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Project M Social Thread

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Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
A couple of things about Seed Bomb:
1) Seed BOMB. Why is the hitbox labeled as tail, when there's a perfectly good explosive hitbox flag?
2) I remember someone saying that ice was a bad mechanic. Well, I don't find dizzy to be much better. It's kinda frustrating to be rendered completely helpless for such a large timespan (this is coming from the person who plays Ivy, aka me, not the ones fighting her). I tried a tweak: I upped the damage on the ground explosion to 16% and gave it a flower effect. So far, the results are a lot more fun, at least in my experience. I know nobody is really going to give a rat's *** what a semi-casual thinks, but this is a social thread now, I can talk about whatever I please.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
Someone can correct me on this - but i believe we added the ability to mash to break out of dizzy faster



Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Someone can correct me on this - but i believe we added the ability to mash to break out of dizzy faster

What, really?
And people can still disagree with you, too.

*pats leaf on the head.*

Smooth Criminal
Yes, yes they can. And we can agree to disagree and everyone can get along with each other just fine. c: Isn't it nice how that works?

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Yes, yes they can. And we can agree to disagree and everyone can get along with each other just fine. c: Isn't it nice how that works?
It is, except when certain people are so sensitive and/or defensive about putting forth their input that they're patronizing about it.

That's when it gets annoying.

Smooth Criminal


Mar 16, 2007
2) I remember someone saying that ice was a bad mechanic. Well, I don't find dizzy to be much better. It's kinda frustrating to be rendered completely helpless for such a large timespan (this is coming from the person who plays Ivy, aka me, not the ones fighting her). I tried a tweak: I upped the damage on the ground explosion to 16% and gave it a flower effect.
Ice is a bad mechanic more because of how the engine treats a frozen character. It does more to interrupt the flow of the offensive game than it does to enhance gameplay.

Dizzy, on the other hand, is a powerful offensive tool, that fits well into Ivy's playstyle to boot. Moreover, it provides variety. Ivy already has a suite of moves that poison opponents; she doesn't really need anymore. It's pretty clear that Ivy's design is intended to yield a broad range of status ailments from her bevy of traps. If the design goal is to create a status effect zoning character, and the only status ailment she gives is poison, then that's a pretty boring implementation of the goal.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Yo, I love Redline! That movie was so good... :estatic:

wtf? You can subscribe to threads here? I love this forum.
You could subscribe to threads on Smods as well..... :p

Uh if you play PM aren't you technically a melee player, it is melee's engine after all... Also why would it matter, who cares? Its a game recreating melee's engine and improving its gameplay and characters because brawl didn't live up to expectations held by most of the smash community. I have no problem playing against Brawl players or really with Brawl, I personally just don't like the game, however I love PM and Melee. But honestly even just given the basic premise of PM how can people enjoying and choosing to play on a melee-based engine not be melee players?
No, if I play P:M, I am a P:M player. There are way too many Brawl-specific things for one to say that enjoying P:M makes him a Melee enthusiast. I think Reflex summed my thoughts perfectly with his post:
It's a combination of the best parts of both games; it just happens to have more competitively-geared Melee things than Brawl things.

I wouldn't consider myself a Melee player these days. PM is definitely a different game than Melee and Brawl, but it's definitely for the better in both cases.
P:M took mostly Melee aspects, but it has a good deal of significant Brawl traits and even a few 64 ones. As such, I think it is inaccurate to label the P:M community as former and/or current Melee players. We're a diverse pool from a good range of backgrounds. :)


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
It's like a fish. A very cool fish that makes this noise:

bubba bubba bubba

It wears a little crown and robe too.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
What's up with the weird thing that happens sometimes if you punish a missed tech with ZSS dsmash? They just kinda wobble in the air or on the ground for a while and I'm not entirely sure if they can move or anything.

Is it because they're getting paralyzed while in hitstun?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
my mistake, we used dizzy on the seed bomb, not paralyze. you can still mash out of the dizzy though.
BrawlBox refers to the flag as "Stun", but I'm guessing that's what you mean.
Seed Bomb causing flower sounds fun...

Does the explosive flag cause it to detonate when hit?

No, no it does not. The flags, best as I can tell, are mostly cosmetic, aside from sticker effects.
Shanus is correct. We added the ability to mash out of the paralyze stun (used on seed bomb).
Ooooh. I may add it back, then (though I was enjoying the kill potential of the explosion).
I find it ironic, though. The move that would most make sense to inflict Leech Seed, Seed Bomb, instead inflicts dizzy (paralysis), while the moves that would make more sense to inflict paralysis, the spore attacks (Stun Spore, based on the color of the powder) instead inflict Leech Seed. It makes plenty of sense from a gameplay perspective, but very little sense from a pokemon perspective. Not complaining, don't get me wrong- I love the way Ivy plays, I truly do; it's just something I found kinda interesting.

I do have one question, though: Why is the timing for Smash Razor Leaf so stringent? I can never seem to pull it off. Wouldn't it make more sense to give it the same timing as Samus's Super Missile?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Last time I lurked, they said it was intentional.
My question stands. Intentional or not, it still doesn't make sense to me. There must be a logical reason for it that isn't "making it harder increases the technical skill of the game", right? ...Right?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2009
What's up with the weird thing that happens sometimes if you punish a missed tech with ZSS dsmash? They just kinda wobble in the air or on the ground for a while and I'm not entirely sure if they can move or anything.

