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Project M Social Thread

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Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Hylian, I'm curious as to what your stance on Link's CG is. I didn't see you using it in your set with SB at all, and DK is probably by far the easiest character to CG.
I honestly didn't know this exists. I've tried regrabbing before off dthrow and they just DI away and tech and it doesn't seem possible >_>. How does it work?


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island
I honestly didn't know this exists. I've tried regrabbing before off dthrow and they just DI away and tech and it doesn't seem possible >_>. How does it work?
The tether will reach, you have to do it quick though, I chain grab Fox off upthrows too, it's in some of my videos, I love tech-chasing down-throws on Fox, then going right into chaingrab up-throws lol it's pretty cheap


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2011
Hey JC, is your Stand Up brstm on your brstm download page out of date? It doesn't seem to start up as smoothly on my brawl as when I'm watching you stream. There's like an extra beat beforehand.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
I can't really decide on a general music theme for WarioWare. Jazzy's probably a good choice.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2012
long island
i put the cowboy bebop theme song and some random jazz arrange of voile the magic library on there, and a couple of other jazzy sounding songs. idk it just fits.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
I have miscellaneous music on Wario Ware.

Red Carpet Extend-O-Matic
Theme of Q
Elebits Stage 6 or something
Redial from Bomberman Hero
Zip from Bomberman Hero

I'm contemplating putting Jazzy NYC on it though. I want to put it on Fourside but that stage is just so unfinished right now with the UFO Glitch and static background and everything else.

I like the original/canon arrangements of songs much more than any remixes. I don't even really like putting in music from series/companies that aren't represented in the game. In fact I feel actually a little dirty putting so much Capcom music in the game since it feels so out-of-place with no Capcom involvement in there to begin with.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2007
most of the PMBR members don't show their face in this thread.

if you wanna contact shanus, it'd be best to PM him on smods.
I only asked because he unexpected popped in 2 days ago when I asked about a tournament that was apparently 10 minutes from his house.

Anyway, there wasn't too much P:M action there. We just got about an hour at the end right before I had to leave. I did get to do more doubles though, which was nice.


Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
So Konkeydong aka Mikemonkey aka Mike from the punch crew tried PM on saturday.
He hasn't played smash since brawl came out and he thought it felt really good. He said it was a lot better than he thought it would be. We had a few other melee vets try it for the first time, and the general consensus was that it felt good.

The whole tournament was a great success actually. Really brought our Brawl and Melee scenes together.

Other than a few minor complaints, I'd say Project M is definitely on the right track. Just look at the hype from our tournament!


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
Hey JC, is your Stand Up brstm on your brstm download page out of date? It doesn't seem to start up as smoothly on my brawl as when I'm watching you stream. There's like an extra beat beforehand.
I'm not sure why that would happen. It's definitely the same one I use. Are you using it for a stage or as your menu music? Maybe the game reads it differently when it's on a stage or something.

Where's this download page, that guy has awesome songs

I can't really decide on a general music theme for WarioWare. Jazzy's probably a good choice.
I use chiptunes for that stage. Wario Ware is the most 8-bit-ish stage imo.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I missed the link vs fox discussion but I think fox/falco are Links worst match-ups though much better than melee like eli said. The pressure is just really hard to deal with when you don't have enough time to throw rang :/.


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
Mike from the punch crew tried PM on saturday.
I find Pictochat works better for chiptunes since it's black and white, while Wario Ware is more fitting for intelligent/jazz-inspired music, but Pictochat is absolutely terrible so that doesn't mean much.
I was about to say the same thing regarding Pictochat. As I've mentioned before, Dallas has always been okay with Pictochat even in brawl, but I'm seriously considering banning it. Watching someone get killed by the line of death is heartbreaking :( If the line's ledge was fixed and the blowy face removed I'd love the stage.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
lol no, Marth's Forward-smash >>> all Link's ground moves
I'm a little late here, but I must say this simply isn't true. Yes, Marth's fsmash might have more range and faster startup than Link's, but Link's fsmash has considerably less cooldown if you use just the first hit and only hit-confirm into the second hit. In other words, Link's fsmash is much better for baiting and it can be used for punishing and ending combos. Marth's fsmash is strictly limited to punishing things and finishing combos. To say that it's better than Link's entire grounded moveset is nothing short of a fallacy.

Edit: I'm not saying that Marth's fsmash isn't good, but I'm definitely saying that Marth's fsmash alone isn't better than all of Link's options on the ground.


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
I still think that sonic has some of the best baiting tools and any sonic that complains about running into hitboxes needs to stop running into hitboxes.


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
This doesn't mean that Sonic has reliable approaches. Any good player can just identify the baits and not react to them. Leelue runs into hitboxes and he's the best Sonic around.

Bubba: It sounded like you were suggesting Link would do pretty ok vs Fox due to similarities with Marth, but there's not a lot in common with them and Link benefits more from his specific tools anyways like Upb.

