replace the bomb off shield grabbing(which he can still do..and he can do it better with Instant Throws in the game now). He has arrow tricks and zair tricks with bombs as well. He also has better control over bombs with the added mechanics.




Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
1. Toon Link has one of the best recoveries in the game. You obviously aren't familiar with his mechanics if you think he has one of the worst.

2. It's Toon Link not Young Link. He wasn't designed to be young link and has many different tools to replace the bomb off shield grabbing(which he can still do..and he can do it better with Instant Throws in the game now)

1. What. Explain. I don't see it. He has no vertical recovery. His recovery felt more like 64 Link's.

2. What other tools are used for shield pressuring thats just as effective?

3. He felt like a fast faller. Definitely didn't feel like Young Link's weight.

Edit: So I gotta do some shifty bomb trick to make his recovery decent?


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
It's been a while since I played that game. What did the shoulder buttons do again? Was it control the pressure of the water you sprayed? :confused:
Light press for running around while spraying. Full press for standing in place and angling the spray.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Lolz, my friend also had a lot of complaints about TL (don't know if they were similar because I'm NOT reading that uber long post for a while :p), but it was because he compared P:M TL to vBrawl TL, who was his secondary in vBrawl. It wasn't a good day for him at all. :laugh:

That recovery complaint is actually legit IF you compare the two TLs, not so much TL to YL. However, I also believe that YL's recovery was better than P:M TL's because his upB had more vertical reach and if he really needed horizontal recovery, you could just tether the sides of the stage, allowing him to fall further while drifting towards the stage without falling out of recovery range. Still, TL's recovery is.....okay. My main gripe is that he has to hurt himself for it to actually be good.
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