Is it because they're getting paralyzed while in hitstun?
Yeah its pretty weird, and you can act out of it, you just continue to wobble for a bit.

My question stands. Intentional or not, it still doesn't make sense to me. There must be a logical reason for it that isn't "making it harder increases the technical skill of the game", right? ...Right?
It could just be that you aren't quite used to the timing yet... Its only been a few weeks... I mean numbers and frame data are cool and all, but it doesn't necessarily make things alot harder.


So Fighting is Magic is apparently a nomination for a side tournament at EVO but not P:M....why?
Quite frankly ssbm dominated their public poll/vote and I would really like to see it there/would try really hard to go. I think melee is far more likely to be there than pm and honestly I would rather see melee there than brawl.

Also at Bubbaking and Reflex, I never said taking from brawl or 64 was a bad thing. I love how PM takes the best from all the games, all I was saying was that it is mostly derived from melee. The fact of the matter is that while some at's are taken from brawl and some moves/movesets from 64. You are still playing melee's engine =/ That's all I was saying.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
What's a bubbaking?
It's like a fish. A very cool fish that makes this noise:

bubba bubba bubba

It wears a little crown and robe too.
The answer to this question is actually on stream. :cool: There are officially three answers. :shades:

I do have one question, though: Why is the timing for Smash Razor Leaf so stringent? I can never seem to pull it off. Wouldn't it make more sense to give it the same timing as Samus's Super Missile?
Ahhh, so it's not just me then. I was starting to wonder why I had some semblance of difficulty executing one kind of Razor Leaf over the other, even though I do them all the time with Samus. Yeah, I have the same question too then... :confused:

Last time I lurked, they said it was intentional.
But as Leaf said, what is the purpose of this? Making things harder just to make them harder isn't exactly good design, if you ask me. :ohwell:

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Hey everyone should play me in this video game at apex. I'm one of the better players in my region and really want to play out of state dudes.


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
So what if like, Ike's side-b became more of just a long distance movement option rather than something that really just serves to OMG RUSH IN WITH FAIR/BAIR/JC GRAB AAAAAGGH! and it wasn't jump cancelable but instead was dash cancelable. It makes more sense that a CHARGEABLE COMMAND DASH would be dash cancelable but ya'know making sense isn't the point. idk if it would be strictly a buff or a nerf or pretty much neutral as he would lose and gain options, such as losing the ability to do quick turnaround approachs, turnaround grabs while sliding, reverse usmashes while sliding, but he'd gain mobility over more of the stage, and be able to cancel into a dash off platforms/edges and cancel into different weird thing like a dash attack or an fsmash, while taking a frame longer to do anything that requires a jump since he'll have to spend at least a frame dashing to then cancel the dash into a jump (I think?) without the ability to turn around jump and keep momentum.

It's more of a design change than a buff or nerf I think really but it makes more sense tbh
but don't mind me just throwing out ideas, I wouldn't be surprised if PMBR had already considered this, but it's possible they hadn't since dash cancelable things didn't appear til they gave it to ZSS
but **** if ike ever got this I would't even ****ing care if they nerfed his sword to have the length of a dildo I'd still main that badass


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2012
Yea, it's not as active as it was. It was the place to just say whatever was on your mind...


Smash Hero
May 5, 2012
Beaumont, TX
Anyone else glad that we officially have a whole forum now that this thread is dead?

But it never was, they regularly infracted for being on topic
either that or the admins/mods were biased pricks that just liked infracting me
one of the two no name calling here just saying possibilities

Also if you haven't, see this thread and donate plox
ignore the stuff about pooling the money, that idea fell through and wouldn't have worked anyways
But Melee needs this. SMASH needs this. Everyone benefits if melee gains a little or a lot of mainstream attention.
Also because smash doesn't deserve to be beaten out by


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
It's not dead. The very fact that we are posting in here means it's alive.

Change of topic - One of the world's best Melee G&W players, Cactuar, a couple others, and I were just talking about Game's P:M dthrow:
[collapse=Read at your own peril!]
G&W can do well if your facing ppl who don't know his assets, but honesatly Try Project M G&W I'm in love with it... *LOOKS AT QERB INTENSELY
I don't like him too much. That change to his dthrow is really annoying... :c
1000000000000000000 times this.
You should go up to the PMBR and tell them this. As one of the best G&W players around, I'm sure they'd at least consider your request.
Honestly I don't care enough about P:M to ask such a thing. :x
Sad days.

I think uthrow is more like Dthrow now.
Which means he can't CG/combo spacees as well as he used to anymore? :ohwell: I'm sorry but no matter which way you cut it, there's always going to be something majorly wrong with that vBrawl dthrow. Certain PMBR members have told me that it's meant to be able to lead into DACUS TC's for early kills, but that's kinda limiting, not to mention that the TC is mostly guesswork and G&W's DACUS in particular is extremely difficult to pull off consistently.

I'm not a fan... :(
In high level play "predictions" are more often than not actually reactions. It is -really- hard to react G&W's dthrow into any move in P:M.

Give me Melee d-throw or give me death
I've been complaining to PMBR about G&W dthrow since demo 1.0, they have brawl G&W players who want dthrow so they aren't going to change it =/

So yeah, that. Discuss? :p

Edit: Uh, where's the thread? :confused:
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