As for OOS/close quarters, it depends. Marth's shield grab would probably be faster than Link OOS Nair due to jump squat (idk how much Link has but it's probably 6+). Upb probably is faster but also extremely punishable if you miss/if janky stuff like CC tech happens. Other options like Link's own grab or Usmash are slower as well. Marth doesn't have a lot of variety for dealing with pressure once he's forced to shield, doesn't have a good option to cover his back, but Marth is also harder to put into that position due to his mobility.
I can see what you're saying. However, Marth's shield grab is invalidated just by crossing up his shield, unlike Link's nair OoS. Also, I wouldn't say that Link's usmash is slower than Marth's. Marth's usmash might come out a little faster (I'm not sure), but Link's usmash definitely has less cooldown (after the last effective hitbox is no longer active) and it also covers a more appreciable range (and can juggle). I'm not disputing your points, just pointing out other things that would factor into the comparison of Link's and Marth's respective MUs against Fox.

Are you really that stupid to believe I meant anything other than range? It should be obvious that Marth's melee attacks outrange Link's
If there's a range difference between Link and Marth, then it definitely isn't notable or "obvious." On this page of Project M's Character Index, it says, "Link's Master Sword has reach comparable to Marth's Falchion blade, and has significantly more power."


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
This doesn't mean that Sonic has reliable approaches. Any good player can just identify the baits and not react to them. Leelue runs into hitboxes and he's the best Sonic around.
If you know they won't respond, then that's when you need to go in. Going in with something like sideb and wavedashing to cancel it right outside of their zone of attack range is going to provoke some kind of response. If they don't respond at all, you have a mess of different options at that point.


Smash Ace
Dec 12, 2011
Bristol, Rhode Island

I missed the link vs fox discussion but I think fox/falco are Links worst match-ups though much better than melee like eli said. The pressure is just really hard to deal with when you don't have enough time to throw rang :/.
Definitely, luckily my friend thinks camping with lazers is the way to go lol, Falco though, my god, the lazers just shut down my projectile game, I find him harder to deal with than Fox

Yes, Marth's fsmash might have more range and faster startup than Link's
That's all I was saying, and I was referring to range only, nothing else, it's over and done with now


Smash Hero
Mar 30, 2010
Baldwin, NY, USA or Alexandria, VA, USA (Pick one)
Ike's sword has no hitbox when Ike is rising up or during the last part of the spinning portion of the attack.

That's why you throw the sword into the stage, to hit the opponent that's standing there and apply enough pressure to last to the sword spinning part. The same principle applies on BF and just about any stage with a sloped underside.

Read things with better understanding please. You can't Z catch item[s?] if you recently dropped/threw one. Air Dodge will always catch it. When you drop an item, the only way to catch it without having to wait for however long, is to instant catch it, using air dodge. If Snake could just grenade drop and Z-catch them, he would, but he can't, so he doesn't. Instead he instant catches them.

By air dodging.

You can't catch items with Z if you recently dropped/threw one.

You can only air dodge to catch items, in the air, if you recently dropped/threw one.

Is there something you still don't understand about that or.....?
What the heck is your problem? I asked for clarification because I didn't understand your post. :mad:

My point is that Z-catch is MORE instantaneous than your "Instant Catch" because there's no lag as opposed to the air dodge lag of your "Instant Catch." In other words, an "Instant Catch" should simply be called an "AD Catch" because there's nothing "instant" about it all.

Like, why the heck do you have to talk to someone in such a derogatory manner when he simply asked for CLARIFICATION? :glare:

In other news, I gave G&W an honest try the other day. I really think people are underrating him. He's not amazing, but I definitely don't think he's even in the bottom 5.
That's what I thought with Charizard, ROB, and Ness.......until I tried to name at least three characters that I thought were worse than those three. If you think there are five chars better than G&W, then please share who you think they are. :reverse:


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
I would make the argument that he's better then snake, rob, ness, bowser and wario. Actually I don't think ness is too bad. He probably has a lot of potential but lacks someone to really push him.

Might just be me but I honestly think Snake is the worst character simply because he has so many bad MU's across the board.

Does snake even have a good MU against anyone?


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2007
Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
Air dodge is the only thing that is an instant catch because it is the only thing that can catch an item in every situation. When Z does not catch things, Air Dodge will. Hence, "Instant."

You don't have to wait to air dodge catch, so it is "Instant." You have to wait before you can item catch, so it is not instant.

It is called an "instant" catch because it happens instantly, without having to wait.

I'm not talking derogatorily toward you, I'm repeating myself over and over and over because you don't seem to understand what I've said the first few times. You're frustrating to have a conversation with because you continue the conversation without understanding what the other person said in the first place. You argue over points that the other person never made. It's like two conversations going on that have nothing to do with each other.

Like "What makes the sky orange at night?"
"I don't think so, gravity only attracts objects, it never repels them"
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